'The Truth Teller [or, Tom Tell-Troth] (1622)'
Norfolk Record Office, AYL/192, ff. [1r]-[14r]
Since they that haue the honor to app[er]teyne vnto you haue
neither the Courage nor Conscience to acquaynt you w[i]th the
fearefull discontents of the tyme but suffer you to lose yo[u]r subiect[es]
hart[e]s soe slightly as if they were not worthie the keepinge, I
a pore vnknowne suppliant whoe {} neu[er] had the happines to come
nere yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties but in the thronge nor to take any other oath in
yo[u]r service then the oathe of allegience, haue adventured vppon
soe much forwardnes at this tyme of neede when all places are
indeede voyde (w[hi]ch Covetousnes & high ambition seemeth to fill)
as to thrust my selfe unto the best office aboute you, then p[re]sident of
yo[u]r Councell, or Earle marshall of England, and more discontinued
then the noble office of tellinge the trueth, wherin [i]f my bould
=nes make me forfeit my discretion, my loyaltie I hope will
begg my p[ar]don, and the rather because I p[er]swade my selfe
I ame not altogither w[i]thout warrant for that I doe, for it
was my death not longe sithence to take notice of two p[ro]clamac[i]ons
w[hi]ch came out in yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties name against inordinate talkinge
wherin it is yo[u]r gracious plesuer to make all yo[u]r lovinge subiects
of what Condic[i]on soeu[er] Instrument of State, by givinge them not
a bare volentary power but a substanciall Charge and
Comission to informe against all those that shall hereafter
offend in [tha]t kinde, Now yo[u]r Ma[jestie] shall knowe [tha]t I ame one of [th]e
greatest Company keep[er]s in this tyme towne and therefore
cannot but be guyltie of many things that I ame bound to reveale,
no obedience to yo[u]r Royall Comand (w[hi]ch is [th]e death I p[ro]pose to my
selfe at this p[re]sent) the misery is I know not where to begyn
whome to accuse in p[ar]ticuler of so gen[er]all Cryme, I vow to god &
yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie, I can come into no meetinge but I fynde [th]e p[re]dominant
humor to be talkinge of [th]e warrs of {} the honor of their
Countrie or such lyke treson, And I would to god they would
stopp there, & p[ro]fane no further [th]e things that are aboue them,
but such are [th]e Rage & follie of their tong[es] as they spare not
yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties sacred p[er]son, yea to descant vppon yo[u]r Royall Stile is
now their Comon pastime, that you are o[u]r true & lawfull Kinge
there is none soe divilishly affected as to deny [i]t, but there
be w[hi]ch fynd such falt w[i]th yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties gou[er]ment as they wish queene
Elizabeth were alive againe whoe (they say) would neu[er] haue
suffered [th]e enimes of their religion to haue vnballanced
Christiendome as they haue done w[i]thin these fewe yeres, They
make a mock of [th]e word greate Brittaine, and offer to p[ro]ve [tha]t it {is}
a great deale lesse then little England was wont to be lesse in {}
reputation, lesse in strength lesse in Riches, lesse in all man{ner}
of vertues, and whatsoeu[er] is required to make a state greate {&}
happie, They wonder why you call yo[u]r selfe Kinge of france and
suffer yo[u]r best subiects their to be ruined, For Ireland they say y{ou}
content yo[u]r selfe w[i]th [th]e name & let others receive [th]e p[ro]fitt/
{-} As for the tytle of defend[e]r of the faith w[hi]ch was wont to be a Controu[er]sy betwene vs and Rome they say flatly that yo[u]r faithfull subiects haue more cause to question [i]t not w[i]th the papists, for they wer neu[er] better defended in their lives witnes the Iudges private instructions, and the pursevants open p[ro]hibitions, and the Spanish Ambassadors more then the p[ar]liament[es] p[ro]tections Lastly that you are the head of o[u]r Church, they dare not doubt but of what Church they would gladly knowe The tryvmphant they say [i]t cannot be because there be Corruptions and vexsations in [i]t, and how farr [i]t is Left margin: Church dormant from beinge millitant, they call heauen & earth to witnes therefore they conclude it must be the Churche dormant or none And they say the truth for wee are the securest sinners in the world.
These are the thing[e]s that haue most redely offered them selues to my remembrance because they followe one another in a kinde of order But if I would report all the disorderly and extravagent speeches I haue heard of this nature I must be faine to ranke my memory, and I feare yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties pacience yet rather to leaue the least shadowe of suspicion vppon my playne dealinge by seeminge to Curtalle [i]t in [th]e p[er]formance of a necessary dutie I will adventure to add these fewe
They that take the affaiers of yo[u]r Children most to harte not beinge able to discerne the Compassion of yo[u]r bowells but Iudginge things by [th]e extention of yo[u]r acc[i]ons, will hardly be p[er]swaded that you ar their father because they see the Lamentable estate, wherin you suffer them to be reduced and nerer destruction then the nature of fatherly correction
They are not ignorant that yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath made as though
you would haue done somethinge for them but they alsoe
knowe the Course you haue taken hath bene more formall
then effectuall more chargable then {a} honorable and
are of opinion that e[i]ther yo[u]r Ambassad[o]rs haue not
negosiated as they ought, or els haue met w[i]th very evill
mast[e]rs of request abroade, since they haue not bene able
to get their petic[i]ons answered
The very Papists them selues doe require repine at [th]e
error and say that the {} and monies [tha]t yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath
Consumed of late in yo[u]r vnprofitable treties haue bene farr
bett[e]r ymployed in redeeminge yo[u]r mothers sald scald out of
Purgatory For to get [th]e enemy out of yo[u]r Childrens cuntry
other {} might haue bene founde a great deale more propper[2r]
proper in the meanetyme they doe not only buyld, but
fortefie their p[er]nitious hopes vppon yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties pacience for
seeinge how easilie you tollerate all things abroade, they
doubt not ere longe, but that you they shall haue a tollerac[i]on
at home, our godly preachers doe alredie pray against that
every day w[i]th soe much fervencie as if [i]t were at hand
And though their be order given that they shall preach
nothinge but Courte divinitie yet a man may easilie p[er]ceive
by the very Choice of their texts and the teares in their eyes
that [i]f they durst they would speake there Conscience
The p[er]petuall walkers in Paules doe now dispayer eu[er] to
see there materiall Church repayred, since the spirituall
and more worthie are suffered to goe to wrack, and some
of them not daringe to Meddle w[i]th matt[e]rs of State, because
they are monied men and yet knowinge not how to hould
their peace vppon this sudden warninge thinke it there best
course to talke of nothinge but ecclesiasticall matt[e]rs wherin
they all agree that yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath pulled downe [th]e Church
more w[i]th yo[u]r p[ro]ceeding[es] then you haue edified [i]t by yo[u]r wrightings
In yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties own taverns for one health that is begunne
to yo[u]r selfe there are tenn Drunk to [th]e princes of [th]e forreine
Children and when the wyne is in their heades, lord haue
m[er]cy vppon ther tonges, Even in eny gaininge ordinary
whence men haue scarce leisuer to say grace yet they take
tyme to sensuer yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties acc[i]ons, and in their owne scoole termes
they say you haue lost the fayrest game at Mane, that ever
Kinge had, for wantinge to make the best advantage of the
five fingers & playinge yo[u]r other helpes in tyme, That yo[u]r Left margin: Gundamor
owne Card players play bootie, and give the signe out of yo[u]r
hand[es], that he you playe w[i]th hath eu[er] bene held the greatest
Cheater in Christiandome, In fine their is no way to recover
yo[u]r losses, and to vindicate yo[u]r honor but w[i]th fightinge w[i]th hym
that hath Co{z}ed you, w[i]th honest downe right play you wilbe
hard enough for hym w[i]th all his trick[es].
I cannot forgett how I haue seene some when they haue
lost their money fall a cursinge swaringe for the losse of {Prage} and the pallatinate as if all the Rancur of their harts
lay their, And tell them of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties p[ro]clamac[i]ons they
answere in a cha{f}e, you must give losers leaue to speake
The m[er]chants & tradesmen I nor no man els can accuse
then but of beinge sensible of any thinge but w[i]thall toucheth
their owne p[ro]ffitt, all that I fynde in them is, they are extreme
Iealous the Court will alsoe shortely put downe their exchang{e}
and app[ri]hend {th} (because one of there owne occupac[i]on is made
Tresurer) that therefore henceforward all thing[es] must be
bought & sould there
The lawyers seeme not so much offended that yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie
hath removed the garland of their p[ro]fession by puttinge [th]e
great seale into [th]e hands of a Churchman, As [tha]t you doe
not releiue yo[u]r pore distressed Children who they say haue
bene wrongfully outed, And therefore you ought to grant
a writ of forcable reentry w[hi]ch (vnder Correction) they say
conceive may be bett[e]r executed by [th]e gen[er]all of an army then
by [th]e shireife of a Countie.
