'The Five Years of King James (c.1625-1628)'
British Library, Additional MS 22591, ff. 2r-24v
Parte of the liffe of kinge Iames of Famous Memorye w[i]th diuers Mat ters of Consequence which hapned in his Raigne
Iohn Sudbury et George Humble Londini excu=derunt
2v {gap: blank}3rRight margin:
Of the Condition of
the State of Eng[land]
and the relation it
had to oth[e]r Proui[n]ces
Howsoever everye Kingdome and Comon-Wealthe maye be
both well and vprightlye governed, and that good men maye be the
meanes to supporte it; yet there cann be noe such como[n]-Wealthe,
but amongst the good, there wilbe ever some evill p[er]sonns those (whether
by nature induced, or throughe envye and Ambition; to the intent
to satisfye those appetites p[er]swaded) doe oftentymes enter into ac-tions repugnant vnto the felicitye of good governem[en]t & Como[n] wealthes,
and by evill Courses and p[er]verse deedes doe secretlye & vnd[e]rhand
seeke to hasten and sett forward the ruyn and decaye of the same.
These things because they happen contrarye and beyond expectatio[n],
are soe much the more remarkable ho by how much they are sudden
and vnexpected. And from hence it cometh that noe State of gou[er]ment can be said p[er]manent, but [tha]t often times those [tha]t are good, are
by litle and litle converted vnto those that are evill, and those [tha]t
are evill are oftentimes changed from worse to worse, till they
come to vtter desolation
Neither is this alone prop[er] to one como[n] wealthe, but to all, nor to forraine Kingdomes, but to our owne, For although his Ma[jes]tye at his coming to the Crowne, found vs vexed w[i]th many defensive warrs, as [tha]t in Ireland, that in the lowe countryes, and allmost publique against Spayne, auxiliarye in France, and co[n]tinuallye in Millitarye ymploym[en]t, Allthoughe he found it lacerate and torne w[i]th divers factions of Protestants Papist and oth[e]rs fro[m] amongst whom sprunge some evill men that endeavored to sett into Combustion the whole State / Yet neverthelesse he established a peace both honorable and p[ro]fitable w[i]th all neighbor Princes, and by relation through all Europe; Soe that neither our Freinds, nor our Enemies might be either feared or suspected
After this generall peace was concluded, and [th]e workinge heades of daungerous Papists were confyned to A certaine course of liffe, that is Peace / they nowe Petition for tolleratio[n], for release of vexation, to have libertie of Conscience; And forsooth because they cannot haue these thinges, amongst the[m] they contrive and most horrible and devellish plott, by GunPowder to blowe vp in Parlyam[en]t even the whole State & com[m]o[n]s of this kingdome; and soe at one Puffe, to conclude all this peace, and by that meanes to p[ro]cure an vnrulye and vnseemely Anarchie of this settled Governem[en]t. And this not soe much to establish their owne religio[n], for w[hi]ch purpose they pr[e]tended it, but to establish their owne power and pr[e]heminencye, and to raise some private familyes to greatnes and dignitye, that soe faction being nourished, and [tha]t Jurisdiction established, they might w[i]th greate facilitie suppresse whom they please, and support theire owne state. Thus maye wee see that setled Governem[en]t[es] doe cherrish in them selves, their owne distructions, and their owne subiects are oftentimes, the cause of their owne ruyne, vnlesse God of his mercye prevent it / This
3vLeft margin: Of [th]e domestick af-faires, and of [th]e laci-ous courses of Such on whome [th]e Kinge had bestowed the honour of knighthood This euill being discovered by the Lord Mou[n]teagle, and ou[er] passed; divers discontentments happened, some betweene [th]e Civilians and comon lawyers concerning prohibitions: And for that there was one Docter Cowell stood stifelye against my Lord Cooke, divers discontents were nourished, betweene the Gentrye & Comminaltie concerning enclosure, and it burst out into A pettye rebellion, w[hi]ch by some was coniectured, not to happen soe much for the thinge it selfe, as for to finde howe the people Stood affected to the pr[e]sent state, whereby divers pr[i]vate quarrells and secrett Combustions were daylye breaking out, pr[i]vate Familyes one syded against another, and of these Protestant[es] ag[ains]t Papists, they thereby endeavoring to gett A head, and from small beginnings to raise greater Rebellons. Nowe discontents shewed the[m]selves headye, and spake publiquelye w[ha]t durst not heretofore haue bine spoken in Corners: In outward appearance Papist were favored, Masses allmost publiquelye administred, Protestants disco[n]te[n]ted discountenanced, dishonest men honoured, those that were litle lesse then sorcerers and witches preferred, pr[i]vate quarrells nourished, but espetiallye betweene the Scottish and English duells in everye street maynteyned: divers sects of vicious p[er]sons vnder p[ar]ticuler titles passe vnpunished, or regarded as the secte of roringe Boyes, Beneventoyes, Bravadors, Quarterors, and such like, being p[er]sons prodigall and of great expence, when hauing run themselves into debt, were constrayned to run into faction to defend them from the danger of the lawe, these received mayntenance from divers of the Nobillitye, and not a litle as was suspected from the Earle of Northa[m]pton, W[hi]ch p[er]sons though of themselves they were not able to attempt any enterprise, yet Faith, honestie, and other good acts being nowe little sett by / and Citizens through laciviousnes consuming their estates, it was likelye [tha]t their number would rather increase the[n] dymininish / And vnder these pr[e]tences they entred into manye desperat enterprises, and scarse anye durst walke the Streets w[i]th safty after nyne at night. Soe that to conclude, in outward shew there appeared noe certaine affection, noe certaine, obedience, noe certaine Goverm[en]t amongst vs /
Such personns on whom the kinge had bestowed p[ar]rticuler honors, either throughe pride of that or their owne p[ro]digallitye, lived at highe rates, and w[i]th their greatnesse brought in excesse of ryot both in Clothes and dyett / soe our au[n]tient customes were abandoned, and that stricknes and severitye [tha]t had wont to be amongst the English scorned and contemned, everye one applauding stra[n]g or newe thinges, though never soe costlye, And for attayninge of thyem neither sparing purse nor creditt, that prises of all sort[es] of Comodities are raysed: And those au[n]tent Gent[le]men whoe had left their Inheritaunce whole and well furnished with Goods and Cattell (hauing thereof kept good houses) vnto [the]ir Sonnes, lived to see p[ar]te consumed in ryott and excesse, and the4r the rest in possibilitie to be vtterlye lost. The holy State of matrimonye most p[er]fidiouslye broken, and amongst manye made but A May-game, by w[hi]ch meanes divers private Familyes haue bine subverted, brothell houses in abou[n]dance tollerated, and eve[n] great p[er]sons p[ro]stituting their bodyes, to the intent to satisfye and consume their substance in lascivious appetites of all sort[es]. Such Knights or gent[le]men as either throughe Pride or Prodigallitye had consumed substance repayring to the Cittye, and to the intent to consume their vertues allsoe lived dissolute lives / And many of their Ladyes and daughters, to the intent to mainetaine the[m]selves according to their dignitie, p[ro]stitute their bodyes in shaemfull mann[er] / Alehouses, diceing houses, Taver[n]s, and places of vice & iniquitie, beyond measure abounding in most places, there being as much extorc[i]on for Sinne as there is racking of Rentes, and as many wayes to spend monye as are windings and turnings in Townes & Streetes, Soe [tha]t to outward appearance the evill seeme to overtop [th]e good, and evill intent[i]ons & Cou[n]cells rather prosp[er]ed then those [tha]t were profitable to the Comon well //
Right margin:
Of my Lo[rd] of North[amp]to[n]s
coming to honor, [th]e cause
of the deuision betwene
[th]e Hollander, & [th]e Eng[lish]
betweene [th]e Scottish
and Eng[lish], betweene [th]e
English and Irish /
Nowe Henrye Howard youngest Sonne tof the Duke of
Norfolke continuing A Papist fro[m] his Infancie even vnto this
tyme, begin[n]ing to growe eminent and being made famous heeretofore for his learning, hauing bine trayned and brought vpp a
longe time in Cambridge, by the p[er]swation of the kinge, changeth
his opinion of Religion in outward appearance, and to [th]e intent
to reape vnto himselfe more honors, became A Protestant. For
w[hi]ch cause he was created Earle of North[ampton] and had the kings Favours bountifullye bestowed on him. First the office of Privye
Seale, then the Wardenshipp of the Cinque Ports, and lastlye the
refusall of being treasuror. This man was of A subtill & fine
witt, of a good p[ro]portion, excellent in outwarde Courteshipp,
famous for secrett insinuac[i]on and for cun[n]ing flatteries, and
by reason of those quallities became A fitt man for [th]e co[n]ditions
of those times, and was suspected to be scarse true to his sou[er]agn[n]e,
but rather endeavouring by some secrett wayes and meanes to
sett abroache newe plotts for to procure innovac[i]ons And for
the purpose it was thought had A hand in the Contentio[n][tha]t happened among the Holland[e]rs and English concerning [th]e fishing
in the Levant / and the English clayming right vpo[n] this Co[n]tention
they fell fro[m] Clayme to wordes of Anger, fro[m] words of Ang[e]r
to blowes, soe that there dyed manye of them, and a scarr was
left for A further quarrell, but that it was salved by wise
governors, and the expectation of some disapointed: Neverthelesse the Papist being A strong faction, and soe great A man
being theire favorer, grewe into heades, mallice & endeavour
to make the insolencie of the Scottish to appeare, whoe to the
intent That they might be the more hated of the English not
contented w[i]th their present Estate would enter into outrag[es],
some cou[n]terfeite the Seale Manuall, others whipp [th]e Nobillitye
in disdaine, and A third Sorte secretlye contrive the Englishes
deathe / whereby it happened besydes como[n] clamor [tha]t there were
added secrett discontents of pr[i]vate p[er]sons, w[hi]ch caused a Iealousy
to happen betweene those two nations, But his Ma[jes]tye being both
wise and worthy foresawe the evill and pr[e]vented it by Proclamation, by w[hi]ch meanes theis Clamors are stopt, and the Iniuryes &
offences of both p[ar]ties redressed. The Irish seeing theis Soares
and hearing of their misdemeanors (for they haue theire Intelli
gencers heere allsoe) begunne to growe obstinate, and make
religion a pr[e]tence to coulor their intentions / For w[hi]ch cause they
stand out, and protest losse of liffe and goods rather then to
be forced fro[m] their opynion, being wavering and vnconstant, rather thirsting for Rebellion to the intent to p[u]rchase theire owne
libertie then peace / everye newe alteration gives occasion of
discontent, and causes new complaynts to be brought to [th]e Kings
Eare, vnder pr[e]tence whereof they growe contemptuous to their
Governors, and haters of the English lawes / The Captaines and
Souldiers growe negligent for want of paye, the greatest me[n] envying one another through private Covetuousnes, and many Insolencies being suffered cause there allsoe to be nourished manye
misdemeanors to the ruine of [tha]t goverm[en]t /
These thinges thus handled administer occasion to the Popish to hope for some alteration and change, and that as a body that is violent consumeth yt selfe w[i]thout some sp[ec]iall Cause to mayntayne it, soe these occurrences wilbe the cause of their owne distruction. At this tyme there was a Leaguer in Denmarke & shortlye after another in the lowe countryes / But to what end [th]e beginni[n]gs were intended is yet unknowne
Left margin:
The rising of [th]e E[arl]
of Som[er]sett his fauor &
greatnes with [th]e K[ing]
and his parentage &
discente /
Amonge other accidents that happened about these times,
the rysing of one Mr Carr was most remarkable / A man borne
of meane parentage, Inhabitant in a village neere Edenborough
in Scotland, and there through the favor of Freindes was pr[e]fered
to his Ma[jes]tye to be one of his Pages, for he kept twelve accordinge
to the Costome of [th]e French, and soe continued it as long as hee
was in Scotland. Afterwardes coming into England, [th]e Cou[n]cell
thought it much more honorable to haue soe manye Footeme[n] to
runn w[i]th his Ma[jes]tye as the Queene had before him / wherevpon
these youthes had Clothes put th to their Backes accordinge to
their places, and 50 l a peece in their Purses, and soe were dismissed the Courte. This youthe amongst the rest hauing thus lost
his Fortunes, to repare them againe makes hast into France,
and there continued vntill he had spent all his meanes and
monye, soe that nowe being bare in a strange Cou[n]trye w[i]thout
Freindes or hope to attaine his expectacons retournes backe
for England, bringing nothing w[i]th him but the language, and
a few Frenche fashions: Nevertthelesse by the helpe of some
of his Countrye men and au[n]tient acquaintance, hee was
pr[e]ferred vnto the Lord Hayes a Scotishman and Favorite
of the kinges to waite vpon him as his Page / Not longe after
this Lord amongst other was appointed to p[er]forme a tiltinge,
whoe bearing an affection to this yong man, aswell in respecte
that he was his Countryeman, as [tha]t he found him to be of A
bold disposition, comelye visage, and p[ro]portionable personage,
mixt w[i]th a Courtlye pr[e]sence, pr[e]ferrs him to carry his device,
to the kinge according to the Custome of those pastimes vsed /
Nowe when he should come to light from his horse to p[er]forme
his office, his horse starts, throwes him downe, breakes his leg,
This accident being noe lesse strange then suddaine in such a
place, causes the kinge to demaund whoe it was, answere was
made his name was Carr, he taking notice of his name, and
calling to remembrance [tha]t such A one was his Page causes
him to be had into the Courte, and there p[ro]vides for him vntill
such time as he was recovered of his hurte. After in p[ro]cesse
of time, this yong man was called for, and made one of the
Bedchamber to his Ma[jes]tye, He had not longe continued in
this place before (by his good endeavors and deligent service
in his office) the king shewed extraordynarye favour vnto him,
doubling the valew of every Action in his estimation, soe [tha]t
manye are obscured, that he maye be grated and dignified / Thus
the hand of the deligent maketh ritche, and [th]e dutifull serva[n]t
cometh to honor. He of all other (either w[i]thout Fraude to obtay[n]e
it, or desert to continue it) is made the kings Favorite. Noe suite,
noe petition, noe graunt, noe letter, but Mr Carr must haue a
hand in it, soe [tha]t great reward[es] are bestowed vpo[n] him by Sutors
and large somes of monye by his Ma[jes]tye, by w[hi]ch meanes his welth
encreased w[i]th his Favour, and w[i]th both honor, for vertue and
riches dignifieth their owners, being of A Page raised to the
dignitie of knighthood. After his Favor still encreased w[i]th his
honor, there was no demaund but he had it, noe suite but he obtayned it, whether it were Crowne Lands, lands forfeited, or
confiscated , nothing soe deere but the King bestowed vpo[n] him,
whereby his revenues were enlarged, and his glorye so resplendant, that he drowned the dignitye of the best of the nobillity,
and the eminencie of such, as were much more excellent By w[hi]ch
meanes Envie (the Como[n] Companion of Greatnes) p[ro]cures him
much discontent, but yet passing through all disadventures, continues his favor. And men being drawne to aplaude [tha]t w[hi]ch
is either strange or newe, began to saye to him, and most to
purchase him to be theire Freinde and assistant in Court, soe
and emine[n]t is his Favor.
Right margin:
Of [th]e breach that
happened betweene
the E[arl] of Essex and
Nowe the Eares of the vulgar being filled w[i]th the fortu[n]es
of this Gentleman, it ministreth occasion to them to passe theire
opinions concerning his worthe and deserte: some extoll & loue his5v Left margin:
his countess, her ha
tred towards him, his
lenitie, her lightnes,
his constancie /
his vertues, others to p[ro]portion of his p[er]sonage, manye his outward Courtshipp, and most as they stood affected, other praised or
dispraysed him / in soe much [tha]t amongst the rest / the Countisse of Essex
(a woman that at that time did not greatlye affect her husband, and
w[i]thall being of A lustfull appetite, prodigall of expence, covetous
of applause, ambitious of honor, and light of behaviour / haveinge
taken notice of this yonge Gentells mans p[ro]speritie, & great favor
that was shewed to him aboue others, in hope to make some p[ro]fitt of
him, most admires him to everye one, comending his worth, spirit,
audatitye, and agillitye of bodye, soe that her lawfull au[n]tient and
accustomed love towards her Lord, begins to be obscured, & those
imbraces [tha]t heretofore seemed pleasing are turned into frownes,
and harsh and vnseemelye wordes vsher her discontents vnto her
husbands Eares, The good Earle carrying an extraordinary affectio[n]
towards her, and being a man of A myld and Courteous conditio[n],
w[i]th all honest and religious, readye rather to suffer then to cor-rect these outrages, patientlye admonisheth her to A bett[e]r Cou[r]se
of liffe, and to remember that all her fortunes nowe depend vpo[n]
his p[ro]speritye, and therefore shew in this offered more iniurye to her
selfe then hurte vnto him. Yet neverthelesse shee p[er]sisted, and fro[m]
bare wordes returned into actions, thereby giving people occasio[n]
to passe their censure of this disagreem[en]t, some attributing it to the
vnconstancye and loosenes of the Cou[n]tisse, others to the Earles travells, and [tha]t in his absence shee continued most vnconstant, of a
loose liffe suffering her bodye to be abused, and others to make shipwracke of her modestie, and to abrogate the rights of marryage.
But most because she could not haue wherew[i]th to satisfye her insatiate appetite and ambition, her husband living A private liffe.
