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'Relation of all the Important Passages of the Treaty held at Brussels between the Ministers of the Archdukes and Sir Richard Weston (c.1622?)'

British Library, Additional MS 4149, ff. 226r-236v


A Relac[i]on of all the important passages of the treatie held at Bruxells btweene the Ministers of the Arche Dutches &: S[i]r Richarde weston Ambasador of the Kinge of greate Britaine in the Yeare 1622 about a Suspencion of Deposicion of Armes. / .

May it please yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie: / The occasion of yo[u]r sendinge Mee to the Arche Dutches was the invitac[i]on of yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie by the Emperoure, first by his l[ett]res of the xiiijth of Ianuarye, and after by his Ambassador, the Count of Swartzburgh, Who declared to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie that yf you pleased to send yo[u]r Ambassador to Bruxells, the Infanta should haue an absolute powere to treate and Conclude a Cessation of Armes, and afterwardes to Name the tyme, and place for the Principall treatLeft margin: May .3. .1622. ye of the Peace, on the .3. of Maye I arrived at Bruxells, My reception Was verie Honorable, and My treatment while I was, defrayed by the Infanta (w[hi]ch continued vntill yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie gaue Mee order to the Contrarie) Was full of all demonstracon of respect and Honoure to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie some two dayes Were spent in Ceremonie. / .

Left margin: May .9. .1622. On the .9th. We begane to treate, at W[hi]ch time I Made a declarac[i]on, to the Infantas deputie of that w[hi]ch Your Ma[jes]tie had vnderstoode by the l[ett]re and Ambassador of the Emperour, and by a l[ett]re also from her Highnes of the Powere she had Receaved to treate a Suspenc[i]on and deposic[i]on of Armes, and of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s sendinge Mee thervpon, w[i]th ample Comission to the same ende, W[hi]ch I tould them I had there readie to shewe, expectinge the like from them, accordinge to the order vsuall and requisite in such Cases, Not for any the least doubte I Made of that w[hi]ch her highnes did acknowledge and affirme, but for My owne discharge, in regard of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Comandement. They promised to acquinte her Highnes w[i]th My desire, and226v W[i]th My desire. And at the Next meetinge Confessed Shee had No formal Comission, Nor other powere, then by a l[ett]re from the Emperoure touchinge the point of Suspenc[i]on of Armes: But they vndertooke there should be sent vnto her, a full Comission from him Containinge an absolute and irrevokable power both for the suspencion and deposition, and likewise for the choyce of tyme and place for the principall treatie, w[hi]ch they assured them selues should be W[i]thin .xxvj. dayes. / .

The Next thinge Was, they desired to see the submission of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s Sonne in Lawe, in regard that Was Menc[i]oned in My Comission: Whereto I replied, that the Submission w[hi]ch the Wordes in the Comission imported had ben divers tymes donne both before and after the formall acte of Conformitie to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie Not onlie in regarde of Peace, but generallye, and for the Man[n]er of proceedinge, and that yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s affirminge therof Was a suffitient assurance, Wherew[i]th they seemed to be Well satisfied, Saying [tha]t the treatye Might still goe on, and promising in her highnes Name the Ratefieing of all that Might be agreed on (in the Meane tyme) that the Comission came from the Emperoure, w[hi]ch promise she also confirmed, W[i]thin a While after by her l[ett]re to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie, Soe that the state of thinges in the Pallatinate being then on equall termes, there Was Not any More exception against the Comission for that tyme beinge aboute the .9th. of May, vntill towardes the last of Iune followinge. / .