They that flie high and fixe their speculac[i]ons vppon [th]e misteries of the Court doe apparently p[er]ceive that the Count of Sundamore haue taught some of yo[u]r actiue ministers to iuggle, only to make them passively capable of his owne coniureinge and [tha]t by the penetratinge faculty of yellow {-} Indian {} he hath at his Comand he is
Mast[e]r of yo[u]r Cabynet w[i]thout a key and knowes yo[u]r secrets
before the greatest and most faithfull of yo[u]r Councell and
w[hi]ch is worse (they say) yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie knowes [i]t And therefore
suspect [tha]t you yo[u]rselfe are bribed ag[ains]t yo[u]rselfe other wise
they doe not thinke the devill hymselfe could soe abuse
the tymes wee live In as to make things passe in [th]e fashion
they doe contrary to all sence Conscience & reson of state,
Behold S[i]r the second p[ar]t of vxvox popvli by soe much the
more like it self then [th]e first by how much the it comes shorte
of it in wit & discretion, for though the second Cogitac[i]ons are
ever held the best yet wee see comon people for the most p[ar]t
when they giue themselues to talkinge p[ro]ceede from bade to a
worse and runn Counter eu[er]y tyme more foolish then other
the {resours} because they nev[er] thinke before they speake, but
rashly vent what soeu[er] getts into their fancy be it true falce
or p[ro]bable, good, bad, or indifferent, neu[er] thelesse by these
ou[er]flowings of their mouthes, yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie doe well to guesse
at the abundance of their harts, And my lords of [th]e Councell
if they please may make vse of their folly w[i]thout disparaginge
their owne wisdome w[hi]ch if it be lawfull for me to confesse
The trueth is [th]e principall end I ayme at for it could neu[er]
sinke into my beliefe that yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie was mynded to publishe
these new kinde of p[ro]clamac[i]ons only to intrap yo[u]r subiects to
bringe them to the block of punishm[en]t but rather out of a
pollitique signe to {sound} their greifs and make their
Compl[ain]ts serue for soe many directions vnto amendem[en]t
accordinge to w[hi]ch p[er]swasion I haue thought it sufficient
to set downe [th]e bare discourses w[i]th troble to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie w[i]th [th]e
p[er]sons, for if all that were infected w[i]th these kinde of
evill should be brought before you, I feare that both yo[u]r
Ma[jes]tie & yo[u]r S[u]rgions would quickly be weary of touchinge them
I will rather pray heauen to give yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie [th]e vertue to cure
all evill, w[i]th as much ease as yo[u]r hart desyers, And although
I cannot end bett[e]r then w[i]th sayinge. Amen to soe good a
prayer yet now I haue begvn to speak to my lord the Kinge[3r]
Kinge let hym not be offended w[i]th me [i]f I pr[e]sume a little
further and offer at last a fewe of my owne conse conceptions
by way of humble remonstrance, not that I hope how eu[er]
others haue sped to come from an inform[er] to be a Councello[r]
but because I beleeve there be something[es] right worthie of
yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Considerac[i]on that are fitter for an honest man to
p[re]sent then a great, The great spectato[r]s of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties
wisdome whose dayly exercise is to multiplie the obiect
in the artificiall glasses of fraude & flattery are soe distracted
w[i]th [th]e infinite faces of Counterfeits as they cannot discerne
the true
But wee that knowe neither the vse nor benifitts of such p[er]spectiues & haue no other way to vnderstand yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie then by yo[u]r word[es], doe to o[u]r great greife p[er]ceive a number of defects w[hi]ch cover the glory of yo[u]r Reigne, as in a Cloude, and much allaie the reuerence due to other exellencies of yo[u]rs for my owne p[ar]t I cannot see them and thinke it enough to {} as many doe, but must then my selfe soe affectionate to my prince and Cuntry as to advise yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie of them w[hi]ch I p[ro]miss to do w[i]th as much humilitie as the matt[e]r will beare
The torrent of discontent that Runnes w[i]th such a sedicious noyse over yo[u]r whole kingdome though thanks be to go it hath made noe open breach vppon yo[u]r peoples obedience yet certenly hath much weakned their affections w[hi]ch haue ever ben held dangers [-] of so {nere} neighbor hood as Comonly their is noe way to p[re]vent [th]e one w[i]th out {} the other
The causes from whence it ariseth are two discords at home and dishonor abroad for the first I must confesse I ame not soe well redd In the new booke of pattents as that I can make any large discorse vppon [tha]t subiect and therefore will leaue it to the lower house of p[ar]liam[en]t w[hi]ch is the true Cristall fountaine that will not only p[re]sent to yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties vewe as ina merror all [th]e fowle spott[es] in [th]e Comonwelth but serue you like wise at the same tyme for water ([i]f you please to wash them out But for the other w[hi]ch tuoches more to [th]e quick all generous spirits, and soe excells in matt[e]r of Compl[ain]t, as till it be redressed, all other Clamors ought to hould their peace, I dare p[re]tend to knowe as much of it as an other and p[er]haps more then comes to the share of a private gentleman It havinge ben of late (but I know not inclynac[i]ons of my genius) not onlt the Chosen fruite of my outward observac[i]on, but the very norishm[en]t of my sadd thoughts If then yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie will giue me leave to execute my mallencholly office of tellinge trueth and freely advertise you, what this grand greivance is [tha]t cries soe loud for rep[ar]ac[i]on in all voices & in all harts It is a recent decay of o[ur] Countries honor, A trade wherin wee were wont to out by all o[u]r neighbors & to make [th]e greater Ingrosser of the west indies Banckrupt hymselfe
But since[3v]
But since yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie came to [th]e Crowne be sou[er]eigne least
you should be proude of the greate an addicion, it seemes [th]e
hand of heauen hath thought good to Curbe o[u]r felicitie in this
poynt, for wee haue lived to see this braue stock of forraine
reputac[i]on w[hi]ch o[u]r greate queene Eliz[abeth] yo[u]r p[re]dicessor quite vanished
and brought to nothinge and for acquiringe of {} it is a
thinge soe longe since growne out of vse, As [i]t may very well
be reconed amongst those other invenc[i]ons wee haue lost
thorough the {} of tyme, the ould compasse of tyme and
honor is cleane forgott, and o[u]r exployts now a dayes know
noe other rate then that of o[u]r owne fortunes accordinge to
w[hi]ch they take and vntake as publique affaires, noe marveile
then [i]f wee see the godly vessell of this state misguided and
shamefully exposed to all mann[er] of danger, sometymes beinge
runn vppon ground on the sands of a shallow and vncerten
pollicie, but most of all by beinge kept at anchor (full as [i]t
is of leakes & rotten ribbes in the deepe gulfe of securitie where [i]t takes in more water of ruin & corruption in sixe monethes
then can be pumpt out in seauen yeres, nor can o[u]r statesmen
excuse there negligence hereafter, w[i]th sayinge [th]e wynde did
not serue for neu[er] did {heaue} blowe more favorably to o[u]r advantage
then [i]t hath done of late, had wee had the grace to haue fitted
o[u]r sayles to [th]e faiernes of the occasion But their hath bene I
knowe not what humor that hath hunge longe tyme vppon
this vnfortunate state, and still continues of that p[ro]digious
force as for ought I see (vnlesse god of his m[er]cy put to his helpinge
hand it will rather sinke vs then suffer vs to goe forward in
any course that tends to o[u]r prosperitie in the meane tyme o[u]r adverse
p[ar]ties haue {} enough, and all is fish [tha]t comes to there
netts, [i]t seemes they haue forbidden vs vppon playne of their high
displesuer to deale anymore in matt[e]rs of worth and reservinge
to themselues the rich prises & tryumph[es] of the tyme, haue thought [i]t sufficient for vs to share o[u]r sheepe, and fetch some spice to
make o[u]r ginger bread, not soe much but [th]e very pedlers of [th]e
low cuntries whome wee o[u]rselues sett vpp for o[u]r owne vse
are now become o[u]r Mast[e]rs in the East indies and thinke
themselues o[u]r fellowes in any ground of {}
These things are more vrksome to vs by reson wee did least
expect them at yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties hand for who would haue thought
wee should haue lost but rather infinitly gayned by changinge
the weaker sex for the more noble to be o[u]r comand[e]r, And havinge
to boote w[i]thall the only nation of the earth that could compare
w[i]th vs in vallor to be o[u]r fellowe souldiors, but the event shewes
that wee are in nothinge more miserable then in that in w[hi]ch
wee had soe much reson to thinke o[u]r selues happie, for now that
wee contrary to o[u]r hopes how all thing[es] haue succeeded, and
how vglie wee haue suffered o[u]r braue possibilitie to passe away
one after an other as in a dreame o[u]r greatest Co{m}fort[es] are
Changed into {-} equall dispayer & o[u]r most reputed blessings into[4r]
Into most apparant Curses {g[es]}, Of all the benifitt[es] that
discend from heauen to earth there is none to be received w[i]th
more praise and thankesgiuinge then that of peace, but a man
may haue too much of his fathers blessinge, and I feare
Wee haue too much of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties vnlimitted peace, the excesse
whereof hath longe since turned vertue into vice and
health into sicknes As longe as other princes keepe themselues w[i]thin there devoire and followe yo[u]r example It is
a thinge rather to be gloried in, then any way reproched
that yo[ur] Ma[jes]tie was knowne through Christiandome, by
the name of [th]e Kinge of peace, but now [tha]t both o[u]r sworne
enemies and o[u]r {--}forsworne Freinds, haue taken vp armes
w[i]th one consent and as [i]t were defied yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties goodnes
by enterprises vppon yo[u]r nerest and derest interest in
all forraine p[ar]t[es], now [tha]t there is question of god[es] glory
aswell as yo[u]r owne, and [tha]t the cause of yo[u]r Children lies
equallie bleedinge, now I say to continue still [th]e same
and still vnmoved, as [i]f you were nothinge of this world
but stood alredy possessed of the Kingdome of heauen by
vertue of beati pacifici, this certenly is such a straine of {sup[er]acrogac[i]on} as will serve to astonishe this p[re]sent age and
