'Letters on the Essex Nullity (1613)'
British Library, Stowe MS 422, ff. 45r-52v
The opinion of the Lorde Arch Bishopp of Canterburie Concerninge the Nullity of Marriaage betweene the Earle of Essex and the Ladie Frauncis Howard his wife deliuered to the Kings Maiestie/
In as much as you doe firmely beleeue that
the scripture directlye or by Consequence
doth Conteyne in it sufficient matter
to decide all Controversies especiallye
in things apperteyninge to the Church, And
that marriage amongst Christians Can
bee noe lett lesse accompted then a sacred
thinge, and beinge instituted by god in Paradice, honored by the presence of our saviour
himself, and declared by St Paul to
be a figure of the spirituall Coniunction of
betweene Christ and his Church; I would
bee gladd to knowe, by what text of scripture
either of the old or newe testament, a man
maye have a warrant to make a nullitie
of marriage solemlie Celebrated. In
facie Eccl[es]iæ propter Maleficum versus hanc which45v
which I doe the rather aske, because I find
warrant expresslie in Scripture to make
a Nullitie of Marriage propter frigiditatem by the words of our Saviour Matth. 19. Left margin: Matth. 19. 12.12. For there are some Chast or Eunuches
wh[i]ch were soe borne of theire mothers belly
and there bee some Chast which bee made
Chast by men, and there bee some Chast
which haue made themselues Chast For
the Kingdome of heaven; I would also knowe
gladlye what Auntient father, either amongst
the Greekes or Lattines, by occasion of
interpretac[i]on of scripture, or anie disputac[i]on
hath menc[i]oned maleficum versus hanc or
declared it to bee a Cause of Nullitye
in Marriage. The like I demaund touching
the Auntient Councells, either generall or
provinciall, and Concerninge the stories
Ecclesiasticall, whether anie such matters
bee to bee found in them If for ought
that appeareth, neuer menc[i]on was made
of this, till the tyme of Hinemerus Episco:=pus Remensis, (whoe lived Nyne hundred
yeares after Christ) It maye well
be Conceaved that this was a Concomitant of46rof darkenes, and popish superstition, w[hi]ch
about that tyme grewe to soe greate height
(God permittinge then that punishment
to fall vpon the Children of unbeleife) But
since the light of the Gospell is nowe in
soe great measure broken out agayne
whye should I not hope those that have embraced
the Gospell, should bee free from this Malef[i]cium, especiallye since amongst a
Million of men in our Age there is not
one found in all our Countrie whoe is
Cleirlye and evidentlie knowne to bee
troubled with the same. And if there should
bee anie, which might seeme to bee thus
molested, wee are taught to use
remedies against it, The one spirittuall
Phisicke, the other externall. For the first
our Saviour saieth Hoc genus Dæmonio[rum]
non eijcitur nisi per orationem et Jeiunium;
And St Peter speakinge of the devill
saieth Cui resistite, firme in fide. And the
Canonists themselves prescribe Almes
fastinge and prayer to bee vsed in that
Case, butt that theye ioyne superstitiouslie
theire Exorcismes therevnto. And for Corporall Phisicke to bee imployed as against a disease46vdisease soe is the Iudgment of our late
divines whether the speake venef[i]cium or nott
Nowe admitt the Earle of Essex might bee
ymagined to bee troubled w[i]th Maleficium
versus hanc I demaund what Almes hath
been given what fastinge hath been vsed
what prayers hath been powred out to appease
the Indignation of God towards him or his
wife Or what Phisicke hath been taken or
medicine applyed for theise three yeares
together Noe one of theise things butt the first
hearinge must bee to pronounce a Nullity
in the Marriage Of which declarac[i]on wee
knowe the begininge butt noe Mortall
mans witt Can foresee the and
either in his person or example
Iudicium Melancthonis de Diuortiis
ex Impotentia in loco de Coniugio quod
Christopherus Perilus suis in Melancthonis
examen explicationibus exeruit in seruit
secunda parte Iudicium Hemingii Libello
de Coniugio repudio et divortio Iudicium
Pollani professoris Theologiæ in Acadæmia
Basill Lib. 10 sitage Cap. 18
Jiudicium Iraelarii profesessoris Theologiæ in Acadæmia Marlb. in arca fæderis
Judicium47rIudicium Beza Lib. 4. de Diuortiis pag. 9. Gen. Impress 1591 pag. 94:
Iudicium anchii Lib. 4. de operibus Cap. 3 non tamen impotentia et veneficio attigit./
The Kings Ma[jes]ties answere to the Lord Archbishopp of Canterburie his opinion/
To the first Argum[en]t that the scripture
doth directlie or by Conseqeunce Conteyne
sufficient matter to decide all Controuersies
especiallye in this apperteyninge to the
Church this is in myne opinion Propositio
erronea and one of the Puritants ground
w[i]thout a better distingtion or explanac[i]on
For the Orthodaxe proposition is that the
