'That the Sovereign's Person Is Required in the Great Councils or Assemblies of the State, as well the Consultations as at the Conclusionss (No date)'
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Other Witnesses
- Bodleian Library, MS Dugdale 51, ff. 184r–198v
- Bodleian Library, MS Eng. hist. c. 51, ff. 8r–18v
- British Library, Harley MS 1858, ff. 96r–108v
- British Library, Lansdowne MS 254, ff. 253r–256v
- British Library, Lansdowne MS 811, ff. 158x–175*x
- Houghton Library, fMS Eng 919, item 1, pp14
- Woburn Abbey, MS 198, pp268–280*
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
- Robert Cotton, A treatise, shewing that the soveraignes person is required in the great councells or assemblies of the state, as well at the consultations as at the conclusions (1651) [Wing C6503]
- Robert Cotton, Cottoni Posthuma (1651), pp. 41–57
- Robert Cotton, Cottoni Posthuma (1672), pp. 41–57
- Robert Cotton, Cottoni Posthuma (1679), pp. 41–57
Modern Print Exemplars
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Selected Criticism
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