The Second important pointe W[hi]ch was handled, did concerne a prouisionall abstinence from all actes of Hostillitie duringe the treatie, W[hi]ch I propounded for the prevention of those disturbances that the daylie accidentes of Warre Might breede, and the deputies seemed to like for the same reason, addinge also that they conceived the227r they Conceived that the Infantes power for a suspention and deposition beinge the greater Might suffitiently Comprehend a prouic[i]onall Surceasance, beinge the lesse: But there Was dispute in two or three Conferrences about the tyme of the Abstinence, and the Man[n]er of Negotiatinge it, Whether by l[ett]res of Councell, or by vsinge therein some fitt person or persons, the Cheefe impediment beinge then thought on both sides to be in the independence of the Ellector Pallatynes Auxilliaries, or yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie or the said Elector. The Infantes deputies Makinge Noe doubte of the obedience of the Emperours Cheefe to her highnes l[ett]res vpon this occasion there Were Named by the deputies the Ellector of Mayence, and the Lantgraue of Dornstad as a Nevtrall Prince, and one whoe affected Peace: But I answered, that I thought them vnfitt, the one beinge a Principall Member of the Catholique league, and the other alwayes adhearinge to the Emperiall partie: In the ende it Was agreede on both sides, to Comitt the Negotiac[i]on to the Lorde Cheechestre then residinge in the Pallatinate, as the first person in regarde of the Quallity of his imployment, to W[hi]ch purpose, I did by l[ett]res recomende the busines vnto him, and the Infanta in like Manner Wrott vnto the Emperoures Cheefes to Concurr w[i]th him to that ende soe farr as Might concerne them. The Lord Cheechester vsed such dilligence therein that the Electors Auxilliaries Were content to come to a surceasance for .21. dayes, and he Wrott also to the Emperours Cheefes to haue a Meetinge at frankforth, or some other Convenient place: But he received aunswere from Monsure de Tylly, first that he could doe Nothinge of him selfe w[i]thout the commaunde of his Maister, and W[i]thout the rest of the Emperours Cheefes, Thirdly that the l[ett]res Were W[i]th such Caution for feare of preiudiceing [th]e Emperour and his allies that227v and his allies, that he knewe Not howe to give Waye vnto it W[i]thout hazard to himselfe: Lastlie, that he Neuer hearde of any such powere givuen to the Infanta: Herew[i]th I acquinted both the deputies and the Marquesse of Spinola demaundinge that her highnes Would be pleased to Write directlie and fullie to the Emperours Cheifes to accept the fore aforesaid tyme of twenty one dayes the like acceptinge thereof by the Elector and his partie, Whereto the said deputies brought this Answere from her highnes, That shee had delt directlie and Cleerelie w[i]thout retractinge or givinge any vnderhand Comaunde; [tha]t she had Writt to the Emperours Cheifes Who best vnderstoode the state of thinges to treate W[i]th My lorde Cheechestre about the Provic[i]onall abstinence, and vntill she had heard from them, knewe we Not What More to Write: They did likewise shewe me a l[ett]re Written by the Marquesse Spinola by Don Gonzales de Cordua, Who acknoulledged therin the receiptes of one from her highnesse to Monsure de Tylly w[hi]ch he had Not the Convenience to deliuer, Mentioninge W[i]thall the scruple Made by the said Monsure de Tylly to agree to an abstinence w[i]thout order from the duke of Bavaria: And lastlie addinge his owne opinion that forbearance Would asmuch Consume the forces as Warre. Vppon W[hi]ch answere, and the Maner of proceedinge in the Pallatinate, I conceivinge litle hope of the Provic[i]onall abstinence agreed to prosecute the treatie. The cheefe pointes whereof had in seuerall Left margin: May .25. . 1622. Conferrences ben handled (Viz) the Place, the persons, the tyme and the Man[n]er: The Place Was firste handled as the fittest enterance, and I propounded the Pallatinate, both Vpper and the Lower as the propere subiecte of the treatie, and that onlie W[hi]ch had bine Considered and insisted on in formor Negotiatinges: And hereto I added this explicac[i]on, that the first thinge in his Ma[jes]ties intenc[i]on was a generall Cessation and layinge downe228r layinge downe of Armes: But to that w[hi]ch was firste considerable in the proposic[i]on was the Pallatinate: This pointe bread Much Contestinge, it beinge alleadged on the Infantas parte that by this meanes the Emperours freindes in Germany should still remaine exposed to danger by a libertie of Hostillitie in all other partes thereof as any advauntage Might present it selfe: Wherevnto I replied, that yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties intenc[i]on was generall, that to prepare the waye to the effectinge thereof, for yo[u]r owne forces and yo[u]r Sonnes in Lawe, you would undertake directlie: And that for the Auxiliaries vpon faire and reasonable termes, w[hi]ch if they would Not accepte. The Emperoure and kinge of Spayne Might give yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie that Content w[hi]ch Might cause you to pursue them as enemis, and perturbers of the Publique peace: As for the persons on the Ellectors side, I saide that I did daylie expecte powers and Comissioners from the said auxiliaries vpon the safe conductes w[hi]cch had bene sente to that purpose; wherevpon I was toulde by the deputies in her highnesse Name that shee was well satisfied w[i]th that w[hi]ch I had declared, and would soe farre as the Necessitie of thinges Might permitt, give yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie all Content: About this tyme fellout the invasion of the Lantgrave of Darmsteats Countrye, and the Seazing of him and his Sonne, w[hi]ch did both hinder for a tyme the sendinge of the expected Comissioners, and Made a greate allarum & was highly Complayned of, both by the Deputies and the Infanta her selfe: But I hauinge received advertisment from the Elector howe thinges had past, and the Reasons of all, viz. That the invasion proceeded from the Necessitie of Releevinge his Army: And that the Seazing of the Lantgraue who was founde in a Woode, was for preservinge of his person from outrage of Souldiers, w[hi]ch appeareth to be true by his speedie delivery: I did herew[i]th acquinte the deputies, and her highnes, also that thet Might see thinges were Not soe hainous as they Conceived: I declared furthere that yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie preferringe the generall Peace of Christendom229r Peace of Christendom, before the perticuler regarde of yo[u]r Sonne in Lawe. had very latlie Written vnto him a verye Rounde l[ett]re, Not knowinge then howe thinges had passed Wherby he Might finde that his houlding of about such Waveringe Courses, Would cause the W[i]thdrawinge of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties assistance and Countenance from him: That you had likewise Written to yo[u]r Ambassador and Generall in the Pallatinate charginge them in case of the Electors disobedience. to licence the Armey payed by you, and to returne to yo[u]r presense: Finallie I prayed herr highenes to take knowledge of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Reall and cleere proceedings, and of the Electors readines at the same tyme to Conforme himselfe to yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s pleasure, wherw[i]th shee seemed then to rest satisfied, acknowledging yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s sinceretie, and addinge further that shee woulde referre the Iudgement of the Electors carriage to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie and wholie relye on you for reducinge and Continuinge of him in order. / .