For these Causes (I saye) she ran at randome, and playd her pranks
as the toye tooke her in the head, sometime publiquelye, some tyme
privatelye, whereby shee both disparaged her reputation, & brought
herselfe into the contempt of the world. yet notw[i]thstanding [th]e Earle
retayned her w[i]th him, allowed her honorable attendance, gaue
her meanes according to her place, and shewed an extraordinary
affection, endeavoring rather by Freindesly and faire p[er]swations to
winne her then to become sup[er]fidious over her /
But these things litle avayle, where affections are carryed to another stope, and those thinges that to the Iudgm[en]t of the wise became fitt to be vsed, are of others contemned and dispised / Soe [tha]t almost all men speake of the loosenes of her carriage, and wonders that the Earle will suffer her in these Courses / wherevpo[n] he modestlye and privatelye told her of it / giving her a checke for her inordinate Courses, shewing her how much it both dishonor[e]d him & disparaged her in p[er]sisting in the Eye of the world, after soe loose and vnseemelye a sorte, desiring her to be more civill at home, and not soe often a broade and thus they parte /
Left margin: Of my L[ord] Treasurors death, of Mr Ouerbury com= My Lord Treasuror Cicill growing into yeares, hauing bene A good statsmen, the onlye Supporter of the Proestant faction, the6r Right margin: coming out of France, his entertaynement, he growes into fauor the discloser of treasons, and the onlye Mercurye of our tymes, having bine well acquainted w[i]th the affayres of this Como[n]-wealthe, falls into a daungerous sicknes, and in p[ro]cesse of time throughe the extremitie of the maladie dies, not w[i]thout suspition of poyson, according to the opynion of some, others saye of A secrett disease, some naturallye, and manye not w[i]thout the privitie of S[i]r Robert Carr / And the reason of theire opinion was, because the kinge vpon a time, having given S[i]r Rob[er]t the some of twentie thousand poundes to be paied by my Lord Treasuror, S[i]r Rob[er]t was denied it, vpon w[hi]ch deniall there grewe some difference betweene them. The kinge was made privye to it after this manner; My Lord having told out five thousa[n]d poundes, layd it in a passage gallerye in severall heapes, & invites the kinge to breakefast bringing throughe that Gallerye: The kinge demaundes whose that mony was; Answere was made by my Lorde Treasuror, that it was but the fourth p[ar]te of [tha]t w[hi]ch his Ma[jes]tye had given to S[i]r Robert Carr. Wherevpon the kinge retired fro[m] his former Graunt, and wish’t S[i]r Robert to satisfye himselfe with [tha]t, holding it to be a great guifte. He being thus crost in his expectation[n]s, harbored in hart the hope of revenge, w[hi]ch aft[e]r happened as was suspected, but it was not certaine, therefore I omitt it /
Vpon the deathe of this Gent[le]man, one Mr Overbury a student of the lawe in the mydle temple, was newlye arrived out of Fra[nce] whoe having obtayned some favor in Courte before times, because of some discontentments gott licence to travell, and nowe at his retourne was entertayned into the favor of S[i]r Robert Carr, wheth[e]r this proceeded of anye love towardes him, or to the intent to make vse of him is not certaine, yet neverthelesse he puts him in trust w[i]th his most secrett imploym[en]t[es]; In w[hi]ch he behaves him selfe honestlye and discreetlye, purchasing by his wise carriage in that place the good affection and Favor not onlye of S[i]r Rob[er]t, but others allsoe. In p[ro]cesse of time this Favor procvres p[ro]fitt, p[ro]fit treasure, treasure honor, honor large ymploym[en]t[es], and in him bett[e]r execution; For where diligence and humilitye are assotiate in great affaires there fauour is accompanied with both, soe [tha]t many Courtiers p[er]ceiving his greate hopes, growe into familiarity w[i]th him: the Knights expectac[i]on are p[er]formed, and his businesses accomplished rather more then lesse according to his wishes / Soe that takeing notice of his dilligence to outward appearance, gives him an extraordinarye cou[n]tenau[n]ce vniting him into freindshipp w[i]th himselfe; In soe much that to the shewe of the world this bond was vndissolvable / neither could there be more Freindship vsed since there was nothing soe secrett, nor anye matter soe pr[i]vate, but the knight imp[ar]ted it to the advise of Overburye /
Right margin: Of mrs Turners life how [th]e Cou[n]tesse & shee came acquainted, [th]e combinac[i]on of the Earles deathe The Countesse of Essex having harboured in her harte envie towards her husband, even vntill this time, makes her repaire vnto M[ist]ris Turner (a Gent[le]woman that fro[m] her youthe had bine given over to A loose kinde of liffe, being of A lowe stature6v Stature, Faire vissage, for outward behaviour comelye, but in prodigallitie and excesse most ryotous, by w[hi]ch course of liffe, she had consumed the greatest parte of her husbands meanes & her owne, soe that nowe wanting wherew[i]th to fullfill her expectac[i]ons & extreeme pride, falls into evill courses, as to the p[ro]stituc[i]on of her bodye to comon lust, to practise sorcerye and inchau[n]tm[en]t, & to manie litle lesse then a flatt bawde. Her husband dying left her in a desp[er]ate estate, because of her wants, by w[hi]ch meanes she is made apte to enter into anye evill action, and to entertaine anye motion bee it never soe faciuorous / A doctors wiffe; whoe was during his liffe, her Phisition and in that time shee hauing entertayned into her co[m]panye his saide wiffe, by that meanes p[ro]cured further acquaintance, being neere of the same disposition and temp[er]ature, as Paris cu[m] paribus facile congregantur fro[m] thence it happened that she was suspected even by her meanes and procurem[en]t before this to have lived a loose liffe, for whoe can touche pitche and not be defiled, I saye having some familiaritye w[i]th this woman, and nowe taking some discontentme[n]t at her husband more then heretofore by reason of her falling out w[i]th him and his sharpe answers (as she conceives) to her, repaires to her house, and there (amongst other discourses) disgorges herselfe against her husband, whereby the cause of her greife might easilye be p[er]ceived / M[ist]ris Turner as feeling p[ar]te of her paine pittyes her, and in hope of profitt being nowe in necessitie and wante, is easilye drawne to effect anye thinge that shee requires, wherevpo[n] by the reporte of some it was concluded at this time betweene the[m], to administer poyson to the Earle, but not taking effecte according to theire expectation, the Cou[n]tesse writtes vnto her to this p[u]rpose
Sweet Turner, as thou hast bine hitherto Soe art thou Still all my hopes of Good in this worlde. My Lord is as lustie as euer he was, and hath complayned to my Broth[e]r Howard that hee hath not layne with mee nor used me as his wife, this makes mee madd, Since of all men I loathe Shall neuer enioye him whom I loue. /
The Earle haueing overpast this euill, and continuing still in his pristine Estate, procures not anye affection, but more hatred and loathsomnes, soe that it burst dailye fourth to my Lord, great discontent, and drawes her headlonge into her owne distruction /
Left margin: S[i]r Rob[er]t Carre made visc[ount] Rochest[e]r, the acquaintance be tweene my Lord of North[amp]ton and him, [th]e new affection of [th]e countese. / The kinge taking greater liking to this young Gentleman, to [th]e intent that he might be noe lesse eminent in honor, then he was poerfull in wealthe and substance, adornes him w[i]th the title of visc[ount] Rochester, bestowes the secretaryshipp of State, vpo[n] him, soe that his power and his wealthe makes him famous to other nations /
These thinges com[m]ing to my Lord of Northampton[n]s Eares, having
bine A long time A Favorite in Courte, and nowe growing into yEares, and by reason thereof but shorte lived, and knowing [th]e favor of7r
of the king to depend vpo[n] many incertaineties, and [tha]t allthoughe at
this time he was greatest actor in State affaires, yet if this yonge
man continued his height of glorye, all his dignitie would either
be abated or overshadowed, and that he had not that free accesse to [th]e
kinges Eares w[hi]ch he had wont to haue, endeavoreth as much as in him
lyeth to make this Courtyer either to be wholye his, or dependant
vpon his Favor, that soe having relation to him, he might make vse
of his greatnes. And for this purpose he begins to applaude [th]e wisedome and governem[en]t of this viscount, his Vertues, outward Cou[r]tship,
comelye Carryage, and to conclude holding him to be A man noe lesse
worthe and desert, then any about the kinge, neither were these things
spoken to pr[i]vate or p[ar]ticuler p[er]sons alone, but even into the Eares
of the kinge, to the intent the better to obtayne Confirme the Kinges
favor towards him
These thinges com[m]ing to this yonge Noblemans Eare, hee takes it as A greate Favor fro[m] soe greate A p[er]sonage, and therefore soe much the more admires his owne worthe, raysing his carryage above his wonted Course, an in hope of better thinges applauding eu[er]y action is p[er]formed by the Earle: By w[hi]ch meanes there growes A kinde of Com[m]unitie betweene them, and there wants nothinge but entercourse of speeche, for confirmance of acquaintance, & procuring further relation either to other. Tyme offers oppertunitie, the Earle and he meete, each changeth acquaintance, w[i]th acqua[n]tance, A greater familiaritie, soe that manye times letters passe betwene them in theire absence, and Courtlye discourses being pr[e]sent, by w[hi]ch meanes on all handes A confident amitie is concluded
In these times the Cou[n]tesse of Essex being A Spectator of those Fortunes, and p[er]ceiving the viscount to be Still raysed vp vnto hon[o]rs daylye, in hope of greater is th more fired w[i]th a lustfull desire, and the greater is her endeavor by the instigation of some of her best Freindes to accomplish w[ha]t shee determineth; For greatnesse doth not quallifye but sett out an edge vpo[n] lustfull appetities, and where the most meanes are to mainetaine it, there [th]e greater affecc[i]ons are cherished. /
Right margin:
The course shee
takes to procure af
fection, She co[m]bines
with Do[ctor] Forma[n], they
conclude to bewitch
the viscount /
In these furious fittes she makes her repaire to m[ist]ris Turner,
and begins A newe complainte, whereby shew makes manifest an
extraordinarye affection towards this yong Gentleman soe [tha]t shee
could not rest w[i]thout his Companye, neither knewe she any meanes
to attaine her endes, there being noe relation nor acquaintance betweene them / Wherevpo[n] m[ist]ris Turner being Still her Second, & ready
to put anye evill attempt into execution, concludes w[i]th [th]e Countesse
to enchaunt the Viscount to affect her. And for this purpose, they
fall acquainted w[i]th one Doc[tor] Forman that dwelt at Lambeth, being an au[n]tient Gent[le]man, and thought to haue Skill in [th]e Magicke
arte. This man by rewardes and guifts was wonne to wyne with
M[ist]ris Turner whoe nowe to the intent to preye vpo[n] the Countisse,
endeavor the best they maye to enchaunt the Viscount[es] affecc[i]on toward[es]7v
towardes her, much time is spent, manye wordes of witchcraft,
great cost in making Pictures of waxe, crosses of Silver, little
bables for that vse, yet all to small purpose. At length they continuinge in their securitie socerie, advise her to liue at Court, wher
shee had free accesse w[i]thout controule, thoughe small acquainta[n]ce
w[i]th him, whom shee most respected, neverthelesse shewing an affable
Countenance towards him, hoping in p[ro]sesse of time to obtayne w[ha]t
shee required. Time offers oppertunitie, and amongst oth[e]rs at length
these two fall into league, the Countesse being ioyfull of her preye,
admires him, vses all kindnes that maye be to intrapp him, hee
whether by these inchau[n]tm[en]t[es], or by the lightnes of his owne disposit[i]o[n]
carryed, is as much besotted, nu[m]bring her amongst the best women,
and doubling every acc[i]on in his estimation, in soe much [tha]t he could
scarce rest but in her companie; wherevpo[n] their meetings growe
frequent, and discourses pleasant, by these meanes inflaminge
the fire of A lustfull appetite /
These thinges hauing happened soe well to her expectatio[n] causes A great love to these good Couple, vidh[elici]t Doc[tor] Forman, and M[ist]tris Turner, solliciting them w[i]th letters, w[i]th monye, & larg p[ro]mises, to continue Still her Freindes. They willing to make vse of her wealthe, more then expecting anie good they couldd accomplishe by theire Arte, p[er]sist amongst her imploym[en]t[es] m[is]tris Turner makes trial[es] for herselfe, by w[hi]ch meanes manye slight and vnaccustomed tricks are practised, and nowe reported to haue retourned to the hurte of manye, For A womans hand being once entred into the acte of Sinne, runs headlong to her distruction, turning those evill artes to evill endes, and endeavoring to purchase by [tha]t p[ro]fit & comodity
Left margin: How it was thought the E[arl] of North[amp]ton had a hand in this businesse, inuits [th]e visc[ount] to Supper, [th]e Cou[n]tis and he meets, places of meeting are apppoin ted the Earle made Chau[n]cellor of Ca[m]bridg It was vulgarlye opinionated that the Cou[n]tesse of Essex hauing sustayned those discontentm[en]t[es] w[i]th her husband, acquainted her vncle the Earle of Northampto[n] of her affection, espetiallye toward[es] this Viscount, whoe waighing the p[ro]fitt [tha]t might redound to his owne imploym[en]t[es] , if there were such affinitie had betweene them, seemed to give A likeing towards it, and endeavored rather to further it, then at all to diswade her, or giving her that honest and good Counsell to be dutifull to her husband as was fitting. Howsoever the first meeting that they had, wherein there was any Conference, was at this Earles house, whoe invited [th]e Viscount to supper, and there finding the Cou[n]tisse, they at theire pleasure appointed meetings for further discourses, but whether there was anie one made privye to these thinges, is not evident; but from this time, the Cou[n]tesse and Viscount continewe theire loose Course of liffe, and as was com[m]o[n]lye suspected, had furth[e]r relation then was fitting, to the great disparagem[en]t of them both, & dishon[o]r of soe noble A house, what the issues of these thinges are, continew in obscuritie. Notw[i]thstanding the Earle of Northampto[n] is much blamed, the Cou[n]tesse defamed, and the Viscount himselfe for his loosenes suspected /
Nowe was thus Lord p[ro]pounded at the regent house to bee Chau[n]cellor8r Chau[n]cellor of Cambridge, the Schollers fall into divers opinions, And the Ræmists p[ro]pound the Prince to oppose him, the Elect[i]on passes of the Earles side / he refuses, but still flatters [th]e Schollors, makes the kinge acquainted w[i]th it, and thoughe willing to vnder take it, yet shewing an vnwillingnes, endeavored rather to bee vrged to it, then receave it voluntarie, this was because imputed because of his opposite the Prince, but the truthe was, to p[er]ceave whether the Schollers affections were setled vpo[n] love, and respect vnto himselfe, or meerelye to depend vpo[n] his greatnes / The kinge writs in his behalfe to the Vice Chancellor, they p[ro]ceed to A newe Election, the Earle againe is Chosen, his Title sent him, and he in requitall sendes manye flattering letters, and plausive / and that they might be the more acceptable, being sent to Schollers, wrote to them in lattaine / it is intollerable the flaterye he vsed /
Right margin: Ouerburye growes into Grace with [th]e K[ing] is made K[nigh]t, [th]e inter-course betweene [th]e countise & [th]e visco[n]t made Knowne vnto Ouerburye After some continewance of time Mr Overburye growes eminent in Courte, aswell by reason of the viscounts favor, {all}[th]e good and Carefull diligence [tha]t he had in Courte ymploym[en]t[es], soe that nowe Comparying his worthe with his wealthe, he is had in more respect, and the honor of knighthood bestowed vpo[n] him w[i]th hope of better thinges; this howsoever in itselfe it bee not valuable, yet in the Spectators it striketh a doubte especiallye in the Viscount, For Soveraignetie and love can abide noe parago[n]
Thinges that at the beginni[n]g p[ro]ceed w[i]th Modestie are little or nothing regarded; but when men growe old in such thinges [tha]t are hatefull, they make everye place alike, and with a blushlesse Face comitt them to the open veiwe. By this meanes Overburye came acquainted w[i]th this entercourse betweene the Viscou[n]t and the Cou[n]tesse, for nowe they having some tyme of Familiaritie & intercourse in remote p[ar]t[es], Shame not to com[m]itt the Sinne of Venerie in the Courte, and that to the privitie of S[i]r Thomas, who both loathes and hates w[ha]t he sees, avoyding rather the[n] intrudinge himselfe to the knowledge of it / neither medles he anye way or other w[i]th the knowledge of it, but lets them alone in their vitious Courses, and rather seemes to be ignorant then to take anye notice of it /
Never thelesse he is ymployed to carrye letters to & againe betweene the Cou[n]tesse and the Viscounte, some to Pater Noster rowe, some to Hamer Smithe, and others to other plac[es] of meeting, w[hi]ch were appointed betweene them / both w[hi]ch means co[m]paring both acc[i]ons togither, he entred into the secrets of this misterie, and became acquainted w[i]th more thinges then the Viscounte would haue had time, from whence A kinde of Iealousie was Carryed to wards him /
Right margin: Of the Second Co[m]p[lain]t of the Earle of Essex, the Nowe the Earle of Essexe p[er]ceiving himselfe to be rather lesse regarded then anye white at all esteemed, enters into A8v Left margin: the Countiss co[n]tinues with Turner to bewitch him, it taketh effect, Forma[n]s death one Gresham is entertayned in the bu sines / A newe discourse with his ladye, w[i]th manye p[ro]testac[i]ons both of his Constancie and love toward[es] her, but with all tells her of her loosnes, of [th]e reporte of the Vulgar, and what A Straung Course of liffe she ledd, contrarye to all Pietie and honestie / w[hi]ch Stung the Cou[n]tesse to the harte, and more incensed & augm[en]ted her mallice towards him, soe [tha]t in A greate furye, shee takes her Coache, and repares to her au[n]tient acquaintance m[ist]ris Turner, whoe according to her old custome is readye to p[er]forme anie evill Acte, and there they Combine to bewitche the Earle, and p[ro]cure a Frigiditie quoad hanc. For this purpose Doctor Foreman was sent for, letters are written for the p[ro]curing of meanes, picturs in waxe are made, Crosses and many Strange and vncooth thing[es] (for what will the evill leave vnattempted to accomplish theire endes) manye attempts failed, and Still the Earle Stood it out, At last they framed A Picture in Waxe, and gott A thorne fro[m] A Tree that bore leaves, and Stucke vpo[n] the privitie of [th]e said picture, by w[hi]ch meanes they accomplished theire desires /
This being done according to her expectatio[n], she repaires to
her house at Chartlye, and thither the Earles comes to her, but
whether he was more lustie then shee expected, or what other
accident happened, it is vnknowne; Neverthelesse she grewe
iealous of her art, and falls into A great feare that all theire
labor were lost: Wherevpo[n] shee writs A lett[er] to Doc[tor] Forman to
this Effecte /
Left margin: The cou[n]t l[ett]re to Docter Forman Sweet Father, allthough I haue found you readye at all tymes to further mee. yet must I still crave yo[u]r help: wherfore I beseech you remember [tha]t you keepe the dores close, and that you still retaine the Lord with mee, and his affection towards mee, I haue noe Cause but to be co[n]fident in you, allthoughe the world be against mee, yet Heaven failes me not. Manie are the troubles I sustaine, [th]e doggednes of my Lord, the Crostnes of my Enemyes, and the subuersion of my fortunes vnlesse you by you[r] wisedome doe deliuer me out of the myddest of this wildernes, w[hi]ch I entreat for Gods sake. From Chartley your affectionate louing daught[e]r
