'Letter to the Marquess of Buckingham (June 1620)'
British Library, Additional MS 4149, ff. 158r-162v
A L[ett]re written by Mr Thomas Alured a Diuine to Geroge Marquesse of Buckingham about the yeare 1620. disswading the Match of Charles Prince of Wales with the Infanta Maria of Spaine.
Although to advize maye seeme p[re]sumpteous yet what
is well intended I ame more then confident, will not
be either offensiue to your Lor[dshi]pp or p[re]iudiciall to
me the eather since what is nowe offered, is not for
your good onlye, but for the generall all soe. The
honor whereof as in some sorte you may app[ro]priate
soe you cannot but perticipate & communicate [th]e benifit.
The parable in the Gospell telleth us of a greate
Kinge that maried his sonne & bad manye there
vnto, yet vpon the excusalle of some & refusall of
others All of what Condic[i]on soeuer as well out of
the high wayes as out of the high places we weere
called and invited, As euery true [Christ]ian hath an
interest in the mariage of that Kinges sonne of hea-ven, soe euerie good subiect aswell as euery great
subiect hath an interest in the Mariage & well feare
of the Kinges sonne here one earth w[hi]ch occasions
soe manye, and me amongst those manye the
meanest to wishe that it may bringe with it glorie to
God on high good will and peace to them on
earth which is much doubted cannot be from
Spayne, since the motioninge of the Match
bringes a generall feare yet that it cann
neither be safe for the Kinges person nor good
for the Church and Com[m]on weale becase that
thereby, there maye be {gap: illegible} inlett to the Romishe locusts,
whoe like the cankerworme, may in an instant smite
oure Gourd, vnder whose shaddowe wee sit safe. And
then what may wee feare but the heate of persecution
& dissenc[i]on to beate vpon the heade of Ionah (the
best affected of Gods people) whoe cannot but fainte
& wishe with Ionah to die rather then to see & indure
that daye. for what will not they attempt against
our goodlie Ceader tree, that the vine that theire
left hand Shall plaint may growe vpp and they
be sheltred vnder the branches./
But herein it is hoped, that God will enable the
state soner to make p[re]uenc[i]on of their mischife then
tryall of theire affecc[i]on for as noe person hath
wounded them more deeplye soe there is noe p[er]son they
hate more deadlie. And if they murdred the least
two Henryes of France because they suspected
them to fauour protestantes howe doe they burne
in malice against him that hath p[ro]fessed him-selfe and blased them to his glorie and
theire shame. And it is as vnsafe for men
as vnpleasinge to God to reley vpon them. Henry
of Burbon father to H. the 4. drawne by an
inmaginarye Crowne of Sardinia, and the prince
of the same lefte the protestantes both in pro-fession and person and became a persecutor
of those whose protector hee was: but while'st
hee cast his hopes in Spaine, Spaine decei-ved him of his Crowne And God in iustice
(whoe neuer leaues anie man that leaves
not him first) gaue him ouer to violent
death, for a bullet toke him in his owne
trenches beseiginge the protestantes in Roane
Henry the 4. what battilles did hee fight,
& what dangers did he eschape, euen to admirac[i]on
whilest he was in defiance with Pope & Spanniard: but
when in policie & wordley respect he submitted hee tas-ted the same sower grapes that sett his fathers teeth
on edge. first a younge Iosuit smote him on the mouth &
then a papist Rauiliack stabbed him to the hearte Whereas
Queene Elizabeth the hapiest instrument of Gods glory
for her sexe since [th]e most blissed virgin notwith-standinge fewe frindes she had abroade, & [th]e diuisions
at home when she came to the Crowne beinge alone
Woman yet she refused the Kinge of Spaine beinge the
first and earnest suytor by the Earle of Floria his
Imbassador And not-withstandinge the thundringe of
the Popes bulls & Spannishe cannons openly or the
workinge of his pistols priuatelie weere able to cutt
of soe much as the lap of her coate, or to diminishe an
heire (Much lesse the Crowne) of her heade and
his Ma[jes]tie that nowe is, continewinge constant
in the same Religion she professed contineweth noe
lesse miraculosley in Gods protexton then she did And
thought there weere by but one p[ro]testant Kinge or
prince in [Christe]ndom[m]e then, besides himselfe these rather
to match this, then with all the wealth of Spaine or
anie other popishe Prince what therfore his Ma[jes]tie
hath giuen by precept to the prince in his booke & by
presedent in his owne person will vndoubtedlie
bee expected, And as all good men doe hope will
assuredlie be performed. For as the prince p[ro]claimes
the Kinge his father by his wonderfull likenes
and resemblance of the Kinge himselfe; soe it is
hoped hee will neuer appeare vnlike vnto him in
his other virtues, soe p[ar]ticularlie in the choise of his
second selfe w[hi]ch soe neerly concernes himselfe
(as your Lor[dshi]pp allsoe in your own paticuler) as
none cann bee to circumspect especiallie since not
a Somersett a Suffolke or a Secrettary onely but
the first man, the strongest man & the wisest man [tha]t
euer was, though they weere all good men and tipes of
Christ yet they weere hereby by tempted & deceyved.
