'Letter Concerning the Disputation Between Featley, White, Fisher and Sweet (1 July 1623)'
British Library, Additional MS 28640, ff. 113r-113v
Anno. 1623. There was a disputation betweene doctor White & doctor Featly on our side & Mr Fisher & Mr Sweete Iesuites on the other in the house of S[i]r Humfrey L. in London, which was abruptely broken of, yet the proceeding so farre as it went is set out in print. This letter following (either true or fained) concernes it./
Right Hon. Lord I knowe it the especiall prouidence of God
that yo[u]r Lordship was present at a late conference wherein do[cto]r
White & doctor Featlie vndertooke to shewe against me & my companion, that the protestant Church had beene visible in all ages
& that there theire professors might be named especially in the
ages before Luther/ Yo[u]r Lordship may remember the
substance of all theire proofe to haue consisted in this that the true
Church was alwaies so visible as that the professors thereof in
all ages might be named/ We refused to dispute of
the Minor because it transferred the question, that & avoyded that
plaine proofe of the visible Church which was propounded & expected/ If as they conclude they are able to name theire
professors in all ages, why did they refuse to giue vs a Catalogue
of theires as we were readye to haue giue[n] them another of
ours? Why went they about to proue they were able to name
them, when with as litle adoe they might haue named them?
Where deedes are justly expected, wordes without deedes are
worthely expected suspected/ Certainly hereby they
are so farre from discharging themselues of the greate enterprise
they vndertooke as they stande more ingaged the[n] before to the
performance of it; for hauing nowe professed & acknowledged
that the true Church, or (to vse theire owne wordes) the Church
which is visible as the Ch Catholike Church ought to be, & the
Church whose faith is eternall, must be able to name her professors
in all ages; either for theire owne honour & for the satisfaction of the world, they must set downe the names of theire p[ro]fessors in all ages; or else they shamefully discouer themselues
not to be that true & visible vnchanged Church which is able to
name them./ Very Noblie therefore & prudently
yo[u]r Lordship in the ende desired another meeting, not doubting [tha]t
yo[u]r owne partie within ij or iij dayes would be contente to giue
vs the names of theire professors in all ages, as we were ready to giue them the names of ours, that thereby both sides
might be the better prepared for a further triall: Which
when they haue performed we shall not faile to encounter
with them, either by way of speech or writing, as yo[u]r Lord[shi][
(all things considered) shall thinke fitte & fayrest, safest or
most convenient for discouery of truth./ But if yo[u]r
Lordship shall not be able to obteine at theire hands, this yo[u]r
most just & important request, the defecte of proofe on theire
parte must needes be accompted a plaine flight / & no man
hereafter can prudently relye his saluation vpon that Church
which (for wante of perpetuall visibility sufficiently prooved)
they themselues shall haue concluded to be false & feined./
Thus expecting the issue hereof & yo[u]r Lordships further pleasure from the mouth of this bearer I remaine this 1 of Iuly 1623
Yo[u]r L[ordshi]ps servant in Christ I. F.
I thinke the publishing of this letter, caused the printing of that priuate Disputation, or else some speeches or writings of this kind, as the booke it selfe declareth.
This letter is craftely dispersed by copies thereof into Papists hands to confirme them & into the handes of others dazle them &c.
Who so readeth the booke shall finde that the causes why the Iesuites Left margin:
finit. +
were not satisfyed in the Catalogue of Successors might be these. 1°
It was a priuate conference & disputation vnto which (it may well be)
they were not requested to bring such a Catalogue. 2° They were interrupted when they beganne to recite. 3° It was not allowed
them to beginne at Christ & his Apostles. 4° The Iesuites must also
haue begunne there for theire Church which it seemeth they durst not.
5° The doctors only yeelded to shewe this successio[n] because of the Papiste
bragges, shewing that it is no sound arguing/ These cannot name successor visible & [er]go are no Ch true Church/ These can, [er]go are a true
Church. 6° The naming of Successors would be an endlesse quarrell
because they counte for theires, many of the first age that are not theirs
& much Cavilling there would be about those hich in truth are ours.
No introduction.
British Library, Additional MS 28640, ff. 113r-113v, John Rous's diary
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: 1 July 1623
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Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
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Keywords (Text Type)
- letter
Keywords (Text Topics)
- confessional conflict
- religious disputation
- Jesuits
- Catholicism
- primitive church
- Protestantism
Transcribed by:
Noah Millstone (Principal Investigator MPESE)