'Speech to Justice Finch (1634)'
Norfolk Record Office, RYE 20, Item 4, ff. 11r-13v
The Lord Coventry Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England his speech to the Lord cheif Iustice Finch at the tyme of his installation in the Court of Co[m]mon Pleas the 16th of October 1634
M[aste]r Sergeant Finch
The Kinges Ma[ies]tie calling to mynde yo[ur] many services to
himselfe and the Queene, and knowing well yo[u]r great
learning accompanied with much dexteritie in accomplishing
of busines of weight, hath appointed yow to succeed the
place vacant in this Court, and here to sitt as cheife
Iustice; In this you see manifest argument of the
singuler goodnes of the King and Queene so myndefull
of their servantes imitating God above, that rewardes
not secundum, sed supra bona opera, Now, as many
heretofore, so yow in yo[u]r due tyme, have cause to
acknowledge with David, that yo[u]r cupp doeth
overflowe; and this is a great comfort to see yo[u]r
indeavors not onely favoured with acceptance, but
crowned with reward, So it will instruct yow,
(your service having brought yow to promotion) and
putt yow in mynde of yo[u]r service, The guiftes of
Princes, though they are sine aliquo reddendo, yet
they are not to be received so by them that have
them, but as fruites sowne in fruitfull ground to
them that receive them: And of this nature is yo[u]r
place, which yo[u]r Master gives yow to serve him in,
And yett yow must serve so as you may be
fruitfull to his people: I remember in Rotulo
Parliamenti 2° 20° Edw[ardi] primi in a great cause
betwixt Humfry de Bohun and Gilbert de Clare
it was said of that King, who was as great a
lawgiver, as a victorious Prince, and therefore
stiled the Iustinian of England Rex omnibus
Iustitiae debitor, The King our Master, as much
as any, makes the same acknowledgement in
practise, (never any king, I may say never any
man of a Iuster or more vpright hart) that
equall Iustice should be minstred to his subiectes:
For hee knowes well, that Rex et subditus are
correlatives even as man and wife, and the
Emblemme of the king not wanting betwixt them,
As the subiect owes obedience, so the king protection
and Iustice. This debt is debitum Iustitiae, too
great and heavy a burden to be borne by a king
compounded onely of mortall flesh, were it not
that his Counsell were as religious and Iust, as
hee wise and politique, and thereby the load of
kinges busines is lighted by laying a part of that
great and insupportable burden ofon Iudges: for
this debitum Iustitiae, which is the debt of a
King primarily by secondary meanes becomes the
debt of Iudges, and under as great bondes as may
be, greater there cannot be to bynde the
consciences of men, The first Bond is debitum
Patriae due to all the Kinges people, whose causes and pleas12r
and pleas are the proper subiectes of this
Tribunall, and whose flourishing estate dependes
much vpon the iust proceedinges of this Court, were
there no other motive, yet this that prevailes
among the heathen amor Patriae were strong enough
to make Iudges desirous of this duty. The second is debitum Regi, For hee trustes them with his richest
treasure, that which is dearer then the apple of his
eye. This Iustice is one prime and principall part
of his oath at his Coronation facies eis in omnibus
Iustitiam aequam et rectam, And what you are to give
the king for this you shall need to goe no further
then yo[u]r oath, the neglect of which puttes you in the
will of the king for body, landes and goodes. The third
the greatest of all is debitum Deo, as hee is the
Fountayne of all Iustice, and a fearefull revenger
of all them, that doe the contrary. And three
wayes shall mynde yow how this is a debt to God.
First Ratione iuramenti, by reason of yo[u]r oath, for
the imediate relation it hath to God. That it is Religio Iuris iurandi and therfore vnder this oath
you are bound to God in a full discharge, Secondly Ratione loci, for the seate of Iudges, God sittes
whereon you sitt, And you assure yo[u]r selfe, that hee
that settes you there, will take a strict accompt of
yow. Thirdly Ratione Iudicij the Iudgement it
selfe is Godes, if you be vpright as yow ought: It is
said in the 82 psalme, God standes in the
congregation of Princes, hee is the Iudge among Godes. And so12v
And so when you sitt here, yow must thinck that
God is in yo[u]r face to give Iudgement, as it is
right, or otherwise to punish, And therefore,
whensoever you shall sett yo[u]r selfe on yo[u]r cushion either
here or in any other place, yow have cause to say,
as Iacob did when hee slept in Bethell, how
wonderfull is this place? this is the house of God.