To addresse this poore discourse more p[ar]ticularly to
your Lor[dshi]pp Kinges haue allmost euer vsed to haue their
fauorites, Allexander had a long tyme his Ephestion
H. the 3. of France had his Espernon & Philipp
of Spaine his Lermai yea the best princes haue
not wanted them, for after the Reckoninge of
Davids greate officers Hushay the Arkite called [th]e
Kinges freind. and Iea the Iarit is set downe
to haue bine cheife aboute David which stands w[i]th
reason and agrees with nature, for euery priuate
man is left to affect as hee likes best neither cann
affection be forced Nowe to disalowe or [tha]t
in a Kinge which is left atat libertie in the meanest
Subiecte weere pr[e]postruous & iniurious for though
they com[m]anded nations as they are Kinges, yet are they
subiecte to theire passions as they are men And if
I may alledge it with out misinterpretac[i]on of others
as I ame free from anie illmeaninge in my selfe,
who knowes not but that Christ, the reather to shew
himselfe a naturall man expresseth soe much the
more his passions in his often weepinge and his
affecc[i]on diu[er]se perticulers, but especiallie to St.
Iohn if I maye not saye a favorite yet certa[n]lye
a disciple whome Iesus loued more then anie of the
rest it is gods blissinge and your happines (if you
rightlie accoumpt of it) to be the Kinges favorite
as Peter therfore not pr[e]suminge to aske Christ or whoe it was he spake of, beckninge to the Disci-ple whome Iesus Loued (in whose breast hee leaned)
to aske for him soe since men neither may or ought to
be soe bould to aske or advise the Kinge in this busines
soe much spoken of yet they poynte at you whoe [th]e higher
you are160r
you are in the Kinges favour the more you are in the peoples
eyes & obseruance and they expect yow will not bee
wantinge in the dutye of a subiect, a councellor afauorite
But as your reasons & perswasions are knowen to haue
the best oppertunitie to be deliu[er]ed and the more credit
to be beleeued soe in this case to bee as Moses (one
of Godes greatest fauorites and famillier servantes) to stand
in the gapp and diuert this plague (for soe in the most
mens iudgementes and the voice of Godes people it is hard
howe gloriouse soeuer or howe necessarie it seeme out-wardlie, I ame confident yow thinke the Kinges fauour
& your fortunes are not for your owne endes alone,
or for an ill end at all wee haue latelie seene the
ende of those whoe haue purposed such endes. for
promoc[i]on comes neither from the East nor from
the West as a casuall thinge thinge but as Godes to the prouidence to the fall of a sparrowe soe
much more to the rise of a seruant And whoe
knoweth not but the same hande which raysed
Ioseph in Egipt, hath aduanced yow in England
for the like end. To parable yow in noe disparagm[en]t
yow are younger brother by the second mariage,
as Ioseph was a fayre p[er]son & well fauoured
as Ioseph was [th]e Kinge hath for honour altered
your name, as Ioseph was, yow haue honoured &
enriched your kindred as Ioseph did; (for hee gaue
them the Lande of Goshen for theire maintenance
And for the greater honour Ioseph's kindered was
made knowen vnto Pharoh and yours to yourour
Ceasar Nowe my Lord since yow followe Ioseph
soe neare & soe farr leaue not to the end. Ioseph
was sent before to provide breade for Godes people
to preuent famine, and since yow are set vpp for
whey maye not wee thinke of of yow, as Mordecay said
of Hester, who knowes not yow become to the Kingdome offor such a tyme endeauour both to prevente and provide
that there ensue not any famine or dearth of spiri-tuall breade in this Land, whetherneither that this wee haue
bee either mingled or made vnsavorie with [th]e Romish
leaven, wee doe not reade of anie seruante almost
better respected of his Lord and Master then
Eleazer of Damascus whome Abraham had ment
(had hee died childles) to haue made his heire: and
wee reade not of anie seruice he did Abraham more
or at least greater then in choice of a wife for his
sonne Isacke Amounge the seruantes of our Patri-arch the defender of ourthe fayth, wee obserue none bet-ter respected then your selfe for the Kinge hath
manifested hee loues not your person onlye but
takes care forof your soule & labours to make as good
as greate, and as happie in and an other wourld
as high in this yet wee knowe not where in yow
cann doe him service more, then with Eleazer to
helpe chose a Rebecka for our princly Isacke &
