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Sir Walter Aston 'Memorial given to the King of Spain (29 July 1624)'

British Library, Additional MS 29587, ff. 11r-13r


A Copie of the Memoriall which S[i]r Walter Aston his ma[jes]ties Ambassador of great Brittaine gaue to the Kinge of Spaine the 29:th of July 1624./

S[i]r Walter Aston Ambassador for the Kinge of great Brittaine, saith, That the Kinge his maister hath Comaunded him to represent to your Ma[jes]tie, That haveing declared to your Ma[jes]tie the reasons why he could receaue no satisfaction by your Ma[jes]ties answere of the firste of Januarie, And that therby accordinge to the vnanimous consent of his p[ar]liament, he came to dissolue both the treaties of the Matche and the Pallatinate, he receiued another answere from your Ma[jes]tie, wherein he findes lesse groundes to build vpon. And haueing vnderstoode, that either by Padre Maestro or your Ma[jes]ties Ambassadors wh[i]ch haue resided these daies past in his Court, there was somethinge to be propounded and declared touching the busines of the Pallatynate whereby he might receiue satisfaction: The said Ambassadors till nowe haue not said anythinge at all to purpose, which compareing with other Circumstances of their ill Carriage he gathers and doubtes, that according to the ill affection and depraued intentions wherewith they haue p[ro]ceeded in all thinges; but especially in one p[ar]ticuler they haue Laboured to hinder the good Correspondencie and soe necessarie and desired Intelligence which shoulde be conserued with your Maiestie./


Furthermore he saith That the Kinge his maister hath Comaunded him to giue Accompt to your Ma[jes]tie that in an audience wh[i]ch he gaue to the Marquesse of Inijosa, and Don Carlos Colonna they vnder cloake and p[re]text of zeale and p[ar]ticuler Care of his p[er]son, pretended to discouer vnto him a very great coniuration against his p[er]son and Royall dignitie. And it was,

That at the begining of the p[ar]liament the Duke of Buckingham had consulted with certaine Lordes, of the argumentes and meanes wh[i]ch were to be taken touching the breaking and dissoluing of the treaties of the Pallatinate and Match; And their Consultations passed soe farr, That if his Ma[jes]tie would not accomodate himselfe to their Counsells, they would giue him a house of pleasure, whether he might retire himselfe to his sportes, in regard that the Prince had nowe yeares sufficient and parts answerable for the good gou[er]ment of the Kingdome./

The information was of that quallitie, that it was sufficient to putt impression in him of perpetuall iealousies; in regard that throughe the Ribbs of the Duke he gaue woundes to the Prince his sonne and nobillitie And it is not probable that they could bringe to effect such designes without departing totally from the obligation, faith, and Loyaltie wh[i]ch they owed to his p[er]son and Crowne, because the Lordes made themselues Culpable, as concealers: And it is not like that the Duke would hurle himselfe into such an enterprise without Comunicating first with the Prince and knoweing his pleasure./

And because this Information might be made more cleare, he did make many instances to the said Ambassadors, that they would giue him the Authors of the said Coniuration; This beinge the sole meanes whereby their owne honor might be preserued, and wherebye the great zeale and care they p[re]tended to haue of his p[er]son might appeare. But instead of confirminge the great zeale they had p[re]tended to beare him, All the answere they made him consisted of Argumentes against the discouerie of the Conspirators. So that for confirmation of the said12r said Report there remained no other meanes then the examination of some of his Counsell of State and principall subiectes, wh[i]ch he putt in execution; and made them take oath euery one p[ar]ticulerly in his owne p[re]sence; and comaunded that such interrogateries and questions should be propounded vnto them, that were most p[er]tinent to the accusation; so that neither partes, p[ar]ticle, or Circumstance remained, wh[i]ch was not exactly examined and winnowed; And he found in the Duke and the rest that were accused, a cleere and sinceere innocency touching the Accusations and Imputations wherewith they were charged./

This being soe he turned to make new instances vnto the said Ambassadors, that they should not preferr the discouerie of the names of the conspirators to the securitie of his royall p[er]son, and truth and honor of themselues, and the hazard of an opinion to be held and iudged the raisers of a plott of such mallice, sedition and dainger But the Ambassadors remained in a knotty kinde of obstinancie, resoluing to conceale the Authors./

