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George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham 'Proclamation to the Sailors (14 May 1628)'

British Library, Additional MS 35331, ff. 18r-18v


The Lo[rd] dukes message to the marryners, clapt upp on sondry postes by {Lakies laques}, beinge taken in the very dispersinge but it was as followes w[i]thout any sup[er]scription or name unto Left margin: may:14:th yt. .

I haue done more for you then ever my p[re]dicessors have done, I haue procured the increase of yo[u]r paye to be a thirde parte more then it was: I haue parted w[i]th my owne money to paye you, and engaged all my owne estate18v An[n]o Domini 1628. owne estate for your satisfaction, albeyt yt belonges not to my place to p[ro]vide for yo[u]r paym[en]t nor was yt expected from my pr[e]decessors./ Before I wente the laste voyage, by my often sollicitac[i]ons I p[ro]cured assignm[en]t for money, to paye you att your retourne, but yt was diverted in my absence for other occasions: and soe my selfe & you suffered by forgetfulnesse and neglecte when I was absente, in the service. Your selues well knowe the kinge hath noe meanes to paye you till the p[ar]liam[en]t giue yt, or that by the breache of yt, his ma[jes]tie maye raise money other waies./ As for your threatninge to pull downe the walles of my howse aboute my eares, when I shall see you come, w[i]th any such intention, I will lett you knowe, that I cann and will correcte you as sharpely for your insolencye and disorder as I have bynn forwarde to p[ro]cure you satisfaction, and have bynn sencible of your sufferinges./