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Sir Charles Cornwallis 'Letters to the King of Spain (1608-1609)'

British Library, Additional MS 11600, ff. 269r-265v


The Coppye of a L[ett]re to the King of Spaine concerneing Iniury offered to English merchant[es] by the office of Inquisic[i]on written by S[i]r Charles Cornewallis k[nigh]t when hee was Ambassador in Spaine.

Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath shewed the sincerity of yo[u]r royall heart in applying remedy to many inconvenyences & iniustices offered by yo[u]r Ministers to the King my Maisters Subiect[es] in their good[es] & bodyes, and therein hath p[er]formed not onely what belongeth to yo[u]r kingly dignity, but to what might be expected from a Prince soe zealous of Iustice & of soe good intenc[i]on, It resteth that I now beseech yow to cast yo[u]r royall eyes vpon another extreame iniustice offered not onely to their bodyes & good[es], butt to theire very soules, who beeing by Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties agreem[en]t confirmed w[i]th Yo[u]r oath to liue w[i]thin these yo[u]r kingdomes free from molestac[i]on for matter of openion & Conscience, except in cases where they giue scandall to others, are heere layd hould on & imprisoned by yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties officers of the Inquisic[i]on continually vpon eu[er]y light occasion of private Inquisic[i]on of some p[ar]ticulers of their owne Country, who being fugitiues out of their owne homes268v homes, and haueing, according to the nature of that sorte of people, removed not onely their bodyes but their hearts from the soyle [tha]t breed them & from their bretheren that were nourished w[i]th them, doe heere seeke to grace themselues by professing & teaching the observac[i]ons of the Romaine Church, and that not out of zeale and charity, but as plainely appeareth by many of their acc[i]ons, out of mallice & envye by the Comission[e]rs authorized by both yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties for the agreeing of the peace it was clearely obserued, that if vpon private & p[ar]ticuler informac[i]ons his Ma[jes]ties vassalls heere should be questioned w[i]th for matter of Religion, it was not possible that could exercise any commerce in those kingdomes where they should be no one moment assured either of their good[es] or libertyes, It was therefore p[ro]vided that they should in noe Wise bee impeached, but in case of scandall, And that scandall (w[i]th yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties favour) must bee vnderstood to growe out of some publique acc[i]on, not out of private openion or single conferrence,: For if otherwise, very vaine and invtile had ben that p[ro]vision: How the word scandall is in the vsuall & Common sence to be vnderstood, is in noe bookes more eminent then in the diuine scriptures themselues. / Our Saviour, in regard of his publique teacheing of the gospell & the abolition of the Law cermoniall was said to be to both howses of Israell a stone of scandall, The synn of Dauid, if it had onlye laid covered in his owne hearte, or ben committed in private, should not haue ben eithe published or punished as a scandall to the enemyes of god. / St Paule himselfe declareth [tha]t his owne eateing of flesh offered to Idolls could not be taken for offence, but onely his eateing before others of weake conscience, whereby to giue them scandall, Besides consider (I humbly beseech yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie) how fittly that of the Apostle, (Quis es qui iudicas alienu[m] seruum) may be applyed to those officers of the Inquisic[i]on, attempting to lay hand[es] on the Subiect[es] of another Prince Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Confederate, offering none offence to their lawes or publique p[re]iudice to their p[ro]fession, In divers p[ar]t[es] of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties domin[n]ions the Subiect[es] of my M[aste]r haue suffered this restraite. / The Inquisitor gen[er]all lately deceased who in all his acc[i]ons shewed himselfe a most considerate minister & carefull in regard of Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties honor, of the obseruance of what yow haue Capitulated vpon my complaint never failed to giue the remedy that in Iustice I required, hee being nowe W[i]th god & one of my sou[er]eignes seruant[es]Subiect[es] haueing ben long W[i]thout cause detayned by the Inquisitors in Lesvon, and another of good accompte a man moderate & temp[er]ate in all his acc[i]ons lately app[re]hended by that office in { Hismaount } & restrayned in their prison in Seuill, I am commaunded from his Ma[jes]tie & importuned by my Countrymen, Who all W[i]th one voyce complaine & p[ro]test that they dare noe longer continue their commerce w[i]thout p[re]sent order, for remedy of soe extreame & p[er]illous iniustice, to beseech yo[u]r268r Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie that yow wilbe pleased not onely to giue p[re]sent order, for the release of those [tha]t w[i]thout scandall knowne are for the p[re]sent in your prisons, Butt alsoe that in tyme to come, the true intenc[i]ons of that Article be obserued, w[hi]ch is, That w[i]thout knowne offence or scandall the king my M[aste]rs subiect[es] be not molested, The accomplishm[en]t of this considering how much it import[es] yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie in honor, yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie & [th]e Archduke haueing in that Article, in other sorte then in all the rest couenanted by speciall word[es] that yo[u]rselues would p[ro]vide, that noe case but onely in giueing scandall to others the subiect[es] of my sou[er]eigne should be troubled for their Consciences, I cannot but expect from soe Iust & sinceere a Prince, and therefore will not trouble yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie w[i]th more word[es], but offering myselfe in all thing[es] w[i]thin my power to Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties service.