Neuerthelesse afterwardes he gaue them Audience Wherein the Marquesse of Iniosa tooke his Leave./

Few daies after they demaunded newe Audience pretending that they had something to say that concerned the publique good, and conduced to the intire restitution of the Pallatinate. And the Kinge his maister, with desire to loose noe oportunitie that might lead therevnto, and therewith the conseruation and confirmation of the Frendship with your Ma[jes]tie haueing suspended some fewe daies to giue them Audience, thinkeing, that being thereby better aduised, they would resolue upon a wiser course, and declare the Authors of soe p[er]nitious an Action: And haueing since made many instances, and attended the successe of so longe Patience, He sent Secretarie Conwaye and S[i]r Francis Cottington secretarie to the Prince, comaunding them, that they should signifie vnto the Ambassadors, that he desired nothinge more then the Continuance of the frendship twixt both Crownes; And that if so be that they had anything to say, that they would comunicate it to the said secretaries, as p[er]sons of soe great trust, wh[i]ch he sent to that end; And if they made difficultie of this, That12v That they would choose amonge his Counsell of state those wh[i]ch they liked best, and he would comaund that they should presently repaire vnto them: And if this likewise did seeme inconuenient to them, that they would send what they had to say to him in a Letter sealed vp by whome should best seeme to them, And he would receave it with his owne handes. But the Ambassadors misbehaueing themselues in all that was propounded the said Secretaries according to the order wh[i]ch they brought, told them, That they being the Authors of an Information so daingerous and seditious, had made themselues incapable to treate further with the Kinge their maister, And were it not for respect to the King his deere and beloued Brother, and their maister, And in contemplation of their Condition as Ambassadors of such a Maiestie, he would and could by the Lawe of Nations, and the right of his owne royall Iustice, proceede against them with such seueritie as their offence deserued: But for the reasons aforesaid he would leaue the reparation thereof to the Iustice of their owne Kinge, of whome he would demaund and require it./

In Conformitie whereof, the said Ambassador of the Kinge of Spain great Brittaine saith That the Kinge his maister comaunded him to demaund refaction and satisfaction of your ma[jes]tie, against the said Marquesse de Inijosa and Don Carlos Colonna, making your Ma[jes]tie Iudge of the great scandall, and enormous offence wh[i]ch they haue Com[m]itted against him, and against the publique right, and expectes Iustice from your ma[jes]tie in the demonstrations and chastisementes wh[i]ch your Ma[jes]tie shall inflict vpon them: wh[i]ch for his p[ro]ceedinges sake with your Ma[jes]tie, and out of your ma[jes]ties owne vprightnes and goodnes ought to be accepted./

Furthermore, he saith, That the Kinge, his maister hath Comaunded him to assure your Ma[jes]tie that till nowe he hath not mingled the Correspondencie and frendshippe wh[i]ch he holdes with your Ma[jes]tie with the faltes and offences of your ministers, but Leaves and restraines them to their owne p[er]sons, And that he remaines with your Ma[jes]tie in the same true and antient Frendship13r Frendship and brotherhoode as heretofore, And that he is readie to giue heareing to any thinge that shalbe reason and to answere thereunto, And when your ma[jes]tie is pleased to send your Ambassadors thither he will make them all good intreatie, and receaue them with that Loue thates due./

For Conclusion{gap: illegible}, the said Ambassador humblie beseechteth your Ma[jes]tie to be pleased to obserue and weighe the care and tendernes wherewith the Kinge his maister proceeded with your Ma[jes]ties Ambassadors, not oblidgeing them to precepitate resolutions, but giueing them much time to proue and giue light of that wh[i]ch they had spoken, and besides openinge vnto them many waies, that they might comply with their Authors, if they had any such: wh[i]ch Course if they had taken they might well haue giuen satisfaction to the Kinge his maister, and moderated the so grounded opinion of their ill proceedinges against the Peace and good intelligence and Correspondence betwixt the Crownes./ Madrid the August: 1624./

No image


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 29587, ff. 11r-13r,

Languages: English

Creation date: 29 July 1624


Keywords (Text Type)

  • memorandum

Keywords (Text Topics)

  • foreign affairs
  • Spanish Match
  • Palatinate
  • Spain

Transcribed by:

Richard Bell (Research Associate)