Nowe in a dispatch W[hi]ch I made two dayes after to Mr Secretarye Calvarte hauinge formorlie apprehended an intention they had to sett vppon the duke of Brunswicke whereof I gaue him advirtisment in one of My dispatches (before w[hi]ch then prooued true) I did desire him to consider what small Comforte I had, and howe it Might stande W[i]th yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s honoure While I was treatinge of a Suspecntion of Armes, to haue the busines Checked w[i]th such disasters, that I would haue patience to expecte the issue if I sawe any possibillitie of a {promisiall} abstinence or accomadatinge of the Auxiliaries: But since I had Noe likelihood of either I desired speedie directions howe to carye my selfe, that yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s honore Miggt Noe More despend vpon such incertentie: Towardes [th]e Left margin: Junij .22. .1622. ende of June, there came from the Elector Palatine a full and ample l[ett]re of Submission to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie w[i]th l[ett]res also from the Marquesse of Thurluck and Counte of Mansfeilde, Somwhat before w[hi]ch tyme hapned the Duke Christiane of Brunswickes retreate, and we beinge still in treatie, The Emperours229r The Emperours affaires seeminge then to prosper: Her highnes deputies renewed theire former exceptiones against My Comission, and referred the aboue menconed l[ett]res as beinge onlie l[ett]res of Credence: Wherevpon I toulde them I knewe Not what better assurance to expecte from such persons, then theire handes and Seals yet I promissed to speake to those Ministers whom they had imployd to Me, and cause such formall poweres to be sent for, as the said deputies demaunded, w[hi]ch was also performed (tho w[i]thout successe) But w[i]thall for the Electore I shewed them his first Submission to his Ma[jes]tie and the Emperours l[ett]res of the .4th. of Ianuary in the w[hi]ch yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie alone is Menc[i]oned for the Pointe or Treatie, and invited therevnto, I did likewise declare that w[i]thout further order from yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie I could Not departe from that w[hi]ch I said before, seeinge No cause in reason or honoure why yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie (vndertakinge for yo[u]r sonne in lawe was Not altogether suffitiente, or whie the Comission W[hi]ch I had should Not fullie Comprehend all that concerned him in that behalfe, supposinge those defectes and incapacities w[hi]ch Might else be obiected and shoulde be salved by Noe other expediente: I did also entreate them to Considere; That the Electors sendinge of the powere whereon they insisted Might not intangle the busynes w[i]th an other dispute, for it was Not to be thought hee Woulde forbeare any of his tytles, W[hi]ch he spared Not to vse euen in his formall submission: But all this Could Not satisfie her highnes Nor them: yet w[i]thin a daye or two they propounded an expedient, wherby [th]e difficoultie aboute tytles Might be whollie avoyded viz, by the incertion of divers Wordes such as Might be ioyntlye agreed vpon in my Comission, and the Electors subscription of his Name vnder the same Comission beinge Made a Newe, and said w[i]thall that although it woulde require some good space of tyme, yet it Needed Not to staye the proceedinges of the treatie w[hi]ch Might be in the{} meanetyme Continued, to w[hi]ch ende they weare redye229v they Were redie to heare What I had to propounde touchinge those Auxiliaries Who had sent vnto me Wishinge theire demaunde Might be reasonable to Moderate on practicall termes, or since it tended to a co[m]on good it Were fitt it should be a Com[m]on Worke, as for the propoundes expedient by inserc[i]on, the Maner whereof was agreed, I promised to give advirtisment of it, hopinge that if yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie woulde accept it, there should be No more questions about that pointe: But contrarye to all expectac[i]on, W[i]thin fowere dayes after They raised a Newe difficultie, for they declared, that vpon further Considerac[i]on they found the same Comission defective Not in substance but formallitie, because the title of Elector Was vsed therein, and therefore her highnes desired to knowe whether yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie would Not be pleased to leaue out that tytle (the acceptinge where of by her beinge Made) to a thinge in W[hi]ch the Prince is soe quallified would argue an approouing and confirminge of the same tytle: Whereto I answered [tha]t I had alreadie given advirtisment of the propounded expedient, w[hi]ch I knewe Not Whether yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie would accepte or Reiecte: That I would deale cleerlie and roundlie W[i]th them, letting them knowe, yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie expected the Restituc[i]on Not onlie of the Patrimonye, but likwise of the Honore of yo[u]r Children, Wherefore as I would advirtise of this Newe scruple in regard it was deliuered in her highnes Name, for soe I protested against it, tellinge them also I did Not thinke yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie would take in good parte this Newe raisinge of difficultie, that it was licklie, the Comission was in hand againe vpon the formor dispatch, and Might perhappes be deliuered Me before this other advertisment could come to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie so as if the reformiinge of that pointe should be graunted it Must cause a third alterac[i]on, w[hi]ch Might argue a desire in them to Winne gaine tyme, as likinge theire insistinge soe much vpon formalities, dis shewe that they had litle Meaninge to give230r Meaninge to give yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie satisfaction