Frances Essex
This letter (coming to the handes of the old man) p[ro]cures A newe attempte, and nowe he goes and inchaunt[es] A nutmegg and A letter, one to be given to the Viscounte in his drincke, the other to be sent vnto him as a pr[e]sent / these thinges being accomplished he not long after dies, leaving behinde him some of these letters, whereby the Cou[n]tesse had entercourse w[i]th him, in his pockett, w[hi]ch gaue some light into the busines, amongst w[hi]ch this same was one. /
Docter Foreman being dead, M[ist]ris Turner wanted one to assist her, wherevpo[n] at the Cou[n]tesses coming vpp to London, one Gresha[m] was9r was nominated to be entertained in this busines, and in p[ro]cesse of time was whollye interressed in it, this man was had in suspit[i]o[n] to haue had A hand in the Gunpowder Treason, he wrote soe neere it in his Almanacks, but w[i]thout all question he was a very skillfull man in his Mathematicks, and in his latter time in witchcraft, as was suspected, and therefore the fitter to be employed in those practises, w[hi]ch as they were Devilish, soe the Devill had A hand in the[m] /
Right margin: The Countes Sends [th]e viscount this L[ett]re inchau[n]ted by D[octor] F[orman] places of meetinge appointed, their intollerable loosenes, Poetts verses vpon them, [th]e begining of the fall Vpon her retourne shee sendes gratulac[i]ons to the Viscounte, and w[i]th those the letters sent her by Docter Forman, he reads it, & the more he reads the more is intangled, for noe man knowes the miseryes that are conteyned in evill Arts, and whoe can w[i]thstand the wordes of evill tonges. wherevpon he retournes answere, and newe places of meeting are assigned, amongst the rest one at Ha[m]mer Smithe / In the meane time the Viscount makes dispatch of his busines, leaves thinges halfe done, halfe vndone to the intent he might meete her whoe had nowe stayed for his coming aboue sixe houres, And being mett they solemplye salute each other, fall into divers discourses and insinuatinge phrases fro[m] wordes to deeds & fro[m] speaking to acting the Sinne of Venerie. The cou[n]tesse haveinge obtayned that shee desired, and [th]e Viscount caught in the nett of adulac[i]on, the more he Striveth to be loosned is caught [th]e faster, Soe that lust haueing by these meanes gott libertie, being Covered w[i]th greatnes like A Fire long concealed in a pile of rotten wood, bursts forthe w[i]th all loosnes and licentiousnes; places of more frequent and pr[i]vate meetings being concluded betweene them, p[er]sons fitting to their purposes being acquainted w[i]th their p[ro]ceedings, watch words are given; All these things haueing relation to A certaine end, make them more boldlie and safelye to accomplish that w[hi]ch both true and the memorye cannot demonstrate in former history. Now these good p[ar]ts w[hi]ch seemed heretofore to be hopefull in the Viscount, co[n]sumes to sinders, and [th]e corruption remaines to brand him in the forehead for his ill living. His modestie becomes ecclipsed, his behaviour light, his Carriage vnseemelye in his place. Nothinge soe costlye, nor tire soe vncouth, but at all Costs and Charges he obtay nes it for [th]e encrease of Favor. Newe fash[i]ons are p[ro]duced that soe he might shewe more beautifull and faire, and [tha]t his favor & p[er]sonage might be made manifest to the world. And for this p[u]rpos yellowe Bandes, dusted heire, Curled, Crisped, frisled, slicked, Skinnes, open breasts beyond accustomed modestie, w[i]th many oth[e]r inordinate attires were worne on both sydes to the shew of [th]e world, soe that for the encrease of dishonest appetites they were abunda[n]tly practised and praysed. Surfiting thus vpo[n] pleasure, having bine before accustomed vnto hardnes, Causeth him to fall into all man[er] of forgettfullnes, letting all thinges goe to wracke, Carelesse in attendance, neglect in state affaires, ignorant of his owne worth subiecting himselfe to the lustfull appetite of an evill woman, accounting noe time soe well spent, nor houre deemed soe happy, as9v as when dalliance and pleasant discourses passe betweene them either in wordes or writtings: soe that in him maye be verifyed [th]e old saying of the Poett /
non facile invenium multis e millibus vnum virtutem precium qui putat esse suum Fallet eum vitiam Spetie virtutis et vmbra Cum sit Trust habita vultuq[ue], Et veste Seberu[m] Nec dubie tanqua[m] fruge laudatur auarum[m] Of thousand youthes there Scarce is one that vertue valueth as his price For vice deceiues them: and alone the shewe of vertue blindes their Eyes Allthough their cou[n]tenau[n]ce pensiue bee theire Garments and their habit graue Yet all theire fruite doubtlesse wee See Is lust and glorye that they craue. /
These thinges laie him open to the ill affection of them [tha]t hate him, and laies the foundation of his vtter subvertion since the Eyes of all men are vpon such as are eminent / and as blacke vpo[n] white is soonest discerned, soe evill Conditions and lascivious affecc[i]ons are soonest p[er]ceived in such p[er]sons /
Left margin:
The faithfullnes
of S[i]r Tho[mas] Ouerbury
to [th]e viscount, the
aduice he gaue him:
contemned: fauors
are more bestowed
vpon him, made of [th]e
priuye Councell
This course of liffe being some thinge Strange to those that
were ignorant of these designes, gives newe occosions of wonder,
and admiraation, how he should Still continew his favor, manye
thinges being left vndone, others done to the halfs, insomuch as
all must lye vpon Overburyes necke, And this doth he honestly
and to the Viscounts creditt attributing every action to his doinge
allthough of him neglected; Answeres for him in his absence, hastens dispatches in his pr[e]sence, furthers the request of sutors, and
thoughe the neglect and Carelesnes of the Viscount growes into
greater creditt and esteeme, soe [tha]t his Carefullnes, sufficiencie.
and deligence, makes him become eminent, and beloved both of [th]e
Kinge and Cou[n]cell, yet neverthelesse he lessens his owne worth,
gives all the dignitie to the Viscount, endeavoringe to searche out
how the people stood affected towards him / findes both many Co[m]playnts and some Iniuryes to be done vnto him, whoe being blinded
w[i]th pleasure overslippes them or letts them passe w[i]th small respecte: Wherevpon he takes occasion at A tyme Convenient, to
vtter these or the like wordes to him. S[i]r howsoever oth[e]r thinges
maie passe either with small regard or be smoothered w[i]th honor
and greatnes, yet such thinges as laie a man open to obliquie
and contempt, can hardlye be obscured in a personne publique
ans eminent as yo[u]r Lordship is, w[hi]ch things are often esteemed
to be in a man that outwardlye seemeth light and effeminate, or inwardlye10r
inwardlye wanteth the ballast of Governemt to poyse externall
actions. Of a truthe Sir be it spoken w[i]thout offence, [th]e Cou[r]t calls
yo[u]r modestie into question, and feares that those honors that should
be hereditarye to noble p[er]sonages wilbe obscured w[i]th eminent is
evills, and blemished w[i]th levitie and vnconsta[n]cie; These w[i]th many
other discourses, having at this time past betweene them, sounded
somethinge harshlye to the Viscounts Eares, as all good counsell
becomes evill to those [tha]t are evill; And in a kinde of ang[e]r flung
from him thoughe vndeserved, yet neverthelesse all his Cou[n]tena[n]ce
and favor was not wholye obscured, but [tha]t he might Still enioye
that w[hi]ch was he expected w[hi]ch was hope of pr[e]ferm[en]t /
More favors are bestowed vpo[n] the Viscount, being called to be one of the pr[i]vie Counsell, w[hi]ch honor howsoever it was greate and more then was expected / yet because he was young (one that to the opinion of the world was of noe education literature or experience besides these inordinate Courses) brings him into further contempt of the world, soe [tha]t everye man would take the freedome of their language, and speake harshlye of these p[ro]ceeding[es], some condemning his course of liffe, others his insufficiencie because of his youthe, and most his want of experience, by which meanes his greatnes overtopps his substance: And as A Shipp w[i]thout ballast is tottered to and againe to the terror of those that are in it in a Storme and highe water; even soe these honors thus suddainlye bestowed on him before the due time, laies him [th]e more open to the evill opinion of the envious, and w[i]th some doth [th]e sooner hasten his ruyn / For w[hi]ch cause it behooveth such as are thus drawne vpp meerelye by Fortune either to be possessed of such vertues before hand, that thereby they might mainetaine the[m]selvs in theire greatnes, or els to expect a suddaine overthrowe at a time vnexpected /
Right margin: 1: Speech of marriage w[i]th the Palsgraue / condicons co[n]cluded vpon / 2: The Prince taks dislike at [th]e viscount, the Princes death. rumors vpon the Same Nowe Prince Henrye was living, and having some intellige[nce] of his loose kinde of liffe, w[hi]ch the Visocunt ledd, and beinge some thing iealous of him, for because of [tha]t he heard, doth vtterlye dislike him, forbeares his Companie, and whether for [tha]t or some other cause it is vnknowne falls flatt at odds w[i]th him, not once giving him anye cou[n]tenau[n]ce or vouchsafeing him his companye / Not long after as it might be in the begining of Nove[m]ber he fell sicke, continued soe some weeke or little more, the maladie increasing (lying in his head,) he dies. A man maye saie of this Prince as was said of Macenas both for wisedome and Strength of body there was not the like to be found amongst the English / The hope of England, Strange was the accident, and manye the rumors [tha]t ensued vpon his death, some saie that A French Physition killed him, others [tha]t he was poysoned, againe others thought that he was bewitched, yet noe certeinetye could be found but [tha]t he dyed a naturall death. This accident filled all the kingdome with lamentac[i]ons, and caused the wedding that followed at Candle Masse after to be kept in sable / the Funeralls were p[er]formed in10v in greate State, and, w[i]th more greiffe, much might be said, but I leave it, my purpose being onlye in breiffe to sett out those matt[e]rs to memorie, that after Ages maye see the evels of our times when the greatest p[ar]te of manye Courtiers Actions are to find out tricks howe to circu[m]vent their fellow Servaunts, and some (if it were possible) to dispossesse the king of his dignitie and hereafter shalbe shewed, soe manye are the discontents [tha]t are cherrished amongst them /
These domesticke affaires hauing thus happened, and [th]e deathe
of the Prince filling the Courte w[i]th sorrowe, and the Court being
full of other implym[en]t by reason of the Marriage [tha]t was to bee
had w[i]th the Palsgrave of the Rhyne and her grace (whoe was now
marriagable) past over the rest in Sylence. The match is concluded,
and great expectac[i]on & provision for his coming over to p[er]forme
the Ceremonies of Matrimonie are made, at whose com[m]ing manye
rumors were spread abroade: First [tha]t the Spaniard tooke this to
harte, and therevpo[n] laide to doe him some mischeiffe by the waye,
That there was A Shipp of Pockett Pistols come oute of Spaine, &
that it was intended by the Papists to have made A massacre, &
that North[amp]ton did vtterlye oppose this matche, for he was as great
an Enemie to the Dutche and p[ro]testants, as even Cicill was their
Freinde, and [tha]t manye Preists were arrived and publiq[ue] procession had by the Papists and such like; yet neverthelesse it was
accomplished w[i]th great Stren pompe and State / All are [th]e greatest p[ar]te of the Nobillitye being theere p[re]sent: the Nobles present
A maske in the great banquiting house, the Gent[le]men of [th]e Mydle
Temple another and Grayes end A thirde, besides three dayes
Tilting and run[n]ing at the Ringe, the kinge himselfe in p[er]son with
the young Prince [tha]t nowe is kinge besides manye other pastimes,
both statelye and becoming the dignitie of A Kinge /
At this tyme there was Proclamation against Farthingals, but to litle purpose, for they rather encreased greater then deminished, for, where a thinge is once growne into A habitt, it is hardlye to be restrayned. There was another Proclamatio[n] vpo[n] the former reporte of the Com[m]ing of A Shipp of Pockett Pistols out of Spaine, that noe man should carrye A Pistole in his Pocket, nor anye [tha]t should be lesse then A Foot longe in the barrell. About this time allsoe the Papist were disarmed, and manye Straunge rumors raysed, w[hi]ch things because they were vncertaine I omitt to relate them, being rather p[er]tinent to State / then vnto p[ro]fitt /
Left margin:
Ambassadors sent into Russia, Swethia,
and other Prouinces
for the renewing of
freindship of [th]e Leaguer in the Low Cou[n]tryes [th]e Rumor of it /
Manye outrages haueing bine nowe of late committed,
by the Arche Duke vpo[n] the States, Divers rumors are raised, co[n]
cerning A league, both Straunge and allmost vniversall, For
there were p[ar]ties; the Pope, the Emperor, the Kinge of Spaine,
and A Cardinall to aide the Arch Duke against the States. The
Foundation of this Combustion was laide vpo[n][th]e sackinge of A
Protestant Towne in Brabant / Wherevpo[n] Grave Morris drew out11r
out ten thousand into [th]e Feilde, and some fewe blowes happened &
suspected [tha]t it would haue gone further, and that there would haue
bine A generall opposition betweene them Protestants & Papists,
but by meanes of the Pope and the kinge it was agreed, and went
noe further, but left A scarr to geive a newe occasion /
The warr of Denmarke was allsoe brought vnto a happie end, and the kinge retayned his right there: Not long after, [th]e yssue wher of, Ambassadors were sent vnto Musco to renewe the league of Freindshipp w[i]th the Emperor, whoe being nowe brought lowe by continuall warrs, was glad to entertaine such A motion, traffique is confirmed there w[i]th [tha]t Nation And fro[m] thence [th]e same Ambassadors went to Swethia to conclude A league of Freindshippe, the reason whereof was thought to be for the au[n]tient amitie that had bine heretofore betweene the kinge and that nation. Fro[m] thence they went to the Duke of Clove, w[i]th salutac[i]ons /
Right margin: The suite of the cloath workers, my Lo[rd] of Rochest[e]r sta[n]ds for them, [th]e co[m]plaint of the countesse, she shewes for a diuorce / Nowe this yeere the Cloath workers (being couetuous of larg ymploym[en]t[es]) petition to the king and Councell that there might go noe more white Cloathes out of this kingdome, but that they might be all dressed and dyed heere, before they went over, and the reasons of their petition were three: first that the Hollander, making vse of dressing and dying our Cloth, sould vs our owne Clothe allmost double the vallewe [tha]t they bought it for, whereby they were enriched, and wee impoverished / A second reason, that whereas there are a multitude of Poore in this kingdome that wanted ymployment, if they might have the dying & dressing of these Clothes, it would finde them worke, whereby they might be releived, and there was noe reason, whye anye other should make benefitt of that w[hi]ch wee might make good vse of our selves. Last lye, whereas the trade of dressing of Cloath began to decaye, if nowe they might but haue this, in p[ro]cesse of time it might be restred, and they might haue as good Skill to dresse Clothe as [th]e Dutch men. My Lord of Rochester, my Lord of Northa[m]pton, and my Lo[rd] Treasuror that nowe is, were great agents in this busines, and were thought to haue bine p[ro]mised great som[m]es of monye to accomplish it
Nowe the Countesse begins newe Compl[ain]t[es] and findinge her arte to continew Firme and that indeed there was such frigiditie quoad hanc accomplished, that her husband the good Earle of Essex could not execute the office of A husband, shee vp and tells her Freindes that shee is still A mayde, and [tha]t shee had good cause to complayne, since [tha]t shee had continued soe long his wiffe, she in that space had never the fruition of that pleasure that ought to be betweene man and wiffe, For w[hi]ch cause she p[ro]tested that shee would never keepe him Companye anye longer & desired A divorcem[en]t because of his insufficiencie. This seemed Strange vnto the world, whoe tooke notice of the Earle to be of an able bodye11v bodye, and likelye to haue manye Children, and to vndertake anye exploite for the good of the Como[n] wealthe, indeed valuing this to bee but an idle and vaine reumor that was spread (as often happeneth) to see howe such A thinge would be liked in the world, and therefore lett it passe w[i]th litle notice / In the meanetyme there is A motion betweene Rochester and her for A Marriage, and since it was soe that the World had taken notice of her loosnes, nowe to make some satisfacc[i]on, they would consum[m]ate A wedding betweene the[m]. This motion was well liked on both p[ar]ties, but the obstacle remayned, her husband was alive, and the lawe would not p[er]mitt her to haue two husbands, Wherevpon shee growes soe much more the Eager of a divorce, that soe shee might haue A newe husband (for women of her disposition delight in change) and therefore renewes her Co[m]plainte. Advise is taken in the busines, whether such A thinge maye be had, there being noe cause publique, as adulterye or dislike of the husband. Againe it was A question, whether the wiffe might sue A divorce or not, for that the Bill of divorcement was given to the husband, and not to the wiffe / Manye suche like obiections being disputed to and againe, at last it is concluded, That in Case the Earle was soe vnable as shee reported to execute the office of A husband, and that if vpon searche by the verdicte of 12: Matrones shee appeared to be Still A Mayde, it was lawfull that there might be A divorce, and the reason was two fold, one that there might be A frigiditie quoad hanc / another [tha]t marriage was appointed for p[ro]creation sake, for w[hi]ch cause it was thought lawfull to sue A divorce /
Vpon this they proceeded to the searche, twelue Matrones were impannelled, the daye appointed, the searche made, & the verdict retourned, that shee was A true mayde; Whoe should bring this to the Eares of the kinge but my Lord of Northampto[n], and soe to the world whoe growes iealous of Fraude, doubting eith[e]r corruptio[n] or deceipt (for it was vulgarlye reported [tha]t shee had had a child long before in my Lord[es] absence) wherevpo[n] some saye this, some saye that, and most that the Countesse was not searched, but [tha]t one of S[i]r Thomas Monsons daughters was brought in to be searched in her place, and soe both Iurie and Iudges deceaved: But how true this is, is not Credible. yet neverthelesse they grau[n]t a bill of divorce; And nowe A sep[ar]ation being had betweene the[m], the Earle in A greate disconte[n]t leaves the Courte, and repairs to his house in Warwicke sheire neere [BLANK] and there lives A Private liffe /
Left margin:
The Motio[n] of [th]e
marriage goes forwarde / Ouerburyes
opinion co[n]cerning it
he diswads Roch[ester] fro[m]
it, [th]e breach betweene
them. [th]e principall caus
of it /
Nowe might there be A lawfull discourse of marriage,
since there was A lawfull divorce had, yet neverthelesse kept
private and onlye some p[ar]ticuler Freindes made privie / On
Rochesters side. Overburye whose advise he amongst others required in this busines, to what end it was vnknowne / Nev[erth]elesse
Overburye was vtterlye against it, and being in serious discou[r]se
w[i]th him, concerning this subiect in the passage Gallerye at w[hi]t Hall12r
Hall, entred into those or the like wordes as was reported. First how
Much he stood obliged to him for his Cou[n]tenance and Favour and
therefore would speake nothinge but the truthe. Then how dutyfull
and readye he was to p[er]forme all his Com[m]aundes, Fro[m] whence hee
might easelye p[er]ceave, that what he spake was out of affeccion.
