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Pseudo-Abbot 'A Speech to the King Concerning Toleration of Popery, Attributed to Archbishop Abbot (1623)'

British Library, Hargrave MS 311, ff. 205r-205v


May it please yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie: I have been too long silent and I am afraid I have neglected the duty of the place it hath pleased God to call me vnto and yo[u]r Ma[jes]ty to place me therein; But nowe I humbly crave leave I may discharge my conscience toward God, and my dutie to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie, and therefore I beseech you S[i]r to give me Leave freely to deliver my self, and then lett yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie doth w[i]th me as you please. yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie hath propounded a Toleration of Religion, I beseech yo[u]r Ma[jes]ty to take into yo[u]r considerac[i]on what yo[u]r Act is what the Consequence may bee. By yo[u]r Act you Labour to sett vp that most damnable & hereticall doctrine of the Church of Rome the whore of Babylon.

How hatefull it wilbe to God and greevous vnto yo[u]r good subiectes the true professors of the Gospell, that yo[u]r Ma[jes]ty who hath disputed and learnedly written against those wicked heresies should nowe shew yo[u]r self a patron of theis Doctrines w[hi]ch yo[u]r pen hath told the world and yo[u]r conscience telles yo[u]r self are sup[er]stitious, idolatrous, detestable. Add herevnto what you have done in sending the Prince into Spaine w[i]thout the consent of yo[u]r Councell, the privitie and approbac[i]on of yo[u]r people; And although you have a large interest in the Prince as the sonne of yo[u]r flesh, yet have the people a greater as the sonne of the kingdome, vpon whom next after yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie are their eyes fixed and welfare depend, And so tenderly is his going apprehended as believe it S[i]r, howsoever his Retorne may be safe, yet the drawers of him into that Action so dangerous to himself, so desperate to the Kingdome will not passe away vnquestioned, vnpunished, Besides this Tollerac[i]on you endeavour to sett vp by yo[u]r proclamac[i]on, it cannott be done w[i]thout a Parliament vnles yo[u]r Ma[jes]ty will Let yo[u]r subiectes see that you will take vnto yo[u]r self to throwe downe the Lawes of the land at yo[u]r pleasure.

What dreadfull Consequences S[i]r, theis thinges may drawe after I beseech yo[u]r Ma[jes]ty to consider and above all least by this Tollerac[i]on205v Tollerac[i]on a discontinuance of the true profession of the Ghospell wherew[i]th God hath blessed vs, and vnder w[hi]ch this kingdome hath for many yeares florished, yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie doe not drawe vpon the kingdome in generall and yo[u]rself in particuler Godes heavie wrath & indignac[i]on. Thus in discharge of my duty towardes God, to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie and the place of my Calling I have taken humble bouldnes to deliver my Conscience, And now S[i]r, doe w[i]th me what you please./


No introduction.


British Library, Hargrave MS 311, ff. 205r-205v,

Languages: English

Creation date: 1623


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Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars

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Modern Print Exemplars

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Selected Criticism

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Keywords (Text Type)

  • speech
  • satire

Keywords (Text Topics)

  • Catholicism
  • recusancy
  • confessional conflict

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