I remayne w[i]th a desire to be eu[er] reckoned in the number of

Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties humble & affectionate servant[es] C: C. /

28 Iulij nouo stilo 1608.

The Coppye of a L[ett]re to the king of Spaine by S[i]r Char[les] Cornewallis when he was Ambassador in Spaine /

The largenes & liberality of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Royall hand, w[hi]ch hath made yo[u]r greatenes & magnificence of soe much note throughout the most p[ar]t[es] of the World assure my selfe it is farr remoued from [th]e thought of yo[u]r princely thoughtheart, to strengthen in matters of Justice [tha]t soe naturally & necessarily belongeth to yo[u]r kingly office, Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath ben pleased to referr unto the Counstable the Duke of Infantado & to 2: of the Regent[es] of yo[u]r Councell of Arrogon, the vnderstanding and determining of the extreame & barbourrus Outrage & spoyle committed by Shipps sett out in Course under the Commission & att the charge of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Viceroye of Sardinia & his sonne in lawe Don Luisde Calibaym & others by their p[ro]curem[en]t. Those Lord[es] & others authorized by that Commission very nobly & iustly desireing, that of the spoyle committed there might be made entyre satisfacc[i]on , gaue diu[er]s monethes since good orders in the same, But yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Viceroy adding to his offence a contempt of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Authority, hath not onely disobeyed in his owne p[er]son, but contradicted & w[i]thstood in others the accomplishm[en]t of your Commaundm[en]t. It seemes [tha]t god is pleased for the good of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties estate & gouerm[en]t to disvizard that man to make apparant to the world how unfitt hee is to be trusted w[i]th a commaund of soe greate importance , whose covetous & ungodly condic[i]on is come to such a height as hath drawne him not onely to spoyle & soe barborously to use [th]e Subiects of soe greate a king yo[u]r confederate & thereby to hazard a breach of Amity betweene yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties soe necessary for both yo[u]r estates & soe vtile to the whole comon[n]alty of Christendom, but alsoe to neglect & contemne the authority of Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie his owne sou[er]eigne. to whome besides the obligac[i]on of his naturall Allegiance he is soe infinitely267v infinitely bound for p[re]ferring & trusting him w[i]th a place of soe greate confidence & dignity. / By this paper inclosed yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie will vnderstand the manner of the p[ro]ceeding of the king my M[aste]r ag[ains]t such of his Sub[iec]t[es] as committ the lyke crymes & outrages ag[ains]t any of yo[u]rs and thereby conceiue what my said sou[er]eigne expecteth of yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie in this and the lyke, and what I am commaunded in conformity thereof to require, w[hi]ch is that there be noe p[ro]ceding in soe cleare & playne a case by way of p[ro]ces or suite in law w[i]thin this kingdome, as by experience is knowne are immortall, But [tha]t according to the 6th Article of the peace and the most Christian & iust example shewed by my sou[er]eigne, who soe punctually & conscionably in all thing[es] obserueth w[i]th yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie yow wilbe pleased [tha]t there be not onely an entyre & imediate satisfacc[i]on to the p[ar]tyes But that aswell yo[u]r said Viceroy & Don Luis his sonne in lawe, as all other their p[ar]tners, ayders & receiuers in that Cryme may be Criminally p[ro]ceeded ag[ains]t & suffer such punishment as soe enorme & vnlawfull acc[i]ons haue iustly deserued. / The p[er]forrmance of this, considering W[i]th what patience the King my sou[er]eigne not onely out of his Loue to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie not w[i]thstanding [th]e dayly complaint[es] & importunity of [th]e p[ar]tyes & [th]e gen[er]all inclinac[i]on of others his Subi[ec]t[es] who hould it neither agreeable W[i]th his honor nor kingly office soe long to p[er]mitt vnsatisfied or vnpunished soe intollerable an outrage, hath more then .3. whole yeares attended it, I cannot but expect from soe iust & pious a Prince without further delay or p[ro]traccon of tyme, sent the i6. of Iune nouo stilo 1608.