in Matter of Substance: About this tyme Was the first rumor of the siege of Hidleberghe, and therefore in the same Conferrence I prest them to the ende I Might treate securelie, to haue assurance that the townes then held in the Pallatinate should be forborne, least otherwwise I might tarrie to see the treatie illuded, and afterward departe w[i]th Scorne, And this I prayed them to reporte to her highnes, And therevpon after attendance when I receaved Noe satisfaction from them I craved audience of her highnes, and desired herr (taking occasion vpon that allarum) That she would Comaunde Tylly and Gonzalles to forbeare: Her highnes answers, that for Tylly [s]he had No power as beinge vnder the Emperoure: And I replied therevpon that the Emperoure hauinge given to her highnes Power to conclude a Cessation, had likewise giuen her power to directe his Ministers vnto that ende: But howsoeuer if she had Not that comaunde ouer Tylly yet I desired she would prohibite and restraine Gonzalles and his forces from aattemptinge: her answere to this was, that for Gonzalles he had expresse order out of Spaine, that when Tylly and he were together he should be directed by him, as if he were his inferior. This seemed soe strange to Me, that it Moved me to tell her, that yf yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie had knowene soe much before, and that the Emperours Cheefes May obaye when they list accordinge to the varietie of advauntages, his Ma[jes]tie would haue spared the sendinge of an Ambassador, that he Might have prevented the receavinge of such an afront, beinge Now to be satisfied vpon two greate difficulties, the proceedinge vpon the Second Comission w[i]thout a third alterac[i]on, and the assurance of the places held by yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s forces in the Pallatinate: I expected theire answere, but heard Nothinge from them, from the .28th. of Iune vntill the .8th. of Iuly w[hi]ch they excused by theire Multitud230v by theire Multitude of busines beinge the greater by reason of the Marquesse Spinolas absence: Then I prest them vpon the Seconde Comission, declaringe that yf yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie had knowne tyme enough of the last Scruple, you would haue omitted the tytle of Elector, and were then Contented to give me leaue to accepte of a protestac[i]on on theire partes w[i]th a savinge of yo[u]r Sonne in Lawes rightes as well as the Emperours, By w[hi]ch Meanes we Might haue proceeded w[i]thout losse of tyme, But they would Not give Waye to this expedic[i]onent, insistinge still on theire third alteracion ww[hi]ch caused theire delaye in regarde of their sendinge too and fro, and the Seazinge of the Messenger betweene Sedan and Bruxells, Whether he was brought prisoner, from the .8. of Iuly to the .8. of August, before w[hi]ch tyme the last Comission came Not yo my handes: In the Meanetyme I receaved a l[ett]re from the Ellector Pallatine, advirtiseinge Me of his arrivall at Sedan as a place Most proper, beinge both Newtrall and Neere the place of treatie, that he had taken this resoluc[i]on to give the lesse impediment to our Negotiation, and to obay yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Co maunde, and that seeinge the greate disorders of his Army w[hi]ch Might be imputed to him, and vsed for a pretexte to interrupte the treatye contrarie to you[u]r good intention, for the preventinge hereof and that the Worlde Might see howe desirous he Was of Peace. Therefore before his departure he had discharged all his forces there remaininge, only those w[hi]ch were payede of yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie But this Conformitie could Not remoue the Complaints and pretended iealousies and feares, it beinge alledged that the Armye Was lessened but by one Man: And whereas I made divers instances of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s offeres to ioyne with the Emperoure for reducinge of the Electors Auxiliaries to reason, both before his licenceinge of them, and after, yet there Was Noe e{ }e eare given therevnto, Nor any other231r vnto, Nor any other accomodac[i]on propounded vntill the Secret ouerture of depositinge of {Mamehem} and franckendale in her Highnes handes, And leauinge of Hidleburghe, for the Electors residence w[i]th the revenues both of that and the other twoe, Wherof I Made perticuler Relac[i]on to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie by a dispatch of the xixth of Iulij, But it beinge soe tender a pointe in regard of honor and assurance, and for other Considerac[i]ons of w[hi]ch I likewise gave advertisment at the same tyme. I refused the imbraceing or propoundinge of it, and left it to them yf they thought fitt, Notw[i]thstandinge What I had saide against it, To propounde by theire Ambassadors here, Neuerthelesse Don Carola Colona { whom } howsoeuer he were Made acq- uinted w[i]th it, yet had No order to Make the offer vntill about the .viijth. of September, at w[hi]ch tyme it was knowne Hidelberge Was either in greate distresse, or els taken: Hauinge on the viijth of August receaved yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s Comission, I presentlie gaue Notice of it, and demaunded a Conference, w[hi]ch I could Not haue vntill the xijth by reason of the absence of one of the Deputies: At that Meetinge I exhibited the Comission vnto them, who had Nothing to oppose, but saide it were fitt to Comvnicate it w[i]th her Highnes, wherevpon in the same daye in the afternoone an authenticall Coppie thereof was deliuered them: The Next Daye, They declared her highnes acceptation, and said they were readie to proceede in the treatie; Wherevnto I answered, that I desired Nothinge More, and then we resolued to Meete againe on the .xvth At w[hi]ch tyme I deliuered them this proposition in Writinge. / .