And lastlye that he had often endeavoured to avert his mynde
from these thinges, that both tyme and the envye of men might turne
to his pr[e]iudice, taxing him that he had made all this to become
hatefull vnto him, and converting the meanes of good intenc[i]ons
towards him to his disp[ar]agem[en]t and losse: Notw[i]thstandinge the
Viscount Still prest him on to passe his opinion, p[ro]testing greate
kindnes and to doe nothing w[i]thout his opinion / wherevpon hee
letts him vnderstand, that p[er]ceivinge the Como[n] reports of the
multitude, and waighing them w[i]th the greatnes of this p[er]sonage,
that he found it to be noe lesse hurtfull to his pr[e]ferrem[en]t, then
helpfull to subvert and overthrowe him. For whoe would (being
possest of soe great possibillities as he was, soe great honors and
large revenewes and daylye in expectac[i]on of others, cast all awaye vpo[n] A woman, that is noted both For her iniurye & imodestye, and pull vpo[n] him the hatred and contempt of great p[er]sonag[es]
for soe small A Matter. Then he willed him to consider with
himselfe the Condic[i]on of the p[er]son whereof he spoke, the manner
of her carriadge fro[m] her youthe, her pr[e]sent Conversation, the
manye envyes dishonors and dislikes that were attendant vppon
her, and besides w[hi]ch is nowe the Com[m]on reporte of [th]e vulgar,
(and he should finde them to be soe) manye evills to attend his subversion and overthorowe. It is not the nature of A wise ma[n] to
make her his wiffe whom he hath made his whore Lastly willed
him to expect noe better requitall at her handes then w[hi]ch she
had shewed her former husband, and withall to waighe the
pr[e]sent Condition that he was in, and to compare it w[i]th the future. Nowe he had but as it were an inclination vnto such a
thinge, neither were those thinges made evident that after
ages would laie open / Neverthelesse [tha]t he was taxed w[i]th incivilitye, levitie, and indeed effeminatenes, that by the opynio[n]
of the wise he was iudged alltogither vnworthye of [tha]t honor [tha]t
was bestowed vpon him; but when these surmises should come
by this his marriage to be made evident, what evills before were
but suspected, should then nowe be enlarged and laied to his
Charge. Honor is not attended w[i]th voluptuousnes, nor are the
ruyn of A Rotten branche, to be cherrished vpo[n] A newe planted
tree, but if that he meant to be made famous, and to Continue
that w[i]th him, [tha]t now he freelye enioyed, his opinion was that he
should vtterlye leave and forsake her Companye, and hold her
both hurtfull and hatefull /
These speeches drewe on others, and the Viscou[n]te beinge a litle nettled in his affection, growes something harsh, and Sir Thomas12v Thomas having bine heretofore excepted at w[i]th these kinde of Co[n]tenc[i]ons, growes soe much the more carelesse, answers word for worde, soe that fro[m] faire and Freindlye Speeces, they growe to word[es] of anger, and either to crosse other. In Conclusion, Overburye required his p[or]t[i]on dewe vnto him, and soe wills Rochester to leave him to his owne Fortunes, for that he could not endure these inordinate Iangles w[hi]ch he had accustomed towards him of late / and that if there had bine anye thinge saide that was eith[e]r offe[n]sive to him, to the disp[ar]agem[en]t of the Countesse, it was by his owne p[ro]curem[en]t, and by reason of the good willand affection that hee bore to him, w[i]th these and many such other wordes they p[ar]te
Left margin: Rochester & the countesse meets, they conclude the deathe of Ouerburye / that North[amp]ton had a ha[n]d in it / [th]e Causes whye / The Countesse having ere this, borne A deadlye hate towardes Overburye, because he had often tymes before diswaded the Viscounte to abstaine fro[m] her Companye / yet nowe havinge disclosed vnto her this speeche, shee becomes more revengfull, especiallye because he had taxed her with the name of a Whore, for truthe is hatefull to the evill, and what before she co[n]cealed, nowe breaks forthe w[i]th furye, for concealed anger is muche worse then open violence, perswading Rochester, that it was not possible, that ever she should endure these iniuryes, or hope for anye p[ro]speritie as long as he lived, he being the only man that w[i]thstood his p[u]rposes, w[i]th manye other p[er]swations, that he onlye of all men begann to growe eminent, and whoe was soe likelye to be the man to Stepp vpp next after him but Overburye. Insoe much as these p[er]swasions, togither w[i]th his owne Conceaved evill, p[ro]cures the Viscount to give A likeing to her determinatio[n], and to put his hand into the Fire where he needed not, makinge himselfe accessarye to that w[hi]ch he had noe occasion to put in practise at all
There were some that charged Northampto[n] to haue had a hand in these businesses, and to haue vttered these and the like wordes / That he wondred howe the Viscount could be soe muche affected to his man Overburye, that w[i]thout him he could doe nothing; as it were, making him his right hand, seeing he being newlye growne into the kings Favor, and whollye dependinge vpon his greatnes, must expect to come to ruyne, when [tha]t man rose to pr[e]ferrm[en]t. Allsoe he condemned Overburye for his bold nes and p[er]emptorye sawcinesse that checkt and corrected the Viscount for the love that past betwixt the Countisse and him, and opposed manye of his designes and purposes, wherevpo[n] he concluded, that vnlesse he did either curbe his greatnes, or abate his Pride, he in tyme would be equall to him both in power and Greatnes. Whether this p[ro]ceeded out of feare of himselfe, or envye towards Overburye, or to colloqve w[i]th his Neece & Roch[ester] or to p[re]vent the plainenes of S[i]r Thomas whoe altogither distasted these iugling courses, it cannot be conceaved, but these are13r are the last woordes that he spake of this subiect / that for his owne p[ar]te he knewe himselfe to be cleere in all offenc[es] against the State, and theire Familye was soe eminent in the Como[n]wealth that he could not hurte him. But for Rochester, being made pr[i]vye to all his dessignes, growing p[er]emptorye and noe whit tractable to his disposition, besides, likelye to come to eminencie & honor in the Como[n] wealthe, he findes it both necessarye and fittinge for his safetie, that he should be A meanes to dispatch him. Wherevpon the Viscount being led by the nose as he thought for [th]e best, gives consent and endeavors to put in practise [tha]t w[hi]ch hee had determined. Now of all handes they cast about howe this mighte be effected and passe vnregarded, soe that they might sustaine no losse or disparagem[en]t by the attempte /
Right margin: S[i]r Willia[m] Wade remoued from the Liuetenancye of [th]e Tower, S[i]r Jeruis Yeluis præferred / For this purpose alone, it was thought that a quarrell was picked w[i]th S[i]r Will[i]am Wade, whoe was nowe Leivtenant of the Tower, and had continued it A greate while, but there were other cause obiected / As First, he was thought too severe against the Ladye Arbella, and gave some other Prisoners too much lib[er]tie / Another was, that he being nowe growne ritche, becan to growe carelesse, and neglected his office, but the verye truth of the businesse was thought to be this / S[i]r Iervis Yelvis beinge A Lincolnesheire gent[leman], haueing bene brought vpp a publique life from his youthe, trayned in the Studie of the lawes in Lincolnes Inne and ambitious of pr[e]ferrm[en]t, offered A some of monye for that honor and Place, For howsoever S[i]r Will[i]am Wade might be one waye taxed for his too much desire of wealthe, w[hi]ch thing might be tollerable in him being prest w[i]th A greate charge, yet he was wise, honest, and discreete in his place, and discharged it w[i]th much more sufficiencye, then he [tha]t succeeded him, but according to [th]e sayinge of the Poett /
Euisquis habet numinos secura nauigat aura Fortunamq[ue] Suo temporet arbitrio Those men that store of monye haue With prosperous wind shall Sayle And Fortune plyes vnto their wishe to speed they cannot faile. /
By this meanes he is gott in to the Leiutenancie, and for
this Cause S[i]r Will[i]am Wade is put lout / thinges ordered after
this sorte never p[ro]ceed w[i]thout entrye, vnlesse the p[ar]ties [tha]t inioye such
places be verye considerate, it is likelye they will haue a sudde[n]
fall, but what care of men of power of such thinges / He being establi
shed in his office, must (to recollect his monye paid) vse some kind
of extortion, and to beare out this be observant to such as pr[e]ferred him13v
him, that soe by theire countenaunce he might vse the greater libertie: for this Cause, he made the Earle of Northampto[n] & Roch[e]st[er]
the whole ende of his Actions, fearing more to displease them then
the kinge A fitt man for theire Purpose
Left margin: The countisse repayres to M[ist]ris Tur ner to enquire out a Man for her, makes complainte of Ou[er]burys insolencye, discloses her determinations, Weston is nominated / In the meane time, the Countisse thought it not enoughe to heare, nor to frett and fume, nor to p[er]swade and intreate my Lord to vndertake this daungerous enterprise, but to M[ist]ris Turner shee must goe, and there renewe her Complaint[es] with teares (hardly found in A woman of her disposition) p[ro]testinge that shee never was soe defamed, neither did shee ever thinke, that anye mann, durst haue bene soe sawcie as to call her whore and base woma[n], and that to Rochester her onlye hopes, and w[i]th an impudent face, but Overburye that Negro, that scum[m]e of men, that divill incarnate, he might doe anye thinge, and passe ether vnregarded or vnpunishd. This moves pittie in this pittifull woman M[ist]ris Turner, whoe frett[es] as fast, to see her Frett, soe that there is such Storming betweene them, as is incredible: At length, even as wee see two Clowdes aft[e]r long Striffe in the Ayre w[hi]ch shall haue prioritie in place, ioyne in one, Soe these two Women, after they had fullfilled their franticke humor, ioyne in this to be the deathe of him, that must be the ende (there is noe other mallice to the mallice of A Woman) noe submissio[n], noe intreatie, noe p[er]swation could pr[e]vayle, but he must dye M[ist]ris Turner soothes her w[i]th (I that she would) and it is pittye hee should live to defame soe hono[ra]ble A Ladye, soe well descended, to the vtter disp[ar]agm[en]t of her house, and that rather then he should passe w[i]th liffe, shee would be his deathes man her selfe / wordes of Course in such Cases where people are carryed awaye with headye mallice, not with reason / yet for all this com[m]ing to theire right sences, they begin to waighe the matter, and that it was noe small thing to kill A man, both in respect of Conscience & lawe / Therefore they cast about w[hi]ch should be the best waye to doe it, at last they conclude that to poyson him was the onlye way and that w[i]th least suspect, but then the p[ar]tie that should doe it was to seeke, for he must be noe ordinarye man, some Apothecarye or Phisitian that might temper the poyson rightlye to take effecte according to their mynde / After long Studye one Weston was named, that had bine sometimes servant to Doc[tor] Turner, & there by learned such experience, that none was soe fitting to accomplish this exploit to him, This man nowe in the Cou[n]trye must be sent for, M[ist]ris Turner must worke vpo[n] him, to bringe him to this exploit / For thinges of this nature must be carryed w[i]th wisedome and discretion, for whoe will hazard his liffe for Hadd I wist, Two hundred poundes is p[ro]ferred him, lucre Constraines him, & he of all men vndertakes it /
Left margin: Ouerburys great favor These thinges notw[i]thstanding, Overburye Stills growes into14r Right margin: fauour, [th]e motio[n] of the Counsell to send him Ambassador to the Arch Duke, He conte[m]plats of it p[er]swaded by my Lo[rd] viscount to refuse it / into favour, and the Cou[n]cell finding his diligencie & sufficiencie in his place, nominates him as A man fitt to be sent Ambassador in to the lowe Cou[n]tries to [th]e Arch Duke, making that A meanes to drawe him vpp to greate p[re]ferrem[en]t[es]. This comes to Overburyes Eare, whoe knowing my Lord of Northampto[n] to be his vtt[e]r enemie, and growinge iealous of Rochester, begins to contemplate w[ha]t the meaning of this might be; thus betweene hope and feare hee Standes at A maze / to refuse would be to his greate disgrace, to vndertake it would be to the losse of his pr[e]ferrem[en]t / Standing in this doubt, the Viscount after thus manye iangles comes to him; and salutes him, and after manye discourses falls into speech of the intenc[i]on of the Cou[n]cell concerning this Ambassage, not soe much to assist him, or encourage him to it, as to see howe he Stood affected. Wherevpo[n] finding him hammering vpo[n] his determinnac[i]ons, not being certainelye determined of anye thinge, ioynes w[i]th him, and vtterlye diswades him fro[m] vndertaking it, for (q[uo]th hee) yor pr[e]ferm[en]t and yor expectac[i]ons lies not amongst forrag[n]e Nations / you are nowe in Creditt at home, and haue allreadye made triall of the dau[n]gers of Travell / whye then should you hazard all vpon vncertaineties being in possession (as A man mighte saye) of all that you maye expect, by this meanes allready. These Speeches, w[ha]t with the trust that he put in the Viscount, what w[i]th the doubtfullnes of his mynde, doth in A manner confirme his opinion rather to leave it then to take it, but neverthelesse gives him to vnderstand, that it was noe small thinge to oppose the determinac[i]ons of the Cou[n]cell and to contradicte the kings imploym[en]t[es]: For in either of these, he must expect the displeasure of both, and be in dau[n]ger to receive condigne punishm[en]t. But Rochester to gett these doubts out of his mynde, w[i]th great prostacons and long discourses, letts him vnderstand, that he had soe much experience of his worthe, and found him soe faithfull and diligent in his ymploym[en]t[es], [tha]t he could as well misse his right hand as misse him, and that in case anye such daung[e]r should happen to him, yet neverthelesse if either his word, his let[ter], Creditt or favor could either mitigate, release, or releive him, it should not be wanting to doe him ease or pleasure: Being led led on w[i]th these hopes, he is in a manner drawne vtterlye to denie [tha]t w[hi]ch was intended for his profitt, and to give him a fitt opp[er]tunitie to execute their mallice towards him as aft[e]r happened; thus according to the saying of the Poett ne quicqua[m] crede {hand} credere quisqua[m] name fronte politi Astutam vapido seruent sub pectore vulpem beleiue thou not scarce any ma[n] for oft a Phrigian Face Is smoothlye cou[er]ed w[i]th a smile but w[i]thin seekes thy disgrace
The Viscount seeing him at this time in soe fitt a vaine to be wrought vpon, and soe easilye to be p[er]swaded from his purpose, doth14v doth shewe him much more Favor then heretofore he had done, the better to confirme credence in him toward[es] his p[er]swations, and to encourage him in his determinac[i]ons, that by this meanes he is vtterlye deceaved, and growes confident to forsake it. In this mynde the Viscounte leaves him, & betaks himselfe to his p[u]rpose /
