'Letter to James after his Condemnation (1604)'
British Library, Additional MS 22601, ff. 17r-18r
Enuseth the l[ett]re of S[i]r Walter Rawleigh to the Kinge after his Arraignm[en]t
The life w[hi]ch I had moste mighty Prince
the lawe hath taken from me, and I
am nowe but the same Earth & duste,
of whiche I was made: yf my offence
had any quantity w[i]th yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties vnmeasurable goodnes, I mighte hope; but yet
yo[u]r great Ma[jes]tie must Iudge both & not I.
Anie bloud, gentility, birth or Estate I
haue none, no not so muche as a beinge,
no not so muche as
vita plante
: I
haue only a penitent Sowle in a bodie
of Iron whiche moueth towards the
Loadestone of death, and cannot be w[i]th-held from touchinge it, except your
Ma[jes]ties mercy turne the point towards
me w[hi]ch expelleth it. Lost I am for
hearinge a vaine man, for hearinge
only, and neuer belieuinge or acceptinge,
and so little accompt I made of that
speache of his w[hi]ch was my condemnat[i]on,
as the liuinge God doth truly witnes yt
I neuer remembred any suche thinge
vntill it was at my triall obiected against me: So did he repaye my Care,
who cared to make him good, w[hi]ch I see
no care of man can effect. But for
my offence to him yt layed this heauy
burthen on me miserable and vnfortunate wretch yt I am, but not for
louinge you my Soueraigne, hath God
layed this sorrowe on me: For God
knoweth, with whom[m]e I may not
dissemble, that I honored, yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie
by fame, and loued & a admired yo[u]r
Ma[jes]ty by knowledge; so as whither I
dy or liue, your Ma[jes]ties true and louinge
Seruaunt I will die or liue. If I
nowe write what doth not become me?
(moste mercifull Prince) vouchesaue to
ascribe it to [th]e Counsell of a dead hart
w[hi]ch sorrow hath broken: but [th]e more my
miserie is, the more is yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties great
mercy, if you please to behold it; and [th]e
less I can deserue, the more liberall is
yo[u]r guifte: God only, yo[u]r Ma[jes]ty shall
im[m]itate herein, both by giuinge freely to
suche a one, fro[m] whom[m]e there can be no
retribut[i]on, but only a desire to paie
againe a lent life with the same greate
loue w[hi]ch the same great goodnes shall pleas
to bestowe it. This beinge the first l[ett]re
w[hi]ch euer yo[u]r Ma[jes]ty receiued from a dead
man, I humbly submitt my selfe to the
will of my supreame Lorde and shall
willingly & paciently suffer, whatsoeuer shall please yo[u]r Ma[jes]ty to laye on
No introduction.
British Library, Additional MS 22601, ff. 17r-18r,
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: 1604
Other Witnesses
- Alnwick Castle, MS 556, pp72–73
- Beinecke Library, Osborn File 12456
- Beinecke Library, Osborn fb243
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 781, f. 93
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 151, f. 1v, 2r
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson C 744, f. 59r
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 82, ff. 241v–242v
- British Library, Additional MS 25707, ff. 147r–v
- British Library, Additional MS 4108, f. 114v
- British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 166v–167r
- British Library, Additional MS 52585, ff. 41v–42r
- British Library, Additional MS 73087, ff. 26v–27v
- British Library, Egerton MS 3876, f. 215v
- British Library, Harley MS 1576, f. 213r
- British Library, Harley MS 39, ff. 353v–354v
- British Library, Harley MS 4761, ff. 19r–20r
- British Library, Harley MS 6242, ff. 89r–v
- British Library, Lansdowne MS 157, ff. 155x–156x
- British Library, Sloane MS 3079
- British Library, Sloane MS 3520, ff. 12r–13r
- Cambridge University Library, MS Ee.5.23, p427
- Folger Shakespeare Library, MS G.b.9, ff. 137v–138v
- Folger Shakespeare Library, MS X.d.241, ff. 1r–v
- Gonville & Caius College, MS 73/40, ff. 215r–v
- Huntington Library, HM 102, f. 13r
- Huntington Library, HM 36836, ff. 118–120
- Inner Temple Library, Petyt MS 538/36, ff. 79r–v
- Lincoln's Inn, Maynard MS 59, ff. 341r–342v
- London Society of Antiquaries, MS 291, ff. 31v–32r
- Somerset Archives, DD\MI/18/82
- University College, MS 152 [on deposit at the Bodleian], ff. 46–47
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
- Arraignment and Conviction of Sr Walter Rawleigh (1648) [Wing A3744], pp. 35–36
Modern Print Exemplars
- Somers Tracts (2nd ed.), vol. 2, pp. 442–443
Selected Criticism
No bibliography
Keywords (Text Type)
- letter
Keywords (Text Topics)
- Sir Walter Ralegh
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