W[hi]ch Contayneth, and expresseth a Svccinat proposition howe farre his Ma[jes]tie of Greate Brittaine can and will ingage himselfe, for somuch as Concerneth a Suspetion and Deposition of Armes in the twoe Pallatinates, his said Ma[jes]tie promiseth, aswell for himselfe as for his sonne in lawe, that Neither they, Nor theire forces shall give any assistance, directlie or indirectlie to the enemies of either parte w[i]thin231v either parte, W[i]thin the twoe Pallatinates aforesaide Nor in any other place Whatsoeuer. / .

He Promiseth also to vse all posssible Meanes that the Articles resolued on, shalbe involablye observed and Maintained, duringe the tyme in all that concerneth the Pallatinate, and all the Places thereof possessed by either partie: And he wilbe sor farre forth from permittinge that the truce shalbe any waye infringed in the abouesaide places: That contrariwise he promiseth and declareth that he Will ioyne his Armes w[i]th those of his Emperiall Ma[jes]tie against all such, as shall attempt it. / .

Touchinge the Duke Christian of Brvnswicke and Count of Mansfield who haue bene heretofore Auxilliarries of his Ma[jes]ties Sonne in Lawe, it is suffitientlie evident, that he hath discharged them, a good while since, and Medleth Noe More W[i]th theire affaires, Nor they w[i]th his, havinge imbarqued them selves in other designes and seperate resoluc[i]ons. / .

Nowe when the treatie of a generall Peace shall come to be handled, if then the said duke and Count will Not be Comprehended therein vpon such termes as be Consonant to reason and honoure: His said Ma[jes]tie will declare himselfe theire enemyes, and iointlie imploye his forces against them, as against the perturbers of the Com[m]on repose of Christendome. / .

Wherefore sith this is all his Ma[jes]tie cane doe for the present, and that Maye be expected from him for the fvuture in Honoure and Equitie, in regard whereof, hee desireth that her highnes will thinke good to declare her selfe. viz. Whether the truce Maye be Made vpon this proposition. / .

Att the deliuerie Whereof, I toulde the Deputies that I should Not Neede to remember vnto them yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s greate Merits towardes the Howse of Austria, how you had held the Patrimonie of yo[u]r Children taken awaye w[i]thout opposinge the Course of the Emperors victories as hauinge More232r as hauinge More care of the Peace of Christendome then of yo[u]r sonnes affaires, w[hi]ch all the World had seene, and them selues acknowledged, and that therefore your Ma[jes]tie expectinge Nowe the fruites of yo[u]r Longe Patience and theire Many promisses, had Comaunded Me to propounde that w[hi]ch I had then deliuered, and to a rounde and present answere. They promissed to acquinte her Highnes therew[i]th, and to lett me knowe her Resoluc[i]on, w[i]thin twoe dayes after came Newes of the Count of Mansfield beinge in Henault, together w[i]th the duke Christian whose passage thorough those partes to ioyne w[i]th the forces of the vnited states, gaue indeede litle leasure to the Infanta and her Councell to thinke on other Matters: yet I did Sollicet for an answere, but More earnestlie when it was knowne that Mansfield was ioyned w[i]th the States forces. / .

That impediment of the Count Mansfield beinge remoued as I thought, and hauinge Received l[ett]res out of Spayne from My Lord Digby of Much assurance, I had reason to conceive some better hope, and therevpon havinge obtained Audience, I desired her Highnes to hasten the Answere, and in that Audience taking Notice of the good offices done by her, Whereof I had advertisment from My Lorde Digby: I added w[i]thall [tha]t thereby I had the greater confidence of the good effectes w[hi]ch yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie attended from her, havinge Now in her owne handes, the Meanes, and the Powere to give him Content. That the takinge of the remainder Townes could be litle glorie to them: That the Howse of Austria wanted but one thinge to Crowne theire victories: w[hi]ch was to lett the World see, they can as wislie laye downe theire Armes, as they can take them vpp: Lastlie, that there was No enemie, and therefore Noe cause of Feare, or iealousie to them or theire Neighbours: Her answere to that was, in feawe and generall Wordes, of her good affection to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie: That shee Would give Mee answere to My demaundes w[i]th convenient speede232v Convenient speed, and if it laye in her powere vpon w[hi]ch I did hope shee would haue given order to her Comissioners, and after I sent Mr Trvmball and Mr Dickinson to the Chauncellor Pequins, who spake couldlie of it, tellinge them, he had order from her Highnes to Make relation of what had passed in the last Conference, w[hi]ch she purposed to sende hee knewe Not whether: But he thought, it was to be sent to the Marquesse of Spinola, Who Was then inthe Armye: And here vpon I advertized yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie That When I compared the Comfortes from Spayne w[i]th the Language held here, I founde a greate deale of difference. Presentlie after that audience I vnderstoode of the Siege of Hidleberge, W[hi]ch at last prooved true, for W[i]thin twoe dayes after that I was advertised of the Certaynty thereof by l[ett]res from the Lord Chichester, Where vpon I demaunded, and had Audience againe: In W[hi]ch tyme I pressed for the W[i]thdrawinge of the Siege, and forbearinge of the other places: But her Highnes answered that I had experience by her former l[ett]res to Monsure Tilly that he woulde Not obay her, and that the powere she had was for a suspension and deposition, Not for hopeinge of of the Course of Armes in the Meane tyme, And I replied that in her Power from the Emperoure, there Was Noe exception of Monsure Tilly or any other But a generall and vnrestrained inablinge of Her, and that if shee Wanted Pwere to graunt a present surcessance, yet she had that w[hi]ch is more essentiatiall to Conclude the s[ai]d Suspention and Deposic[i]on W[hi]ch W Now all impediments beinge remoued as appeareth to the Whole World, She had Noe reason to delay: I demaunded also that at the least she would take order for the Remouinge of the Siege, vntill I might receave a Resolution from yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie vpon her answere, W[hi]ch I expected and was promissed to the proposition: But she saied as before, & all I could gett was a promise to write to the Arche Duke Leopold and233r Duke Leopold and Monsure Tilly wherof though I expected Not any good effectes, as I tould both her highnes and her deputies, and the issue shewed howe greate reason I had to doubte: yet I thought good Not to refuse them [tha]t Might w[i]thout touch to yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s Honour to hould the treatie on foote till I receaved an Answere: w[i]thin fower dayes was sent me a single l[ett]re to the Arche Duke Leopold wherew[i]th he beinge offended aswell w[i]th the losse of tyme in a Matter of such weight, as for the Manner of the penninge, and the omission of De Tillye, I could Neuerthelesse Not gett both the l[ett]res such as they weare, vntill the seventh daye after the first promise: On the viijth of September beinge fully . xxiiij. dayes from the exhibitinge of the Proposition, this answere Was deliuered. / .

