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'The Canvas of Cambridge (June 1626)'

British Library, Additional MS 22591, ff. 316r-319v


Certaine Considerac[i]ons vpon the choyse of [th]e Duke of Bucking[ham] for Chau[n]cellor of [th]e vniu[er]s[ity] of cambridge June 1: 1626:

It cannot but be expected, that this Choyce should ingender much p[re]iudice in the hartes of all men, against everye man in p[ar]ticule[r] who had A voyce in the Election, and that because this elecc[i]on of this our Supreame magistrate (not tituler onlye but if p[re]sent, the locke and keye to all Businesses, as hauing the cheiffe swayeing of thinges Soe as nothing passeth w[i]thout his propounding) is of all thinges in the dis- posall of the Vniversitye most freelye and indeterminatlye lefte to the Bodye, Vizt, everye M[aste]r of Arts and vpwards, havinge as much power to nominate and chuse whom he pleaseth, w[hi]ch but in the Orators place is found allsoe in nothing els,

It being thought fitt by our Founders wee should chuse our owne head, and loving our selves soe that as this is our honorablest testimonye w[hi]ch wee can giue of the worthe and integritie of anye, Soe allsoe considering our multitud, and the worthy Iudgem[en]t and wisedome that is esteemed, and ought to be in the Electors, It is one of the honarablest Testimonyes w[hi]ch this kingedome cann afforde (except that of the Parlyam[en]t) w[hi]ch hauing heapt vpo[n][th]e duke before hand as manye greivous accusacons as he hath honarable Tytles allreadye, The Vniu[er]sitie by this Acte hath seemed to thwart and disparage as muche as in them lyes, w[hi]ch is the rep[re]sentatiue bodye not onlye of the whole Kingdome but even of themselves in theire Burgesses, this therefore cannot but bringe the Odium and hatred of the whole Kingdome vpon vs, yea and of the whole world allsoe, if these Accusacons be p[ro]ved true, yea and of God himselfe, Considering that hee being yett unlearned wee haue wript our selves in the guilt of all his Crymes obiected, And this the rather allsoe because it maye be vsed in Favor & Cou[n]ten[an]ce of him, and where as his other honors, doth but rather helpe to sincke him w[i]th their waight, this alone maye seeme to should[e]r and prop him vpp, and [tha]t by emboldning as nowe to appeare for him w[i]th more Confidence and lesse diffidence of the peoples hatred wee being nowe put as A Siren betwixt him and them, And this as maye seeme was purposelye intended by the Ministers, whoe ymployed themselfes in it, whoe therefore hastened the effecting of it, as vpon Thirsday before the Lords were to meete/ And this notw[i]thstanding it might haue layen voyde by Statut[e] 14 dayes w[hi]ch some allsoe much desired, that they might first see the issue in Parlyam[en]t, The Lord Thomas Howard our Late Chau[n]cellor dying but on Wensdaye the 28: Maye. 1626:

Nowe the First great enginers that sett to their Shoulders to this greate designe to move mens harts that before seemed as im[m]oveable as the Earthe, wer First Doctor White Wilson the Bishopp of Londons Chaplayne, whoe vpon Mundaye came post w[i]th this message to the heads, that it was the Kings expresse will and pleasure, that the Duke should be chosen Chauncellor, w[hi]ch report of his was seconded by the Bishopp of Durhams L[ett]res brought on Tewsdaye by dosens, as allsoe by [th]e p[er]sonall Com[m]ing downe of the Bishopp of London, as allsoe of Doctor Owen the Kings Chaplayne, and Doctor Pasch the Dukes/ To whom316v whom ioyned him selfe Doctor Mawe his Ma[s]t[er]s Chapleyne whoe w[i]th {Renn} was in Spaine, These having alltogith[e]r possessed the Heades, that it was the Kings pleasure (allthoughe as wee heare it was A Word cast out on Whit Sundaye at nighte at supper (I would Bucking[ham] were Chau[n]cellor) and maye seeme to haue bine litle more by A Passage in the Lord of Durhams L[ett]re, related by one that heard it, that in his opinion it was [th]e Kings pleasure, The Heades therefore wyned w[i]th him to putt to [the]ir vttmost Assistance and power to effect it, as knowing that hee being thus brought vpon the Stage, if they pr[e]vayled not, the blame would lye onlye o[n] them, if they did they should haue all the Thankes, And that soe much the more by howe muche this Testimonye might stand the Duke in more steed, But espetially Doct[ors] Mawe, Wren, and Pasch, three M[aste]rs of Collages, bestirred themselves in their p[ar]ticuler Societies, as by the sequele appeareth they being most interessed in it, hauing most depe[n]da[n]ce at pr[e]sent vpon the Courte, being quickned allsoe by: 2: B[isho]pricks w[hi]ch nowe lye actuallye voyde, and two more in Expectat[i]on Winchester; and Exeter as we here being dau[n]gerous sicke/