The Coppye of a L[ett]re to the king of Spaine compleaneinge of the Insolent p[re]sumptions of .2. Irish fugitiues by S[i]r Ch[arles] Cornewallis k[nigh]t when he was Ambassador in Spaine

Well knoweth Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie in Yo[u]r royall Wisdome how necessary to kings is the conseruac[i]on of authority & respct to their kingly dignityes, as alsoe that the greatest & most absoluce p[re]cept of Iustice is to doe to others what wee would to be donne to ourselues. / How religiously & punctually [th]e king my M[aste]r hath obserued these vnto Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath appeared by many demonstrac[i]ons, and not the least in the denyall hee made to Anthony de Pereze to abyde in his kingdome or to haue accesse to his p[er]son onely W[i]th a conceipte he had that hee came W[i]th a mynde determyned to disauthorize yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie in Yo[u]r speeches, or to make offer of some practise ag[ains]t yo[u]r estates in his Overtures, / Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties owne Royall & gratefull inclynacon I know to be such as Yow are not W[i]thot desire to pay me sou[er]aigne w[i]th the lyke & equivolent retribuc[i]on, But W[i]th yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties p[ar]don & favour, duty enforceth me plainely to tell yow that yo[u]r ministers of those yo[u]r kingdomes shew not the lyke affeccon, where not one but many my sou[er]ignes worst affected Sub[ie]ct[es] are dayly Receiued Chirrished & honored w[i]th entertaynem[en]t in yo[u]r seruice: were that sorte of people contented onely to abuse267r abuse Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Kingly munificence & Christian Charity & to deceiue Yo[u]r ministers w[i]th their falsefied Benealogias, and w[i]th putting [th]e Don vpon many whose Fathers & Ancesstors were soe base & beggarly as they never arrived to be owners of soe much as convenyent apparrell to cover their nakednes, it were much more tollerable, but haueing heere tasted the warmth of Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties liberall & pious hand they became furnisht in such ample & aboundant manner, as their poore & miserable ancestors never durst so much as dreame of for them, lyke Esops serpent they turne their venomous sting[es] toward[es] the bosome that gaue them heate & life and endevor w[i]th all the force & art they haue to giue cause of distaste & by consequence diuision betwene Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie & Yo[u]r faithfullest & most powerfull confederate, an uneven paym[en]t for Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties soe greate & gracious favour. With gen[er]alityes for the p[re]sent I will not deale, as hee whose cares & desires haue ever ben to soften & not to sharpen Two Iresh men in Yo[u]r Courte, the one a sonne (as by his owne Countrymen is gen[er]ally reported) either to a vagabonding rymer, a gen[er]ac[i]on of people in [tha]t country of the worst accompt, ot to giue him his best tytle, of a poore mechanicall Surgeon, The other discended rather of more base & beggarly parent[es], neglecting what by the lawes of god they owe to their sou[er]eigne, & as litle regarding their obligac[i]on to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie who from the dust of [th]e earth & miserable estate hath made them what they are, notw[i]thstanding that they cannot be ignorant of the straite charge & commaundm[en]t Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath giuen of all due respect to be had to the king my M[aste]r & his mynisters & subiect[es]. The First in irreverend & irrispectiue behauiour toward[es] my selfe & some of myne, The other the obstinate defending of his companions vnmannerlynes deliu[er]ing by way of direct assaueration that I am an heretick & such a one as to whome it is not lawfull, vnder paine of deadly synn to vse any curtesye or reu[er]ence Whatsoeu[er], haue of late soe miscarryed themselues, as I hould it not agreeable either W[i]th what I owe vnto the king I serue, or the honor I haue to rep[re]sent his p[er]son, to passe ou[er] w[i]th silence but to rep[re]sent it instantly vnto Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie. / The names of the p[ar]tyes are Magg ogg. a sollicitor (as heere is said) for the fugitiue Earle of Tyrone condemned by the veredict of his owne Countrymen, desides his dilict of Treason of .18. seu[er]all murders, / The other names himselfe Goudio Manricio, and is heere (as I enformed allowed for a [Blank] for vagabonding Countrymen, hath putt on the habbit of a Preist & hath of Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie 30. Crownes a Moneth in penc[i]on, The p[ar]tyes & their offences I haue made knowne vnto Yo[u]r Secretary of estate, & I cannot doubte but Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie in Conformity of what the king my M[aste]r hath by soe many argum[en]t[es] demonstrated toward[es] Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie & Yo[u]r ministers, will commau[n]d such exemplary punishment to be made of them, as a behauior soe indecent, a slander & reproch soe intollerable, & an openion soe desp[er]ate & daingerous & to contrary to what Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie & all those of Yo[u]r Councell, nobility & Clergie doe practise, doth worthily merritt. /

