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'Remembrances for the Lords Commissioners Concerning the Demands of the Scots (13 October 1640)'

British Library, Harley MS 4931, f. 69r


Left margin: Octobr. 13. an[no] 1640. Remembrances for the L[or]ds Co[m]missioners, to put [the]m in mind of such things, as haue falne into Debate, about [th]e Demands of [th]e Scotts for maintenance of [thei]r Army during the Treaty.

  1. The 1st thing they are to endeavor, is, a pr[e]sent cessation of Armes
  2. They are by all Hono[ra]ble, safe, & convenient means to find out some wayes for pr[e]serving the Counties of Northumber, & [th]e B[isho]pprick of Durham, from the hard condition in w[hi]ch they now are in
  3. For [th]e better effecting heerof, they are to consider how Bar-wick, & Carlile may be victualled out of Scotland, & [th]e army of New-Castle in p[ro]portion be victualled out of England.
  4. They are also for this purpose to take into consideration the opening of [th]e free passage, & trade betweene Scotland, & Newcastle, by land, & sea, wherby [th]e army [the]r may be better victu-alled from Scotland.
  5. If besides the former meanes [the]r be urg[en]t necessity, they are to take into consideration what other adiacent Counties shall contri-bute, & in w[ha]t p[ro]portion, & manner.
  6. They are to remember [th]e g[rea]t detrim[en]t his Ma[jes]tye hath sustained in his revenues by hindering the trade of Coales, & to make w[ha]t use they can [the]rof for lessening [th]e contribution.
  7. They are to take into consideration the Lessening of both Armies.
  8. They are furder to take care, [tha]t upon lessening, or disbanding of the Army, or otherwise, [the]r be no plundering of the Coun-tries, & [tha]t security be given for [th]e same.
  9. They are by all possible meanes to hasten [th]e treaty, & [tha]t [the]r be noe unnecessary delayes [the]rin.
  10. For [th]e better encouragem[en]t of such counties, as [th]e L[or]ds shall think fitt to moue to a contribution, they are to declare unto [the]m, [tha]t his Ma[jes]ty, & his L[or]ds of [th]e g[rea]t Councell will reco[m]mend to [th]e Parliam[en]t, as well [th]e g[rea]t losses they haue sustained, as the charge they haue, or shalbe at, for [th]e good, & safety of [th]e rest of [th]e Kingdome.

These remembrances not to be concluding, but any other way to be taken, [tha]t [th]e Co[m]missioners shall thinke fitt.


No introduction.


British Library, Harley MS 4931, f. 69r,

Languages: English

Creation date: 13 October 1640


No authors.

Other Witnesses

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Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars

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Modern Print Exemplars

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Selected Criticism

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Keywords (Text Type)

  • remembrances

Keywords (Text Topics)

  • Bishops' Wars
  • Scotland
  • diplomacy

Transcribed by:

Victoria Anker (BRIHC Research Impact Fellow)