The Engines they sett to mens hearts to wrest the[m] co[n]trarye to that Bent w[hi]ch these late Parlyamentarye Passages had wrought them vnto were manye and divers, according as they had severall p[er]sons to deale w[i]th/

First the Foundac[i]on and ground worke they placed all vppon was, the assurance that the Duke would stand, D[octor] Wilson confirming it w[i]th this, that he had himselfe seene severall answeres to the Articles obiected, w[hi]ch would assuredlye satisfe, Doctor Mawe allsoe p[re]ferring himselfe to satisfie anye man that had anye Scruple about him /

Then Secondlye they vrged and inforced men w[i]th the Kings expresse pleasure and Comaund as even the Vice Chau[n]cellor in his Speeche, before the Election, affirmed that it was the Kings pleasure, and that to haue it made knowne vnto vs, he there fore advising men that they should take heed that the king might not here that there was the least murmuring against it, And before the Congregac[i]on in their pr[i]vate visitings they vrged, & pressed men w[i]th theis on the like termes, Are you for the Kinge, will you doe the Kinge anye Service, howe dare anye of you contradicte it, as even the Vice Chau[n]cellor allsoe said to the Junior Proctor, when he gaue the First contrary Voyce, that seeing their Voyces to the Contrarye would doe noe good there fore either not to appeare at all, among a fewe other {factionests} w[hi]ch therefore must needs be noted, and this appr[e]hension did rune the more Currant in mens my[n]des by reason of that [the]ir Confidence and assurance of victory manifested & co[n]firmed by Calling A Congregatio[n] for the Choyce, next day ymediatly vpon the Dissolving their meetinge, w[hi]ch yett they would not with soe small A Troope as then they had, but wonne to them selves (as Evidentlye maye be made to appeare) soe desp[er]atlye haue ventured on, had they not had A fifte Tricke aboue all, w[hi]ch thoughe for the {gap: } of it, and what it was it is still concealed, yett for the {gap: } of it, that such an one they had was deceyved by twooe privye to their practises, and that was that of the adverse p[ar]ty had prevayled against the Duke, they would by some hidden Acte or other that laye readye in Ambushm[en]t haue defeated & overthrowne the Election, this was discovered by D[octor] Wilson and M[aste]r Readding the Bedalls sonne & [tha]t openly in S[ain]t Johns hall

In soe much as men would in the house haue crost eache other, whoe are you for, are you loyall Subiects, Nowe this besyds317r besydes the Comon and generallitye of Subiects w[i]thall, must needes pr[e]vayle w[i]th all the Chaplaynes in the Vniversitie or such as haue anye reference or Dependance vpon the Courte or that looke for pr[e]ferrm[en]t thence, as manye doe, each p[ar]ticluler man of such beinge, threatned that notice would be taken of them, This was A greate Argum[en]t (if beleeved that those that respected by vpholding the pr[i]viledges and libertie of the Vniversitie, & was soe pressed by them, [tha]t it was [th]e Kinge to whom wee must stand or fall,