Febr[uary] 1608 /


The Coppye of a L[ett]re written by S[i]r Charles Cornewallis k[nigh]t when he was Ambassador in Spaine expostulateing the oppressions & iniuryes donne to the king of England[es] Subiect[es] & delayes in giueing Iustice in remedy of them. /

Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to whome god hath giuen soe large an Empire & soe much exceeding that of other Princes, and whome hee hath blessed w[i]th soe greate an inclinac[i]on to piety Clemency & other Porc[i]ons becomeing yo[u]r royall dignity & p[er]son, will I knowe hould it evell beseemeing soe raare a greatenes to come behinde any king how pious & vertuous soeu[er] either in the obseruance of the lawes of mutuall Charity & frenidship or in lo{v}e & zeale of Iustice, w[hi]ch to all kingdomes and governem[en]ts giue the assuredest foundac[i]on, and in defect whereof by the spiritt of god himselfe kingdomes are saide to be translated from one nation to another. / The First king [tha]t god gaue vnto his people hee elected of higher stature then [th]e rest by the shoulders vpward[es], signifieing thereby not onely how much king[es] are to striue to exceed others & excell in height & measure of vertue & Iustice, but how fitt it is alsoe for them to ou[er]looke w[i]th their authorityes & p[ro]vidences the highest heads of their ministers, & to obserue how they guide themselues in the administrac[i]on of their gouernem[en]t: By the Content[es] in this paper inclosed, Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie shall p[er]ceiue the Christian & kingly care that [th]e king my M[aste]r hath had, not onely of the observances of [th]e Articles of peace since [th]e same, betwene Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties were concluded, but of [th]e punctuall accomplishm[en]t of the true lawes of amity & freindship w[hi]ch are more surely & expressiuely imprinted in royall & noble heart[es] then possibly they can be written or charactered by any pen or paper, In Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Kingdomes (p[ar]don me I humbly beseech yow if I speake playnely) much contrary to [tha]t example, the king my M[aste]rs subiect[es] suffer all manner of spoyles, oppressions & Iniuryes, and are (as well I may tearme them) made a very prey to [th]e hungrye & gredy, yo[u]r viceroyes & others enter their shipps vnder cullour of peace & Iustice, findeing them rich they they lay crymes to their charge, whereof though there appeare neither proofe nor p[ro]bability), yet serue their p[re]tences to possesse them of their goods & to putt [th]e poore merchant[es] to a demaund in lawe, wherein were truth alone the ballance they should be weighed by (though [tha]t forme of redresse were farr short of the imediate remedy p[ro]vided by [th]e king my sou[er]eigne for yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties sub[ie]ct[es] yet were it much more allowable & to be endured, but here haueing complayned .2. whole yeares w[i]thout any course att all taken for redresse, as in [th]e Cause of the Duke Feria .3. entyre yeares, as in that w[i]th [th]e viceroy at Cordyua one yeare & more, as in that of his Ma[jes]ties servant Thibaut taken & spoyled by Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties gen[er]all Don Lois. iniured 8 moneths, as in that of Elsey & Bespick imprisoned & bereaved of their good[es] by Ivan Devedogo Alcald of Motrill, we are after soe long tyme spent in misery & charge Countervaileinge a greate p[ar]te of the value of [th]e good[es] taken from vs, enforceced still to all extremityes & punctualityes of formes of Lawe & to abide [th]e vttermost p[er]ill of all advantages, that by [th]e invenc[i]ons witt[es] & tongues of Lawyers can be diuised to obscure & p[re]iudice [th]e light & right of truth. / The