Abrahams In iunction is a good direcc[i]on not to
take her amounge the Cannanites Princes
in respecte of their hapines & other mens mi-seryes, seeme to be placed in an earthlie paradice
havinge power to taste of eu[er]y tree in the garden
where allsoe hauinge soe manie Royall branches
and princly Stockes to grauft yf they shall onlye
meddle with the forbidden fruite howe dan-gerous and woefull is theire Condic[i]on for the
Serpent will not onlye beguile the woman but
the Philistians will intreate dalilaz & shee
will beetraye Sampson soe while they plowe
with our Heifer they will vnfould all o[u]r riddles,
and vndoe our estate Besides what language soeuer the father
speakes the birth doth vsuallie followe the belly, and children most
com[m]onlye speakes theire mother toonget{gap: }ngetongue And wheresoeu[er] then is this babell, there is confusion, not of t{gap: }gestongues onlye but of
states Where as Christ Church is like his coate closlie
wouen & at vnitye within it selfe although some ignorant
Separists seeke to finde or rather to make an hole in our
coate and Church which the Papistes lye in waite to make
the rent worse & the desperate Iesuit if he cann will make
it past amendinge it, for wheresoeuer they come they torne
Christes coate into Dianices garment which settes Hercules
on fyer soe sett they others in combustian. The reason is
their first founder was as soldier, & euer since [th]e way
of peace haue they not knowne, at least not loued to ins-tance in p[ar]ticuler not vnfitt for [th]e p[re]sent purpose wee
haue not heard of anie p[ro]testant Kinge [tha]t euer Maried with
a contrarye Religion sauinge the last Henry of Navaire w[i]th
the last Margarete of France w[hi]ch mariage was soe in-fortunate to the parties hauinge neuer issue, & beinge after-ward diuorsed was allsoe knowne [tha]t there was more blood
spilt at those Nuptialles, then wine spent, for while the
protestantes dreamed of the glorie & securetie they should
haue by the match they weere most miserablie massacred
And who doubtes bybut what the french papistes com[m]itted ag[ains]te
theire owne Cuntry vpon that color & occasion [th]e Spannishe
papists would not bee glad to see done on this Kingdome
vpon the like for without the breach of Charitie wee
maye doubte of theire sincere meaninge though there
bee a treatie of a matche since in 88. whilest there was
a treatie of peace the Spannishe Armadoes came vpon
vs yf therfore wee will be led by precept or example
wee shall finde it was forbiden the best people of [th]e
wourld; and it vndid one of the best Princes of [th]e wourld
to marye with one differinge in Religion the coniuncc[i]on
the reasons and effectes are laied downe in Deuterinomy
to the Iewes [tha]t they should not take anie daughters of the
neighboringe nations, though greater & Mightier then themthemselues161v
themselues to bee wifes to theire sonnes, for they will cause
theire sonnes to torne from God & to serue other godes: then
will the Lord waxe hott against them & distroy them suddanly
All which is verefied in Soloman the wisest Kinge that
euer was, whoe maried one of the greatest Kinges
daughters that then was yet wee see then, [tha]t the weakest
Sexe withdrewe the wisest man for Soloman became
an Idolater his sonne a foole, his Subiectes rebelled & [th]e
best parte of his Kingdome rent from his pa posteritie
foreuer Though Israell sinn yet let not Iuda trans-gresse & though Soloman one of the sonnes of David
Maried and miscarried with Pharohes daughter, yet let
not Isaacke the onelie sonne of our Abraham doe as some of [th]e
sonnes of our God haue done whoe because they see, [tha]t [th]e daugh-ters of men bee (for out ward and politicke respect) faire take
the wiues of them, from whence came monstrous enormities
which like [th]e olde giantes, fight against God and all godlines but
as God doubtles hath made his Covenante with the Kinge as
hee did with Abraham, as hee hath brought him out of one Coun-trey into abetter as hee did Abraham, & as hee did put into the
Kinges hearte to take a late Iournie as Abraham did, from
the South of the place where his Courte had beene at the
begininge to giue thankes to the Lord, the same God put into
the Kinge the same minde hee put into Abraham to choose
a Rebecca amoungste those of the same Spirituall kindred
whoe call all vpon one God the father, and doe acknowledge