And yett notw[i]thstanding they did beare themselves thus boldlye vpon the Kinge's name w[hi]ch they soe much vsed pr[e]senting one while (to assertaine men that the Kings L[ett]res should come) another while that they were come and should be openlye read to the discou[r]agem[en]t of all opposers, whoe then might thinke it would be in vayne for them to appeare, for none were p[ro]duced for indeede allthoughe the p[re]tence of Lettrs served mannelye thus to effecte it, yett the haueing and p[ro]duceing of them would haue p[re]diudiced the mayne intendm[en]t of that Ellection, namelye the honor of the Testimony in it, w[hi]ch cheifflye lying in the Freenes of the voting of it by l[ett]res had bine cutt of, soe that nowe all the Comission in veiw w[i]th they could shewe for this p[re]emtorye vsing of the Kinges name, and authoritie royall, was resolved at the length into the bare testimonyes and Conceipts of men /

Now then Thirdlye manye m[aste]rs of houses Being thus stirred and deepelye Interesed in it for the reasons above named, & some more deepelye then the Rest, vsed, besydes all this their private interests sett to their owne power, w[hi]ch eache of their fellowes vnder them in their severall Societies /

And all the world knowes what strange ingagem[en]ts correspondencies and dependancye betweene them and their Creatur[es] w[hi]ch are manye, Betweene them and their Creatures and w[ha]t adva[n]tag allsoe over most others, whoe otherwise would be Free enough & ingenious and not Iurare in uerba, As their haueinge the disposing allmost of all Chambers, in most of the Colledges for Schollers and Fellowes Negative voyces in all ellections what soever in Schollers and Fellowes etc w[hi]ch not seldome (though not in open manner) the doe vse against such and their pupills, whoe will not be slaves to them, and at their Becks in all Businesses, Some of them not sticking to p[ro]fesse they take theise things as their Favours, And soe they need not, they will not bestowe them but to those that please them, Soe that of all others this was the forcible wrenche, w[hi]ch if they would vse in anye busynes thoughe nev[e]r soe ymprobable to compasse, they are able to effecte /

It was seene in this, w[hi]ch was one of [th]e difficultest they ever vndertooke, And by this ioyned w[i]th the inforcem[en]t of [th]e former 43: voyces of .50: (w[hi]ch were all that were at hand, were obteyned in Trinitie Colledge by Doc[tor] Mawe, the m[aste]r thereof whoe went as is saide himselfe vnto everye m[aste]r of Arts and fellowes Chamb[e]r A Thinge vnusuall and vnheard of for A m[aste]r to doe) and at the tyme of Election told the Bell, brought them all out togither w[i]th him, making allsoe A Speech to them, and this he did least any should giue him the Slipp or staye behinde

And by this waye allsoe Clare Hall, whollye drawne to the Duke, by Docter Paske the m[aste]r there for of, whoe made it as a suite by himselfe to his fellowes, and soe had nailed as appeares in that 4: of them saide if their m[aste]r had not come they had bine against the Duke. Another that their m[aste]r was a coming, and they must bee for the Duke: and when they had chosen him, he tooke it as a p[ar]ticuler kindnes to himselfe, and to gratifie them made them exceed both night and noone in everye Messe, and therefore allso challenged another of his fellowes, whose suffrage by .A. Mistake317v mistate was read against the Duke, haueing first promised his voyce for him, he challenged him that he had oposed him in all thinges, he allsoe enforced one to come that was sicke of an ague, and then in his fitt, another that had taking A Purge, w[hi]ch wrought ere he gott home, and A Third much maymed in the Face w[i]th A Fall of A horse brought he out all mufled vp bringing two Ministers out of the Countrye, and to authorice theire voyces put their Names in the Butterye that Morning scraping them out againe at night

Doctor Wrenn vsing his the like Interest w[i]th those of his house, whoe in Peter house went generallye w[i]th the Duke to gratifie him, some of them since making that the Cause as many other allsoe in the forenamed Colledge