Scripture doth directlye or by Consequence
Conteyne in it sufficient matter to decide
all Controuersies in points of of faith and
salvac[i]on Of which sorte a Nullitye in
Marraige Cannott bee accompted for one
And therefore your Consequence vpon the
former proposition must faile For further47vfurther satisfacc[i]on to your followinge
question I saie your owne second question
doth answere it for pronouncinge a Nullity propter frigiditatem then all the meanes w[hi]ch
maye make him frigidus versus hanc must
bee Comprehended therein For whye doth
our Church Condemne as incestuous the
Marriage of a man w[i]th his sisters daughter
or the marriage of two sisters but A paritate
rationis for none of them is in terminis
prohibited by the scripture onlye the Conclusion
is gathered a paritate rationi for if it bee
nott lawfull to marrye your fathers wife
because thereby you discouer your fathers
shame nor his sister because shee is is his
kinswoman nor your owne sister for thereby
you discouer your father and mothers shame
It Can noe more bee lawfull for you to
marrye your sisters daughter for thereby also
you discouer your owne shame as alsoe the
same reason serues for ascendinge or descending
in points of Consanguinitye quia parest ratio
The like is in this Case for although Christ
speakes onlye of three sortes of Euenuches yet Ratio est quia non potest esse Copula inter
48rEuenuchum et Mulierem and therefore St
Paul in the seventh Chapter of his first
epistle to the Corinthians telleth vs Cleerely
that it is nott Coniugium sine Copula. I
Conclude therefore A paritate rationis that
Christ did Comprehend vnder those three
sorts of Euenuches all inhabilitie which
doth Continuallye hinder Copulam versus
hanc whether it were naturall or accidentall For what difference is there betweene
Cuttinge of the hand and beinge made impotent thereof Amputatio et Multilatio
membri is all one in the Civill lawe And
it is a like defraudinge of the woman when
either hee or whoe is to be her husband is gelded owh or when the use of his member towards
her is by anie vnlawfull meanes taken from
him Neither is it anie waye needfull to
Crave the particular warrant of Nullitye propter Maleficium out of the scripture noe
more then there is warrant in that place for
anie Nullitye at all for Christ doth nott
directlye saie that a Mariage soe made
shallbe nullified neither doth hee teach vs
what forme of processe shall be vsed in it
nether makes hee menc[i]on of a Trianuall
probac[i]on noe more then hee forbiddeth
marriage w[i]thin the fourth degree with leave
obteyned o the Bishopp of the diocesse. It is
then sufficient for all moderate Christians
to bee taught out of the word that marriage
is Nulla sine Copula and that the wordes quod
deus Coniunxit is neuer found in the scripture
where exeunt eis Caro vna doth not proceede
vizt theye shall be one fleshe Butt whether the
impediment bee vniversall or versus hanc only
and whether the fault thereof hath bin borne w[i]th
him or done vnto him by violence or fallen by
disease or by disproportion or inaptitude betwixte the parties or by vnlawfull or vnnaturall
practises it is neuer Pax Ratio hee is Eurnuchus versus hanc Neither doth it matter
whether hee bee Euenuchus versus omnes alias
seeinge to her only was hee married then Paritate rationis such Nullities are grounded
vpon the foresaid warrant of scripture Neither
hadd our saviour Christ anie occasion to speake
then to the Iewes Concerninge Maleficium
For although it bee apparent that God made
Kinge Abimelech and his family vnable to abuse
Sara Abrahams wife and soe hee was made49rmade by God himselfe Eunuchus versus hanc
and that it bee nott vnprofitable that the
devill beinge Gods Ape should imitate gods
worke by his filthye witchcrafte by makeinge
such a god will permitt him vnable versus hanc
howbeit it bee profitable that it was longe
after that tyme before the devill putt that
tricke in vpon the earth As for the third and
fourth questions what menc[i]on the fathers and
Councell make of Maleficium versus hanc
I answere that it maye bee that if theye bee
well searched that either somethinge to this
purpose in them or at least aliquid Anologon
which a partitate Rationis or by Consequence
maye serue to decide this question Butt
leaveinge this to search my mayne Answere
is that wee must distinguish of tymes For in
all the first Ages as longe as persecuc[i]on laye
heavie vpon the Church and before that the
Empire became Christian the Church did nott
meddle w[i]th questions of Marriage For the
Civill Iudges determined them whoe would nott
suffer the Church to meddle w[i]th anie thinge w[hi]ch
drewe a Consequence after it of possessions
and Inheritance as Marriage doth Naye even
diuerse hundred yeares after the Conversion of the49vthe Emperors the Iudgment and decision of all