The answere of her Highnes Deputies, to the Writinge of the Ambassador of the kinge of greate Brittaine Intitled a Sciant proposition. / .

It is verie certain that in this Conference hath alwais ben presupposed that the suspecnsyon of Armes ought to be vniversall in all Germany because otherwise a p[ar]ticuller Suspention w[i]thin two two Pallatinates could Not subsist, and that for this Reason, The Powere of the Marquesse Tarlacke, Duke Christian of Brounswicke and Count Mansfied haue ben demaunded, in regard also that yf the said Suspention were Not vniversall it would turne to the Manifest preiudice of the Confederates of the faithfull Subiectes of the Emperor, and be contrarye to the intention of his Ma[jes]tie Imperiall and wherein it is still Necessarye to persist and hould firmelie; And that the kinge of Greate Brittaine oblige him selfe to this assurance w[i]th the Prince his Sonne in Lawe and the Rest as aboue. / .

Moreouer the invasion, and Hostillitie vsed fewe days since, by the Army of the said Prince in these Countrys and States of his Catholicke Ma[jes]tie being a thinge Notorious, It is fitt that in the Actors of the said Suspension there be also ex=233v there be also expresly sett downe, that it shalbe observed w[i]th all the States of his Catholique Ma[jes]tie aswell those of these Lowe Countrys, as of Spaine, Itally and the Rest in regarde the Army lead and Comaunded by the { aff } aforesaid Duke Christian and Mansfield hath suffitiently discouered the bad designes both of the said Prince, and of them against his Ma[jes]tie Lykewise seinge the said Mansfield hath refused to accepte the grace of Pardon of his Ma[jes]tie wherby he Might haue returned to his Regall service, and to his owne Naturall obedience, and hath w[i]thall drawen from this Cittie him whom he had sent thither to treate on this his behallfe. Seeing also howe litle he can hope for, from [th]e Hollanders, and howe his Pride Will not lett him remaine in Holland, there beinge w[i]thall perticuller advirtisements that his ende and purpose is to returne to trouble the affaires of Germany: Lastlie Seeinge the Duke Christian will take the same Course, as he hath also expreslie declared to the Count of He{n}yn and Secretarye Brvne{nn}, There is Non that seeth Not cleerlie the truth of that w[hi]ch hath ben saide, And that it is Nowe More Necessarie then euer to prouide for the generall assurance. / .

And although in regard the said Duke Christian and Mansfield refuse to enter into the treatie of the said suspention: yea Contrariwise giue me one of the principall impedimentes to it: Her Highnes Might w[i]th verie greate Reason and good ground Not admit the said Suspentio; yet for the desire she hath to satisfie the kinge of Greate Brittaine and to Make peace vnto the World, that on this side there is Noe Wante of Readines to performe a generall quietnesse: Her highnes Will willinglie give eare to such Meanes, as May be propounded and advirtised for the Establishment, and setlinge of the said generall assurance duringe the Suspention on both parties. / .