false Coullors giuen by eu[er]y of these and the266r the barborous crueltyes vsed to [th]e p[ar]tyes would require too long & tedious a declaracon, It satisfieth that none of these p[re]tences are proved, (nay w[hi]ch is more) they are soe false & fabulous, as to noe indifferent understanding they appeare soe much as p[ro]bable. / My humble desire is yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie would be pleased to passe yo[u]r owne royall eyes vpon this paper, and theirfore to affect all possible brivity, I passe vnto Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie other infirior mini ministers of yo[u]r p[ar]t[es], of w[hi]ch few there are (those in Biscay & some in Portugall onely excepted) where wee haue not diuers oppressions, Imprisonm[en]t[es] & vniust imbarquement[es], in Ciuill especially, whereof .40. seu[er]all suits & as many false sencences giuen, raised & pursued by a man nowe dead & therefore in Charity left unnamed, we haue hitherto in yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Councell of warr, where before those noble Lord[es] passeth by the equall lyne of Iustice, not foiled to my remembrance in [th]e ou[er]throwing of any, some one mistaken [tha]t passed in a wrong name, & another concerneing m[er]chandize that had their manufacture in Embden, (whereof I suppose those Lords were not rightly enformed) onely excepted, In this Course I must acknowledge wee haue had redresse, but yet (w[i]th yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties favour) a miserable one, our gaine being whether wee shalbe owners of our owne or nott our expences & charges certeine & the tyme w[i]thout measure large, whereby many haue ben vndon, some dead in prison in England, for want of what was vniustly detayned from them heere, yet neither the false Iudges in Civill nor promoters eu[er] chastised, or (for anything I haue yet vnderstood) soe much as eu[er] app[re]hended or found fault w[i]th, I hast to conclusion feareing I might dwell too long in a matter soe vnsavory & vnpleasant to Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties pittyfull eares and Christian hearte, soe much (of itselfe) disposed to all piety & clemency, / I will for the next resort to the Shipps, Cordage, Corne & other victualls & prouisions taken from the king my sou[er]eignes Sub[ie]ct[es] for Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties owne services & releife of [th]e extreame necessity in Yo[u]r Gallyes & garrisons of the Navye, of whome some haue ben enforced for want of paym[en]t of their monyes to send their shipps home vnfraughted, a losse extreame to Yo[u]r M[er]chant[es][tha]t liue by trade & tyme to repaire to this Courte, & here remayne some of the[m] .14. Monethes & others .2. yeares & more till their very charges had eaten out a greate p[ar]te of what was due vnto them, & in the end recou[er] onely their owne w[i]thout any releife or recompence, either for their expences, tyme lost, or damages, I will onely instance 2. because their causes are most strounge & pittyfull & yet vnsatisfied, The one named Tho[mas] Henrison & the other Rich[ard] Morris, The First serued Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie w[i]th his Shipp till the same w[i]th one of his sonnes & all his men were swallowed by [th]e Sea & hath ben heere more then .4. yeares sueing for his recompence & saliary recommended by the king my Sou[er]eigne by L[ett]res fro[m] Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Ambassadors in England & by myselfe all [tha]t long tyme furthered w[i]th my earnest solicitac[i]on w[hi]ch hath begott infinite p[ro]misses, but to this day noe manner of payment or p[er]formeance. / Thother whoe some tyme hath ben a man of wealth & reputac[i]on and falling into greate