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'The Poor Man's Petition (7 May 1603)'

British Library, Additional MS 22601, ff. 10v-11v


Left margin: 7 Maij. 1603 The poore mans Peticion to the Kinge.

1. Good Kinge let there be an vnifor:mity in true Religion without disturbance of Papist or Puritan

2. Good K[ing] let good Preachers be well prouided for, and without any bribery come to their liuinges.

3. Good K[ing] let poore Souldio[u]rs be payd their wages while they be imployed and well prouided for, when they are maihmed./

4. Good K[ing] let there not be suche great deleys and craftie proceedinges in Lawe, and let Lawyers haue mode-rate fees. A pox take the proude Couetous Attorney and merciless Lawyer.

5. Good K[ing] let poore Suito[u]rs be hearde quickly, and with speede dispat--ched fauourablie./

6. Good K[ing] let no man haue more offices then one, espetiallie in [th]e Court or touchinge the Lawes.


7. Good K[ing] cutt of theis paltry licenses and all Monopolies: fye vpon a close bitinge Knauerie.

8. Good K[ing] suffer no great ordenance to be carried out of [th]e Realme to thy Enimies as it hath byn: A plague, vpon all couetous bitinge Treasoro[u]rs./

9. Good K[ing] let ordinarie Causes be determined in thy ordinarie Courts, and let not [th]e Chancerie be made a common shiftinge place to prolonge causes for priuate gaines.

10. Good K[ing] looke to thy Takers & officer{s} of thy house and to their exceedinge fees, that pull and gelde fro[m] thy princely allowau[n]ce./

11. Good K[ing] let not vs be oppressed w[i]th so many Impositions, powlinges and payments./

12 Remember thy Infants Court who in Warde do euer remaine w[i]th Ideots & Nediotes, so longe as they haue either wooll or lead: Their trees are not windshaken, and yet downe they are fallen: a Guifte for a Prince more 11v fitt, then for Crookback who would haue all./

13 Looke to thy Exchequo[u]r where Subiects be all cheaked by Osborne and Fanshaw, thy Tellers & Audito[u]rs. Also whose Dames are not contented w[i]th M[ast]res but Ladilike do goe, wee dare not speake their treaso[u]r is so greate, but weale & lament, and vnder the burthen of Milles & Roper Offices do daylie groane./

14. Looke vnto thy houses Parkes & forrests. howe downe and bare they bee. And then what Courtier keepes them maye you easily see:/

15. Forgett not thy Marchants howe w[i]th Customes they be opprest. I meane not [th]e Vsurer what callinge so euer he be, Let him within thy Realme haue little rest./

16 Good K[ing]letmake not lo[rd] of good Linc[oln] Duke of Shorditche for is a &c:

17 Good K[ing] make not Sr W.R. Erle of Pancridge for he is a &c.

Good Kinge loue vs & we will loue thee, and will spend o[u]r harts bloods for thee./


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 22601, ff. 10v-11v,

Languages: English, Latin

Creation date: 7 May 1603


No authors.

Keywords (Text Type)

  • petition

Keywords (Text Topics)

  • offices
  • corruption
  • law
  • lawyers
  • monopolies
  • Cout of Wards
  • Court of Exchequer
  • Court of Chancery
  • merchants
  • customs and excise
  • royal parks
  • royal officers
  • anti-catholicism
  • puritanism
  • church government
  • church ministers
  • simony
  • soldiers

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