At the deliuerie thereof though I protested that the Siege of Hidleberge Continuing I could Not Speake one Word More by way of treatie234r more by waye of Treatie: yet I could Not but tell them that this answere was verie different from that w[hi]ch yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie expected, it Containinge for the Most parte but a rearminac[i]on against yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s sonne in Lawe, vpon those suspentions, that were before alledged, and by me fullie answered: That i did not thinke yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s Merites to the howse of Austria, had ben so slightlie vallued, [tha]t those thinges should haue ben touched againe, Muche lesse that they would Couple this Cause, w[i]th the Cause of the vnited Prouinces, from w[hi]ch it was euer seuered, To w[hi]ch they replied that her Highnes had done what she Coulde, That she had written her l[ett]res to the Arche duke Leopolde and the Counte of Tilly. I answered [tha]t yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie did Not expecte from the Infanta offices of intreatie, but to exercise that power w[hi]ch she had to Comaunde them absolutely to w[i]thdrawe theire Armes: Thinges beinge in these termes, And I hauinge received directe Comaundement from yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to give ouer treatinge, and to returne to yo[u]r presence, yf the Siege of Hildleberge were Not remoued. I thought fitt before My departure to Make a replie to the answere, aswell to refute imputac[i]ons layed by yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s sonne in Lawe as to leaue them w[i]thout excuse by declaringe yo[u]r Last offere viz. of ioyninge W[i]th the Emperour against the Duke Christian, and Counte of Mansfield yf they would persist in beinge refractory, aswell in regard of a Suspention and Deposition as of a Peace: But in the Meane tyme while accordinge to yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s order I moued her highnes againe about her remouinge of the foresaid Siege, And she answered as before, that she was desirous to give yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie all Contentment that laye in her powere, for the good of yo[u]r Children, But to Write to Monsure de Tilly in such sorte as I demaunded, were to Noe purpose because she knewe he Would Not obaye her, where vnto after Much debatinge, when I sawe I could not prevaile No more in that pointe, I replied that then by grauntinge a Cessation w[hi]ch was234v a Cessation, w[hi]ch was the Subiecte of my imployment, She Might at once give an ende to all inconveniences, aswell by freeinge of Hidleberge, as by Securinge the other two Townes: But yf yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie could Not receave the satisfaction you expected and yo[u]r Merites iustlie Challenged, I was by yo[u]r Expresse Comaundement to take My leaue of her Highnes and to returne: Where vpon she prayed Me to propound it to the deputies, promissinge an answere w[i]th as Much satisfaction as she could give; I said I would performe her will, But w[i]thall prayed her that the answere Might be Catigoricall and Speedye, because the tyme limited by yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie for My Staye exceeded Not Sixe Dayes: This passed on the xj .xth. of September, and on the xijth (for the .xjth was Hollidaye) I deliuered this Replie. / .

A Reply to the Answere of her highnes Deputies. / .

His Ma[jes]tie of Greate Brittaine hath Neuer had other designe then that the Suspention of Armes. w[hi]ch are handled in this treatie should be vniversall thorough all Germany, and to this ende hath offered asmuch as in honore and Equitie can be expected from him as appeareth, besides that w[hi]ch hath ben often tymes saide by word of Mouth, by the articles of proposition: Now it is Evidente inough by the eventes, that at this tyme Germany is No waye infested by the Armes of those Whoe haue ben heretofore the Auxiliaries of his Ma[jes]ti[e]s Sonne in Lawe: for the Marquesse of Turlacke hath altogether disarmed certayne Moneths, and Medled No more w[i]th [th]e Cause: The Ducke Christian of Brounswicke and the Count of Mansfild are retired w[i]th the Remainder of their forces towardes the united States to be imployed in their Service w[hi]ch hath Noe relation to Germanie, Soe as for the present, the hinderance w[hi]ch proceeded from the Auxilliaries is235r Auxiliaries is wholly taken awaye. / .

For the tyme to come, to prevent all inconveniencis, w[hi]ch May springe from the Quarrell in Germanye, his said Ma[jes]tie declareth that somever hath ben promised on his parte in regarde of a Peace, he will performe, and oblige him selfe therevnto, in regarde of the foresaid Suspension and deposition (viz) That in case the said late Auxiliaries shall attempte any Hostillitie w[i]thin the Empire duringe the Truce he Will Conioyne his forces against them w[i]th those of the Emperour his Freindes and Allyes. / .