pou[er]ty, serued Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie w[i]th all that in the world he was worth, & all that not in value above 6000 ryalls (I blush I p[ro]test to thinke of it) & my hearte is greuied to menc[i]on it to soe greate a king of whose liberality265v liberality & magnificens the world taketh soe much notice, his right & his necessity being soe well knowne vnto yo[u]r officers, he hath ben more then 3. yeares & a halfe fedd w[i]th hopes & putt of w[i]th Cedulos & sending from one port to another for the receipte of his monye till hee hath indebted himselfe the most p[ar]te of the summe, & att p[re]sent wanteth wherew[i]th both to feed & cover him, Now att last hee is p[ro]missed paym[en]t heere out of yo[u]r royall Chest[es], but after soe many ceremonies & Circumstances to be p[er]formed w[i]th yo[u]r officers in other p[ar]tes, as (god knowes) hunger may end [th]e poore man, before they begin to satisfie him, / By all this will plainely appeare vnto Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie that Yo[u]r Subiect[es] are by the favour & Christian Iustice of the King my M[aste]r entered into the new testam[en]t & lawe of grace, haueing restituc[i]on & remedy w[i]thout [th]e delayes of Ceremony & formality & wee still remayne under [th]e olde & tyde in all thing[es] to the handwriteing of the Lawe, to the burdenous circumstances & intollerable delatory formalityes of p[ro]ceeding in this Yo[u]r Kingdome, and what ells Yo[u]r vnpittyfull ministers will, (out of vncharitable & vnsensible myndes of other mens harmes), charge & impose vpon them. / Well doth Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie conceiue, that would [th]e king my M[aste]r winke att the lyke courses to be taken by his subiect[es] & ministers, w[i]th such of yo[u]rs as they might meete vpon the seas, The English are not of soe litle Invenc[i]on, but that they could deuise as good Coullor & p[re]tences, nor are their Lawyers of soe small skill & soe much Conscience, but they could forme & p[ro]tract suit[es], nor the shipps of England soe weakened & lessened but they could soone equall & surmont their losses. / I haue out of myne owne humble affeccon to Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie out of my gen[er]all & eu[er] continueing desire to hold firme the amity soe necessary for yo[u]r owne states & releife for the whole commonwealth of Christendome, and out of the force of Duty I owe to my king & Country, thus farr adventured my selfe to vnburden my soule & thought[es] not doubteing but Yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties magnaminiois & Christian hearte wilbe moved aswell in desire to equall the pious & imitable example of the king my M[aste]r as in a Iust compassion of a Nation new confederate w[i]th yow and that soe gladly would enterteine any cause to loue and serue yow to giue a p[re]sent remedy to those wofull & intollerable oppressions. And that sithence yow haue firmed & consented by the yo[u]r articles of peace to new orders, (w[hi]ch being confirmed by yo[u]r oath stand now in force of lawes) yow would be pleased in lyke manner to giue them a new forme of indilatory execuc[i]on Conformeable to that of [th]e king my Soveraigne. /


Finis /


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 11600, ff. 269r-265v,

Languages: English, Latin

Creation date: 1608-1609


Other Witnesses

Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars

  • Scrinia Sacra (1654) [Wing S2110], pp. 94–105

Modern Print Exemplars

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Selected Criticism

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Keywords (Text Type)

  • letter

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Transcribed by:

Tim Wales (Research Assistant)