that to come but to deserue well of neither It will
rather revoke mon droit yo[u]r foreu[er] int[er]est and make vs
suspect that yo[u]r peaceable disposition all this whyle hath
not soe much p[ro]ceeded out of {} pietie and loue of
iustice, as out of mere ympatience & defier if ease, p[ar]don
me {} Kinge [i]f I speake vnto you in a language you ae not
accustomed to here I knowe [i]t is p[ar]te of yo[u]r supremacie
not to haue yo[u]r darlinge syn laide open, as my lord[es] the b[isho]pp[es]s
doe very well obserue, but it is now no longer tyme to
blanche and palliate, that w[hi]ch all the world sees for though
I feare [i]t lyes still in yo[u]r bosome yet the blasinge starr was
noe more spectacle in o[u]r horison nor gaue the people more
occasion to talke ( heaue grant it may not be an occasion of more
mischeife in Christendome) then the other was a signe of [i]t
It is in yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties power to take away o[u]r feare & danger both
at once, if you will at the length but know yo[u]r owne strength
and take a resoluc[i]on worthy of yo[u]r selfe. there are too fayer
occasions [tha]t come as it were a wouinge to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie at this tyme
the least of w[hi]ch deserues the honor & good fortune of yo[u]r mayden
armes, so iust & so religious in all humane & divine respects
as I dare say [i]f [th]e noble Army of martiers were sent downe
vppon earth to make their fortunes anew they would chuse no
other quarrell to dye in nor hope of a surer way to recover againe
their Crowne of glorie
- The one is to reestablishe yo[u]r owne Children in Germany
- The other to p[re]fere gods Children in Fraunce
Both of them work[es] so vniu[er]sally desyered & so conformable to [Christ]ian faith & good mann[er]s as I doubt not but they haue longe
sithence passed [th]e presse of yo[u]r Conscience, though I knowe not
by what indirect meanes they are not yet suffered to come
forth in publique vewe I shall not therefore neede to ripp
vp these questions of state from [th]e begin{}inge, and vex yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to
p[ar]ticulerise [tha]t w[hi]ch is best knowne to yo[u]r selfe yet because I see
nothinge done I must need[es] say some what, And first for [th]e
vnfortunate princes yo[u]r Children they may p[er]happs haue Comitted
a fault for w[hi]ch in yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie in yo[u]r singular wisdome, thought good
to make them {} of affliction either to purge them of ill
Councell, or happely to quence in them betymes the dangerust
thurst of ambition, w[hi]ch not content w[i]th {} & {}, might
afterwards attempt [th]e ocean, yet to let them drinke still, and so
depe in [th]e cupp of affliction, as not to be able to stand vppon their
legg[es] but reele vp & downe w[i]thout hope of recouery, is the skorne
& approbie of all nations vpon earth
hac ratione petes Iustus fortasse videri
Ac non crudelis, non potes esse pater
But some will say yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath often advised them to returne
to themselues, and w[hi]ch is more you sent one of later on purpose to
lead them home, but alas in their case how vayne is all comfort w[i]thout
hand[es], and how ill hath this yo[u]r promising endeavor sped, the guyd
you sent (as if he made hym selfe in [th]e enemies wayes) is come
short of his vnderstanding, and in stead of givinge ende to these
princes miseries, hath only light vppon a handsome trick to cou[er]
his owne shame, had fortune soe miraculosly blessed his confidence
as that he had p[er]formed his hercules labores w[i]thout a lyons skyn
he would have shamed all wise men foreu[er] who before he went gaue
hym for a lost am{p}bassador, It could neu[er] appere to them in the lest
forme of likely whoode (savinge [th]e Credit due to {}
Compl[ain]t, that [th]e spanish Councell of warr should be at [th]e Charge
of gettinge a Cuntry by force of Armes [tha]t they ment afterward[es]
to restore at [th]e kissinge of a hand, They are knowne to be a people
so circumspect & advised, in all they do, as they neu[er] resolued vppon [th]e
p[re]sent w[i]thout consultinge [th]e future, and make the resons of both
their equall warrant, And therefore [i]f they had made keepinge
Word in matt[e]rs of this nature they would questionles have Iudgyed
it more convenient to have taken yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties for Bohemia then
given theirs for yo[u]r pallatinate, w[hi]ch before they would surrend[e]r
they first obliged them selues to Conquer and Consequently to
vndertake a new warr to no purpose, but seinge they would not
trust yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie in soe apparant a Congruitie, it is not to be wondred
at [tha]t they have deceived you, but [tha]t they had the meanes to do soe for
not only [th]e p[ro]ffitt Batille, but eu[er]y {} asso may easily foresee [tha]t yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Credulitie was in [th]e high way to p[er]dic[i]on, and not but
to bringe you where his Ma[jes]tie[th]e Spaniard would haue you whoe
howe so vseth them [tha]t are in his m[er]cy I ame sory yo[ur] Ma[jes]tie is now
to learne, of soe curst a scoole mast[e]r as hym selfe whoe will make Noe[5r]
Noe scruple to whipp you and yo[u]r Children w[i]th yo[u]r owne Rodd[es]
of Iron (though he fairely p[ro]miseth to vse them ag[ayns]t [th]e turk[es]/ And Left margin:
The ordinances
given to Gundamor
then [i]t wilbe too late to wishe you had beleeued yo[u]r Cassandra,
the voice of yo[u]r louinge p[ar]liam[en]t who hearinge of [i]t made a
start out of their owne busines, and could not be in quiet, till
they had intreted yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to consider what a dangerous quyst [i]t was and how fitt to be revoked, but yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties answere was [tha]t you had past yo[u]r Royall word to [th]e Spanish Ambassador and you
would not breake it as though you were [th]e only vnfortunate
prince in [th]e world, that were tyed to be faithfull to yo[u]r owne
p[re]iudice, had yo[u]r minist[e]r in [th]e Courte of Spaine su{p}brepiticiously
strayned a grant from [th]e Kinge of lyke ymportance his Catholique
Ma[jes]tie would haue bene glad of soe good an occasion to render it
of no effect, And w[i]thout standinge vppon soe gentle poynts of
honor or framinge to hym selfe I knowe not what Chimeraes of
Ielosie (betwene his owne absolute power and his owne [th]e peoples humble desyer) would haue bene soe farr from {}
his p[ar]liam[en]t opposition, as he would {} rather haue giuen them
Charge (vnder hand) to haue made it, and by [tha]t meanes
recalled [th]e benifitt & p[re]served his thank[es], but if yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie had made
vse of this experiment their might p[er]happs some in{s}convenience
haue inferred for then it is to be feared that the Spanish Ambassad[o]r
would haue bene discoraged for eu[er] askinge such an vnresonable
thinge agayne, the only hope whereof mak[es]hev hym flatt[e]r [th]e state
& tell yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie many a plesant tale, wee are not yet willinge to
Condiscend for [i]f wee werre wee should not stey, vntill wee
saw [th]e mountains p[ro]mised vs turned into smoke, The pore
pallattinate showes vs sufficiently what wee were & what we are
like to looke for from [th]e Spaniard, who if he were resolved to
give vs shortely as much of his owne as is Imagined he would
neu[er] haue kept soe gri{}pingly from vs that w[hi]ch is o[u]rs, But I cry [th]e Spanyard m[er]cy, it is not he good man, but [th]e revengfull Emp[er]or
that doth vs this wrong, as if the Emp[er]or w[i]thout hym could wronge
a mouse, or durst shewe hym selfe refractory, to [th]e least tittle of
his knowne will, wee may aswell suppose the sea turbulent w[i]thout {} or the low spheares to moue w[i]thout primu[m] mobile, I {}
wee see [th]e spanyard[es] forces & designes turned another way but soe
as they involue w[i]th pourefull & secrett touch the rupture of [th]e
pallatinate and all the skirt[es] aboute it w[i]thout w[hi]ch the Emp[er]or could
be as quiet a {} of Ma[jes]tie as wee could wish hym, and his
Comissarie [th]e Duke of Bauaria doe nothinge but what became
hym It is [th]e Catholique vsurp[er]it that setts them both on work
and playes least in sight hym selfe, Betwene them they hould fast
yo[u]r Childrens patremony & play w[i]th yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie as men play w[i]th
little Children handy Dandy w[hi]ch hand will you haue when
they are disposed to keepe any thinge from them or as too that
haue ioyned together in theft, he that tooke it saith he hath [i]t not
and he [tha]t hath [i]t saies he tooke it not w[hi]ch is a mockery more insufferable then[5v]
Then [tha]t in {} iniury and ought to p[ro]voke yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to [th]e highest
straine of Indignac[i]on for [i]f you desist in yo[u]r obdurate pacience
and take still for payment all the artifice [tha]t there falce dealinge can
coyne, and shalbe tempted to beleeue [th]e author of all lies, who might
iustifie [th]e kinge of Spaine & the other princes of their Religion doe
Constantly give out [tha]t yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie is suer of the pallattinate by a tretie
and [tha]t you p[re]tend [th]e Contrary onely to drawe money from [th]e p[ar]liam[en]t
out of w[hi]ch opinion [i]f it be once suffered to take Roote, may
growe a great deale of poyson, and full vppon yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie as a
iust iudgem[en]t of god, who because you would wilfully trust yo[u]r
enemies to yo[u]r hurte may now see yo[u]r selfe soe vnhappie, as not to
be beleeved of yo[u]r owne subiects for yo[u]r good, But I hope god in
his m[er]cy will avert such a disast[e]r and give yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie [th]e grace to
discover & distroy at [th]e same instant this malicious invention w{[hi]ch}
may easily be done [i]f w[i]thout any more delay or reservac[i]on, you
will really & Royally Ingage yo[u]r selfe in this Righteous Warr nor
let [th]e scarsitie of meanes, any way discorage you, for yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie
knowes not what secret tresuers ly hid in yo[u]r peoples hart[es] w[hi]ch
in so good an occasion as this wilbe brought fourth and laid at
yo[u]r feete, in great[e]r heapes then [th]e world Imagens, yo[u]r faithfull
p[ar]liam[en]t haue alredy made you a liberall offer of their liues &
fortunes and every good English man hath longe since confirmed
it in his p[ar]ticuler devosion, It wholie depends vppon yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties
