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John Leslie, Earl of Rothes, and Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery 'Letters (29 January & 8 March 1640)'

British Library, Additional MS 11045, ff. 97r-98v


Concerneing my lord Savile, I doe heare, that there are twoe more wittnesses, that will depose they heard him tell the people to animate them to chouse Mr. Hoborne a Burgesse, That Mr. Hoborne did alwayes oppose the kinge, the shipp monye and all monopolies what soever; It seemes the first accuser declard soe much, but I was misinformd; but of this, I am certaine, That their lo[rdshi]ps did not approve of that which my lord Savile confest himselfe {gap: elision}97v 98r {gap: elision} My lord Chamberleine receavd a letter lately from my lord Rothes out of Scotland which hee shewed to his Ma[jes]tie being much offended, my lord Rothes should fasten such Calumnies vpon him, the coppie of which letter, with my lord Chamberleins aunsweare here followeth:

my noble lord, I haue large incouragements to vse freedome, both from your owne favours to mee, and my affections to your lo[rdshi]pe, and soe might expostulate for with draweing your wonted, and even lately expressed respects at the Campe to this nation: you found wee had reason for our lawfull defence, and that wee had loyall harts to our Prince, and Iustice in all our desires, which movd you to pleade for vs, and soe ingagd the affections of many to you, but sithence, when my lord Traquaire made his relation {gap: illegible}h that movd hard conclusions against vs, not requireing soe much, as that it should not obtaine truth to the preiudice of a whole nation, till wee weere heard, and agreeing that an armye should bee leavyed, and lending monyes hath much greived vs, to bee disappointed of one wee soe much trusted: I haue therefore made bold to intreate that wee may keepe better correspondencie, or ells by mistake, wee maye bee brought againe to begin a mischeife, that will not end in our dayes, as wee haue formerly declind yt, soe shall it not bee our fault, and it lyeth in your lo[rdshi]pe, and other greate persons to pr[e]vent these evills; you haue livd in all greate ease, and plentie as any nation in the world, and if you like to interrupt your owne happinesse for the pleasure of some Prelates, whoe will share little in the hardshipp, and daungers, that will bee indured, you are not well advised: The Earle of Dumfarmlyn, and lord Lowdun are sent with full information of our businesse. they will waight vpon your lo[rdshi]pe, and expect your wonted assistance, They all asmuch as maye bee decline warre, except you will needes nowe haue it: wee hope your lo[rdshi]pe, and others will make vse of these reasons for the right end, which will fix a greate deale of obligation from both nations on you, and shall infinitely increase my respects, desireing to continue your lo[rdshi]ps humble servant, Rothes: Edenburg 29. January: My lord Chamberleins aunsweare followeth, My good lord, The Civilityes, and good respects which I placed 98v Left margin: 1639 March .13. E. R.vpon you, and your nation at my tyme of my being in the Campe, you stile incouragements, and insinuate them, as reasons, why you maye expostulate with mee: your{gap: illegible} premisses, I allowe you, but your infernall inference I returne you againe, as fuller of sophistry, and meane designe, then of truth, and reason: first, I never allowed your defence lawfully vndertaken by other armes then by Petitions, and prayers to your Master, I never found loyaltie in your Covenant, or duety in your takeing vpp armes: I never affirmed the Iustice of your cause, neither did I consider soe much the meritts thereof, as I did your vnwarrantable, and tumultuous disobedience herein vnto your kinge, with the vexation and disturbance it brought uppon the nobillity of this kingdome, neither was I in all this commotion, your advocate, but for other reasons suffered my selfe to become a mediator to his Ma[jes]tie for your peace, and forgivenesse, movd there vnto by your frequent protestations of payeing all duety, and loyaltie, unto your masters commaunds: if from hence you happily gaind from mee an easier credulity, then your maskt designes deservd, at my hands, I knowe not why you should obtrude to mee an alteration of my opinion or a withdraweing of my (but conditionall) respects to you: thus farr in aunsweare what concernes mee: And nowe, as a Counsellour of England, lett mee bee bold to expostulate with you vpon that which followeth in your letter: Howe comes it to passe, that you should vpbraide vs, or expect from vs, that wee should not give creditt to my lord Traquaires relation, That wee did not mediate with the kinge to change his resolution of sending forth an armye, and that wee did not denye the kinge loanes of mony, for his service: my lord, These inforcements perhaps, as little become you, as it is certainely unlawfull, and vndutifull toin the subiects of England to dispute it with their kinge: you maye pretend Religion to bee the sole cause of your greivance, but wee beleive it a woefull Religion here, that hath thus devested it selfe of all morrall duety, and civility to their Prince: nay, you goe further, you threatten, and feare vs with a mischeife, that will not end in our dayes, and boldly make it your owne act to haue declind it heretofore without obligation to the kings mercy at all; you tell vs of plenty, and ease, and happinesse many yeares inioyed, and wonder, wee should expose all these to hazard for the pleasure of some fewe Prelates: my lord, These are arguments for common people, and men of broaken fancies to feede vpon, and such suggestions will not find, nor make a party here; Perhapps it maye blowe them into a flame, whose zeale had already burnt vpp their duety, and conscionable allegience vnto their master: To bee short as I never held a correspondencie of businesse with your lo[rdshi]pe, soe your letters hath assured mee, it is daungerous to begin yt: yet for the Peace of both the Churches, and kingdomes, I will adventure to give you this Intelligence, That wee haue not this Intelligence in our Councells here, proceeded ag[ains]t you without deliberation, a good conscience, and a iust sence of honour: neither shall I, or any of vs bee intreated, or feared by any of you from contributeing our assents, or fortunes there vnto, but as our Master shall commaund vs. Lastly, Know you, my lord of Rothes, that the returne of my old freindshipp to you is to bee expected, when I shall heare of your renovation, Bee simply my lord Rothes, and not a Covenanter, I shall bee the same freind, Pembroke, 8. March 1639./

March the 1639


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 11045, ff. 97r-98v,

Languages: English

Creation date: 29 January & 8 March 1640


Keywords (Text Type)

  • letter

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