'The Poor Man's Petition (1603)'
Norfolk Record Office, AYL/186, f. [1r]
The poore mans petition to the king
- Good king lett there bee an Vniformitie in true Religion without any disturbance of papist or puritane.
- Good king lett good preechers be well p[ro]vided for, and without any bribeing come to their livinges.
- Good king lett poore souldiers be paid their wages, while they be imploied, and well p[ro]vided for when they arr maimed:
- Good king lett there not be such greatt delaies, and craftie p[ro]ceedings in lawe, and lette lawyers haue moderate fees; a pockes take the covetous attorney and merciles lawyer.
- Good king lett poore suters be heard quicklie, and with speed dispatched favourablee.
- Good king lett no man haue more offices then one, especiallie in the Court or towching the lawe.
- Good king cutt of theis paultrie licences, and all monopolies, fie vppon all close biting knverie./
- Good king suffer not great ordinance to be caried out of the Real{m} to the enemies as it hath bin, a plague vppon all covetous griping treasurers./
- Good king lett ordinarie causes be determined in the ordinarie court, and lett not the Chancerie be made a com[m]on shifting place to p[ro]longe causes for private gayne.
- Good king looke to the takers, and officers of the house, and to their exceeding fees, that pill and gueld the princelie allowance.
- Good king lett vs not be oppressed with so many impositions, p[ro]wlinges, and payments.
- Good king make not Lo[rd] of good Lincolne Duke of Shoreditche for he is a etc
- Good king make not sir Walter Wralie earle of Pancridge, for he is a etc.
- Good king love vs, and wee will love thee, and will spend our harts bloud for thee etc.
A libell throwne about the Court. in anno. D[omi]ni 1603.
No image
No introduction.
Norfolk Record Office, AYL/186, f. [1r]
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: 1603
No authors.
Other Witnesses
- All Souls College, MS 155, f. 5v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 22601, ff. 10v–11v
- British Library, Additional MS 29607, f. 17r
- British Library, Harley MS 3787, f. 181r
- British Library, Lansdowne MS 160, ff. 228/230r, 232r–v
- Hampshire Record Office, 44M69/L39/107
- Somerset Archives, DD\BK/9/3/2c
- St John's College, MS K.56, item 3, ir
- St John's College, MS K.56, item 4, ir
- The National Archives, SP 14/1, /28A
- The National Archives, SP 14/1, /28B
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
No bibliography
Modern Print Exemplars
No bibliography
Selected Criticism
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Keywords (Text Type)
- petition
Keywords (Text Topics)
- offices
- corruption
- law
- lawyers
- monopolies
- Cout of Wards
- Court of Exchequer
- Court of Chancery
- merchants
- customs and excise
- royal parks
- royal officers
- anti-catholicism
- puritanism
- church government
- church ministers
- simony
- soldiers
Transcribed by:
Susan Ward (Transcription Volunteer)