the one and the same Church to bee their mother, that it
bee with the prince (as in manie respectes soe this) as it was
with Isaacke whoe tooke Rebecca to wife whoe loued her
and brought her to the tent of Sarah his mother, and
was comforted after theire mothers death. Nowe if from
the wourd of God (w[hi]ch settes downe the vnlawfullnesse
of those Matches with Aliens & Strangers from
Godes Covenant) wee discend downe into our bookes of
Chronicles wee shall finde that God hath Crost if not
curste our Aliance and associac[i]on p[ar]ticulerly w[i]th the
Spannishe Natione the position of that Cuntrye & [th]e
disposic[i]on of that people, beinge as it weere soe Mallignant162r
Mallignant & ill agreeinge, The prince of the greatest p[er]formanc
that euer Kingdome or Christendome had was the blacke Prince, &
yet our Chronoclies recorde, that hee goeinge into Spaine to settle Don Pedro in that Kingdome besides the monstrous ingra-titude and perfidiousnes of that Spanniard, whoe failed
in the performance of his Condic[i]ons which hee had pro-mised w[hi]ch caused that miserable Revolt in France
to the losse of our inheritance the prince was soe
poysoned in that kingdome that he neuer had his
health afterward./
But to come neere to our purpose & our owne tymes which are
little the better for our Spannish frenshipp, I beseech yo[u]r Lor[dshi]pp
obserue that all the mariages of the heires & princes of this
crowne made in England for this last sixescore yeares (except
the seuerall matches of H.8. haue bine onely and noe where
els but Spaine which howe little God hath bissed the successe
shewes. Prince Artur maried the Kinge of Spaines
daughter wee knowe God tooke him awaye suddenlie in a
small tyme & with out issue, In polliticke respect wee
would needes make a second match soe Prince Henry (after
wardes Kinge) maried the same daughter but doubtlesse
God was lesse pleased with the match that was leste law-full, And therefore God tooke a waye all the male chil-dreen of it, and lefte onely a daughter in whose short
Raigne was shed more blood for the true religion in 6.
yeares, then for [th]e faulse in these succeedinge 60. yeares
wee made then a third adventure & maried with Spaine. Queene
Mary w[i]th Kinge Phillipp, which was soe discontentinge
to the people that it caused ryottes Rebellion, soe dis-comfortable to the Queene that it brake her harte, &
soe dishonorable & pr[e]iudicyall to this kingdome, that meerly
for the Spanniardes sake wee hauinge noe differance at
all w[i]th France wee lost Callice in 6. dayes w[hi]ch had beene
about 200 yeares in our possession. Nowe if I maye
make bould rather to adde then to replie & for observac[i]on
of the Contrary rather then for immitac[i]on of [th]e pr[e]sent
for though I haue not soe much Iudgment nor soe little
witt to presume to advise weerewhere to match, yet I assure me
soe much as to thinke a match at whome cannot bee held anie
wayes inconvenient wee finde the first & last of o[u]r Kinges
that matched with theire Subiectes, weere Edward the 4. and
Henry the 8. from w[hi]ch two matches God as it weere to shewe
the lesse wee relie vpon others abroad, the more he will help
vs him selfe at home, gaue two daughters 2. Elizabethes 2.
such Queenes, then w[hi]ch there was neuer such blissed Instru-mentes of Gods glorie and his Kingdomes good, by establishinge
peace w[i]thin this land and Religion in the Church, vntill his
Ma[jes]ties happie com[m]inge who brought both with him./
Thus my Lord haue I made bould to lay my poore single myte
at yo[u]r feet, the maniemay talentes that yow haue cannot be better imployed
then thus to make yow here & hereafter (ever) a faythfull servant
to both yo[u]r masters; yf yow would lay in waite for an opper-tunitie (which is happilie purposely offered yow) for advan-cinge God his glorie & yo[u]r honor: yow cannot finde nor invent
an occasion more pleasinge to God or more plausible to [th]e
best & most men, then in disswadinge privately & opposinge
publiquelie by your Solid reasons this Spannish match. Since
whatsoeuer the occasions & necessities of the Crowne bee, it
will finde more support, by castinge it selfe into the Armes
of the Subiect (w[hi]ch are the howses of parlyament) then by
seekinge to any forraine fawninge or inviouse enimye: where-unto whensoeuer wee leaue and trust wee shall finde them Egiptiam reedes and their intenc[i]ons bent rather to
supplant vs then supply vs.
