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Sir Thomas Wentworth 'Speech to the House of Commons (22 March 1627)'

Surrey History Centre, 1248/1, f. #4


S[i]r Tho[mas] Wentworth [th]e 22th of Mar[ch] 1627

May this daies resolution bee as happy as I conceiue [th]e proposition (which now makes mee rise) seasonable, and necessary. For wheather wee shall looke vppon [th]e King, or his people, it did neuer more behoue (vs (this great Physician) [th]e Parlament to effeckt a true consente among [th]e partes then now. This debate carries with it a dubble asspeckt. Towards [th]e Soueraine, towards [th]e Subieckt. thought both bee Innocent both are in dainger, In [th]e representation of Iniuries, I shall crave your attention. In [th]e cure I shall beseech your equall cares, and better Iudments. (Surely in [th]e greatest humilitie I speake it) these illegall waies are punishments, and markes of Indignation. The rasing by levys, strenthned by co[m]mission; with vnheard of instrucktions, : [th]e billiting of Souldiers by Leftenants, and deputy Leftenants,haue binne as if they could haue perswaded Christian Princes (nay worlds) [th]e right of Empire had binne long agoe, to take away by strong hande and these haue indeauored (as far as was possible for them) to doe it This hath not binne done by [th]e King (vnder [th]e pleasing shade of whose crowne, I hope wee shall euer gather [th]e frutes of Iustice) but by Proiecktors. They haue extended [th]e prerogatiue of [th]e King beeyond [th]e iust li[m]metts. Which makes a iarring harmony of the whole. They haue rent from vs [th]e light of our eys, forced a company of guests, worse then [th]e ordinances of France vitiated our wifes and daughters, before our faces, brought [th]e crowne to greater want then euer by anticipating [th]e reuenews; And can [th]e shepard be smitten and [th]e sheepe not scattered. They haue introduced a priuy Counsell, rauishing at once [th]e sphere, of all ancient gouernment. Imprisoning vs with outtd bale, or bonde. (They haue taken from vs (or shall I say indede what haue they left vs) all means of supplying, [th]e King, and ingratiating our selues with him. Taken vp [th]e rootes of all propryety, which if it bee not seasonablely set again in to [th]e ground, by his Ma[jes]ties owne hande, wee shall haue steed in of Beuty, Baldnesse To [th]e making of theis hole againe, I shall apply myselfe, and propound a remidy to all these diseases. By one and [th]e same hande hath King and people, binne hurt; and by [th]e same must bee cured.

To vindicate, what? new thing? {gap: illegible}in Noe. Our antient sober, vitall liberties, by reinforsing [th]e antient laws made by our Ancestors, by setting such a charackter vppon them, as noe lisentious spirit shall dare venter vppon them. And shall wee thinke there is a way to breake a Parlament? Noe. Our desiers are modest and iust; I speake truly both for [th]e intrest of King, and people. If wee inioy not these, it is impossible to releiue him, for let vs neuer feare [tha]t they should not bee accepted by his goodnesse. Therfore I shall descende to my motiues, consisting of fowre parts, two of which haue relation to [th]e person, two to [th]e propriety of goods. For our persons, [th]e Freedome of them first from Imprisonment. Secondly from Imployment abrode contrary to [th]e antient customes. For our goods that noe leuy might bee made but by Parlament. Secondly that there bee noe billiting of Souldiers. It is necessary that these bee resolued, that [th]e subieckt may bee secured in booth: For [th]e manner in [th]e second place, it will bee fitt to bee determined by a Grand Committee


No introduction.


Surrey History Centre, 1248/1, f. #4

Languages: English

Creation date: 22 March 1627


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  • speech

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    Transcribed by:

    Moira MacQuaide (Transcription Volunteer), Victor Eyles (Transcription Volunteer)