Thus vpon the generall I feare I have spent toomuch tyme, I will make amendes in the p[ar]ticuler,
somewhat for order, Co[mmun]ia Pl[ac]ita is the pleas of
the people, and as they are numberles, so necessarily
must their pleas and causes; therefore they are
all civill, whether for landes, goodes, reall, p[er]sonall
or mixt: they are the proper obiect of this Court.
First therefore you must vse diligence in attending
and dispatching the multitude of businesses in this Court:
Com[m]on Industry may discharge com[m]on imploymentes;
but this is a sup[er]lative and transcendent, And therefore
yo[u]r diligence must be extraordinary: Secondly yow must
vse great patience in matters brought before yow:
I must confesse, that a multitude of busines and a
good will to dispatch will as soone trye ones patience
as any thing yet whatsoever tryall yow are putt
to, be not from yo[u]r tryall: nothing better becomes
a Iudge then patience. Thirdly yow must vse
great caution in discerning those thinges brought
before yow: For those, that have ill causes, will
omitt no indeavour to beguile yow: Therefore yow
must keepe watch and ward and try every thing, that no13r
That no counterfett coyne be putt vpon you.
Then in the fowerth place it is necessary to vse
all expedic[i]on: nulli differrimus is coupled with nulli negabimus, nulli vendemus Iustitiam: all three
are nought, and none can tell, which is worst, In
the first place I shall advise and wish yow in all
your Iudgementes to insist vpon the auncient wayes
of our co[m]mon lawes: New opinions are many tymes
in a Counsellor retayned to defend a side: but they
stand not with the gravity of a Iudge; To invent
or finde out anything is com[m]endable in a Counsellor,
but lett a Iudge stand super antiquas vias: For
Lex loci et consuetudo Angliae is all in all. One
p[ar]ticuler more, which I thinck conduceth much to
Justice, to give all encouragement to the good and
expert Clarkes of this Court: It hath ever byn
the great com[m]endac[i]ons and honor of this Court to be
furnished with the best Clarkes: These encourage
others, reforme and reduce to the same purity of
pleading: which (as M[aste]r Littleton saith) is one of
the most honorable thinges of the lawe, And if a
man observe, what a multitude of Just causes
are overthrowne by vicious entries and pleadinges,
hee will have cause to beleeve it: And therefore,
as yo[u]r power is great to doe this, forgett not to
doe it. I know to whome I speake, yo[u]r great
vnderstanding and Iudgement, and that dexterity
in yow needes not, that I should say halfe this, and
yet, considering what order is, and the duty of my
place and affection to yo[u]r p[er]son, I could doe no lesse. I shall13v
I shall shutt vpp all in twoe mementoes; the
one, the Iustices of this Court are stiled by
the name of Iusticiarij without addic[i]on, and the
processe likewise coram Iusticiarijs without
addic[i]on: Addic[i]on for the most part diminishes.
That is an honor and somewhat more, in that it
hath byn more attributed to this Court, then any
other: Thinck on it, and lett it be an occasion
vnto yow to thinck what it is, and to followe it,
The next memento is to remember the catalogue
of yo[u]r predecessors, For I may be bould to say,
As many reverend men have byn vpon the
cushion in this Court, as ever satt in any, especially
the remembrance of the best is all the best
instrucc[i]on and lesson to yo[u]r selfe: Out of my
true and harty affecc[i]on to yow, I wish that
you may often thinck of them, and so thinck of
their wayes, that yo[u]r wayes may exceed and outrunn the best of all./
No introduction.
Norfolk Record Office, RYE 20, Item 4, ff. 11r-13v
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: 1634
Other Witnesses
- British Library, Lansdowne MS 211, ff. 87r–97x
- Houghton Library, fMS Eng 1266, volume I, ff.225r–229v
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
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Keywords (Text Type)
- speech
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Transcribed by:
Serena Woodcock (Transcription Volunteer), Susan Ward (Transcription Volunteer)