Nowe these three m[aste]rs as their p[ar]ticuler Interest was greater then all the rest, both in that they were Chapleynes to the Kinge and the Duke, One of them soe indeared (as wee haue herd they should saye) he would spend his best bloud for the Duke, & they allsoe had shewed themselves as Agents in it, and first set the designe A Foote, And therefore their vehemencye and Dilligencye was greatest, it soe meerelye concerning their p[ar]ticuler Neither were other m[aste]rs wantinge in the like Assistance in the rest, it being nowe made A Como[n] Engagem[en]t of the[m] all it appears in that in some other Colledges the Favourites & dependents of the m[aste]rs were observed to giue, not anye scarce, over whom anye greate advantages they had that escaped [the]ir Sollicitac[i]ons and importunities, and manye of such either wrought to giue with the Duke or to sett downe, and what some of them notwithstanding their sure p[ro]mise given and fixed resoluc[i]on exp[re]ssed to the Contrarye, w[hi]ch had they not more Magisteriallie then ordinarye dealt w[i]th all they would never haue done, yea One m[aste]r of A Colledge Doct[or] Smithe, did openlye in the Rege[n]t house in the Face of the whole Vniversitie, call vp one of his fellowes w[i]th his voyse for Andover in his hand intreating, rewarding threatning, Comaunding him to sit downe And it is likelye [tha]t private dealings w[i]th men were more violet

4ly Then hauing thus severallie plaide their parts at home there were an assemblye of others called to giue an account of their Severall Forces for the Duke, w[hi]ch they had rather pressed as it maye be saide, then entertayned as voluntaries and herein they had an Acte and Practise w[hi]ch did as much advance this disigne as anye of the Former, And that was after this their muster A False alaru[m] of more voyces then indeed they had, giving it out w[i]th Confidence the victorye was theirs by 40 and soe discouraged the rest, whoe haue since professed that had they thought the opposic[i]on soe stronge as it was found to bee they would never haue sett downe, or haue given with [th]e Duke as by this meanes many were easilye p[er]swaded to doe, it being made by this an Easie request

And lastlye notw[i]thstanding all those inforceme[en]ts Acts and Practises in the Vppshott of all they had obteyned it in thus Promiscuous electon but by .5: voyces according to their owne but by .3: according to A right Scutiny as will appeare aft[e]r, yett nowe to obtayne the Vniversitye Seale w[hi]ch is another difficultie as being to passe the Ordinarye waye of passinge, all Grace els, namelye throughe the approbat[i]on of [th]e Heades of Our Senate chosen each yeere by the Bodye each of which haue negatiue voyces to stopp anye thinge, and w[hi]ch allsoe is to passe throughe both houses, for soe it seemed good to o[u]r Freindes that the approbac[i]on of him that was chosen and co[n]firmed in this honour shall every way be manifested and throughlye be sifted ere he be confirmed in it And {thence} beinge318r being one of theise heades, whoe onlye of all the Doctors was against the Duke, whoe had he knowne it to haue bine carryed by soe Fewe, would haue stopt the Seale, till the granting of the voyces had bine further examined, to pr[e]vent this, therefore Doctor Wilson one of the Scantators whoe should haue bine sworne gave it out to him that it was carryed by .27. Voyces, he then supposing now mistake or for foule dealing could bee suspected in soe greate an over plus, willinglye passed the Seale, w[hi]ch els he would not haue done, for that all theise thinges well weighed, the wonder is that there should be soe Stronge and ioyne an opposition, A wonder rather [tha]t theis potent men w[i]th their Long Tayles, and serpentine practises should not haue secuded and drawne awaye their p[ar]ts of this Vniversitie, one man pr[e]vayling soe in one Colledge, as to drawe 43. after him, w[hi]ch number made aboue A third part of them w[hi]ch gave w[i]th the Doctor, in all being 108: voyces, as allsoe two other m[aste]rs in their Colledges, did whollye carrye them their waye w[i]th greate defection arising to the no[m]ber of aboue 70: must needes discourage all the rest, who could not but be assured that their m[aste]rs bestirred themselves as well as they espetiallye seeing the Adverse p[ar]tie said noe noble man that did appeare, or that they knewe durst not appeare as A Corrivall w[i]th the Duke to soe greate An honor, and therefore must needes be dishasted according to mens severall good opynions of noble men eligible, as indeed at the First they were Severed into small severall Co[m]panyes, and at least when they begann more neerely to ioy[n]e and vnite their Force, yet still they made two Companyes besydes the Dukes, some being for the pr[e]sent Lord Keep[er], whose Suite some Chaplynes and Freindes of his p[ro]secuted w[i]th muche heate to the verye Night late, before the Electio[n], w[hi]ch was to be the next daye Morning at 9: of the Clocke, Which distracc[i]on and late uniting must needs disadvantage the p[ar]tie against the Duke, For both the dukes agents in the intermyn of this distracc[i]on supposing the Lord Keper might easilye by the D[uke] in regard of the Dependaunce of his Office be wroughte to sett downe, therefore visited men in the {Sec[ond]} Place for the D[uke] yf soe bee the Lord Keeper did not stand at leastwise that the would sett downe, w[hi]ch manye yeelded vnto as an easye request, Besydes this soe late disadvantaged them allso in that nowe they had but next Morning before 9: to pitch gen[er]allye one on Man And this allsoe was to be done before they came to the Congragatio[n] for the Elecc[i]on, for that the Election being to be carryed by Suffrage written naminge the[m]selves the Choosers, and p[ar]ties Chosen by their owne handes, this was to be done before, as allsoe because it is ordered by Stat[ute] which is vrged by this Vice Chau[n]cellor that men should not promiscuouslye, or tumultuouslye talke w[i]th one another in [th]e house, yett soe deligent were some the next morning and men Soe resolute as that they ioyntlye pitched vpo[n] the Lord Tho[mas] Howard second Sonne to our late deceased Chau[n]cellor E[arl] of Barksheir and this allthoughe they had noe head appearing for him, not one man in the Vniversitie that had any reference to him, or pr[i]vate Interest in him, he having but one Mr Chester either his Chaplayne, or otherwise interessed to him wee heard of, and hee318v hee then absent, soe as men could haue noe private ende in choosing him, but the publique Good, and yett notw[i]thstandinge all theise disadvantanges it is wonderfull to consider howe narrowlye this Election of the Lord Barksheire was disapointed and howe manye wayes otherwise it had over ballanced the other, God therein manefesting his ymediate hand that he had [th]e Casting voyce, for [th]e Duke had but 108: voyces the other 103