wisdome to make so right an vse of so greate a guift, for therin concist[es]
all [th]e danger, all [th]e difficultie, The fundamentall origins of
Warr eu[er]ie man knowes are two, men & money, And would to
god yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties dominions were as well stored w[it]h the one as the oth[e]r
then should wee not prostitute o[u]r selues as wee doe to the great
Whore of Babilon and for a fewe Clodes of his earth giue vp the
honor of o[u]r Cuntry, and violate the loue wee owe to o[u]r religion, but
this knowledge of o[u]r want[es] makes hym p[re]sume vppon v o[u]r easines
and allure vs to his base and ympious Adultary, though I verily beleue
in this p[re]sent occasion he & his ba{n}des wilbe deceaved, For [i]f
yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie & yo[u]r estate assembled togither will tie [th]e wholly knot of
Vnyon and make a firme Covenant each w[i]th other, wee shall not
neede to {______________} so neere {} for gold as [t]e Spanish mynes, or
if wee doe, wee will take a course to supplie yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie well enough
for the busines in hand, out of [tha]t wherew[i]th god Almightie hath
blessed vs, only I must advertise yor ma[jes]tie that wee looke to
see an army raised, as well as subsidies for if wee be at Charges
for maynteyninge a watch It is reson wee should p[ar]take of [th]e
honor & benifit of especially cocnsideringe how hardly wee
can spare money, There are many thousands of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties
subiects able and p[ro]p[er] fellowes that lye languishinge & redy
to rebell for want of ymploym[en]t I hope none will deny but
that English men can earne there wages at this worke as
any other nation sure I ame [tha]t it is to be found in very good
histories that forraine princes vppon a day of battaile, haue thought [i]t none of their worst strattagems to haue cladd a greate p[ar]t of
their owne people in English Cassacks to make them selues the more[6r]
More terrable to their enimies, Count Mansfeild is a gallant
man & deserues not only to be well payd but highlie rewarded
for [th]e good service done for yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie in [tha]t Cuntry, where had he
not arived when he did those pore Cuntrymen of o[u]rs, that would
not goe away before the last danger borne would haue byn
miserably sacraficed to [th]e Spanyards butchery w[hi]ch would haue
made vs Worne black in England for a while but nothinge
should haue lasted black so longe as [th]e story of [i]t, w[hi]ch when
posteritie came to reade they could certenly haue blurred [tha]t
p[ar]t of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Reigne w[i]th teares, but as he cam thither by
one accident, soe, for ought wee knowe he may goe away by
another, And therefore it were fitt to [pro]vide more certen
souldyers for so certen a warr, for as my lord Digby did very
well shewe towards the end of his narrac[i]on Count Mansfeild[es]
Armie doth not consist in such as haue there wives Children &
freinds dwellinge in the pallattinate, but such to whome all
places are alike so they may be sett aworke and on whome
there can be no other tye then their p[re]cise pay how much bett[e]r
Were it then for yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to satisfie the gen[er]all desyer and
send ou[er] an Army of good English who you may be suer will neu[er]
change p[ar]tie nor spoyle the Cuntrie but stedfastlie adhere
as much out of affection as obligac[i]on to [th]e cause & p[er]sons of yo[u]r
Children, besydes [i]f yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie doe take thing[es] aright wee doe
not contribute to this warr soe much to regaine [th]e pallattinate
as to redeeme [th]e Credit of o[u]r nation w[hi]ch all [th]e mony in [th]e
Kingdome is not able to doe w[i]thout acc[i]on, There are as I
haue heard too resons to oppose this resoluc[i]on the one the odd[es]
of [th]e Charge the other [th]e difficultie of gettinge thyther, To the
first I answere breifly that in matt[e]rs of warr [th]e best is over
cheapest and shortest best, I meane not [th]e shortest of beginning
but [th]e shortest endinge, And for the other [i]t is to be p[re]sumed, that
when yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie shall make this warr Royall, by takinge it vppon
yo[u]r selfe, you will not for yo[u]r owne greatnes sake be seene to send
any forces, but such as shalbe able to make their way if not a least
they may haue Comissions to take lodgings by [th]e way for {_________} shall
come after, and soe though they come shorte of their formes end
they may happely make an end of that they goe for the sooner
In playne termes [th]e pallattinate is very ill souted for vs to
warr in it beinge remote from [th]e sea and surrounded on all
sydes w[i]th o[u]r enimyes whome [th]e pope hath tyed together like
Sampsons fox tailes, to sett these p[ar]ts of Christiandome of fyer,
For w[hi]ch purpose they call them selues the Catolique league
& haue [th]e Catholique Kinge for their head whoe stick close to
them in all adventures whereas yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie (I doe not knowe
for what Cryme) haue beheaded [th]e p[ro]testants union, and left
it as a body w[i]thout a soule yet it is not soe dead buried that ther
is a hope it will rise againe at [th]e first sound of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties trumpett
and ioyfully receive a second more durable life from yo[u]r bett[e]r
resoluc[i]ons, of all [th]e p[ar]ts belonginge to it, the easiest to be restituted
& [th]e most vsefull for [th]e p[re]sent busines are [th]e vnited p[ro]vinces of the Lowe Cunt[rise][6v] Lowe Cuntrise as beinge nerest & strongest to the head
dueringe the tyme if desolac[i]on, They haue bene faine to
doe [th]e office of a beast in givinge yo[u]r Children suck and are
indeede their Armes, and would ere this haue caried them
into their owne, had they not had their hands full of [th]e Comon
enemy at home. [i]f then yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie desyer to remove [th]e Spanyard
out of [th]e pallatinate, the speedy course wilbe to giue [th]e holland[e]rs
yo[u]r helpinge hand in Fland[e]rs, and if yo[u]r strict alliance w[i]th
Spaine will not beare such an Imediate act of hostilitie from yo[u]r
selfe you may for Ceremony sake lend [th]e prince yo[u]r sunn in lawe
an army to dispose of, as he shall see cause, alwayes p[ro]vided [tha]t you Councell hym vnderhand to take his best advantage
soe shall the spanyard be p[ar]t in his owne Coyne, and o[u]r princes
restored to there owne possessions wheras if you confine the
acc[i]on to [th]e bare b pallatinate and content yo[u]r selfe w[i]th [th]e doves
Innocency, now [tha]t you see [th]e enemy as wise as a thousand s[er]pents
it will neu[er] haue an end but draw it selfe into a Circle of
Continuall truble, and wee may looke to see a dosen yeres
hence two such Armies keepinge one an other in [th]e pallatinate
as they do now in [th]e low Countries/ I will not shewe soe little
respect to yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Iudgem[en]t as to talke any longer in so
clere a case, but will here Conclude, my resons, w[i]th my
prayers humbly beseechinge yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to doe yo[u]r selfe & Christendom{e}
right in this affaire & let it be no longer sayd [tha]t [th]e Spanyard
hath more wit then [th]e English or that the Kinge of Spaines
Cozen Iermans are nerer a kinde to hym etc then yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties
owne Children are to you.
It remaines now [tha]t I speake a word or too in [th]e behalfe of o[u]r brethren god[es] children in Fraunce against whome [th]e firebrand of hell hath kindled a [per]secuc[i]on w[i]thout all earthly matt[e]r it beinge [th]e heauenly cause pf Religion and no other for w[hi]ch they are made to suffer wherin yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie & state haue as much int[er]est as it is possible for a man to haue when his neighbours house is on fyer, Indeede soe much as it would {} become a private man to put you in mynde of [i]t at any tyme, but when it seemes a dead sleepe possesseth all [th]e land & [tha]t wee had rather p[er]ish [th]en be disturbed, the vigilant p[ar]liam[en]t haue layne sentinall {perdu} and discouered the enemies approach but cannot be heard the watchmen of yo[u]r pallace [tha]t stand in high places though they cannot but see [th]e danger yet they dare not giue [th]e alaru[m] for feare of disquiettinge yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie
Lastly & worse of all the Church men w[hi]ch be [th]e seers of Israell and ought to discry from [th]e holy place the phillist{}ines and their plott[es], are they that doe most of all Conive at [th]e stupidities of [th]e tyme all of them alledge alredy for [th]e excuse of their weakenes the stronge opinion they haue of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties ablenes, for they say it is in vaine either to advertise or advise yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie of any thinge touchinge gou[er]ment, because they are assured you know as much of it as mortall man can app[re]hend and for myne owne p[ar]t I thinke a greate deale more other wise[7r] Other wise it could not be [tha]t yo[u]r p[ro]ceeding[es] should soe vary as they doe from all scope of humane discourse, I grant [tha]t all Wise princes haue ever reserved to themselues certen cases of [th]e state w[hi]ch [th]e pollitique people call Arcana Imperij and wee should be {imurious} to yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties wisdome & power [i]f wee should grudge you [th]e lyke priviledge but (Alas S[i]r) we{} that haue but resonable soules cannot but vse them in soe ymportant a matt[e]r and doe fynde a greate deale of difference betwene yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie and other princes in this poynt for though they haue lockt vp in [th]e Closetts of their brests their incomunicalle purposes & soe worke vpon diu[er]s occasions, as [th]e effects haue sometymes byn seene to come abroade, before [th]e cause could be knowne yet at [th]e last it cam to be evident, that theise their secret designes ever tended to the publique good but the instrumentall causes were only such {} as did transcend & not ou[er]throw Comon reson wheras yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Courses are not only inscrutable but diametricall oposite to pore mens vnderstandinge, and soe farr from givinge vs any hope of good effects hereafter as they doe already fill [th]e vtmost of o[u]r feares in soe much as wee haue no way lefte to put