Touchinge his Ma[jes]ti[e]s Sonne in Lawe, it seemeth verrye Strange that the Army w[hi]ch he hath soe Manifestlye and reallye discharged, soe Many Monethes since is still attributed or ascribed to him, And yet More strange, that from this incertaine presupposition, men will proceede to such demaundes, w[hi]ch were Never pretended hertofore, for sithence the said Brunswicke and Mansfield are retired into Hollande, and there entertayned, to demaunde that in the accorde of the Suspension, These Lowe Countryes be specified is Nothinge else then to demaund that w[hi]ch cannot welbe expected w[i]thout the consent and approbation of the vnited States, and to involue this Cause w[i]th theirs, from w[hi]ch it hath ben alwais seperate: But if the Condition of thinges Were suche that a generall treatie Were harkened vnto, it is Not to be doubted, that his Ma[jes]tie of greate Brittayne would willinglie imploye him selfe therein for the Establishment and settinge of a generall quietnes, aswell in these estates of his Catholique Ma[jes]tie as euery where ellse: Now whereas forsoemuch as concerneth the present Constitution of the affaires of these Lowe Countrys, His Ma[jes]tie of Greate Brittayne doth in such sorte testefie bothe his good affection and impartiallitie givinge leave to soe greate a Number of his Subiectes amongst those Maines of honorable quallitie to followe this Warre in the service and235v in the service and defence of his Catholique Ma[jes]tie And Whereas also there is for the present Noe enemy in Germany, Nor feare of any for the future, in regarde of [tha]t w[hi]ch his said Ma[jes]tie of Greate Brittaine doth promise & vndertake for himselfe and his Sonne in Lawe, And [th]e offer he Maketh Nowe to pursue the said Auxilliaries as perturbers of the publique Peace, yf they returne to trouble and infest the Empire in any parte thereof duringe the tyme of the treatie: For this Cause his Ma[jes]tie aforesaid pretendinge Nothinge else by the said Truce, then to prepare a Peceable Waye to the Restitution of his Children to theire Patrimonye and hereditarie Honours and Dignities, demaundeth a Cessation of Armes accordinge to his Merrites towards the Howse of Austria in tyme past, and offeres for the tyme to Come, Beyond w[hi]ch he knoweth Not What expedient agreement agreeinge w[i]th his honoure canbe propounded or advised for the accomodatinge of this affaire: At the said tyme hauinge said what was fitt accordinge to yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s order: I pressed perticullerlie to have a cleere and punctuall answere w[i]thin the tyme before Menc[i]oned longer then W[hi]ch I could Not attende it, vnliesse it were to haue a Cessation, for the W[hi]ch I Mighte adventure some fewe dayes More, But they insisted on the accusinge of the Ellector, and on the intention of the Duke Christian and Mansfield to returne into Germanye, Wherevpon after Much dispute I intreated them to state the question thus, whether it were better that the said Duke Christian and Mansfield should returne to infest Germanye hauinge yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie their Enemie, and yo[u]r forces bent against them, or { doin } doe it beinge Countenanced by you, and all yo[u]r Freindes: They Confessed the former Were Much better: But asked Me howe them selues should be secured, for it were verye strange (they saide) they should plucke the thorne out of theire Neighboures foote to putt it into theire owne: I tould them that was236r tould them, that was whollie an other Case, and prayed them to Consider the Equallitie of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s carriage, and suffringe yo[u]r Subiectes to serve her highnes: But when I spake of that, and of yo[u]r Merittes, they fledd to Germany, And when I spake of yo[u]r offer to ioyne w[i]th the Emperour, they fled backe to Holland: w[i]thin two dayes after I received two dispatches Confirminge yo[u]r Ma[jes]t[ies] Comaundement of Retourninge, if I could not prevaille where vpon on the xvth, I had Audience againe of her highnes: In w[hi]ch I tould her that yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s Comaund for My returne to yo[u]r Presence, in case yo[u]r iust demaundes were Not yeilded vnto, was renewed by sh{e}she directions: Soe as I might Not longer attende: Whereto she replied, that she had written to Don Carlos to propound vnto Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie an Expedient Whereby the busines Might be Well accomodated, and therefore prayed me to tarrye vntill she received an Answer from him: But I tould her the Expedient had No referrence to My Charge, that I had longe since disclaimed it, That yo[u]r Comaunde Was directe and expresse, and in a thinge that did Mainelie touch yo[u]r Honoure Whereof I was to be tenderlie Carefull, I shall Not Need to trouble yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie w[i]th all that passed then, beinge the same for the Most parte w[hi]ch had ben before. One Pointe I vrged More perticulerlie, That yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie expected from the Kinge of Spayne the same assistance if the Emperoure would Not restore yo[u]r Childrens patrimonie and dignities, w[hi]ch yo[u]r selfe would haue given the Emperour against yo[u]r owne Sonne in Lawe yf hee had ben still Refractorie: I added w[i]thall that yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie was well assured the said Kinge of Spayne, aswell in regarde of the Amitie betweene you, as of his owne honoure, would not well digest a repulse aftere {so maye} Meditations Made by him to the Emperoure least to the World it should stayne those Manie professions w[hi]ch he had Made. Wherevnto her Answere was that she assured236v that she assured her selfe, the said Kinge of Spayne Would Continewe to doe all good offices for the Restituc[i]on of the Prrince Pallatine, and shewe by Effectes the desire he hath to ioyne in amytie w[i]th yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie and that hee would thinke it dish s{h} dishonorable Not to perfecte that w[hi]ch he hath begun, or Not to Make good the promise he hath Made to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie Who hath deserved a Crowne of Palme, by yo[u]r Royall Carriage. And hereto she ioyned also a profession of her owne Constant resolution to Continue the Contributinge of her best offices and asistance. In the Supposinge I Ment to take My leave at that tyme., She pressed Me soe earnestlie to haue patience for one day, that I held it incivill to denie it: My last Audience Was the xvijth of September in w[hi]ch her Highnes falliunge on the busines vsed those excuses of Not givinge yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie Contentment, and such profession of her desire and Care to see yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[e]s Children restored, that although they Were in a Maner the same w[hi]ch she had divers tymes vsed, yet they were deliuered w[i]th More earnestnest: The same Language Was held, and w[i]th the same earnestnest, both by the Spanish Ambassador, and by the Deputies severallie: Amongst other thinges, I Must Note. That Whereas the said Ambassador had heard that vpon her Highnes pressing of Me againe to tarrie vntill she had received answer from Don Carlos, I had tould her I was assured yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie Would Not Hazard yo[u]r Honour by Continuinge yo[u]r Ambassador there to be frustrate w[i]th Scorne a third tyme: He said they Were Not Curious where the busines were Caried handled, for they Would seeke Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie any where: And it was theire generall Sayinge, that albeit, I were recalled: yet they held Not the treatie to be broken. Thus I haue trulie and breeflie related to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie all the important passages of the Treatye. / .


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 4149, ff. 226r-236v,

Languages: English, Latin

Creation date: c.1622?


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Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars

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Keywords (Text Type)

  • treaty

Keywords (Text Topics)

  • diplomacy

Transcribed by:

Tim Wales (Research Assistant)