Now of the Dukes 2 were absolutlye voyde according to Statute, they being given the vice Chau[n]cellors but by Co[m]p[ro]mise to hime to dispose of, he casting them vpon the Duke, w[hi]ch Statute allowed not, soe the number exceeds but three, And before that one of o[u]rs had bine falslye accepted against for that the vot[e]r came in his Boots, w[hi]ch thoughe punishable in the Purse, yett not w[i]th the Forfeiture of his voyce, w[hi]ch yet Doctor Paske accepted against in English and was refused by the Vice Chau[n]cellor, [th]e Statute laying more hold one the one for speaking English then the other, Soe as nowe there is right and Equallitie w[i]thin 2: voyces, Nowe First A more reall acception and w[hi]ch the Statute will beare out might be had (yf thinges were not nowe done) against 6: or 7: of the Suffrags for the Duke, Nor mentioning either his Surname or forename as the Statut expresslye requires. There is one Waye, two there were, three wee could Challendge, [tha]t absolutly p[ro]mised over Night, and were wrested to giue w[i]th him the next daye, w[hi]ch was the losse of three to the opposite p[ar]tie and gaine of three to him, Besides others that had fixedlye resolved ag[ain]st him were intreated to ryde fourth of Towne, besydes two oth[e]rs through that streight of Tyme things were cast into were not visited that morninge and soe came not fourth, and when called came to late, that would haue given Besydes 7: in one Colledge that would haue bene ferme against the Duke were that Weeke absent vpon sett occasions, Besydes three others that had engaged themselves against the Duke. vpon the Mundaye were drawne awaye by busines A daye or two before, twoe of w[hi]ch retou[r]ned that weeke/

Mr Chester allsoe A man gratious especiallye in that Colledge where the greatest Blowe was given whoe mighte easilye haue obtayned two or three voyces, there, or in the Towne for his Lord was allsoe then awaye