o[u]r selues out of astonishm[en]t & p[re]serue yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties wisdome blameles but by str{o}ngly beleuinge [tha]t wheras all other princes haue lib[er]tie to governe them selues accordinge to [th]e Rules of wordly pollicie yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties hands are tyed from vsinge such outward meanes and advantages by [th]e certen power of secret revelac[i]on, And as divid who was a kinge after god[es] owne hart might not for all that buyld god a temple because he had his hand[es] ymbrued in blood, soe happelie yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie may not be suffered to doe any thinge for [th]e Churche of god because you like wise haue yo[u]r hands defiled in blood, for how can they be other wise beinge ioyned soe straitly as they are w[i]th them, that are all redd w[i]th [th]e blood of saints, One [tha]t knowes [th]e sweetenes of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties nature & hath seene w[i]th what Clemency and m[er]cy you haue swayed [th]e septer would thinke it little lesse then blasphemy to accuse you of any thinge [tha]t is blooddy, But god Iudgeth not lyke man And who can hinder [th]e eternall from callinge yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to accoumpt for all [th]e Rage hath bene done in his Church of late since you haue byn his leifetenn[en]t of gretest trust and haue received of his heavenly grace sufficient right & power to oppose such Innovations {}[th]e goodnes & diuine p[ro]vidence of god that hath given yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie aboue all [th]e princes of the earth such tytles & Royall attributes, as doe necessarily inferr & transferr a right of p[ro]tection vppon those his power p[ro]secuted servants whatsoeu[er] yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie think[es] of [i]t I doe as verely beleue it as if there were a text for it in [th]e appocalipp[es] that [th]e great gou[er]ner of [th]e World in his omniscience & omnipotent p[re]science hath soe disposed of states to [th]e benifit of his Churche as to Continue vppon yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie [th]e tytle of Fraunce to the end [tha]t little Flocke he hath thought good to plant their amonge soe many Wolues[7v] Wolues might haue bene a iust p[re]tence of the defend[er] of the{} faithes, if yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie will not owne these pore people neither {} Kinge of Fraunce, nor defend[e]r of [th]e faith, yet ought you to p[re]serue them for yo[u]r Englands sake and doe that for state w[hi]ch religion cannot attaine, for should [th]e p[ro]testants of France be vtterly exturpated & that puissant kingdome rendred w[i]th greivinge at soe terrable an alterac[i]on for myne owne p[ar]te i should then beleiue [tha]t [th]e tyme were come that {} the French men spake of, who beinge in discourse w[i]th an English man aboute [th]e warres wee had often & w[it]h good successe made in Fraunce discretely sayd [tha]t god Almightie had brought [th]e Englishe unto France to punishe them for their sinnes and when [th]e sins of England should be greater then those of France he would like wise send [th]e French thither to scourge them, And how willingly will [tha]t nation ymbrace such an ymployment may easilie be Iudged whether they consider the ould or [th]e new cause of there hatred, the vertue of o[u]r Auncesters sticks in their stomock[es], and [th]e true p[ro]fession of [th]e gospell encorageth their Conscience they whoe beleiue they do good service in Cuttinge their owne Country men & {} throats because they are not papists would doubt lesse thinke themselues damned [i]f they should not doe much more to strangers, and their Auncient enemyes vppon [th]e lyke occasion nor should they want powerfull enticem[en]t[es] to such an holy enterprise (though thanks be to god) he is nothing soe cunninge at it as [th]e devill for I knowe not by what pontificall fury he hath p[re]cipitated his instigations & suffered his mallice to out run [th]e seson would any but Antichrist out of his witt[es] haue soe abused his Christian chyld, as to put hym vppon [th]e Conquest of England before he was mast[e]r of Rochell, I must confesse when I first saw his Apostolicall lett[e]rs I had an opinion, that some craftie hugonist had devised them to giue yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie more sensible int[er]est in their cause, but havinge since ben made certen they came from Rome And that I fynde them incerted in a french Cattalogue (Aver privilege du Roy) I knowe not what to wond[e]r at most whether at them that say [th]e pope cannot erre at all or at hym [tha]t he should err soe much I assure my selfe this favorable discourse hath longe since bene deliu[er]ed to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie in its owne langwage, neu[er]thelesse I will craue leaue to make you see how vgly it shewes in English /
[8r]To o[u]r deare sonne in Chr[ist] Iesus Lewis the most Christian kinge Pope Gregorio the xvth
Most deare sonne in Christ health & the Apostolicall
benediction the highe exploits of yo[u]r vallor, w[hi]ch haue drawne
vppon them the eyes of all Christendome, beinge a great deale
of Comforte to o[u]r fatherlie care, aswell in regard of [th]e glory
of o[u]r Armes, as [th]e hope of o[u]r tryvmphes for Consideringe as
wee doe w[i]th much greife, the ympietie of the heriticks livinge
in some places w[i]thout feare of danger, exercisinge on others, the
lawes of cruell gou[er]m[en]t, we may thanke [th]e lord of hosts, that
hath in soe fitt an oportunity, made yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to take vp Armes
to maintaine [th]e dignitie of the Catholicke religion A fare
apprentyshipp of a royall warfarr, and worthie of s most {}
kinge what an admirable thinge it is that youth w[hi]ch others out
of a kinde of softnes & idlenes vse to passe away their tyme
in sport[es] & delight[es], yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie should imploye, and so fortunately
in appeasinge differences, conductinge armies & beseiginge
the places of hereticks, and all not w[i]thout the spirituall Councell
of god, by whome king[es] raigne, It is almost incredable, that [th]e very first stepp of yo[u]r youth should carrie you to soe highe and
trublesome an enterprise, and that the dangers and difficulties
w[hi]ch haue stopt others in their course, should only serue for a spurr
to [th]e greatnes of yo[u]r Courage, {} deere sonne the renowne
yo[u]r name hath got and for [th]e god that fiteth for you. to the end, that
as you are now held in eu[er]y mans opinion the thunderbolt of
warr & the buckler of peace, soe you may hereafter be esteemed
the prayers of Israll and glory of [th]e world, from [th]e highest of
o[u]r apostolicall dignitie when it shall please god of his goodnes to
raise vs vnworthie of soe great a grace, wee assist yo[u]r Armes
w[i]th hart & affection and by o[u]r frequent prayers p[re]pare the
divine remedies, and though wee doubt not but yo[u]r vertue will
make you constant in the worke you haue begvn, nev[er]thelesse
wee haue thought good to ad o[u]r exhortac[i]on, that the world might
see the care wee haue, for [th]e advancem[en]t of true religion And
how willinge wee are to give way to yo[u]r glorie, you haue hitherto
ben infinitly bound to god for his bountie toward[es] you, and as wee
hope & wishe shall hereafter be a greate deale more, for you havinge
yo[u]r mynde endued w[i]th Celestiall docktrine, and not w[i]th bare
p[re]cepts of humane wisdome, doe know that kingdomes haue
their foundac[i]ons vpon [th]e truth of orthodaxall faith And indeede
vnlesse god keepe [th]e Cittie what principallitie can subsist w[i]th {-}
any assuerance, It may easilie be iudged, w[i]th what fidelitie they are
lyke to defend yo[u]r Royall throne, that haue cast [th]e very saint[es] themselues
out of their temples and done as much as in them lay, to put them
out of [th]e number of [th]e blessed, yea out of paradise it selfe, That w[i]th
ympious crueltie Condeme{s}[th]e instituc[i]ons of o[u]r forefathers, the
Customes of king[es][th]e decrees of popes & [th]e Ceremonies of [th]e Church
These are the disturban{} of [th]e {} Comon Wealth and the
reprochers of
Fraunce whence [th]e great god hath reserved to be extirmined in
the first yere of yo[u]r Ragne and nowe then [tha]t all Europe (w[hi]ch [th]e
event of o[u]r Armes holds still in suspense hopes shortely to hoise sayle
vppon [th]e ocean, vnder yo[u]r Conduct to [th]e end, that place w[hi]ch now
serves for a sanctuary and p[ro]tection for hereticks & rebells may on{e}
day serue for a {} for yo[u]r virtories, wee are constantly p[er]swaded [tha]t neither feare nor inconstancy shall ever be able to divert you from [th]e pursuite of yo[u]r enterprise, only wee would haue you remembe{r}
that [th]e saint[es] in heauen assist[es][tha]t prince whoe tak[es] vppon hym [th]e
defence of religion & fight on his side like fellowe souliors the sam{e}
god w[hi]ch hardnes [th]e waters like dry land, and turned [th]e waues {} [th]e say sea into wales, to giue passage to his Children[es] army will
certenly be as favorable to you & then wee shall haue good cause
hereafter to hope you haue established yo[u]r Kingdome & crusht [th]e ympietie [tha]t is there, you may one day by [th]e p[ro]grace of yo[u]r
victori{es}ous Armies ioyne the orient to [th]e occident imitatinge [th]e glory of yo[u]r Auncest[e]rs who haue eu[er] borne as much respect
to [th]e exhortac[i]ons of popes as to [th]e comand of god & lew{i}s
Whose name you carry and whose stepes you followe invites yo{u}
to it so did [th]e first of {} raigne, who in defendinge of [th]e apostolical{l}
authoritie, appropa{ga}tinge & {} Religion laid [th]e best & surest
foundac[i]on of yo[u]r Royall house, follow, dere sonn who are [th]e
ornament[es] of [th]e world, the Comandem[en]t of heauen, power out
yo[u]r wrath & indignac[i]on vppon those people that haue not known{e}
god, to the end the divine tresuer of heauen may belonge vnto
you by iust acquisic[i]on In [th]e meane tyme wee send o[u]r apostolicall
benediction / given at Rome in [th]e great S[ain]t Maries vnder the
seale of [th]e fisher the 4 of Septembre 1621 the first yere of o[u]r
Behold [th]e nett[es] of S[ain]t Peeters Success[o]rs hope to catch
England with wherin yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath more to lose then any
man I knowe be not offended w[i]th yo[u]r lovinge subiects, that
their harts tremble not for feare, but for greif, to see yo[u]r
Ma[jes]tie neglect both yo[u]r Children and them, In so pregnant & soe
considerable an occasion The pope needed not to haue bene so
