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'Prophecy of John Cyprianus (No date)'

British Library, Additional MS 28640, ff. 152r-153r


A most strange & wonderfull p[ro]phesie &c. calculated by the famous &c maister Iohn Cypriano, conferred with &c Iames Marchecelsus and other Astronomers under the Emperor &c sent out of Germany into Italy &c to the rarest Necromancer in the &c.

Whereunto is annexed Tarquatus &c. translated out of Italia[n].

A most strange & wonderfull p[ro]phesie upo[n] this troublesome world.

Oxford & Cambridge, Wittenberge & Padua you glorious vniu[er]sities of Christendome take truce for a season, with your deepe inspiring sciences & vouchsafe to fixe your ingenious judgments vpon this rare & wonderfull p[ro]hecie calculated by the famous Do[cto]r in Astrologie M[aster] Iohn Cypriano Astronomer vnder the Emperor of Christendome, agreable to the judgments of Iames Marcheselsus & Signior Guinardo two learned Clerkes in Germanie &c the like not accomplished in any age, for the angry heavens by fearfull visions, foredooming Commets & strange conjunctio[n] of Planets doth prognosticate to this sinfull world, the alteratio[n] of kingdomes fall of princes, overthrowe of Commonwealths, desolatio[n] of countries, ruine of Cities Townes & Villages, Earthquakes Flouds & mighty tempests where by the whole world will be greatly annoied. Also by the variable course of the elements all nations vnder the circuite of the sunne will be grievouslie vexed with bloudie warres famine death scarcitie &c. with strange & fearfull accidents in Europe Africa & Asia, all which for our wickednes &c

In the Northerne border of the earth, is scituate a Forest triangle-wise environed with a wall of brasse, fro[m] which forrest shall flie a fortunate fowle that shall swimme even to the borders of Africa & there light vpo[n] a golden tree fro[m] whence she shall pull three branches of gould & so triu[m]phantly returne backe to the forrest againe. & at which an eagle that buildes her neste vpon a golden steeple, shall much repine & sende forthe many secret fiers to wast the said forrest but every one shall be quenched before the blaze be kindled. Many princes shall seeke by pollicie to hunte therein but at the gates thereof shall take a greate repulse: so fortunate & fruitefull shall this forest be & so invincible her towers of brasse that all the kingdomes of the earth shall admire her fortitude & grace her with the title of that blessed paradice &c. After this the sea shall be mightier then the land, for there the corners of the world shall meete & fight a terrible battaile wherein a mightie ma[n] shall be overthrowne/

In the West shall lurke a bloudie serpent in a Denne which hath not seene the light these many yeeres, but yet this bloudie serpent shall haue many stings, which shall stretche into all the corners of Europe & be 152r annoyance to the whole state of Christendome. Then from the north shall come a Dragon that shall breake out the serpents teeth & plucke forth his stings, that he shall neither bite nor sting, yet shall the serpent keepe his Denne & receiue succour from the Eagle in the golde[n] steeple.

In the South shall liue a wolfe vpon the Commons bloude & quaffe downe townes into his thirstie throate, but in the middest of this bloudie banquet shall he choke himselfe & die.

Out of the Easte shall come a dismall blacke dogge that like a thiefe by night shall enter Germanie, in which enterprise he shall loose one of his limbes & departe with a yelping sounde at which the Limits of Africa & Asia shall quake. This dogge shall afterward forsake his maister & chuse himselfe a newe name, whereby the Scriptures shall be full-filled. This dog is the Turke who shall forsake Mahomet & chuse the name of Christian, which is a signe the day of Doome is at hand when all the earth is subjecte to one god.

The Flower de luce & France shall liue long at variance but at length shall agree.

The bowels of Spaine shall be splitte in sundre & Divided for wante of governmente, even in those dayes when the golden eagle shall be consumed with fire That seaven headed citie nowe more braue then Ierusalem shall be more desolate the[n] Ierusalem. Then shall the cleere word spring forthe & florishe through the worlde which never shall be taken from vs againe. After this a milke white dove shall be lifted vp to honour by ij golden lions & receiue a crowne of goulde.

But after all these things shall the ende of the world approche therefore shall there be heavie & pitifull dayes with much warres & other alterations of the world, All which is likely to ensue &c.

To this former fiction was joyned another called Tarquatus Vandermers 7 yeeres studie in Magicke upo[n] the 12 months wherein many secrets are reuealed to the worlde 1509 or rather corrected 1598.

Ianuary Vpon the land where most sinne & wickednes doth abound, a shower of bloud p[ro]gnosticating the destruction of that region shall raine [th]e space of an houre.

February Rumors of warres in all nations shall cause the[m] to muster the best souldiers. Trafficke by sea shall be denied, & eche country forced to liue of his [owne].

March The seas by tempests shall overflowe an Island where the double crosse hath governments only because of the princes hainous sinnes.


Aprill. A terrible sea battell shall turne the coulour of the water into bloude, more sanguine the[n] the redde seas.

May. The earth shall be burthened with bloudie warres. some nations shall be so desolate by furnishing forth soldiers [tha]t 7 wome[n] shall followe j ma[n]

Iune A province East shall fight in defence of a wrong cause & god shall raine downe fier fro[m] heaven & burne those people in theire tents.

Iuly The weather extreme hote, soldiers shall not abide theire armour. multitudes shall die with wante of water. & cattell want foode.

August. Plague & mortalitie shall not leave enough to gather in the fruites of the earth. Swarmes of fowles & flies shall stroie [th]e corne & fro[m] the grounde & where they goe leave the earth barre[n].

September. The earth being vnnaturall, cattell shall rotte above ground & breede store of vernine vermine that shall empoyso[n] the soile.

October. Such wante of corne shall there be, that in some Countries [th]e child shall sterve sucking, the mother wanting foode.

Nouember. A triumphant conquest shall be bruted through the world of mightie Conquerer that takes truce w[i]t[h] the earth & settes it quiet.

December All warres shall ende, Religio[n] shall be preached truly throu through the world. All things vnited vp in peace, treasons & rebellions shall not be thought vpon. Thus will come that happie time the blessed soules in heaven doe continually pray for.

Right shall Roche & the people shall preache preste
& the Temple shall tremble for his reste.
The Falcons wings shall be pluckte in that store
then dare he not abide in Castell no[n] nor in tower
The Eagle must flee over the moulde
& an horse of tree shall be his best houlde
When the beare is moseled & cannot bite
When the horse hoppeled & cannot smite
When the swanne is sicke & cannot swimme
then shall the Flemings into England winne
A Bishop shall haue the Crowne in governance
Which was never borne to that estate
The Commons of England shall aske on him a vengeance
& cause all the land to be at strife & debate.
A mowle shall come & overturne with her snoute
such sawes & lawes as hir sonne went aboute
A piteous case no truth ca[n] be found
A Bishop shall haue his deadly wound

Then woe be to them that take crosse in hand
bassed & banished out of the land. /


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 28640, ff. 152r-153r, John Rous's diary

Languages: English

Creation date: No details


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Other Witnesses

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Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars

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Modern Print Exemplars

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Selected Criticism

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Keywords (Text Type)

  • prophecy

Keywords (Text Topics)

    Transcribed by:

    Tim Wales (Research Assistant)