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Robert Greville, Lord Brooke, and William Fiennes, Viscount Saye & Sele 'The Military Oath Offered at York and Refused (1639)'

British Library, Additional MS 35331, ff. 72v-73r


Aprill 1639.

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Left margin: Lorde Say & L[ord] Brook. It is saide that the Lorde Say and the Lorde Brooke are com[m]itted att york for refusinge the oathe followinge. viz:/

Left margin: [th]e oathe. I doe sweare by almightie God and Everlastinge God, that I shall beare all faithfull allegeance to my true and undoubted Sou[er]aigne Lorde kinge Charles whoe is lawfull kinge of this Islande and all other his kingdomes both by sea & Lande, and by the Lawes of God and man, and by lawfull succession. And Left margin: this oathe was afterwarde altered/ at pag: 139./ that I will most constantly and cherefully To the utmostpower and Hassarde of my power life & fortunes, oppose all seditions rebellions conspiracies coniurations, Covenants, and Treasons whatsoever ag[ains]t his royall dignity Crowne & person, raised or sett upp, under any p[re]tences or colour whatsoever & yf yt shall come vayled under pretences of religion I holde yt most abominable both before god and men, And this oathe I take voluntarily in the true faithe of a good Christian and Loyall subiecte w[i]thout any equivocation or mentall reservation, from w[hi]ch I holde noe power on earthe Left margin: Scotts./ cann absolve me in any poynte parte./

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Left margin: Quere Doodle of a thistle Why any shoulde take the before named oath seinge they have taken the oaths of supremacy & allegeance already. 2 by this p[ro]misory oathe they engage there lands and goods to bee at the k[ing's] disposing: as yf they had noe p[ro]priety in there goods. 3. It is a meanes to cutt of the ancyente legall way of raising money by p[ar]liam[en]t: 4 It doth crosse the petition of right to take an oath or sustayne charge illegally. Stat[ute]: 3: Caroli / yf a man bee once sworne for his allegeance he shalbe sworne no more as longe as hee lives. P:12 H.17 fol: 18


May 1639

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Left margin: The Oathe/. I. A: B: doe sweare before almightie God and everlivinge God that I will beare all faithfull Allegeance to my true and undoubted Soveraigne Lorde, kinge Charles whoe is lawfull kinge of this Ilande and all other his Kingdomes and dominions both by lande and sea, by the lawes of god and man, and by lawfull succession: And that I will most constantly and cherefully, even to the utmoste of my power, and hassarde of my life, constantly oppose all Seditions, Rebellions, Conspiracies, Covenantes, Coniurations, and Treasons whatsoever, raised or sett upp againste his royall dignitie, Crowne or person, under what pretence or colour whatsoever. And yf it shall come veiled under pretence of religion I holde yt more abominable before God and man. And this oathe I take volunta{ri}ly In the true faith of a good Christian and loyall subiecte, w[i]thout any equivocation or mentall reservation whatsoever: from w[hi]ch I holde noe power upon earthe cann absolve me in any p[ar]te

This oathe is to bee taken by all the officers and Souldiers in the Army, by his ma[jes]ties expresse co[m]maundem[en]t as a touchstone of every mans fideliuty and loyaltie./