foolishe, as to advertise vs, wee should easilie haue bene soe wise
o[u]r selues as to vnderstand how were [th]e p[ro]testants of France concerne
England, they are indeede so many hostages, w[hi]ch god almightie
hath put into yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties hands to serue you & yo[u]r dominions from
all dangers of [tha]t Cuntry, & to lose them were in my opinion noe
other then to tempt god wilfully, to deliver you into [th]e hands of yo[u]r
enemyes As longe as god hath any children in France wee shalbe
suer to haue brethren there but they once gone, o[u]r brother of Fran{ce}
will quickly shewe whose chyld he is and how incompatible the
obedience he owes hym is w[i]th any good will he beares to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie
since then the tye you haue vppon that princes Frindshipp is so
loose a knott, what can yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie doe bett[e]r for yo[u]r selfe and yo{} then
to keepe his enemies lodged by [th]e Cherishinge & maynteninge of soe good[9r]
Good a p[ar]tie in his Cuntrie, as those of yo[u]r religion, who you may
be suer wilbe soe farr at yo[u]r devotion as to continue there
publique praises for yo[u]r p[ro]speritie, nor hath [th]e wholy motion of
god[es] spirit ben altogether wantinge in this poynt to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie
at least [i]f wee may beleue what is vnlawfull{y} to doubt
the p[ro]testac[i]on of yo[u]r tonge, {?} for it is true [tha]t when at [th]e first the
deputies of Rochell p[re]sented them selues before yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie, you
received their lamenta{ble} remonstrac[i]ons w[i]th all [th]e shewes of
Compassion and sent them awaye astonished w[i]th yo[u]r good word[es]
did not you tell them that although yo[u]r Conscience would not
suffer you to assist yo[u]r owne Children in [th]e warr of Bohemia
because you were not well satisfied in [th]e iustice of their
quarrell, yet for them they might assuer themselues, you would
imploy [th]e vttermost of yo[u]r forces in there defence, that you had
strickly examined all [tha]t had passed betwene there Kinge and
them and could not fynde wherin they had any way offended, that
you were more ingaged in their behalfe, then they p[er]haps knewe of
for when you renewed [th]e allyance w[i]th [th]e Kinge, after the death
of his father, you caused an expresse article to be incerted, That
those of [th]e reformed Religion so longe as they Comported
them selues as good subiects should be peaceably mayntained
and enioy [th]e benifitt of [th]e edict in as ample a mann[er] as they
had done in his fathers lyfe tyme w[hi]ch beinge soe fashoned
wilfully infringed you held yo[u]r self both in conscience & honor to
take their cause in hand & see them righted, as you vowed to god
you would confirme this yo[u]r resoluc[i]on w[i]th ymprecac[i]ons of soe
high a nature as though I doubt not they p[ro]ceede out of {} yet
dare not for [th]e respect I owe yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie remember them in this
place, and [tha]t nothinge might be wantinge to make Inocency &
religion credulous, my lo[rd] of Buckingham hym selfe fell vppon
his knees & besought yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to take them into yo[u]r p[ro]tection in
so much as [th]e pore men were almost ravished w[i]th ioye & good
successe, & came away praysinge god for [th]e favor they had found
in yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties eyes, but by [tha]t tyme they were ret[ur]ned, into their
owne Country w[hi]ch was eight or nyne monethes & nothinge done
they honge downe their heads, & said they would as longe as they
lived call Engalnd [th]e land of p[ro]mise, for not w[i]thstandinge [th]e great
p[ro]mises yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie had made them they met w[i]th noe man but could
tell them they would be deceived in there expectac[i]on w[hi]ch yet
they could not beleue till they saw nothinge done, At last yo[u]r
Ma[jes]tie tould them (as became a great prince) they were noe people
you had reson to flatt[e]r or dissemble w[i]th for [i]f you had not lyked their cause
you would haue tuold them soe at first/ but alasse what are they [th]e bett[e]r for [th]e lykinge of their cause [tha]t only shewed [th]e goodnes of yo[u]r
owne Iudgem[en]t but did no way lessen [th]e bitt[e]rnes of their Callamities
true it was such was their humilitie & discretion as they desyered
yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie would first be pleased to try all peaceable meanes in their favo[ur][9v]
before you had recourse to other, not out of any hope they had
it would p[ro]duce any good effect, but because they knowe it was
a course most sutable to yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Inclynac[i]on, here vpppon yo[u]r
Ma[jes]tie thought good to send my lo[rd] of Doncast[e]r into France to
mediate their peace in the Choice of whose p[er]son, they themselues
were as much gratified as in [th]e ambassage [i]t selfe, for though
they were strangers and newly arived in yo[u]r Courte, yet had
they learned whay a spotles & open harted affection [tha]t lo[rd] bare to [th]e true service of god & his mast[e]r But in his ymploym[en]t his
well wishes were his owne and his instructions yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties and
how farre soeu[er] the one went before he was bound to followe [th]e other all that he could doe voluntarily was to vse his best
dilligence in matter of tyme, as I assuer my selfe he did, thought [tha]t was his misfortune to meete w[i]th many heavy Rubbes, for
beinge arrived at [th]e French Kings Campe, the Cannons made
such a noyse at Mount abon, as he could not of a longe tyme
be heard, and when w[i]th much a doe he had p[ro]cured [tha]t favor (the
answere he received was soe vnsavory) as both his busines &
hymselfe fell sick vppon it by occasion whereof more tyme was
spent in this one voyage then o[u]r auncestors were wont to ymploy
in Conqueringe halfe fraunce, and after all came home
pittifully Complayninge of [th]e ill satisfaction he had received
neu[er]thelesse yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie would not take his faithfull accompt for
finall paym[en]t thought [i]t worth yo[u]r labore once againe furnished,
as [th]e world conceived, w[i]th stranger Charmes then [th]e first, but [th]e effect was all one for he found [th]e yonge Kinge as obstinate as
ever he was in pursuite of his Armes, and not to be p[er]swaded to
lay downe vppon bare unholy {land} to speake [th]e truthe it was not
to be expected at his hands, for he had {-}no reson to increase the
obligac[i]on his p[ro]testant subiects bare to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie by shewinge them any
favor at yo[u]r instance, Suir it is well knowne [tha]t a great p[ar]te of [th]e
animositie he beares them, p[ro]ceed[es] meerely out of Iealousie he
hath, that they haue alredy to much dependency vppon you, had yo[u]r
Ma[jes]tie vsed [th]e same p[er]swasions to hym as {} did to lewis [th]e ii to make hym let [th]e
duke of Brittanie alone I doubt not but his Councell, as fearce a warrior as he is,
would haue advised hym for [th]e best, but this was a poynt of Rethorick beyond his
lo: Comission And all [tha]t was lawfull for hym to vrge was easilie avoyded, either
by a flat refusall or a vaine excusall, soe was forced [th]e second tyme to returne
out of Fraunce w[i]thout leavinge behynde hym any signe he had bene there, but
what appered only by my lord Tresurors accompt, there havinge issued as
much money out of [th]e Excheq[ue]r for defrayinge his fruteles Ambassage, as
would haue sufficed a greate p[ar]te of [th]e Churches necessities, as yo[ur] Ma[jes]tie came
after to Consider though late &c
When you tould [th]e deputies, you could haue wished, you had
giuen them [th]e money my Lord of Doncast[e]r had and would cost in
this tretie, And w[i]thout doubt, the one would haue done them a
great deale more food then the other, for they were soe farr
from receivinge any good by yo[u]r Ma[jes]ti[es] intercession, as it rather
infinitely disadvantaged them & noe way slackned nor appeased
the furie of their prince who continued his assalts vppon them
eu[er]y day ore Crewll then other, And yet was of such force
w[i]th them (as not to agrauate matt[e]rs, & to rend[e]r yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties p[re]uious
endevors more difficult) they imposed {} & modestie vppon
their Armes, and in diu[er]ses cases chuse rather to suffer then to
ymploy the extremities of warr in there defence, besides many of
their p[ar]ties, seinge yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie soe farr ingaged in a treate of peace
thought it no poynt of wisdome, to declare themselues, before
they sawe [th]e issue of [i]t, w[hi]ch could not be but a makinge to them
soe as the very p[re]iudice they received by yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties occasions (were
there no other motiue) doth sufficiently oblige you in poynt
of iustice to doe somethinge for them, and in the name of god
what should hinder you, after soe many vowes and p[ro]mises, from
p[er]forminge soe easie and meritorius a worke p[er]happs some {falceforters achitophell} hath {} into yo[u]r app[re]hension that if you
receive [th]e p[ro]testant[es] in France the French Kinge might lyke wise
be drawne to assist [th]e papists in England against yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie
but thank[es] be to god, wee are not there yet, for though [th]e papist[es]
of o[u]r Cuntry haue had more skope given them of late then all that
loue their Cuntry could haue wished, yet they are not growne
to such a formidable height, that this illation should be thought
of any Consequence, The p[ro]testants of France haue lawes
made in their favor & townes given them for their securitie, but [th]e papists of England can expect nothinge from the lawes of their
Cuntry but penaltie nor challenge any other assuerance but
what p[ro]ceeds from more conveniency, Besides [th]e tenent[es] of [th]e one, are so conformable to good gou[er]m[en]t as they are & ought to be
p[er]mitted, to assemble in provincyable & nationall Synods,
wheras [th]e other are in stile denied, because their positions &
dispositions are altogither repugnant to [th]e peace & safetie
of y[ou]r state well may they conspire in sects by too & too but to
rebell openly [th]e Constables will not suffer them, [i]f therefore in
case to shewe them in their right Collurs wee shall haue newes
quickly of o[u]r Freind[es] beyond [th]e seaes, there beinge a great prince
in [th]e world [tha]t openly p[ro]fesseth [tha]t [th]e English Catholiques are as
