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Kentish Ministers 'Queries about the Etcaetera Oath (1640)'

British Library, Harley MS 4931, f. 58r


Other Quæries about the same new Oath Supposed to be from [th]e Kentish ministers./

Left margin: 1: Qr Whether it be lawfull to take an oath w[i]th &c, where ther may bee a doubt of how much is thereby signified?

Left margin: 2: Whether to affirme in an oath that such a thing ought by right so to stand doth not suppose it to be divine right?

Left margin: 3: Whether it be lawfull to sweare the perpetuall maintaining of any ordinance meerely Eccl[esiast]i[c]all?

Left margin: 4: Whether the superiority of Archb[isho]ps aboue B[isho]ps, and the substitution of Deanes, and Arch Deacons &c be not meerly Eccl Eccl[esiast]i[c]all?

Left margin: 5: Whether Divine Authority onely ordaining B[isho]ps to be Church Governours, perticularly in point of Excom[municati]on it be lawfull to con-sent any more to any other Governo[u]rs Eccleciasticall to exercise the same authority of Excom[municati]on?

Left margin: 6: Whether since the Church of England rejects [th]e lay Elders of other Churches it doeth not thereby condemne giving any power to chancellours Comissarys, and officialls who are meerly lay men to medle in Excommunication even jointly with ministers much lesse as chife the Surrogates being but their deputies and assistants.

Left margin: 7 Whether any scripture doth authorize such power given to a very lay man

Left margin: 8: Whether having sworne to [th]e Kings supreamacy in all causes Eccle-siaticall it be not a violation of [th]e oath, or at least a hazzard of it in time to come to sweare not to giue consent to such an alteration in goverm[en]t as may at least possibly be thought fitt and even commanded with all authority by [th]e Kinge, or any successor of his heereafter

Left margin: 9 Whether experience shewing that [th]e goverm[en]t of Chancellours &c hath not advantaged [th]e Kingdome of Christ, nor religion and piety nor suppressed vice, but rather [th]e contrary? whether it be law-full to consent actually to thir continuance, and much lesse to sweare their perpetuall continuance?


No introduction.


British Library, Harley MS 4931, f. 58r,

Languages: English

Creation date: 1640


  • Kentish Ministers

Other Witnesses

Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars

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Modern Print Exemplars

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Selected Criticism

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Keywords (Text Type)

  • queries
  • commentary
  • articles

Keywords (Text Topics)

  • The Etcaetera Oath
  • oaths
  • church government
  • episcopacy
  • church ministers

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