Left margin: The Countisse Earle and Viscou[n]t meete / they determine of the matter, the K[ing] is incensed against Ouerburye / Sir Iervace being nowe growne old in his office, and acquain ted with it, amongst other thinges is sounded, whether he Stand[es] faithfull toward[es] his two Patrons Northa[m]pto[n] and Rochester, whereby it is found that he would be plyant to any thing they desired, but not yet made acquainted with this determination, Neverthelesse it feeds them with hope to execute theire p[u]rposes, w[i]th better p[ro]speritie: For the Leiuten[an]t being their Freind, and Weston (A man [tha]t had gott the arte of poysoning) entertayned for the purpose, and with A resolute mynde readie to effect it, made them neither suspect nor doubt anye thinge, onlye how they might get him to the Tower. For this purpose it was thought fitt, that Rochester haueing the kings Eare, should be a means to possesse the kinge w[i]th some misdemenors that he had comitted, that there by the kinge being incenst against him, and the refusall of the Ambassage making evident the truthe of these Co[m]plaints, that they need not doubt of anye such matter. Wherevpo[n] my Lord of Rochester amongst other thinges (at a time convenient) letts the kinge vnderstand howe insolent Overburye waas grow[n]e, that he not onlye contemned him, but his Ma[jes]tye allsoe, estimatinge this imploym[en]t to be sent Ambassador either too light A pr[e]ferrm[en]t for his deserts, or els intended to p[ro]cure him some further evill, and that he vtterlye dislike it, and determined to refuse it. The king being possest of these thinges, and by him, whoe to the Iudgm[en]t of the world was his greatest freind, tooke displeasure at it, soe that by his Cou[n]tenance one might haue p[er]ceived his anger. For the frowning of A kinge, is like [th]e roaring of A Lyon, terrible to the Spectators and hearers, so [tha]t nowe they doubted not of their expectac[i]ons to gett him into [th]e Tower, where being as prisoner in the kings disgrace, vnd[e]r the p[ro]tectio[n] of one whoe more esteeemed their favor then the kings displeasure, sequestred fro[m] his Freindes, noe intercourse suffered to come vnto him, but what came fro[m] the Cou[n]tesse, Northa[m]to[n] and Rochester, and Weston A fitt agent to execute all man[er] of evills, whie to the Iudgm[en]t of the world it is vnpossible, that this evill should ever come to light, And thus being cockred vp in their owne conceipts, they runn headlonge to their owne distruction. For when ther were but two p[er]sons pr[i]vye to the Acte of Murther as in Cayne and Abell, it could not passe vnpunished, but [tha]t Cayne must be marked w[i]th a p[er]petuall m[ar]ke of ignominie; howe much more shall this goe vndiscovered whe[n] there are soe manye pr[i]vye to it. Thus maye wee see, that one sinne15r sinne another doth p[ro]voke, and that murther is as neere to lust as flame to smoke
Right margin: S[i]r Tho[mas] Refuses the Ambassage incurrs [th]e K[ing’s] displesure, he is sent to [th]e Tower, Weston is preferred to him, Gressa[m] dies, Franckline e[n]tertayned into the busines, a new Speech of Marriage betweene the Countis & Rochester Sir Thomas Overburye and Rochester having (for some private occasion) fallen into A newe breache at New Markett retournes verye pensivelye to london; And nowe the time being come that he should give an answere what he would doe co[n]cerning this Ambassage, he answered [tha]t he acknowledged himselfe much bound vnto his Ma[jes]tye for manye favors, [tha]t he had bestowed vpo[n] him, and amongst the rest, most of all in that it pleased him, as to pr[e]ferre him to soe greate honor, but yet neverthelesse, knowing himselfe vnworthie of such A Place, vnexperienced how to execute it, and besides tied to manye domesticke busynesses, desired to be excused. This seeming something strang and harsh, that he should refuse his owne good, and by these meanes incurr the displeasure of the kinge, and loose his expectac[i]ons, makes some of his Freindes to wonder, others to Stand in a maze But in Conclusion as he had iustlye deserved by reason of his co[n]te[m]pt he is Comitted to the Tower, but not to be kept as a close Prisoner; but after my Lord of Northa[m]pto[n] and Rochester beinge both of the privye Cou[n]cell and in great favor at Courte, sendes vnto the Liveten[a]nt, that he should keepe him close pr[i]soner, and afterwards received by word of mouthe fro[m] S[i]r Tho[mas] Mounson, that he should not suffer any lett[e]rs, tokens, or other thinges to be delivered vnto him
Theire expectac[i]on in this thinge being accomplished, M[ist]ris Turner by the instigac[i]on of the Cou[n]tesse, becomes A greate Sutor to S[i]r Thomas Mou[n]son, to haue his letter to pr[e]fer Westo[n] vnto S[i]r Thomas, to waite on him in the Tower, whoe hearing [th]e name of the Cou[n]tesse, and withall vnderstanding of the greate affection that was betweene her and Rochester, condiscended, wrote, and sent him w[i]th this letter to S[i]r Iervis in the Tower, he shewed it to S[i]r Thomas / S[i]r Thomas willing to deserue his pr[e]tious cheifs favor with the more readines entertayned him, as when A man ignorantlye treads vpo[n] A serpent, is stunge for his labor, soe S[i]r Thomas harbors in his owne brest, [th]e author of his owne distruccio[n] /
Nowe Gresham growing into yeares haueing spent muche
time and manye fowle prayers to accomplish these things, at
this time gethers all his bables togither, vizt Pictures in lead,
in Waxe, in plats of Gold of naked men and women, w[i]th Crosses
Crucifixes, and other ymplem[en]t[es], wrapping them all vp togither
in A Starke crossed everye letter in the Sacred worde Trinitie
crossed {ɑ.u ԝ.o:} crossed, these beinge verye holilye delivered into
the handes of one Westo[n] to be hidd in the Earthe that noe man
might finde them / and soe in Thames Streete finished his15v
his evill times, he dyed leaving behinde him A man and A mayd,
one hanged for A witche the other for A Theefe /
After his death w[i]th much writtinge, manie entreaties and
rewardes, One Francklyn A Yorke sheire man was entertained
into these actions, A man of A reasonable Stature, crookshouldred, of A swarthie Complection, and thought to be noe lesse A
Witche then the two former Gresham and forman / this man was
more ymployed to make poysons fitt to be administred by Westo[n]
then otherwise, for he was excellent in that Arte, to mitigate or
increase their Strength, soe that sometimes A Poyson should be
A Monthe ere it shwould worke / verilye, evill actions shall nev[e]r
want evill actors, and in all Ages Phisitians, Apothecaries, drug
gests, Cashiered serving men that haue fallen into want, haue
still bine the Agents in such enterprises. Tyberius his Phisitia[n],
Spade an Apothecarie, and Higdo Drusus servant, are made Agentes to be his poysoners. Nerowes bond men must kill him,
Pisees Captaine vnder Germanicus, must poyson him, and by
the helpe of A woman posoner of Coo a towne in Gretua whoe
was soe skillfull [tha]t shee hid poyson in his hayre to kill himselfe,
A Centurion to Maximus must poyson him. Alexand[e]rs phisitia[n]
Anti Pater and Aristotle must be the author of his deathe / and
heere Franklyn A kinde of Phisitian, Westo[n] A servant to Sir
Thomas, and S[i]r Iervis Yelvis, whoe is as you shall hereafter
heare, Privado to the Earle and Viscount and the Countesse,
and M[ist]ris Turner are made instrum[en]t[es] to kill and dispatch S[i]r
Thomas Overburye / Soe that it hath bene allmost in all Ages,
and in all such outrages founde that ether such p[er]sons or wome[n]
haue bene Actors in such attemptes /
Overburye being thus confyned into the Towre, & acco[m]pted
amongst them as A Fryer, A dead p[er]son in lawe, in whose brest
manye secretts were Contayned, being Still fedd on w[i]th hope
of pr[e]ferrem[en]t and libertie, least he should disclose w[ha]t he knew /
they at theire will and pleasure carrouse full healthes of
sinne and abominac[i]on, and freelye discourse of A marriage to
be consumated betweene them Cou[n]tesse and Rochester, that soe
being tyed in this bond of Matrimonye, and ioyned in affinitie
w[i]th my Lord of Northa[m]pto[n], more trust might be had in him,
and better vse be made of his honor and greatnes. Nowe there
is noe man to support him, noe man to diswade him, his loosnes
w[i]th the Cou[n]tesse gaules his Conscience / and [tha]t it might be [th]e
more offensive to him, and make him willinger to co[n]sent
to this motion, he is Still prest with it, and [tha]t it is both vnfitt
and vnseemelye, whereas on the other syde if they marrie, it
will be both lawfull, honorable, and Comendable, & the Eares
of the Vulgar will be then stopt, and none dares to be soe
bould as to touch him w[i]th it. This carries shewe of truthe,
soe that w[ha]t with his former affection, what w[i]th his present
offence [tha]t he conceives at theise courses, concludes [th]e marriag / tymes16r
times are appointed to Conferr how impedim[en]t[es] mighte bee
avoyded, and what should be fitting for to be done in this behalfe /
Right margin:
How [th]e Lieutena[n]t
came acquainted w[i]th
this busines, incou[r]aged
to persist by Northto[n],
rewards promised
him, he examines S[i]r
Thomas to finde out
his affectio[n] most
thinke of Religion,
Some thinke towards
the Countesse
It is nowe highe time to enter into this Action, and [th]e Cou[n]
tisse meanes to be the First, and for this purpose shee went & gott
A Glasse of blewe water some two inches longe, this being wraped
in a pap[er], shee deliversto Westons sonne w[i]th Instructions, [tha]t he
should goe to the Tower and deliver it to his Father. Hee doth soe,
whoe having his matter A forehand put in his head, at supp[er] time
takes the glasse in one hand, and whoe should he meete w[i]thall as he
was goinge, but S[i]r Gervis Yelvis the Leivten[a]nt, soe demaundes
he of him w[i]th a kinde of Caution whether he should give it him
nowe, the Leivten[a]nt Stopt and asked him what, to w[hi]ch Weston
answered, S[i]r knowe you not what is to be done, this made him
Stand in A Mase and doubt the worst, wherevpon he calls Westo[n]
into examinac[i]on, and makes him confesse all his intenc[i]on, fro[m]
what Groundes, of whom he receaved it, and p[ar]tlye the cause of it,
He nowe being made A Slave vnto Greatenesse, and having laide
out much monye to p[u]rchase his place, for feare to loose the one, &
to offend the other, letts Weston goe w[i]th this Caution to omitt it
for that times, Whereas A wise man (rather then he would haue
runne himselfe headlonge into p[er]dicion) would haue discovered
it, and haue made them A meanes to haue manifested his faith
fullnes and deligence in his office. But what shall we saye to
A man lost, the next daye he is sent for to the Lord of North[amp]ton,
there after manye longe and large discourses, at lengthe the
Earle discloses to him his intenc[i]on concerning Overburye, and
w[i]th those thinges mingles manye of his insolencies. First of his
obstanacie against the Viscount, his insolencie against [th]e Cou[n]t[ess]
his opposition against all most all good men; and [tha]t for these
Causes if such A thinge happened, there being none to looke
after him, it would passe vnregarded or respected. But with
all giveds him manye Cautions howe he should manage himself
in this buisynes, letting him vnderstand, what manner of man
he was / A Scholler, and one that had an excellent tounge and
witte / A travellor, experienced in the Course of the world / &
besides that favoured of the Contrarye Faction, and as great a
politician as anye was this daye in England. Therefore in this
regarde, he ought to be soe much the more warye, both whoe came
to him and whoe went from him, and aboue all, that noe letters
past too and fro These and manye other cuch like speecches having
past betweene them (for the Earle was two howres by his owne
Confession in prompting him w[i]th Cautions and Considerations,
that he might be the readyer to acte his parte in this adve[n]ture
he was to deale in) Lastlye he concludes [tha]t aboue all, hee
should insinuate w[i]th him to see how he stood affected to theise
proceedings and what wordes he vttered, For a hart full
thrust w[i]th greiffe and sorrowe must either speake or burste,
and his secrecie and deligence herein shall be rewarded w[i]th
A thousand poundes / Whether it was [th]e greedines of [th]e reward,
or the foolish desire he had to give content vnto the Earle and
Viscounte, they being his onlye favorors, or some other hope tis
vnknowne, but he by this meanes is brought on to his owne distruction, and soe gives consent to conceale that w[hi]ch was inte[n]ded. At his Coming backe he repaires to S[i]r Thomas Ou[er]bury
vnder pr[e]tence to comforte him in his sorrowe, and advises him
to be more lightsome, and not to consume himselfe in greiffe /
by this meanes entring into further discourse, secretly insynuats
into his intenc[i]ons S[i]r Thomas haueing A good opynion of him,
and supposing that all was done out of Faithe and honestie towards him, having by this meanes learnt what he could out
of him, writes vnto my Lord of North[amp]ton a l[ett]re to this effect /
My especiall good Lord, hauing vndertooke my prisoner accordinge to yo[u]r Instructions after long silence as standinge betweene
hope and feare, he takes his Bible, and protests after he had
read vpon it, he takes it and by it p[ro]tested his in[n]ocencie. Aft[e]r
vpon further conference concerning the Countesse he said, that
(he had iustified her allreadye, and [tha]t he could doe noe more
then he had done; but for himselfe, alas quoth he what will
they doe with mee; I answered, soe reason you, as you shall
make noe question hereafter of your purenesse, and I lefte
him in some sence to worke vpon him. As I was goinge he concluded, that in the generallitie she was soe worthie [tha]t she
might be a wife for anye man, but not to saye that she was
a wife in perticular for my Lord of Rochester, he woulde
not saye it least my Lord should co[n]dempne him for waighinge
his worthe. At my next coming to him, I found him not in
sence but furie, he lett flye at you, but was respective of
my Lord of Rochester, whose part he taketh altogither, I
see the event, I desire it maye be safelye Covered. What
my service maye doe you in this or anye thinge else, I will
be faithfull to your Lordshipp, and soe I rest Yo[u]rs
Jeruice Yeluis /
This and manye other thinges being inserted into this l[ett]re, was sent vnto the Earle, w[hi]ch he read, and in reading laughes and smiles, at the simplicitye of the one and ignorance of [th]e oth[e]r / Neverthelesse in outward apparance he applauds all [th]e actio[n]s of S[i]r Iervice, but espetiallye to my Lord of Rochester, holding him both A discreet and A wise man, and that his service and honest dealing in this imployment, deserves everlastinge prayses w[i]th after ages / Weston
17rRight margin:
More Poysons are
sent fro[m] the Cou[n]tes,
S[i]r Thomas Mounson
is Suspected to haue
a hand in this businesse. Ouerburye
growes Sicklie, iealous of his dyet, noe
accesse is suffered
to him /
Weston having receaved foure score poundes of his allowance, and yet neverthelesse nothing accomplished according to
the Cou[n]tesses expectac[i]on, is checkt by {M[istre]ss} Turner for delayinge it, Wherevpo[n] he getts into his handes certaine poysons,
vidzt Roscetre, white Arsinicke, Mercurye sublimate, Cantharides, red mercurye, w[i]th three or foure more severall poysons, tempering them with his brothe, and his meates, according
as he sawe them affected increasing and deminishinge [the]ir Strength
as he was instructed by his auntient Freinde Mr Francklyn / Besides these Tarts and Iellyes are sent by the Viscount & Cou[n]tisse,
to S[i]r Thomas Monsons and from thence by the handes of one Symo[n]
master servant vnto S[i]r Thomas, to be delivered to Weston, and soe
to overburye, Everye of w[hi]ch tarts and Iellyes were poysoned w[i]th
A severall poyson. These courseths causes S[i]r Thomas Monson to be
suspected of this acte, and to haue a hande in it: First in respect
he pr[e]ferred Weston to this service / Secondlye because poysoned
Tartes and Iellyes went out of his house / And lastlye, for that
he did not discover these thinges, his men onlye having accesse vnto
the Tower and that to speake with Weston. Nowe his Salte, his
Sawce his meate, his drincke, and whatsoever he eates, is mi[n]gled
with poyson, and for the increase of the torment, is either increased or deminished, as he sawe S[i]r Thomas Overburye affected /
By this meanes he begins to growe extreame sickelye having bine heretofore accustomed to very good healthe, in soe
muche as he can scarce Stand or goe, what w[i]th the paine of his
bodye and the heate / yet neverthelesse being A Strong man he
Stood it out A longe time, till at length he began to growe
iealous of his man Weston, for his Maladye increased or di{miprise} minished as he affected / but yet some Phicksicke he desired,
and at his speciall instance and request, and not w[i]thout some gr[ea]t
gratuitie as was thought, One Paule de-la-bell, an Apothecarie
by the advice of Docter Mervine, brought A Bathe to coole his
bodye, w[i]th advise to be spare of his Dyett for that he suspected
his meate was not wholesome / surelye this did him much good, &
p[re]served his liffe longer then they expected, in soe muche as
they doubted some fallacie or fraude, and therefore sent newe
l[ett]res to the Leivten[a]nt to haue A spetiall Care that none might be
suffered to see him, or speake with him, for evill men are full of
needlesse Feares, and nowe there is such spetiall watch had over
him, that none of his men might be p[er]mitted soe much libertie as
to speake with him out at A windowe, and the reason being asked,
answere was made that the Leuieten[a]nt had Comaundem[en]t fro[m] the