such questions did still remaine in foro civile
till the Popedome began to waxe greate and
assume or rather vsurpe to her selfe an Independant & or supreame Iudicatorye in all Ecclesiasticall Causes And therefore the fathers and
Councelles hadd noe occasion to make menc[i]on
of that which was not forum fori at that
tyme And besides that it is an evill Argum[en]t
to saie such a thinge is vnlawfull because the
fathers and Councells make noe menc[i]on of it
For you knowe much better the I that diuerse
and manye pointes betwixt the papists and vs
are neuer menc[i]oned by the fathers because
theye Could neuer have dreamed that such
questions would arrise and therefore are the
fathers only exact in such questions as are most
agitated and vsed vpon the stage in theire
tyme as
De Trinitate de duabus Christi
and such like it is therefore sufficient
that there Can be nothinge found in them w[hi]ch
maye iustlye be vnderstood to Contradicte this
opinion and it is very probable as is I said before
that this tricke of Maleficium hadd not then
bin putt in practise in the world and therefore nott50rnott knowne nor menc[i]oned by them For whye
maye nott the Devill aswell finde out newe
tricks of witchcrafte when God will permitt him
as hee doth dailye devise newe sortes of Heresies For his malice can neuer end till the
end of tymes To the Fifte Argument my
former Answere doth alsoe serue for till the
900 yeares of Christ it maye be that that
devilish tricke Came neuer to be discouered
And you knowe the old Proverbe Ex malis
moribus bonae leges and it is nott vnlikelye
that that tyme of darkenes gave the devill
occasion of devisinge such newe tricks Looke my Demonologie and yett was that lawe for wh[i]ch
you scite made by Charles the great
whoe in soe many greate pointes as you well
knowe hadd soe greate light as I dare scarsely
terme his tyme a tyme of darknes was in
pointes of superstition I will still maynteine
(as I have euer done) f that forthe matter of order
and pollicye all the world shall neuer bee able
to find out anie other soe good and so old order of
government to be putt in the place of it in
signe whereof there is noe well governed Com[m]on
wealth in all the Christian world where the Comon50v
Com[m]on lawe is nott receaved to Iudge in
questions of that nature and it is Certaine
that this question nowe in hand is only a question
of order and policie for the ground of this
question that the Essentiall pointe of Matrimonye Cannot bee granted accompted sine Copula is warranted by expresse scripture
and Confessed by your self To the sixte
Argument or rather hope I feare that hope
shall proue Contrarie to faith for sure as
God is there bee devills and Devills / must
haue some power and theire power is nott in
this world For Sathan is the Prince of
Darkenes neither are the elect exempted
from his power Job was nott St Paul
Christ saieth to his disciples {Cribravit} vos
Sattanus and if the devill haue anie power
ouer the Elect it ouer their flesh and if ouer
the flesh rather ouer the fleshliest and most
sinfull part thereof wherevnto originall sinne
is soe tyed as God before and vnder the lawe
to shewe the difficultye of purgeinge mans
originall sinne ordeined the Amputac[i]on of the
foreskinne of that member and to exempt those
of our profession from the power witchcrafte is a51ris a Paradoxe neuer yett mainteyned by anye
learned or wise man That the Devills power
is nott soe vniversall amongst vs that I freely
Confesse butt nott that it is vtterly restrained
Quoad nos Howe was then a Minister of
Geneua bewitched to death and howe are the
witches dailye punished by our lawes? Surelye
if they Can Charmene none butt Papists wee
are too Charitable to labour soe for avenginge
of them onlye Satan is permitted to punish
man for his breach of the second as the first
Table and therefore are wee noe lesse guiltye
then the Papistes are And if the power of witchcrafte maye reach to our life much more to a
member speciallye to a member so governed
by the fancie wherein the devill hath his principall operac[i]on and hee maye soe estrange the
husbandes affecc[i]ons from the wife that hee
Cannott bee able to performe that dutie vnto
her For it is a Comon thinge in many mens
natures that theye Cannott doe that Act butt
where they love nor fight butt when theye are
angrye God keepe us therefore from puttinge the
tryall of our profession vpon Miracles Lett
the Miracle mongers live by theire owne trade
To your seventh Argument touchinge the remedies
what doe you knowe whether both parties or either of them51vof them have vsed both those remedies or nott And
that that speciall remedye should be uvsed publiquely
for them I Cannott see noe necessitie for non
inter[e]st Reipublica ne Eccl[es]ia and private