By him that is not ambitious, because not worthey, nor yet not afraid, because not ashamed to bee knowen to your Lor[dshi]pp in this busines.
Thomas Alured./
No introduction.
British Library, Additional MS 4149, ff. 158r-162v,
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: June 1620
Other Witnesses
- Alnwick Castle, MS 556, pp127–132
- Beinecke Library, Osborn fb243
- Beinecke Library, Osborn fb57, ff. 15–21
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 830, ff. 135r–136v
- Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 966, ff. 544–552
- Bodleian Library, MS Carte 77, ff. 282–285
- Bodleian Library, MS Eng. hist. c. 319, ff. 34r–38v, 40v
- Bodleian Library, MS Eng. hist. e. 28, ff. 639–651
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 151, ff. 17v–19r
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 181, ff. 1r–7r
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 353, ff. 64r–65v
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson poetry 26, ff. 171–174r
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 205, ff. 1r–3v
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 227, ff. 11r–14
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 290, ff. 55r–57r
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 82, ff. 184v–192r
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 11049, ff. 25r–28v
- British Library, Additional MS 18201, ff. 20v–28r
- British Library, Additional MS 22473, ff. 74r–79r
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 28640, ff. 90r–91v
- British Library, Additional MS 34217, ff. 18r–19r
- British Library, Additional MS 36444, f. 157v
- British Library, Additional MS 37999, ff. 52r–54v
- British Library, Additional MS 40629, ff. 117r–123v
- British Library, Additional MS 4108, ff. 78v–82v
- British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 131v–138v
- British Library, Additional MS 48044, ff. 223r–226v
- British Library, Additional MS 72329, f. 143v, 145r, 147r, 149r
- British Library, Additional MS 72358, ff. 9r–11r
- British Library, Additional MS 72387, ff. 71r–74v
- British Library, Egerton MS 2882, ff. 208x–209x
- British Library, Harley MS 4289, ff. 174v–178r
- British Library, Harley MS 4761, ff. 32v–39v
- British Library, Harley MS 6021, ff. 133r–137v
- British Library, Lansdowne MS 1232, ff. 5r–11r
- British Library, Lansdowne MS 498, ff. 136r–139v
- British Library, Sloane MS 1455, ff. 20r–23v
- British Library, Sloane MS 1710, ff. 25r–28v
- Cambridge University Library, MS Dd.3.84, Part I, Item 3, 8r–9v
- Folger Shakespeare Library, MS G.b.7, ff. 42r–46r
- Folger Shakespeare Library, MS V.a.348, ff. 95r–100v
- Folger Shakespeare Library, MS V.a.402, ff. 57r–65v
- Folger Shakespeare Library, MS Z.e.1, item 18
- Gonville & Caius College, MS 393/613, pp351–357
- Houghton Library, fMS Eng 1266.2, ff. 129r–130v
- Houghton Library, fMS Eng 1278, Folder 1
- Inner Temple Library, Petyt MS 538/18, ff. 250r–254v
- Northamptonshire Record Office, FH2381, ff. 14r–16v
- Queen's College, MS 121, ff. 384–387
- Queen's College, MS 130, ff. 105–111
- Somerset Archives, DD\WO/56/6/39, ff. 1r–2v
- Surrey History Centre, LM/2041/1
- Surrey History Centre, LM/2041/2, ff. 1r–5r
- The National Archives, SP 14/115, /67 [ff.102r–106r]
- The National Archives, SP 14/121, /3 [ff.7v–16r]
- Trinity College, MS R.5.12, ff. 194r–197v
- University College, MS 152 [on deposit at the Bodleian], ff. 97–111
- Wellcome Library, MS 805, ff. 78v–87v
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
No bibliography
Modern Print Exemplars
- Collectanea Curiosa (Oxford, 1781), vol. 1, pp. 170–180
Selected Criticism
No bibliography
Keywords (Text Type)
- letter
Keywords (Text Topics)
- Spanish Match
- royal favourites
- nepotism
- corruption
- court
- diplomacy
- royal marriage
Transcribed by:
Tim Wales (Research Assistant)