"Scribe A"
No texts
- 'The Arraignment of Ann Turner, Widow, at the King's Bench' (Scribe) in Beinecke Library, Osborn b29
- 'The Arraignment of Sir Gervase Elwes, Lieutenant of the Tower' (Scribe) in Beinecke Library, Osborn b29
- 'Before the Lords, For Refusing to Pay the Forced Loan' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 4103
- 'The Censure of Burton, Bastwick and Prynne in Star Chamber' (Scribe) in British Library, Lansdowne MS 493
- 'The Censure of Burton, Bastwick and Prynne in Star Chamber' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Carte 77
- 'Censure of John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, in Star Chamber' (Scribe) in British Library, Lansdowne MS 493
- 'Censure of John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, in Star Chamber' (Scribe) in Longleat House, MS 113
- 'Charge to the Judges' (Scribe) in Inner Temple Library, Petyt MS 538/27
- 'A Collection Offered to King James on Calling a Parliament' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 918
- 'Complaint Against Laud' (Scribe) in British Library, Lansdowne MS 493
- 'The Copy of a Letter from the Lords of the Council of Scotland to the King' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 737
- 'The Etymology, Antiquity and Authority of Sheriffs and their Deputies' (Scribe) in All Souls College, MS 180
- 'Extracts Out of the Records Wherein May Be Collected By What Means the Kings of England Have and May Raise Monies' (Scribe) in Northamptonshire Record Office, FH57
- 'Extracts Out of the Records Wherein May Be Collected By What Means the Kings of England Have and May Raise Monies' (Scribe) in Lincoln's Inn, Maynard MS 59
- 'The First Arraingment of Richard Weston at Guildhall' (Scribe) in Beinecke Library, Osborn b29
- 'The First Proceedings Against Sir Thomas Mounson' (Scribe) in Beinecke Library, Osborn b29
- 'The Five Years of King James' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 655
- 'Fragmenta Regalia' (Scribe) in Folger Shakespeare Library, MS G.b.19
- 'Habeas Corpus Case' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 4103
- 'Humble Petition, Declaration and Recantation' (Scribe) in Harvard Law School, MS 1037
- 'The Humble Supplication or Remonstrance of the Noblemen, Barons, Burgesses, Ministers and Commons of Scotland to the Lords of His Majesty’s Privy Council There' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 737
- 'Information Against Cotton et al.' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 597
- 'Letter to Arundel' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 67
- 'Letter to James after his Condemnation' (Scribe) in Lincoln's Inn, Maynard MS 59
- 'Letter to King Charles I' (Scribe) in Hampshire Record Office, 44M69/G2/116B
- 'Letter to Sir Robert Carr' (Scribe) in Lincoln's Inn, Maynard MS 59
- 'Letter to the Judges Regarding Ship Money' (Scribe) in The National Archives, SP 16/346
- 'Letter to the Judges Regarding Ship Money' (Scribe) in Beinecke Library, OSB MSS 28
- 'Letter to the Judges Regarding Ship Money' (Scribe) in Inner Temple Library, Petyt MS 538/27
- 'Letters' (Scribe) in Senate House, University of London, MS 309
- 'Lords' Petition' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Carte 119
- 'Observations Political and Civil' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 1889
- 'Observations Political and Civil' (Scribe) in Beinecke Library, Osborn fb249
- 'Observations Political and Civil' (Scribe) in Alnwick Castle, MS 528
- 'Of Thomas Lord Coventry' (Scribe) in Norfolk Record Office, HARE 6156, 228x4
- 'On the Suppression of Jesuits' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 859
- 'Opinion Touching the Alteration of Coin' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Carte 119
- 'A Parallel of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham' (Scribe) in Huntington Library, HM 41952
- 'A Parallel of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 5111
- 'Petition from the Gatehouse' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 4103
- 'Proceedings at the Arraignment of James Franklin' (Scribe) in Beinecke Library, Osborn b29
- 'Proceedings at the Justice Seat Held for the Forest of Dean' (Scribe) in John Rylands Library, Bromley Davenport Muniments 3/8/1
- 'Proceedings at the Justice Seat Held for the Forest of Dean' (Scribe) in Lincoln's Inn, Maynard MS 59
- 'Proceedings at the Justice Seat Held for the Forest of Dean' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 738
- 'The Project of a State Merchant' (Scribe) in Lincoln's Inn, Maynard MS 59
- 'Relation Concerning the Passages in the Late Northern Expedition' (Scribe) in British Library, Lansdowne MS 493
- 'Report of Stephens' Trial in the Exchequer Chamber for Distraint of Knighthood' (Scribe) in British Library, Additional MS 12511
- 'Resolution of the Assize Judges on Questions Touching Parishes' (Scribe) in Lincoln's Inn, Maynard MS 59
- 'Resolution of the Assize Judges on Questions Touching Parishes' (Scribe) in All Souls College, MS 180
- 'The Scots’ Reasons Against the Service Book ' (Scribe) in British Library, Harley MS 737
- 'The Second Arraignment of Richard Weston' (Scribe) in Beinecke Library, Osborn b29
- 'Speech at the Arraignment of Somerset' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 655
- 'That the Sovereign's Person Is Required in the Great Councils or Assemblies of the State, as well the Consultations as at the Conclusionss' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Eng. hist. c. 51
- 'Tom Tell-Troth; or, a Free Discourse Touching the Rumours of the Times' (Scribe) in Alnwick Castle, MS 527
- 'A Treatise of the High Court of Star Chamber' (Scribe) in Harvard Law School, MS 1089
- 'An Argument Upon the Question of Impositions' (Scribe) in Senate House, University of London, MS 25
- 'An Unhappy View of the Whole Behaviour of My Lord Duke of Buckingham at the French Island Secretly Discovered' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 671
- 'An Unhappy View of the Whole Behaviour of My Lord Duke of Buckingham at the French Island Secretly Discovered' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson A 488
- 'Argument Concerning Ship Money' (Scribe) in Harvard Law School, MS 1276
- 'Argument Concerning Ship Money' (Scribe) in British Library, Lansdowne MS 618
- 'Argument Concerning Ship Money' (Scribe) in British Library, Lansdowne MS 619
- 'Arraignment of Mervin, Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven' (Scribe) in Lincoln's Inn, Maynard MS 59
- 'Arraignment of Sir Walter Raleigh' (Scribe) in Lincoln's Inn, Maynard MS 59
- 'Articles and Motives to All Catholics of England' (Scribe) in Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 720
Bibliographic details
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Further reading
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