persons are Comaunded to vse theire fastinge
and Almes secretlye and in private besides
that noe such Care is likelye to succeede well
vnlesse the parties owne heart and Affections
bee sett vpon it And as for your Conclusion
vpon the Incom[m]odum either vpon his person
or the example I can see none in either For
his person on the Example as to this Couple
betweene whome Marriage was neuer truly
accomplished theye will peradventure both of
them by the declaratiry of this Nullitie be made
Capable to accomplish marriage w[i]th others w[hi]ch
theye Could nott doe betwixt themselues wherein
they maye live to the satisfacc[i]on of their heartes
and enioye the blessinge of procreac[i]on of Children
And as to the example the lawe shall be fulfilled
w[i]th Admin[i]strac[i]on of Iustice w[hi]ch Cannott serue
for an example or president of Counterfeited
Nullities hereafter Notorietas facti or rather non facti is lucedarior in this Case besides the
Mayne legall probac[i]ons and Confessions of the
parties which haue been taken in this processe whereas52rwhereas by the processe Contrarye if theye shallbe forciblely kepte together theire name and
shaddowes maye be kepte together butt neuer
their persons or affecc[i]ons and theye shall be
forced to liue together either in perpetuall misery
or scandall or both and what such a forced Continencie Can availe the Monkes the Monkes Continencie Can teach vs And for a president in
tyme to Come it Can reach noe further then to
open a waye of lawfull releife for anie
parties that shall Chaunce to bee distressed
in that sorte And as for your extract of our
late divines opinions vpon this question I
Confesse I Cannott gesse what your intent
was in sendeinge them vnto mee for theye
all agree in termes with myne opinion
but there is such a thinge as Maleficium and Maleficiale versus hanc and your very interlyned passages proue it Cleerest and for theire
Advise Concerninge the Remedies that is butt Consilium non ius nec decretum not impoisinge
a necessitye butt is to bee vsed by discrec[i]on as
occasion shall serve or require As for the
Legall Doubtes of formallitye theye Concerne none
of your Callinge if your Conscience be resolued
in pointe of Divinity it is your parte to give yo[u]r Consent52vConsent to the Nullitye and lett the Lawyers
take the burthen of makeinge it formall And
as for the Trienniall probac[i]on I hope noe
man Can bee soe blinde as to make a doubt
whether it be taken before or after the suite
began & in Conclusion our divines soluc[i]on of this
question proue Clearely that this resoluc[i]on
vpon this Doubt how ever it was in blindnes
as you thinke yet it is nowe approved in
tyme of greatest light and paritye of the
profession of the Gospell To Conclude then
if this maye satisfie your doubtes I will
end with our Saviours wordes to Sainte
Peter Et Cum Conversus fueris Confirma
fratres tuos For on my Conscience all
the doubtes I haue yett seene made in this
busines are nothinge but nodus in Scripo querere/
No image
No introduction.
British Library, Stowe MS 422, ff. 45r-52v
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: 1613
Other Witnesses
- All Souls College, MS 117, f. 149r
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson C 63, ff. 4v–15v
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson C 64, ff. 3v–11v
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 1345, ff. 147r–151r
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 304, ff. 60r–64r
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 74, ff. 22r–27v
- Bodleian Library, MS Willis 58, ff. 199r–204r
- Bodleian Library, MS Wood F.34, ff. 9r–10r
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 11600, ff. 11v–15r
- British Library, Additional MS 29587, ff. 6r–9v
- British Library, Harley MS 813, ff. 132r–135v
- Transcript of British Library, Sloane MS 1819, ???
- British Library, Sloane MS 1856, ff. 47x–50x
- British Library, Sloane MS 363, ???
- British Library, Stowe MS 401, ff. 4r–9v
- British Library, Stowe MS 402, ff. 2r–4v
- Cambridge University Library, MS Gg.4.13, pp253–257
- Folger Shakespeare Library, MS V.b.303, pp173–181
- Gonville & Caius College, MS 73/40, ff. 219v–222v
- Harvard Law School, MS 1227
- Harvard Law School, MS 67, ff. 3r–22x
- Huntington Library, Hastings Legal Papers Box 1, Item 16
- Jesus College, MS 83 [on deposit in Bodleian], ff. 54r–56r
- Lambeth Palace Library, MS 663, ff. 182r–183v
- Nottingham University Library, Cl LP 19, ff4
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
No bibliography
Modern Print Exemplars
- State Trials
Selected Criticism
No bibliography
Keywords (Text Type)
- letter
Keywords (Text Topics)
- divorce
- law
- ecclesiastical conflict
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