Cou[n]sell that it should bee soe /
Thus this good Gent[leman] passeth awaye his tedious and sorrowfull dayes, w[i]th manye discontents being filled w[i]th paines and greifs, w[i]thout Freindes or Comfortors, readye to be vexed & torme[n]ted vpon everye newe occasion, and consuminge and languishing away w[i]thout17v without anye como[n] societie, that was allowed to the meaneste Prisoner in the house. In this man maye wee see [th]e miserye of such as fall into the handes of popish Catholicks, for by Northa[m]tons meanes, was this Strictnes shewed towardes him. Heere will wee leave him languishing in sorrowe, & lame[n]ting his misfortune
Left margin: The marriage betweene [th]e viscount & [th]e Count[ess] published questioned whether it maye be lawfull, a nullitie obtayned to the intent to make it lawfull, My Lord of Essex repayes her portion, the Viscou[n]t made E[arl] of Somersett Tyme can noe longer conceale these secrett meetings, but it must come to the light / the marriage betweene the Viscount & the Cou[n]tesse is published / this is Strange to the world, & so much the more Strange, by how much three such great & eminent p[er]sons as the Earle of Essex, the Cou[n]tisse, and the Viscount, were interessed in it; And nowe according to the Como[n] course, every one speakes as they Stand affected, some boldlye, some sparingly, some calls her A loose Woman and pitties the good Earle of Essex, & saye that he had sustayned soe much wronge, then eu[er] any English Peere had done: First to suffer disgrace by the Prince, nowe by his wiffe / others blame her, and give wordes harsh & vnsee[m]lye / A third sorte, Rochester, and that it is pittye but that she should proue as badd A wiffe to him, as ever shee did to the Earle of Essex / Then if Overburye had bine at libertie this had never happened. Others that were more Staid and iuditious in [the]ir opinio[n], foresawe the ruyne and downefall of Rochester by this meanes but noe durst for whoe will put his finger into [th]e fire vnlesse he be compelled / Neverthelesse to stoppe the Mouthe of the Vulgar, this marriage is called into questio[n], whether it maye be lawfull or not, because her husband was livinge / For this Cause the Bishopps of this Land were devided: by the opynion of some shee might, by the opynio[n] of others she mighte not. My Lord of Canterburye London and manye others, were vtterlye against it / But Winchester and Elye stood stiffelye it might, p[ro]vided that A nullitie mighte be had, for by [tha]t meanes the former marriage should be vtterlye determined. A nullity was obtayned, and vpon the graunt of that it was ordered, [tha]t my Lord of Essex should repaye her portion, [tha]t he receaved w[i]th her at her Marriage, that soe to the shewe of the world, it might be said, there had bine noe marriage betweene the[m]; This afterwards was called into question, and thought a meere tricke of North[amp]ton to disparage some of the greatest of o[u]r Clergie, and to discou[n]tenance our religion, it left a fowle Scarre, and gave occasion to the adversarye to speake broadlye, where they had free libertie, & of some even in our kingdome
This Order being sent to my Lord of Essex, he forthw[i]th pr[e]pares for the paym[en]t of five thousand poundes (for soe much he had receaved w[i]th her) and for this purpose he sold and feld divers woodes at Adderstone, and neere there abouts / His Grand18r Grand mother the Cou[n]tisse of Leicester helpt him much, or els he should haue bine constrayned to sell much land to haue paide it / Verelye A harde course having sustayned soe manye iniuries /
The king neverthelesse continwes his Favor towardes Rochest[e]r, and that he might be as eminent as the best / he is installed Earle of Somersett, thus favors are heaped vpo[n] him though hee little deserued them; And the Cou[n]tisse hath what shee desireth, that is Still to be a Cou[n]tesse, but called after another name, [tha]t is Cou[n]t[ess] of Somersett. Manye are the Changes that happen in this world, some good, some badd, and those thinges we least suspect doth soonest happen to subvert vs / At this tyme my Lord of Somersett little thought to haue bine laide in the Tower, and made heire of Ou[er]bury bedchamber, but by this wee maye see, that all thinges are in [th]e handes of God /
Right margin: The Marriage comes to S[i]r Tho[mas]Ou[erbury’s] eares, he prophiseth his owne death, he falleth to A Relapse, he writs to the Ear[l] to Remember his promise, Answere was Sent him with w[ha]t Mercurye insteed of a medicinable Powder: his death, [th]e State of his body after his death, [th]e rumour [tha]t is Spred of him, the Authors lamentation. / Nowe allthoughe S[i]r Thomas Overburye was kept pr[i]vate, and that noe man might haue accesse to him, yet the newes of this marryage comes to his Eares, and pr[e]sentlye vpo[n] hearing of it he tells the messinger, that he had allmost as good haue saide, to morrowe he should dye, for he was sure nowe not to live long, and therevpo[n] falls into greate Lamentations, aswell in respect of [th]e Earle of Som[er]sett [tha]t he had soe cast awaye his Fortunes, as of himselfe, for that nowe he more suspected his liffe then heretofore, Wherevpo[n] he falls into A relapse, and his maladye encreaseth more and more vpo[n] him / whether weakned w[i]th greife or for wante of libertie, or through abstinence it is not knowne, but the Poyson hath nowe more power over him then eu[er] heretofore, in soe much that he could Scarce contayne himselfe, by reaso[n] of his extreame languishing awaye, as A man in A Co[n]sumption, but w[i]th much more extremitye / Soe that nowe being in this extremitie, he tthinkes it highe time to put Somersett in mynde of his p[ro]mise, and for this p[u]rpose he writts A letter to this effecte
Right margin:
Ouerburyes l[ett]re
to the Earle /
Right ho noble and worthie Sir, your former accoustomed
favours, and absolute promise concerning my present deliuerance, hath caused mee at this time by these lines to
sollicite your Lo[rdshi]pp and to put you in reme[m]brance of [th]e same
not doubting [tha]t yo[u]r honor is at all forgettfull of me, but only
(by reason of my imprisonem[en]t) being possest of a dau[n]gerous
desease, would for my bodyes safetye, p[ar]take of [th]e filicitie
of the opeen ayre; In which Case if yo[u]r Lordshippe please to
Comiserate my p[re]sent necessities, and procure mee my
speedye deliuerance, I shall not onlye stand soe muche [th]e
more obliged, but allsoe acknowledge you the defendor &
preserver of my liffe
These lines (being subscribed) were sent to Somersett, & deliu[er]d
into his own handes, the messinger retournes answere, [tha]t pr[e]sentlye he could not accomplish what he required, but willed him18v
him not to doubt, for shortlye he should heare of his deliverance
Thus being fedd w[i]th hope, he tooke newe comforte to him, in the
meane time Weston repaires to M[ist]ris Turner for more of his
paie being nowe in want, answere was made that soe soone as he
hadd ended his imploym[en]t, he should not faile to receave it, but
before then he must not expecte anye thinge. Wherevpo[n] he retur[n]s
and enters vpon newe designes, for in all this time, that is from
the 21: of Aprill vntill the begin[n]ing of September following in
the yeare 1613: S[i]r Thomas had held out. While he was thus pusling himselfe to {l} bringe this to perfectio[n] Somersett sent him A
letter to this Effect. That as yet the Courte was busye about ym
portant businesses, and the kings Eare was not at leasure to
entertaine anie motion, but as soone as he could find opp[or]tunitie,
he would not faile to speake in his behalfe. In the meane time
to ease the paine of his maladie, he had sent him A soveraigne
powder either to be eaten, or drunke, w[hi]ch powder was rancke
poyson / This feedes him Still w[i]th hopes, but brings him small
Comforte / Nowe Weston had found out an vnknowne Apothec[ary]
and w[i]th him concludes for twentie poundes to administer A
Glister, wherein should be put in Mercurye Sublimate, the
youthe was wone to doe it, Weston pr[e]pares it, p[er]swades Sir
Thomas that wilbe much for his healthe; Wherevpo[n] about the
14: daye of Sept[ember], he bringes the said Apothecarye to execute
his office, assists him therein, and by the infusion thereof, hee
falls into A languishing disease with A paine in his Gutts, the
next daye after w[i]th extremitie of paine he gave vpp [th]e Ghost /
After his death, Weston receives the rest of his paie, and
dispatches the vnknowne Apothec[ary] into France / After it was
given out that S[i]r Thomas lived A loose liffe in the Towre, &
not according to that Strictnes, that became A Prisoner but
being suffered to haue too much libertie, he runn into [th]e excesse
of laciviousnes, soe that there by hee gott the Poxe, and thereof
dyed. This went for Currant amongst some, amongst others [tha]t
were ignorant, some litle respect had to it, but to others that
sought narrower into the matter, they found it farr oth[e]rwise,
For De-la-Bell the Apothecarye before spoken of, havinge
relation to him A little before his deathe, reported he was
changed in his Complection, his bodye Consumed awaye, and
full of yellowe blisters vglye to looke vpo[n] And it appeared
by A letter that my Lord of North[amp]ton wrote to Rochester
to picke A thanke, that there was found in his Arme a blister,
an vop[n] his bellye 12 kernells raised, not like to breake, ech
as broade as three pence, as bigg as A small butto[n], one yssue
vpo[n] his backe wherevpo[n] was A Plaster fro[m] his shoulders
downewards of A darke Tawnye collor, strang and Vglye
to behold, he stuncke soe intollerable {} not to be borne with and19r
all, gladd to be throwne into A loose sheete into his Coffine, buryed
without knowledge or privitie of his Freindes vpo[n] the Tower hill / At
last he concludes [tha]t God is Gratious in cutting of ill Instrum[en]t[es] before
theire tyme. Some of the factious Crewe had A purpose, if he had
gott out, to haue made some vse of him, from whence maye be gathered, howe that Northampto[n], held Protestants factious, & suspected S[i]r Thomas to haue further knowledge of his Secretts then he
would haue had him, w[hi]ch was the Cause as was thought, besides [th]e
former evills, [tha]t hastned his ende, and caused him to be taxed w[i]th
soe greate infamie as to dye of the Poxe. This passeth Currant &
the mischeiffe lyes concealed, whoe dares to speake of it, two suche
greate men having theire handes in it /
Thus maye wee see, that as well good as bad men come to miserable endes, and oftentimes those that are vertuous doe soonest suffer
disgrace and Contempt. This man before he came to Courte was
brought vpp in all gent[leman] like quallities / In his youth at Cambridge
after in the mydle Temple there instructed in those quallities became A Gent[le]man. by the intreatie of my Lord Treasuror S[i]r Rob[er]t
Civill pr[e]ferred to Courte, found Favor extraordynarie / yet hindered in his expectac[i]ons by some of his Enemies, and to shifte
of discontents forced to mur Travell, therein spent not his tyme
as most doe to losse, but furnishing himselfe w[i]th thinges fittinge
A Statesman by experience in forrainge governm[en]t[es], knowledge
of the Language, passages of imploym[en]t, externall Cou[r]tshippe
and good behaviour, thinges not comon to everye man. Notw[i]th
standinge such as are the imp[er]fections of our tymes, he is broughte
into ignominie and Contempt / and all those good quallities obsc
cured by the disgracefull reproaches of A dissolute Woman; what
shall we then saye, since both vice and vertue doe both end w[i]th misery
he is most happie that liveth most private, for accordinge to the
saying of the Poet /
Vitam animas operam Sumptus impedim[us] aula Præmia pro meritis quæ retributa putas Aula dedit nobis reseripta votata papyro Et sine mente Sonos et Sine corde manus Paucos beauit, aula plures perdidit Sed et hoc quoq[ue] ipso quos beauit perdidit
Our Lusts, our Soules our wealth wee Spend In court to purchase praise But what Reward is in the Ende For our desarts t’as repaide There vowes and protestations deepe Not prest in pap[er] but in winde There 19v There Sounds of wordes to lull’s a Sleepe from bodye forct, not from the mynde Hands there wee ioyne but not our harts whereby it happineth fewe are blest But manye thousand that resorts vnto the Courte by it are lost And of those fewe that blessed are wee often see theire fall againe Their blessed dayes are Speent in care, And after end their lives in paine / To conclude amongst Courtiers, Enmitie is holden for p[er]fect Amitie, and those Freindes whom most wee trust, doe soonest seke to subvert and overthrowe vs, as appeareth even in this exa[m]ple before our Eyes
Left margin:
The co[m]plaint for
want of Treasure, [th]e
K[ing] Setts many Lands
to fee farme, [th]e death
of my Lo[rd] Harrington,
[th]e death of his Sonne /
Greate som[m]es of monye being disbursed vppo[n] her graces
weddinge, and dayly ymploym[en]t[es] for others, some for Ireland / The
Treasuror wanting there to defraie ordinarye expences, some for
Complainte for want of Treasure; Officers of Courte goe vnpaid,
and manye of the kings Servants rec[eive] not their wages at sett tymes,
soe that the kinge is forced to sett manye of his Lands to Fee Farme,
and the Fower deputed Treasurors w[i]th some fewe others haue [th]e passinge of them. Nowe my Lord Harrington obtayned A Patent for
the making of brasse Farthings, A thinge that brought w[i]th it some
Contempt though lawfull, for all things lawfull are not expedient, whoe being enioyned to goe into the lowe Cou[n]tryes w[i]th her
Grace, by the waye lost his liffe / His Sonne succeeded both in his
honor and Patent, but enioyed them not long, for hee dyed w[i]thin
A short time after, the hopefullest Gent[le]man of that name, more
fitt for ymploym[en]t then for A pr[i]vate liffe, and for A Statsma[n] the[n]
for A Souldier / he had bine at Cambridge, there reputed for a
greate Scholler; he travelled into Italie, Venice and France / he
ymployed his time for the most p[ar]te in Studdie, whereby he made
himselfe apt for great matters. But yet it pleased God even
then when he was in his greatest hope, to cutt of his dayes, he
gave all he had to the Cou[n]tisse of Bedfford his Sister, defeating
her neither of the Land nor the right of the Baronie, estimating her to be worthie of much more then he had to leave / hee
made A worthie and godlye end. These thinges com[m]ing soe thicke
one after another, left not time for dr men to dreame of Ou[er]burys death
A20r Right margin:
The E[arl] of Som[er]sett
his conscience accuseth him. North[amp]to[n]s
Speech to him, hee
becometh a Newter
in Religion, the E[arl]
of North[amp]tons course