dere to hym as his owne p[ro]per Catholiques, [i]t is not yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties
example but yo[u]r wisdome [tha]t must caution you from their doing[es]
and to hynder them from any forreine assistans, there is noe
way but one, to kepe them in such order as they may not be
capable of [i]t, The Church of Rome as it is for [th]e most p[ar]t grounded
vppon worldy pollicie, soe [i]t doth {-} aboue all excell in this that it[10v]
That it hold[es] the p[ar]ties firmely linckt togither and possesseth
them I know not be what fastination, w[i]th such a spirit of
Confederacy as they p[ar]take a little of both fortunes, and
passiuely {} one anothers interest, wheras [i]f wee pray
once a weeke, more out of custome then any devotion for the good
estate of Christs Church, wee haue p[er]formed the vtter most of
Christian dutie, hence it is that the Catholike cause makes
such a noyse in [th]e world, and carried all before it, in these
troblesome times, for amonge them it is no enough to p[ro]fesse
religion w[i]thout contribution to it, whereas as wee thinke god
sufficiently honored if wee beleive his truth, let hym defend
it as he will, or if at any tyme wee be vrged to fight for o[u]r
Religion, wee only vse the spirituall sword, whilest o[u]r adversarie{}
make their victories by their materiall and confound more in
one day w[i]th [th]e one, then S[ain]t Peter or S[ain]t Paule could ever conve{}
w[i]th [th]e other, The princes [tha]t haue given there power to [th]e beast
send Armes, and yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie that should fight [th]e battle of [th]e lord
(Ambassadors) in a word whilest yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie, adviseth yo[u]r selfe
to convince an odd error or two of theres, they fynde meanes
to conquer a whole province of yo[u]rs Certenly the Children of
darknes are wiser in their generation then the Children of
light and shall rise vp against vs at [th]e last day for bearinge
more affection to [th]e Alarum of Rome then wee doe to [th]e gospell
of Christ, That I may yet giue yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie a more liuely touche
of these thing[es], let it be lawfull for me to change [th]e p[re]sent faith
of Religion throughout Christendome, and see what necessarilie
will result, Suppose yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie and [th]e body of yo[u]r estate were
papists, & [th]e recusant[es] p[ro]testant[es], [th]e French Kinge & [th]e maior
p[ar]te of his Kingdome p[ro]testants & [th]e hugonist[es] papists, The Kinge
of Spaine [th]e Emp[er]or & all [th]e stribe of austria of [th]e Confession of
Ausburges, yo[u]r Children and [th]e other princes of Germanie,
their confederates romaine Catholiques suppose I say [th]e
difference were in all p[ar]t[es][th]e same, [th]e sydes only turned doth
yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie thinke you could haue shewed yo[u]r selfe deafe at such
cryinge occasions, w[i]thout seeinge yo[u]r whole Kingdomes in Comotion{}
& [tha]t they would haue suffered you to take yo[u]r plesuer a hun{}tinge
whilest yo[u]r Children and brethren were made a prey to [th]e Comon
Enemy, Noe assueredly you would haue found an other mann[er] of
busines in it, and sene yo[u]r sefe forced to p[re]ferre yo[u]r safetie, before yo[u]r
ease / mondroit, before beati pacifici, you would haue then
seene [th]e difference betwene a puritan p[ar]liam[en]t & a papist, and
wonder for beinge soe vnequall as to feare [th]e one & depise [the]
other The popes Bull[es] and his feirce beastes [th]e Iesuits would
haue bene continually vppon yo[u]r back & neu[er] left yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie safe
nor quiet till they thrust you into acc[i]on, and for one preacher of
o[u]rs that chance to let fall a word or too to his this purpose, you [11r]
Shall haue all theires treate of nothinge els, nor p[re]vention
can be vsed to make them eyther sylent or sparinge in a
cause [tha]t is soe highly concerninge their wholy mother [th]e Church
what then shall the true religion because it teacheth noe doctrin
but what agrees w[i]th [th]e symplicitie & true purenes of [th]e
gospell be therefore neglected, god forbidd , they that
mayneteyne the excomunicac[i]on {} & assassinac[i]on
of princes, would desyer no bett[e]r ground for their opinion
then such advantage, and could not but auger the very
S[ain]t[es] them selues to see their enemies tryumphe over them
w[i]th vnlawfull weapons yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie may say what you will of
puritans and [th]e authoritie of yo[u]r knowne disfavor makes [tha]t
good word to be onely ill taken in all ill sence, but [i]f my
observac[i]ons haue not erred in some p[ar]t[es] of {}, where
I haue lived their is noe religion likes theires for a sou[er]aigne
that desyers to make hymselfe Absolute & dissolute, Insomuch [tha]t I wonder [tha]t such princes as p[ro]fesse religion only for pollicy
sake will suffer any other in their dominions, for let a p[ro]testant
(I meane one [tha]t Rules over people of that p[ro]fession) be
neu[er] so notoriously wicked in his p[er]son, nor so {} in
his gou[er]m[en]t let hym stampe vice w[i]th his example & make it
curr[en]t by his beinge his, let hym remove [th]e Auncient Bond {} of sou[er]eignetie & make eu[er]y day new walk[es] & new
Scourges for his pore people, let hym take reward[es] & punishm[en]t[es]
out of [th]e hands of Iustice & soe distribute them to right or wronge
as make his followers doubt whether there be heauen or hell
w[hi]ch desp[er]ate poynt of beleife, is a great helpe & p[re]paratiue to
Courte p[re]ferment, in [tha]t let hym excell, soe in mischeife ruin &
opression as Nero compared w[i]th hym, may be held a very
father to his people, when he hath done all [tha]t can be ymagined
to [pro]cure hate & contempt, he shall not for all that haue any occasion
to feare, but bouldly goe forth In & out to his owne sport[es], w[i]thout
a publique guarde, or a privie Coate, And although every day
of his raigne bringe forth a new p[ro]dige to growe all [tha]t are
honest & astonish all [tha]t are wise, yet shall he not neede to
take [th]e lesse drinke when he goeth to bed or the more thought
when he riseth he may so lace hymselfe when he riseth securely
in his bed chamber as the grande Signior in his Seraglio,
haue the lord[es] sperituall for his {-} mutes & [th]e lord[es] temporall
for his Eunuckes, & whence he will for his Incubus, There may
he kis his minions w[i]thout shame & make his groomes his
Companions w[i]thout danger who because they are acquaynted
w[i]th his secret sin[n]s assume to them selues, as much power and
respect as Catholique princes vse to giue their confessors/ A
pack of Ravenous Currs that know noe more difference
betwene [th]e Comon Weale, & one of their Maist[e]rs Forrest[es] but thinke[11v]
Think all other Subiects beasts & onely made for them to
pray on, That lickes their maist[e]rs sores not whole but {sucketh}
and barkes at everie man that dares be found Cirkled w[i]th
w[i]th these sweete Begles, he may rebell & laugh, when all [th]e
Kingdome mornes & vpon eu[er]ie sorte of grounde his p[ro]rogatiue
getts {_________________} his enquiers, and crys w[i]th Tiberius O peop{}
p[re]pared for servitude, his pore p[ro]testant subiects will only
thinke he is giuen their of god for [th]e punishm[en]t of their sinns
and [tha]t he ought to be obeyed not because he is good but because
he is their Kinge, not because he rules accordinge to iustice &
equitie, but because his power is [th]e ordinance of god, you [th]e
preachers of greatest note & credite will hold them selues bound
in dutie to praise hym against their Conscience, and laying asyd{}
duty make [th]e pulpit a stage for flattery whoe shall indure hy{}
after a most poeticall manner, w[i]th more then all [th]e vertues
and painte hym soe excellently good, as would make all that
here hym happie [i]f they could beleiue [th]e thing[es] of princes aswell
as those of god, in spite of their sinnes, Nor doe their fatherhood[es]
this of symplicitie or ignorance (for they are well reade in
the black booke of [th]e Courte) but for a polliticke & officious
purpose to sweten [th]e peoples myndes & keepe them from
rebellinge, theise are [th]e fruits and p[ro]perties of [th]e former
Religion w[hi]ch teachinge divine p[ro]vidence accordinge to divine
truthe ties [th]e subiects to such wonderfull pacience & obedience,
as doth almost verifie [th]e bould spech of Matchivell, when he
saith [tha]t Christianitie made men Coward[es], And if it be soe
advantagious to a bad prince, how much more to a good, for
though duties are & must be payd to both yet is there a greate
deale of difference in [th]e mann[er] and p[ro]porc[i]on noe more nor no
lesse then vseth to be betwene [th]e work of his bare Charrett &
mutuall freindshipp, the one receives his peoples service and
obedience, as more almes given for [th]e lord[es] sake [th]e other as
a free benevolence wherin men extend themselues w[i]th [th]e
more allacratie becaise they beleue it is rather due to his
merrit [th]en to his power, The experience yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath had
in yo[u]r longe & p[ro]sperous Reigne, will bett[e]r declare [th]e trueth
then any discourse of myne, I will therefore degresse no futher
in this poynt but by way of inferrence returne to [th]e work I
ame at w[hi]ch I doubt not but yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties quick app[re]hension
will {} fitt then I cann them For how can yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie fynde [i]t more then resonable to favor & assist a Religion [tha]t you see
deserues [i]t soe well of princes & all humane sosietie, That
teacheth [th]e tumultious earth [th]e harmony of heauen & makes
men obay King[es], as Angell[es] doe god that charitably beares
w[i]th [th]e bad & abundantly rewardes, in[th]e good, in short a religion that hates[12r]
That hates [th]e Jesuits w[i]th a p[er]fect hatred, because they are
Kinges enemies, how ill advised then is [tha]t younge prince,
that seek[es] w[i]th fier & sword to ruyn this holy & only true
religion out of this Kingdome, what can he p[re]tend by this his
Crueltie, besides [th]e plesuer of makinge Martiers, would he
haue all his subiects agree [tha]t it is lawfull to kill kinges
& none lefte aliue to wright ag[ains]t consecrated knives, would
he haue all his greate ones to take pentions of his neighbors
to winke at every publique p[re]iudice that may serue to
augem[en]t theire estates, and lessen his, and now lest to oppose [th]e designe of his envious superiors in [th]e Romaine hirarchie
who of longe tyme thought the growne of France to