Lastlye three horses being sent severall wayes in to the Countrye one for Ministers as fearing the Duke p[ar]tie would doe the like, those to whom two of those were sent were vnexpectedlye Sicke and the thire p[ro]curing 3 to come that morning 20: myles whoe thoughe they came tyme enoughe, yett missing the Inne wher they should haue gownes and instrucc[i]on whom to giue w[i]th w[hi]ch they were appointed to come to theire voyces were lost

Thus and thus hardlye was this greate busines effected and carryed throughe by the heads of Colledges and Doctors whose act it maye be more p[ro]perlye Said then of the Bodye of the Vniversitye, of w[hi]ch the greater p[ar]te appeared against [th]e Duke, for there were 17: doctors for him, and one onlye against him, allsoe of the Bodye the younger sorte namelye [th]e Regents whoe are M[aste]rs of Art[s] of 5: yeeres and vnder were stronge and Resolute against the Duke there being 30: voyces of them at the least more against him then for him, his Strength Consisting in the Doctors and non Regents in w[hi]ch he exceeded Thee were allsoe 4: entire Colledges against him notw[i]thstanding all the meanes made by their M[aste]rs But in other Colledges [th]e m[aste]rs Swaied the most p[ar]te, or all, or manye to giue w[i]th the Duke or sett319r sett downe, And soe Potent are they in what thing soever to they list to sett themselves about, that the thinge is scarslye to be ymagined w[hi]ch they cannot effecte, if they will throughlye interest themselves in it, And to this purpose it was not to be forgotten that about a Fortnight before the death of the Earle of Suffolke our late Chau[n]cellor some freindes being togither in A Colledge in Cambridge discou[r]sing of the greate Powers of the Heades theire op omnipotency to do anye thinge, Instance was made by one, whoe chaunced to saye he durst laye A Wager that if the Chancellor should dy they could and would if put vpon it by the Courte choose the Duke notw[i]thistanding what the Parlyam[en]t had done, w[hi]ch speech at once pointed at their exorbitant power and p[ro]clivitie and readines to sett themselves in grace by anye practise this was scarce gain said by those that were pr[e]sent though esteemed the highest Hiperbole of speeche that men could reach to, And yett nowe they haue brought it about, and allthough it be effected, yet w[i]th noe great Ioye of anye but [th]e cheiffe stirrers in it, as appeared at the casting of it in soe great A Canvas, w[hi]ch vsed to be exprest in the Tryumphe of the over comminge Syde, but all was Lasht and muld as if noe Bodye were pleased, and nowe most excuse themselves, some [tha]t sate downe nowe vex and frett, [tha]t they it should misse soe neerelye by their suspending, and the Streame of mens harts, but forced vp A Contrarye waye to their free Course, by A prevaylinge Tyde of powerfull {gap: } nowe the Tyde is runne and spent, the streame turnes backe againe, Repent and rayle at the[m]selves some of them for what they haue done /

Pudet hac opprobia nobis Et dici potuisse, et non potuisse refelli

Where as his ma[jes]ty in theise l[ett]res following ownes this to haue bene his pleasure, the Reason was for that the Parlyam[en]t attempted to call the heades in question for it, w[hi]ch to pr[e]vent and salve them hee acknowledgeth it to haue bine his pleasure yett but onlye intimated (as the l[ett]re hath it) And that but by an other the Bishopp of Durhams ground slender enouogh to be soe violent and beare themselves vpo[n] it as they did