A nullitie being thus purchased, he dignified as is saide, and the Matche concluded about Candlemasse 1614 they marrie w[i]th much Ioye and solempnitie / A maske being p[er]formed at Som[er]setts charge, and manye rumors passe w[i]thout anye respecte / all these things not w[i]thstandinge / A guiltie Conscience can never goe without accusac[i]on, pensivenesse and Sullen[n]esse doe possesse the Earle, his wonted mirth forsakes him, his Cou[n]tenance is cast downe, he takes not [tha]t felicitie in Companye as he was wonte to doe, but still something trobles him. Verelye it is A daungerous thinge to fall with in the Compasse of A guiltie Conscience, it eateth and consumeth the Soule of A man as rust doth Iron, or as beating waves hollowes the Rockes, and though those things are not made publique, yet neu[er]thelesse North[amp]ton observed it in him / And having soe admirable A Capacitye, he could make vse of all thinges, wherefore knowing his disease vizt, his mynde seared w[i]th murther, and knowinge the Earle tractable as he desired, enters into more familiar discourse w[i]th him, for when the mynde of A young man is Corrupted w[i]th evill, he runns headlong into Sinne w[i]thout Staie or Feare / wherefore amongst manye other discourses, this falls betweene them / That in Case the deathe of S[i]r Thomas Overburye should come to light, they were then in A most dau[n]gerous State, & the next thinge they must expect is losse of liffe, Goods, Landes, honors, their names to be made Scandalous to the world, and to conclude to be branded w[i]th an ignominious deathe, neith[e]r that there was anye waye left them for to escape this, but either by making theire owne fortunes soe greate that they might oppose all accusations, or els being Catholiques, to endeavor that in defendinge them, they againe might assist their Cause, in case [tha]t anye matter came against them / This carrying some shewe & likyhood of truth, and [tha]t indeed his Case was desp[er]ate if it should ever come to light, concludes to combine w[i]th North[amp]ton in w[ha]t soever he should vndertake / And in Conclusion became A Newter in Religion; wherevpo[n] to the intent that he might sett further evills A Foote beside those before reme[m]bred, he begins to rubb vpp the au[n]tient quarrell betweene the welche & English whoe nowe murmur at some discontents. And to the intent to harten on the Irishe, sends letters thither, by the hands of one Ham[m]on A poore man, vnto such whom he knowes to be faithfull, in the Romish Religion, and thereby confirmes them in their opynio[n], assuring them that God will Still p[ro]vide one or moe to p[ro]tect his Church, and that nowe the greatest favorite of England would Stand for them / Vpo[n] w[hi]ch lett[e]r, the Irish growes obstinate as I haue said, and alltogither neglect the Service of God, & vtterlye denye the Oathe of Supr[e]macie, p[ro]testing lose of liffe and Goodes, rather then to be enforced to soe damnable A thinge. Now maye wee see there the Churches vtterlye forsaken, none to heare devine20v devine service, the discipline of their owne Church established, and the Irish in generall, expecting a daye to haue their libertie and freedome in religion. The same man retourning this newes, is after sent in Yorkesheire w[i]th a black Staffe, and A knopp vpo[n] the ende, w[i]thin w[hi]ch knopp letters were conveyed fro[m] place to place, aswell for appointing assemblies, as meetings for masse, & entertayning of Preists. Nowe might A man goe to masse in manye plac[es] of the Cittie, and whoe were soe much publiquelye favoured as Papists, their nu[m]ber increase, their Preists are entertayned, Confession in manye parts publiquelye practised, and allthough it were contrarye to the lawes, yet greatnesse overcou[n]tenau[n]cing them it was little regarded. In the meane time quarrells wente forward betweene the Scottish and English, Continuall Co[m]plaint[es], and the suite of the Cloath workers w[i]th hope of obtayning theire request, not soe much because of the Profitt, as to raise vpp A discontent betweene the Dutch and them / Theise Cou[r]ses caused divers men to passe divers opinions, and manye men to passe [the]ir opynion as they affected either p[ar]ties /
Left margin:
The Rumor of the
Spanish fleete. A Pro
clamatio[n] ag[ain]st Spanish
monye / A Leaguer in
the Lowe Countryes,
[th]e publique rumour
against my Lord of
Northa[m]pton, he exhibits A bill in the
Starr chamber ag[ains]t
the publishers, they
iustifie mt Lo[rd] of Cant[erbury’s]
speech / the death of
my Lord of Northa[m]p[ton]
his funerall, his will
the names of those [tha]t
Succeeded him in his offices /
Not long after it was rumored abroade, [tha]t the Spaniard had
drawne out A Navye of Shipps of an hundred Sayle, but to
w[ha]t purpose noe man knewe, manye suspected for Eng[land], because
they were come soe farr vpo[n] these Coasts / others said for [th]e vse
of their Marriners to accustome them to the Sea / but most of all
were of opynion that these were but shaddowes, and [tha]t [th]e full
intenc[i]on of [th]e Spaniard was to haue taken advantage of [th]e tyme,
Howsoever vpo[n] this there followed A Proclamatio[n] agst Spanishe
monye, that their monye should not goe currant in England, w[hi]ch
Caused manye to suspect worse then the worst; and some saide one
thinge, some another. Vpo[n][th]e necke of [thi]s comes newes of warrs,
in the lowe cou[n]tryes, some said against [th]e Palsgrave, some against
the States; the Scotts begine to flye out into rebellion, & are supprest: [th]e wildernesse in Ireland begins to Stirr, sometimes 30:
sometimes 40:, sometimes three hundred flye out and Stand vpon
theire Guard. These things administer occasions of wonder to [th]e ignorant, and manye of them whoe knewe [th]e truthe of things, knewe
not what to saye to it. Presists come into the kingdome by Tenns
fifteenes and twenties at A tyme, and haue free accesse, soe [tha]t
my Lord of North[amp]ton (being warden of the Cinque Port[es]) begins
to be called into question. Some saye he hath A hand in these busynesses, others saye he letts Preists haue his free accesse, & that
in Blomesburye amongst his owne buildings they haue free harbor,
Others saye that through his Cou[n]tenance thither any man might
goe to his pr[i]vateublicke masse, besides manye other Intelligences
being brought fro[m] beyond seas, drawes him further into suspition,
and the kinge begins to w[i]thdrawe his favor fro[m] him. wherefore
he exhibits his bill against such as defamed him into [th]e Starr
chamber, some are for this cause com[m]itted to the Tower, others to
Newgate, others to the Fleete, till they come to their Answere / And
in the end openlye in the Starr chamber, he is accused for sufferinge
Preists to haue free accesse into Yorkesheire vnder pr[e]tence of his
office, for cou[n]tenau[n]cing them, for sending letters too and againe to encourage men in theire opinions, and manye other such like things And
when the Lordes should come to passe theire voyces, my Lord of
Canterburye amongst the rest made A speeche to this effect. That
allthough manye had bine the rumors & reports [tha]t had passed in these
tymes, some of them husht vpp for vncertaine truthes and flyinge
Fables, then entertyaned for approved truthes, yet neverthelesse
such thinges as are grownded vpo[n] reason, and for w[hi]ch men of vpright
Conscience haue some occasion to speake, to have such either lightly
valued or punished, was rather iniustice then anye way beseeminge
the Equitie of that Courte / But in truthe these whereof wee nowe
speake are grounded vpo[n] some Cause, and my Lords owne Letters
make evident, [tha]t he hath done some thinges both against his owne conscience and meaninge, meerelye to attaine vnto honor & Sou[er]aignetie,
and to please the kinge. And w[i]th [tha]t he pulls out A letter written
fro[m] my Lord to Cardynall Bellarmine to this effecte / That howsoeever the Conditions of the tymes Compelled him, and his Ma[jes]ty vrged
him to turne Protestant / yet neverthelesse his harte Stood w[i]th the
Papists, and that he would be readye to further them in any atte[m]pte
This and much more being read to some such purpose, he p[ro]ceeded
and shewed, howe that these thinges were not meerelye vncertaine,
but even the accions that followed did iustifie them to be true / for
there were never knowne to be soe many Preists to come ov[e]r into
this kingdome in soe short a time, as of late there had done / neither
could he assure himselfe, that my Lord was true harted vnto the
State, since allsoe he harboured such about him as would vnd[e]rtake
to write in defence of the Gunpowder Treason This and much more
being saide about the latter end of Easter terme 1614 my Lord being
hereat much displeasedcouraged after the Courte brake, tooke his
Barge, went to Greenewitch there made his will, wherein hee
published himselfe to dye in the same Faithe he was baptised, made
some of his Freindes executors, others he bestowed guiftes vpon,
his fayre house he bestowed to my Lord Chamberlayne, his Lands
to my Lord Theophilus Howard, retired backe to his house at
London, and before Mydsomer Tear[m]e following was dead Manye
were the rumors [tha]t were raised of this man after his deathe,
that he was A Traytor to the State, and [tha]t he was not dead but
carryed beyond Sea to blinde the world; and the reason was, because
he would be buryed at Dover and not at London. Others saye, [tha]t
if he had lived he would haue bene the Author of much Stirre,
manye disliked him, and as was reported, even the kinge himselfe nowe toward[es] his latter end, w[hi]ch made him fall into these
Courses; but truelye he was A Notable Polititian, and carryed
thinges more comodiouslye for the Papists then ever any before
him. His Funerall was kept privatelye at Rochester where hee
desired to be buryed, because it was the Cheiffe Porte Towne of his
Office, w[i]thout anye State to outward appearance. My Lord Treasuror
that nowe is succeeded in the Treasurorshippe, my Lord of Somersett
made Lord Chamberlaine and Chancellor of Cambridge. my Lorde
Zouche Warden of the Cinque-Ports, My Lord of Wocester some
shorte time after, privye Seale / Theise succeeded him in his offices
Left margin: The cloathwork[e]rs obtayne their Petitio[n] the old Charter of [th]e Marchants aduenturers is Seized into [th]e kings hand; [th]e Dutche growe discontented at it, [th]e doubtfullnes of Somersetts mynde / he Sues for his pardo[n], obtaine it, My Lo[rd] Canc[ellor] refuse to Seale it fals into Suspition, begins to be neglected / The Clothworkers Still p[er]sisting in their Suite, and having two such Strong Freindes to Stand for them, and Alderman Cocken a rich Marchant to backe them, they at length obtaine what they desire, & Proclamatio[n] goes forthe that noe whit Cloathes shalbe carryed ou[er] vndyed or vndrest / And for this purpose the old Charter of [th]e M[er]cha[n]t Adventurers is seized into the kinges hands, soe that [tha]t co[m]pany falls to decaye. Nowe the Dutche men, they begine to murmur against [th]e English, and make Proclamation there, that noe man shall buye anye such Cloathes aas come soe over drest and dyed; Wherevpo[n][th]e English make A newe Proclamatio[n], that noe man shall transporte Wooll out of the kingdome: these thinges feed some with hope of some fu[r]th[e]r troubles; yet neverthelesse it is soe ordered by the Cou[n]cell, that all these thinges are pacifyed, and some qua[n]titie amou[n]ting to a c[er]taine number of white Cloathes are suffered to be transported aswell to giue content to the Hollander, as satisfacc[i]on and imploym[en]t to some yonge Marchants [tha]t had entred to this trade, by w[hi]ch meanes these Clamors are A litle Staid; yet neverthelesse great impressio[n] of envye is betweene these two Companies /
Nowe one of the greatest Freindes that Som[er]sett had being dead,
and himselfe Still iealous of his safetie, he begins to cast aboute
howe he might avoyde the dau[n]ger of the lawe, for his Intelligencers
gave him notice of manye desp[er]ate wordes that were vttered concerning Overburyes deathe / wherevpo[n] finding the kinge in A good
humor, hee moves him to this effect: That whereas it had pleased
his Ma[jes]tye, to Comitt manye things into his Charge, and some of them
provinge somethinge too waightie for him to vndergoe, it was soe [tha]t
ignorantlye he runn himselfe into A premanire, whereby he had
forfeited to him both his Lands, his Goods and his libertie, and that
nowe he came to surrender them all vpp into his ma[jes]t[ies] hand, vnles
it pleased him of his wonted favor towards him, to graunt him p[ar]don for that and manye other offences that he had ignorantlye co[m]mitted; the kinge Still bearing A good affection towards him, bad him
drawe his p[ar]don, and he would signe it: Wherevpo[n] he makes his repaire to S[i]r Rob[er]t Cotten, and intreats him to looke him A Pardon
the largest he could finde in Former pr[e]sidents, soe hee brings him
One that was made by the Pope to Cardynall Woolsey, Theffect
of w[hi]ch was, That the kinge of his meere motion & speciall favor
did p[ar]don all and all mannor of Treasons, misprisions of treasons,
murders fellonies and outrages whatsoever by the Said S[i]r Rob[er]t
Carr E[arl] of Somersett comitted or hereafter to be comitted, w[i]th ma manye other words to make it more ample & large, according to forme,
w[hi]ch he caused to be drawne and ingrossed & brought it to the King; The
king he signed it: At length it comes to my Lord Cha[n]cellors hand, hee
p[er]vses it and refuses to lett it passe the Seale / My Lord asks [th]e reason
answere was made, [tha]t he could not iustifie [th]e doing of it, but [tha]t he should
incure A pr[e]munire as well as himselfe. This Stroke Som[er]sett to the hart
& nowe he was in greater doubt, then ever he was before, for Still he is
Stunge with Feare to be touched w[i]th Overburyes deathe, and soe verye
pensivelye retires to w[hi]thall, and there remaines /
The kinge coming to Londo[n], My Lord Chau[n]cellor acquainted him w[i]th [th]e Pardon, and shewed his ma[jes]ty what dau[n]ger he had incurred, in case he had sealed it. The King p[er]ceiving the truthe of the busines, suspected some greater matter then he knewe of, withdrawes his Cou[n]tenance fro[m] Som[erset] whoe nowe wanting vertue to support his greatnes w[i]thout [th]e Kings favor, falls into [th]e co[n]tempt of manye, & those [tha]t are his Enemies neglect him, and doe as it were deride his manner of Carriage, by w[hi]ch meanes he runnes headlong into his owne p[er]ditio[n] as shalbe hereafter shewed
Right margin: My Lo[rd] Canc[ellor] Sued in [th]e Starr-cha[m]ber for being within [th]e Compasse of a præmunire, [th]e K[ing] goes to cambridge, a breach about ignoramus, my Lord Coke Stand ag[ains]t my Lo[rd] Canc[ellor]. The K[ing] graces S[i]r G: Villars bestowes gr[ea]t honors on him, Som[er]sett[es] cou[r]ses to co[n]ceale Ou[er]b[ury’s] death, his Couetuous nes, his insolencie, he is crost by Villers the report of the Vulgar / In[th]e yeere 1614 [th]e Kinge by [th]e intreatie of Som[er]sett determines to goe to Cambridge, & there was entertayned w[i]th great Solemnitie; But amongst the rest there was A Plaie called by [th]e name of Ignoramus, [tha]t Stirred vp A great co[n]tentio[n] betweene [th]e como[n] Lawyers & [th]e Schollers, in soe much as their flowtes grewe vnsufferable, but at last it was Staid by my Lord Cha[n]cellor and the explayning of the meaninge /
About this time it happened, [tha]t divers Citizens having recovered certaine som[m]es of monye in the Kings benche, & thereof having had iudgm[en]t, the p[ar]tie def[endan]t neu[er][th]elesse exhibitts his bill in Chancerye to haue releiffe , [th]e pl[ain]t[iff] at [th]e Como[n] lawe having alreadie had Iudgm[en]t for [th]e same matter, there Sta[n]ds out and disobaies the kings p[ro]ces, Wherevpo[n] A write of conte[m]pt issues against him; they are taken comitted to [th]e Fleete, and there continewe in their obstinacye / Neverthelesse not long after, vpo[n] some advise they exhibite their bill into the Starrcha[m]ber against my Lord, intending [tha]t he ought not to interfeddle w[i]th any matter [tha]t was allreadye determined at the Como[n] lawe, and whereof A Iudgment had bine passed, and this was ordeyned by the Statute in [th]e 4; H[enry] 4: Cap: 23: Whereby it was enaacted, that Iudgm[en]t given in the Kings Courte shall not be examined in the Chancerye Parlyam[en]t or elswhere, vntill it be done by attaint or error &c. Nowe my Lord hauing laied them fast vpo[n] A Bill exhibited before him, & Iudgm[en]t allreadye being given, [tha]t therefore my Lord had incurred A pr[e]munire, and humblie prayed releiffe in this Casse. Manye were the Opynions of Lawyers concerninge this matter, some Stood on my Lord Chau[n]cellors syde, some said that [th]e poore men had iniurye, & [tha]t they might iustifie w[ha]t they had done, & amongst manye my Lord Cooke Stood out Stifelye , [tha]t my Lord Chau[n]cellour could not iustifie that Action; And thus it stands Still in question, whether my lord be in A Premunire, yea or noe /
My Lord of Somersett Still continuing his loose cou[r]ses, & vtterlye neglecting that Severitie that ought to be in A man in his Place, besides the former suspitions and Iealousies, gives occasion of others allsoe22v allsoe, whereby [th]e kinge doth more & more fall into dislike. There being at this time A young Gent[le]man about the Courte, [tha]t not long before had arrived fro[m] travells out of Fraunce, his name was Villiers a Lec[e]ster sheire Gent[le]man, & of an au[n]tient house, whoe as well in respect of his Carriage as of his Cou[n]tenance was more remarkable the[n] many others / On this man the kinge casts a p[ar]ticuler affection, holding him to be the onlye p[ro]perist and best deserving Gent[le]man of England / where vpon he entertaines him into favor, bestowes 1000 li vpo[n] him, after adornes him w[i]th the Title of Knighthood, and nowe he begins to grow everye daye more eminent then other, greater honors are bestowed vpon him, as [th]e dignities to be knight of the Garter, and M[aste]r of [th]e horse, places not como[n] to everye p[er]son, & soe much the more remarkable because they are bestowed vpo[n] him being soe yonge in yeares / his wisedome is comended of the wisest, and his expectac[i]ons greater then manye that went before him.