goodly a thinge for hym, or any Frenchman to possesse, Conse Conformable to this their is famous work composed
by a spanish author, wherin for [th]e bett[e]r mannaginge of
& {} his wisdome think[es] it fit their should be
too monarchies a spirituall & a temporall, the pope
to haue the one & his Ma[ie]sty [th]e other, but suppose little lewis,
by reson of [th]e straight alliance w[i]th spayne & his devoute
observance to Rome, may p[ro]mise hymselfe more assuerance
of life Empire then henry [th]e greate, his more worthy
father, neu[er]thelesse if he were ould enough to be wise he
would neu[er] teach his people soe dangerous a lessen, as
to knowe their owne strength, nor move them to take
vp armes i any acc[i]ons, by Compellinge them to defend
their cause in any cause, how fatall this Indiscretion
hath p[ro]ved to as great princes as hymselfe, both auncient
& moderne examples doe instruct But I sen cease to
wonder at hym that harkens to lyinge p[ro]fitts & suffers
hymselfe to be led away w[i]th [th]e spirit of illusion, That w[hi]ch
disquiet[es] my vnderstandinge, is that yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie should forget
the p[ar]te you haue in this good people, as to stand newter
betwene his madnes & there innocency, he is blynde and
knoweth not what he doth, but god hath opened yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties
Eyes, and by his powerfull illuminac[i]on bars your Conscience
from all plea of Ignorance It is nothinge soe greivous in
hym to Scatter & murder as is in you[ur] Maies[tie] to looke on, who
are his deputie shepphard as his viceroy, indeede you are
nothinge, nor can be considered in any capacitie, function
or dignitie w[hi]ch hath not highly obliged you to take [th]e cause
of these pore men to hart, & ymploy yo[u]r most potent
meanes for their safetie & p[re]servation, hitherto you haue
put god Almightie to doe miracles for them, who will not suffer
them to p[er]ish for his name sake, But it is expected both of god[12v]
God & man, [tha]t you should put to yo[u]r helpinge hand & comand [tha]t reson w[i]th yo[u]r sword w[hi]ch you haue soe often desyered w[i]th yo[u]r
pen yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie shall noe soeu[er] exceede word[es] and shew yo[u]r
selfe R{o}yall in this worthy resoluc[i]on, but [th]e footeball wilbe
p[re]sently on yo[u]r syde And then it wilbe o[u]r turne to receive
Ambassadors, as fast as you haue sent them for mediation of
peace, That w[hi]ch was then held to graunt yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie, may
now thinke to little, & haue much for [th]e p[ro]fitt, and cannot but
answere yo[u]r honor when you shall see it, It is in yo[u]r power
to sell [th]e warr to yo[u]r subiect[es], and [th]e peace to yo[u]r enemies, at
what rate you list, A trafficque farr bett[e]r becominge a
great picture, that then that of tytles, offices, and such lyke
pettie Comodities of Courte I would here willingly make
an ende, but that their is a motive more, offers it selfe to my
Conceipt w[hi]ch I thinke fit for yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Considerac[i]on and [i]t is this
Yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath eu[er] expressed a desyer worthy yo[u]r selfe to {} yo[u]r people, as well as yo[u]r Cuntries of England and
Scotland and whosoeu[er] doth not contribute his best endeavo[r]s
too so good a worke, is vnworthy to be of either only it is to
be wished that yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie would thinke vppon some bett[e]r
meanes then hitherto hath byn vsed, such as may give
vniu[er]sall satisfaction ( the true & most naturall mother of
vnion) It is not to be done by cha chuseinge yo[u]r {minion}
Alternatively, out of Each nac[i]on, nor by makinge Scotteshmen
lord[es] of England nor Englishmen lord[es] of Scotland nor yet
by mixture of marriages w[hi]ch though it makes too p[er]sons one
yet cannot make too peoples soe, nor by [th]e most subtile
way [tha]t is now practized by makinge England as pore as
Scotland, these are too weak & counterfeit engrediences
to Compo{-}und a loue potion, that were wont to thirst after
one anothers blood, It must be somethinge of more vertue [tha]t must change the dissonant humors of these too nations
and make them forgett, whose fortune it was to be envied
in tymes b past and whose contempned, and if any thinge
vppon earth doe it, it wilbe yo[u]r fellowshipp at Armes in
some fortunate warr where honor & danger may be
equally divided, nor no ielosie nor contention arise out
of well doinge, one victory obteyned by [th]e wynte vallor
of English and Scots, will more in deblely Cristen your
Ma[jes]tie Emperor of greate Brittaine [th]en any act of p[ar]liam[en]t
or article of state, [i]f then you[ur] Ma[jes]tie will p[ro]ceede in
good earnest to [th]e accomplishm[en]t of this yo[u]r fatherly desyer
and relinquish [th]e vnholsome vnnecessary pollicie of keepinge the[12r]
The too nations in Continuall faction, and
Counterpoize for the strengthinge yo[u]r authoritie what
remaynes but to bringe forth yo[u]r Royall standard & make [th]e Comission of yo[u]r armes [th]e happie instrument of yo[u]r peoples
vnion, they shall [th]e {} behold [th]e Comon ensigne of honor
wherin they haue equall int[er]est, But all other matt[e]rs of diu[er]sities
wilbe thought vnworthy their remembrance, and then [th]e
enemy shall quickly fynd to his cost that [th]e too mightie and
populus Kingdomes of England & Scotland haue put one
hand & one hart, Now albeit yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie, haue at this tyme
as good choice of occasions as [th]e world can afford, yet [tha]t
of Fraunce seemes most p[ro]p[er] for this purpose, for as [tha]t Cuntry
was [th]e cause of o[u]r auncient Enm{i}tie, soe would it be made
to feele [th]e effects of o[u]r reconcylem[en]t, were it for nothinge els,
but to cancell [th]e strict alliance, that was {once}wont to be
suspected & p[re]iudiciall to england, had not [th]e skotts of ould
bene o[u]r back freind[es], and shewed them selues in all acc[i]ons
more affectionate to [th]e Frenche then to vs, yo[u]r ma[jes]tie might
happelie at this day {} yo[u]r selfe Kinge of Fraunce &
yet had not wee p[re]vented Scotland before Fraunce yo[u]r
Ma[jes]tie had neu[er] come to be Kinge of England, This will
seeme no riddle to them w[hi]ch are neu[er] so little acquaynted
w[i]th [th]e histories of those tymes, And if England was able
to make their p[ar]ties good both w[i]th Scotland & Fraunce
when their leage both defensive & offensive was at [th]e
strongest what might not England & Scotland doe now
in France, when their is another mann[er] of p[ar]tie then that
of Burgundie redie to receive vs Suerly wee might
drive all [th]e Royallists into [th]e sheepefoldes of Berrye, and
make another Kinge of Burges, But I will not labore
in vayne to make yo[u]r Corage exceede yo[u]r Conscience god
almightie I know hath filled yo[u]r harte w[i]th dominion & sealed
it vpp from Ambitious thought[es] as you esteeme conquest[es]
but spended robberies, as you are pleased to expresse yo[u]r
selfe in one of yo[u]r late work[es] of divinitie nor doe I intend
to incyte yo[u]r Ma[ies]tie to any thinge but what may stand aswell w[i]th
yo[u]r goodnes as yo[u]r greatnes, Cursed be they that tell [th]e Kinge
he may doe all he can, for [tha]t I thinke my selfe blest of
heaven [i]f I can but obteine any humbel dutie w[hi]ch goes noe
further then to what you ought, It is not spoyle nor glorie
the Comon bellowes of Warre, that I thinke worthie to moue
yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie, to regoe [th]e longe contentm[en]t of peace, nothinge
should make me soe hardy as to wish it were there any other
hopes of yo[u]r Armes then to right [th]e wronged and acquite yo[u]r selfe of[14r]
Yo[u]r dutie toward[es] god and nature {__________} Behould S[i]r
as much as I ame able to p[re]sent and [per]happ[es] more, then I
shall haue thank[es] for but that is [th]e least of my p[re]tention, [th]e
love to [th]e truth & yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties service deserves a greate deale
more of an honest harte, and he that seek[es] for reward of
welldoinge knowes not [th]e value of a good conscience, I shalbe
content to remayne vnknowne, soe as I make yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie knowne
what falce and wicked men keepe from you the misfortune
of [th]e gou[er]m[en]t and the iust Complaint of yo[u]r subiect[es], If I haue
offended yo[u]r pacience, yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie may be pleased to Consider
how longe you haue offended all [th]e world, and forgiue me
let it not seeme strange or evill in yo[u]r eyes, that I haue vsed
a fewe word[es], in a cause my soule loues aboue all [tha]t is mortall
And for advancem[en]t whereof, I dare suffer I dare suffer
as much as they deserve that diswade you from it
The truth teller
No introduction.
Norfolk Record Office, AYL/192, ff. [1r]-[14r]
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: 1622
No authors.
Other Witnesses
- Alnwick Castle, MS 527, ff. 1r–44*v
- Beinecke Library, Osborn fb158, item Iij, 81–107
- Beinecke Library, Osborn fb57, ff. 81–107
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 792, ff. 2r–55
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 1208, ff. 86–96
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 304, ff. 122r–130v
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 73, ff. 199r–230r
- British Library, Additional MS 11308, ff. 2r–45v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 22591, ff. 43r–54r
- British Library, Additional MS 23146, f. 18r
- British Library, Additional MS 48062, ff. 245r–283v
- British Library, Additional MS 78653, ff. 1r–55v
- British Library, Harley MS 1220, ff. 63r–81r
- Cambridge University Library, MS Ii.5.9, ff. 218r–257r
- Cambridge University Library, MS Mm.5.1, ff. 99v–123v
- Northamptonshire Record Office, FH69, ff15
- St John's College, MS S.2, item 1
- The National Archives, SP 14/126, /1 [ff.2r–41r]
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
- Tom-Tell-Troth or A free discovrse tovching the mvrmvrs of the time ([Amsterdam?], [1630?]) [STC 23868]
- Tom-Tell-Troth, or A free discourse touching the murmurs of the times (London, 1642) [Wing T1786]
Modern Print Exemplars
- The Harleian Miscellany (1st ed.), vol. 2, pp. 400–418
- Somers Tracts (2nd ed.), vol. 2, pp. 469–492
Selected Criticism
No bibliography
Keywords (Text Type)
- discourse
- vox populi
Keywords (Text Topics)
- foreign policy
- confessional conflict
- anti-catholicism
- Palatinate
- France
- Protestantism
- kingship
- officeholding
Transcribed by:
Susan Ward (Transcription Volunteer)