Mr Chau[n]cellor

The Infinite obligac[i]on w[hi]ch I owe to the Vniu[er]sie of Cambridge for the late most ample Testimonye of their gr[ea]t loave and Affection towards me Emboldens me to borrowe yo[u]r helpe to make knowne vnto them my vnfayned thankfullnes, where in I confesse that the Love and Favours they haue expressed to mee ioyned w[i]th the fashion of it doth farr exceede the weake expression of the soe simple A Stile as myne is, for they haue bine pleased out of their aboundant affection, to name mee to one of [th]e greatest honors of this Kingedome, without anye Suite or meanes of myne, w[hi]ch was [th]e Chau[n]cellorshipp of the Vniversitie, the voting whereof in this noble Fashion, I account as much as could be fall mee, and receive it w[i]th as much thankfullnes as if it were in full possession of the Place, I must inreate you to disperse this my thankfull acknowledgm[en]t to all worthie Freinds there, whoe haue soe freelye bestowed theire voyces & vnsought favourd vpon mee, And this labor. I doe the rather lay vpo[n] you, because you knowe I put you to none in making meanes for mee, w[hi]ch I should vndoubtedlye haue done if I had pr[e]conceived anie intenc[i]on of Standing for this dignitie so often wedded319v wedded by men of highe places and noble Families of this Realme, where of my honored Father deceased enioyed the late Testimonye, and my vncle before him, & not ceasing there but expr[e]ssed vnto mee Now by hereditarye Affection Thus much I praye you make knowne for me w[i]th fu[r]th[e]r Assura[n]ce that as I had my First breedinge to my greate honor in Ca[m]bridg Soe I will alive and dye.

True seruant of the Vniu[er]sitye Barksheire

Left margin: S[ain]t James 20 of June 1636 Mr Vice Chancellor and Gent[lemen] of the Vniversitie of Ca[m]bridge there is noe one thinge that concerneth mee more deare then good opinion of learned and honest men, amonge which Nomber as you haue ever held first ranke in the Estimac[i]on of the Comon Wealthe and Fame of the Christian world so in Conferring the honor of yo[u]r Chancellorshipp vpon mee, I must Confesse you haue satisfied A great Ambition of mine owne, w[hi]ch I hope will never forsake mee and that is to be thought well of by men that deserue well and men of yo[u]r Profession, yett I Cannott attribute this honor to anye deserte in mee but to A respect you beare to the sacred memorye of my dead m[aste]r [th]e King of Schollers, whoe loved you and honoured you often w[i]th his pr[e]sence, and to my gratious m[aste]r nowe living, whoe inheritts w[i]th his blessed Fathers vertues the Affection he bare yo[u]r Vniu[er]sity I beseech you as you haue nowe made yo[u]r Choise w[i]th soe manye kinde and Noble Circu[m]stances, as [th]e Mannor is to me asmuch as the Matter Soe to assure yo[u]r selves that you haue cast your Votes vpo[n] yo[u]r servant, whoe is as appr[e]hensiue of the tyme you haue shewed yo[u]r Affection in, as of the honor you gaue him And I earnestlie request you all that you would be pleased not to {iude} me comparativelye by the successe and happynes you haue had in yo[u]r former choise of Chancellors: where as they knewe better p[er]haps by advantage of educac[i]on in yo[u]r Vniu[er]sitie how to vallue the deserts of men of yo[u]r quallities and degrees soe could they not be more willinglye to cherrishe then my selfe, whoe will make amends for want of Schollership in my Love vnto the p[ro]fessors of it and vnto the Scowrse> from whence it cometh, hauing nowe most iust Cause more cheifflye to ymploye my vtmost Indeavors w[i]th that Favor I enioy from A Royall m[aste]r to the Maineteyning of their Charters, Pr[i]viledgs and immunities of the Vniversitie in generall, and to the Advau[n]cinge of the p[ar]ticuler merritts of the Students there in And since I am soe farre ingaged vnto you I will presume vppon A Further Curtesye, w[hi]ch is that you would be pleased to supplye me w[i]th yo[u]r Advise, and suggest A waye vnto mee (as my selfe likewise shall not fayle to thinke vpo[n] some meanes) howe wee maye make posteritie remember you had A Thankfull Chau[n]cellor, and one that both reallye loved you and yo[u]r Vniversitye w[hi]ch is A Resolution writt in an honest harte, by him that wanteth much to expresse his Affecc[i]on to you, whoe will ever bee

yo[u]r faithfull freind & hu[m]ble serv[an]t Georg Buckingha[m] /


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 22591, ff. 316r-319v,

Languages: English, Latin

Creation date: June 1626


No authors.

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