This Stings Som[er]sett to the harte, to see another Stepp to his place, and the more feares his subverc[i]on and downefall. Wherefore hee goes about to circu[m]vent dau[n]gers, and for this purpose send[es] into Fr[ance] to make awaye [th]e Apothecarye [tha]t administred [th]e Phisicke [tha]t killed S[i]r Thomas; Endeavored to gett in all letters and writtings [tha]t had past concerning that busynes, and disgracing and discou[n]tenau[n]cing all such as at anie time once Spake of the death of Overburye, to the intent it might be concealed & kept close: but w[ha]t God will haue discosed, shall never be concealed. Messingers are sent fro[m] place to place, he being A Privye Cou[n]cellor and in Favor, his warrant passes currant, soe [tha]t in all plac[es], Truncks, Chests, Boxes, Studies, dores and such houses wherein he suspected anye letters or other matters, [tha]t app[er]tayned vnto that mischeiffe laie hidd, were brooken ope[n] & searched, to the intent [tha]t they might bring such writtings to my Lord: yet neu[er][th]elesse manye (and more then we dreampt of) of those letters came to my Lord of Canterburyes hand and my Lord Cookes, soe [tha]t these courses maks him more rather suspected, then any whitt at all eases his greife. /
At home in his office vsing extraordinarye Covetuousnes and parsimonie he thereby heap’d vpp to himselfe greate Store of mony, and would not vndertake anye enterprise w[i]thout he was well rewarded for his paine; everye newe occasion and occurrence that came to his hands brought him in allsoe a Fleece of monye. Offices in Cou[r]t that laye in his guifte, not bestowed w[i]thout monye, [th]e Kings letters not purchased w[i]thout monye, noe p[ar]don obtayned w[i]thout monye, soe that he was as great A bribe taker, as his Mother the Cou[n]tesse of Suffolke, and as many rumors and hard reports were sprad on him for the same. yet neverthelesse he Still continued his favor in dispighte, (as a man might saye) of his opposites, even vnto the greatest dignitie, w[hi]ch caused him to be as proude as Covetuous, and to comitt as manye open insolencies as he had received secrett bribs, thought it noe matter to leane on the Kings Cushio[n] in publique, to check some of the nobillitie, and Amongst the rest to make a flatt breach w[i]th my Lord of Canterburye, A grave and reverend gent[le]man one of the Pillars of this kingdome, and that could descerne the follies of this yonge man. Thus admiring of his owne worthe, he works his23r his owne subvertion, and by these insolencies plucking more evills vpon his head, and dailye adding more Enemies to those that before he had deserved
These thinges laying him open to the envye of [th]e greatest, and S[i]r Georg Villars seeing his exceeding Covetuousnes, having now [th]e Eares of the kinge, would oftentimes crosse his expectac[i]ons as it is credible reported, and deceive him of manye A Bribe w[hi]ch he hoped for, doing those things voluntarilye and for A thanke w[hi]ch my Lord would not haue spoken of w[i]thout much monye. these Courses laide him open to the Contempt of the Vulgar allsoe / and nowe all men according to their Custome began to exclaime of his greate extortion: Thus maye wee see him following /
Right margin: Ouerburyes death called into question Westo[n] sent for & by my Lo[rd] Cooke Examined Stands out, vpon my Lo[rd] of Lond[on’s]p[er]swasion confesseth all, [th]e Earl and cou[n]tese attached, they deny the deede, S[i]r Thomas Mounson comitted to [th]e Tower, S[i]r Walter Raleighe and the countiss of Shrewsburye set at libertie, [th]e deathe of [th]e Ladye Arbella [th]e convictio[n] of [th]e E[arl] and Cou[n]tis. [Th]e man[er] of their Arraignem[en]t, and [th]e many rumors that were Spread vpo[n] these thinges / The deathe of Overburye hauing now lyen concealed aboute two yeares, and the Earles insolencie growing everye day great[e]r then other, p[ro]cured him manye more Enemies as is said, yet there was noe man that was soe hardie for feare of the Kings displeasure, (he carrying A verye good affecc[i]on Still towards him) to make him acquainted w[i]th it, or bringe it to the triall of the lawe. At last (for divers are the Rumors howe it was discovered) one was that S[i]r Thomas Overburyes man petic[i]ons to my Lord Coke, and the Substance of the Petition was, to lett his Lordship vnderstand, that whereas his m[aste]r had bine Comitted to the Tower by the consent of North[amp]ton & Som[er]s[et] and there languishing to deathe vnnaturallie, that if it pleased his Lordshipp to Call One Weston before him, he might gather [tha]t out of him, that would disclose [th]e whole practise. Others saie, that my Lord of Canterburye, having conceived (as is said) some dislike against Som[er]sett, and willing to make himselfe gratious w[i]th the Kinge, possesses S[i]r Raphe Winwood w[i]th the busines (one that was pr[e]ferred to bee Secretarye vnder my Lord of Som[er]sett, & to assist him) and letts him vnderstand the whole matter as hath bine related, and that manye letters came vnto his handes & pr[e]su[m]pc[i]ons therein, that it should be true. And there remayned A Truncke in such A Place wherein manye writtings were Contayned [tha]t would make evident the truthe. S[i]r Raphe being willing likewise to become more eminent w[i]th the kinge, possest him w[i]th the busines, and p[ro]ceeding vpo[n] A Confident Ground, warrant was sent to my Lord Cooke, to p[ro]secute the matter. Others saie that by the losse of A letter it was disclosed. And divers opinions there were howe it should come to light, it having bine kept soe close soe long, for thinges of this nature, when they are soe longe concealed bring more wonder. But howsoever it was made knowne, my Lo[rd] Cooke by vertue of his warrant, sent for Weston to come before him, & examined him vpo[n] divers Articles concerning this subiecte, & p[er]swaded him, intreated him, & threatned him to tell the truthe / Weston Stood out and would not, thus he p[er]sisted some weeke or a Fortnight / manye men vrged him to it, accusors were brought before him and deposed vpo[n] their oathes, [tha]t whatsoever was obiected to him was true / This little pr[e]vayled; At last my Lo[rd] of23v of London went to him, & by his p[er]swasions he tells all: How M[ist]ris Turner & [th]e Cou[n]tesse came acquainted, w[ha]t Relatio[n] shee had to witches, Sorcerors, & Coniurors, [tha]t North[amp]ton, Som[er]sett, Francklyn, the Monsons, & Yelvis, had all their hands in these busynesses; Wherevpo[n] they were all appr[e]hended, Some sent to [th]e Tower, Oth[e]rs to Newgate. Having thus co[n]fest this evill and being Convicted according to the Course of Lawe, hee was had to Tyborne to be hanged, and there S[i]r Iohn Lydlis & others ymagining this to be but A Fable, and [tha]t he was hired to accuse those p[er]sons (for whoe allmost would haue beleived it) examines him of it at the Gallowes, & vpo[n] his examinac[i]on, he iustifyed what he had done, to the great wonder of all those [tha]t Stood by and harde him. After him M[ist]ris Turner; After her Francklyne, then S[i]r Iervice Yelvis vpo[n] their severall Arraignem[en]t[es], & co[n]fessions of [th]e facte, were found guiltie and hanged, all verye penitent and sorrowefull for w[ha]t was done. To write [th]e p[ar]ticulers of [the]ir Arraignem[en]t[es], Confessions, and the manner of their deathes, is needlesse, being Como[n]. Nowe the Cou[n]tesse and the Earle were attached, and comitted to [th]e p[ro]tecc[i]on, one to the deane of Westminster, the other to the Shreiffe of London, & according to the Courses of such Cases there are great reports raysed, Watche and ward kept, more then ordinarye, and the Guard more observant This makes the Kinge Stand at A Maze, aand to ymagine [tha]t there is noe truthe in men, growes more iealous of himselfe then heretofore, because Carr his onlye Favorite, and [tha]t laie (as it were) in his bosome, should be intrapt in such an evill. And [th]e tongues of the vulgar beginne to walke: some saie [tha]t North[amp]ton & Som[er]sett, had combyned w[i]th the Spaniard for A some of Monye to deliver them vpp [th]e Navye, and [tha]t S[i]r Will[i]am Monson Viceadmirall shold haue done it [th]e next Springe That the kinge & whole State should haue bene poysoned at the Christning of the Cou[n]tesses Child (for she was then w[i]th Child) And manye more the like rumors were Spread not worth the speaking, to the intent to incense the people [th]e more ag[ain]st them, and to make the matter the more heynous & greivous to the world. At this tyme the Lady Arbella dyed, A matter more remarkable then was observed, and gave some occasio[n] of speeche to manye, but yet neverthelesse past over in silence /
These hurlye burlies being growne something calme, and the myndes of men A litle setled, [th]e Cou[n]tesse and Somersett were called before my Lord Chancellor and others authorised for that purpose, to be examined, and my Lord Cooke was the man that prest the Evidence ag[ain]st them w[hi]ch (as it was thought) p[ro]cured him some gr[ea]t enemies: Two & twentie Articles were obiected against them, to all w[hi]ch or to most p[ar]te of them, Somersett pleaded ignorace, and [tha]t these obiections were meere trickes to intrapp him, and incense the kinge against him / The same answere was in [th]e Cou[n]tis, and [tha]t it might rather proceed out of envye, then for anye iust cause They cause it to be given out, [tha]t theire accusation was wro[n]gfull, and none were accused, but such as were greatest favorits to the Kinge, soe [tha]t there was muche a doe to litle purpose. At last when they hard, [tha]t Weston, Turner, Franklyn and Yelvis were all hanged, and that they had co[n]fest the matter, [th]e Cou[n]tisse beinge brought before [th]e Councell, confest the whole truth, but Som[er]sett Stood to it Still [tha]t he was not Agent in it, & [tha]t these accusations did24r did nothing touch him, and therefore ought to be excused. Never[th]eles his Landes and goods were com[m]itted to Custodie, p[ar]te to my Lo[rd] Treasuror, & p[ar]te to others to the kings vse The monye, plate & Iewells w[hi]ch he had heaped vp togither, amounted by reporte vnto 280000: poundes: his Landes to 19000 li p[er] Ann[um], and the kinge bestowed manye of the[m] vpo[n] the Prince. There was litle Speeche of this, in respect [tha]t both the p[er]son & matter wherein he was Agent were both envied & facinorous neither was there anye [tha]t pittyed him, but most said, [tha]t he had but his iust deserts, for the Iniuries & wrongs [tha]t he had offered to Essexe /
The arraignem[en]t was put of, and in [th]e meane time, S[i]r Walter Raleige was sett at libertie. This man had Continued in [th]e Tower nowe allmost ten yeares A condemned p[er]son, for a Plott inte[n]ded against his ma[jes]tye at his first coming in, he bore a great envie ag[ain]st Somersett because he had begged his Landes of the kinge, & gott it into his possession givinge him many quipps & taunts during [th]e time [tha]t he was in the Tower / these two accidents happening beyond expectac[i]on: [tha]t the one being [th]e espetiall favorite of [th]e kinge, [th]e other A condemned man; the one ymprisoned, the oth[e]r sett at libertie, gave great occasion of Speech & rumor, and soe much [th]e more wonder & admirac[i]on, because of Raleighes witt & pollicie. And this yeere allsoe, [th]e Cou[n]tesse of Shrewsburye, whoe was comitted for being pr[i]vie to the escape of [th]e Ladye Arbella, was sett at libertie, & [th]e Earle her husba[n]d dyed, leaving the greatest p[ar]te of his Lande vnto his daughters /
During all this this time, [tha]t is fro[m] Michaellmasse terme, vnto [th]e
shorte Vacac[i]on betweene Easter & Trynitie termes, the Arraignem[en]t
was put of, some attributed [th]e Cause to be, for because [th]e Cou[n]tisse
was w[i]th Child, and in the meane time was delivered of A daughter /
some, [tha]t further proofes of incertainties might be brought in / oth[e]rs
to give them longer time to consider vpo[n] the matter, & [tha]t it was A
greate favor / I saye, these rumors being published amongst [th]e people,
At length the kinge authorised my Lord Chau[n]cellor to be high Steward of England for the time beinge, and ioyned 8: of [th]e Iudges w[i]th
him, for his assistant[es] / Vizt. the fower Iudgs of [th]e Kings Benche, My
Lord cheiffe Iustice of [th]e Como[n] Plees, Iustice Nicholes, my Lo[rd] cheiffe
Baro[n] & oth[e]rs of [th]e Barons, w[i]th power to call Som[er]sett & [th]e Cou[n]tisse
before them, to shew cause wherefore they should not haue [th]e sentence
of death passed vpo[n] them, for this offence comitted, both against [th]e law
of the Land, & ag[ain]st [th]e Kinge, his Crowne & Dignitie. Soe vpo[n][th]e 24th of
Maye in [th]e yeere 1616: there being a seate royall placed at [th]e vpp[er] end
of Westminster hall, A litle short of [th]e kings benche, and seats made
round about it, for [th]e rest of [th]e Iudges and Peeres to sitt on, a A little cabine built close by [th]e como[n] pleas for [th]e Prisoners, when they came from [th]e Tower to be put to rest them in, they p[ro]ceed to [th]e tryall after this man[er],
As soone as my Lord Highe Steward w[i]th greate State came into West
minster Hall w[i]th his assistants [th]e Iudges, divers Lord[es] and Gent[le]men
attending, and 4: Serieants at Armes before him, ascending A little
Gallerye made of purpose to keepe of [th]e Crowde, he takes his Seate, & [th]e rest of his assistants & Peeres according to their places. This being
done, after silence p[ro]clamed, one of [th]e Herrald[es] at Armes reaches [th]e
highe Steward his patent, & he delivers it to [th]e Clarke of [th]e Crowne
to read it / After S[i]r Raphe Conysby reaches him his Staffe, and is
there pr[e]sent accordinge to his place to give attendance. Aft[e]r [th]e Patent read24v
read, and p[ro]clamation for silence, & [tha]t [th]e accusors should come in, [th]e Prisoners
were sent for by [th]e Clarke of [th]e Checke, whose office it was to attend [th]e Prisoners. This being done, and [th]e Prisoners placed at [th]e Barr, S[i]r [BLANK] Fanshaw
reades the Indictm[en]t, to w[hi]ch [th]e Cou[n]tesse pleaded guiltie, and confessed [th]e fact,
but Som[er]sett pleaded not guiltie, and had time fro[m] tenn of [th]e Clocke in [th]e
Morning till ten of [th]e Clocke at night to cleere himselfe / much was said
but to litle purpose. At last the Peeres hauing conferred of [th]e matter, returne their verdict, laying their handes vpo[n] their Brests, & swearing by
their honors (for they doe not take an oathe as ordinarye Iurors doe) that he
was guiltie of [th]e murder and poysoning of S[i]r Thomas Overbury. Where
vpo[n] my Lord high Steward p[ro]nou[n]ced sentence of Death against him, and
soe he was had backe to the Tower, where he remayneth at the mercie of
the kinge. This man maye iustlye saie, as sometimes Pope Barbarossa
saide, when he was put fro[m] the Popedome /
Qui modo sum[m]us era[m] lætatus nomine præsul Tristis et abiectus nunc mea fata gemo Excatsus Solio nuper versabar in alto Cunctaq[ue] gens pedibus, oscula prona daba[n]t Nunc ego pænaru[m] fundo de {nuluor in imo} Vultu[m] deformen pallidaq[ue] ore gero Omnibus è terris auru[m] mihi Sponte ferebant Sed nec gaza {niuet} necquis amicis adest Sic varians fortuna vices adu[er]sa secu[n]dis Subdit et ambiguis nomine ludit atrox Cedit in exe[m]plu[m] {cu[n]etis} quos gloria tollit Vortice de summo, moxego Papa cado.
Loe here I am, that sometyme tooke delight in name of Pope Nowe being sadd & abiect doe bewaile my fate and hope Of late pretend, I did converse with statelye Pompe and grace And eu[er]y Nation to my feete theire readie kisses place, But now in dungion deepe and throwne, of paines in mortall feare A Cou[n]t’nance pale, a bodye leane, deform’d with greife I beare, #Fro[m] #From all parts of [th]e Earth, they brought mee gold, w[i]thout co[n]straint But now nor gold, nor pretious Stones, nor freind[es] can ease my playnt Soe variable fortune is, toe nice to great attempts Soe subiect & soe doubtfull toe, soe aduerse in Events That Atis with our name doth playe, as with A tenis Ball For being lifted vp with fame, the greater is our fall, Let this example be to such, whom fortune doth aduance That they as I from Popedome fell, may fall by like mischance /
For we cannot read of anye [tha]t eu[er] was soe g[rea]t A Favorite as Som[er]sett,
neither [th]e Spencers w[i]th Ed[ward] 2:, nor [th]e E[arl] of Warwicke w[i]th H[enry] 6:,
nor [th]e Duke
of Suffolke w[i]th H[enry] 8: as this man was w[i]th the kinge, neither was there anye [tha]t eu[er] came to soe suddaine, & vnexpected A Fall / They therefore [tha]t doe but
rightlie consider this discou[r]se, shall find it in three things worthie observac[i]o[n]
First [tha]t neither honor, nor Wealthe, are anie certaine Inheritanc[es], but
occasions (vnles God be mercifull vnto vs) for the Devill to picke a quarrell w[i]th against vs, to bringe vs into Infamie / Sec[ond][tha]t God neever leaves
Murther (though never soe closelye Carryed) vnpunished / Lastlye, [tha]t there
was never knowne in soe shorte A time, soe manye great men dye, w[i]th suspition of poyson and witchcrafte. There was first my Lord Treasuror,
the Prince, my Lord Harrington, his Sonne, Overburye, North[amp]ton, besid[es]
these, w[hi]ch are noe lesse then Sixe others, w[i]thin these three yeares and
A halfe, and the two Mounsons w[hi]ch yet remayne vntryed.
No introduction.
British Library, Additional MS 22591, ff. 2r-24v,
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: c.1625-1628
No authors.
Other Witnesses
- Alnwick Castle, MS 528, ff89
- Beinecke Library, Osborn File 19125
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 655, ff. 1r–95
- British Library, Additional MS 38680, ff. 5r–83r
- British Library, Additional MS 62527, ff. 1r–76v
- British Library, Harley MS 4302, ff44
- British Library, Harley MS 4888, ff. 213x–251x
- British Library, Harley MS 6242, ff. 1*r–64x
- British Library, Stowe MS 280, ff. 2x–73x
- Cambridge University Library, MS Ee.4.14, ff. 1r–60v
- Cambridge University Library, MS Gg.5.18, ff. 2r–65v
- Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies, XII.B.8
- John Rylands Library, Mainwaring MS 15, ff. 1r–91v
- Queen's College, MS 32, ff. 48r–101r
- The National Archives, SP 14/89, /136 [ff.280r–340v]
- University College, MS 83 [on deposit at the Bodleian], ff. 58v–70v
- Woburn Abbey, MS 18, ff. 110v–113v
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
- The Five Years of King Iames, or, The condition of the state of England and the relation it had to other provinces (1643) [Wing Wing W2886 W2887]
Modern Print Exemplars
- The Harleian Miscellany (1st ed.), vol. 7, pp. 385–418
- Somers Tracts (2nd ed.), vol. 2, pp. 265–304
Selected Criticism
No bibliography
Keywords (Text Type)
Keywords (Text Topics)
Transcribed by:
Tim Wales (Research Assistant)