'Separate Catalogue (After 1622)'
British Library, Hargrave MS 311, ff. 206r-207v
Touching Parliam[en]ts.
- An Abstract or Abridgm[en]t of all the p[ar]liam[en]t Rolls in the Tower, Conteyning the sum[m]e & substance of all the private or vnprinted Acts, together w[i]th a briefe note of the printed Acts that either agree or differ from the Record.
- A Iournall or diary of the passages in the lower howse of p[ar]liam[en]t in the 13th yeare of Qu. Eliz.
- A Iournall of the lower house A[nn]o 35. Eliz.
- A like Iournall A[nn]o 39. Eliz.
- A like Journall very large A[nn]o 43. Eliz.
- Other seu[er]all speeches & passages in p[ar]l[ia]m[en]t in the Queens time to the quantity of 10. quier.
In the Kings time.
- Most of the remarkable passages & Speeches in the seu[er]all p[ar]l[ia]m[en]ts of the kings time.
- A Iournall of the last p[ar]liam[en]t in Ireland; wherin S[i]r John Davies was Speaker.
- Most of the passages in both houses this last p[ar]liam[en]t.
- A dialogue betwixt a Counsellor of State & a Iustice of Peace, the one p[er]swading, the other disswading the calling of a p[ar]liam[en]t: written by S[i]r Walter Raleigh.
- A discourse of the priviledges of p[ar]liam[en]t
In former times.
- Most of the vnprinted Acts at large of Ed.4. his time, many of the time of H.6. All of R.3. & some of H.7. his time. And div[er]s passages of H.8. his time.
Touching Peace and Warr
- A Relation written by S[i]r Fr. Vere of all such Sea voyages & land seruices as he he was imployed in during the time he lived in the warrs.
- A discourse ag[ains]t the Peace w[i]th Spaine written by S[i]r Walt. Raleigh 1° Jacobi.
- Two or 3. other seu[er]all discourses ag[ains]t the Peace w[i]th Spaine. eodem a[nn]o.
- The late order for the establishm[en]t of a Counesell of warr: w[i]th their Report of the Charge for the Recou[er]y of the Palatinate A[nn]o 1620./ 206v
- A discourse touching the freeing of the Palatinate by Armes.
- A short view taken of great Brittaine & Spaine in matter of power.
- Reasons Coniecturall of warr & Truice betwixt the Spaniard & Archduchesse on the one p[ar]te, & the Estates gen[er]ll on th'other p[ar]te &c. 1621.
- The advise of the late Queens Counsell at warr touching the best meanes for defence of this Realme. 1587.
- Other seu[er]all discourses touching this Subiect of Peace or Warr.
Matter of Mariage.
- Divers discourses touching the Mariage of Mons.r w[i]th the late Q. of Engl[an]d: Some in approbac[i]on of the sayd Mariage & others ag[ains]t it: by the Lo[rd] Hen. Howard, S[i]r Phil. Sydney, S[i]r Fr Walsingham &c
- A discourse written by S[i]r Daniell Donne D[octo]r of the Civill Lawe touching the whole p[ro]cesse & p[ro]ceedinge of the late Nullitie betwixt thEarle of Essex & the La[dy] Frances Howard. &c.
- Seu[er]all discourses both for & against the Match w[i]th Spaine
- Other seu[er]all discourses of matters of Mariage.
Touching Travaile
- 1. Directions for travaile, by S[i]r Phil Sydney to his Brother now Earle of Leicester: by the late Earle of Essex to the Earle of Rutland: by S[i]r Foulke Grevill to a kinsman of his: by Secretary Dauison to his sonne: & by an vncertaine Author in Latine.
S[i]r Thomas Ouerbury's Observac[i]ons in his
bevpon the State of the Low Cuntries, both on the Archdukes side, & that of the vnited Provinces, Also of the State of France. - Diu[er]s other seu[er]all observac[i]ons; vzt; of the State of Italie: of the State of Spaine; of the State of the Lowe Cuntries; of the Indies &c.
Liues of famous Men
- The life of K. H. the 5th of Engl[an]d.
- A short view of H. the 3. his life, written by S[i]r Robt Cotton.
The life of S[i]r Tho. More
somesomtyme Lord Chauncellor of England. - A briefe & excellent discourse of the birth, p[ro]gresse of life, and lamentable death of Hen. 4. of France.
- The life & death of Prince Henry
- Argum[en]ts for the Right of the King of Engl[an]d to the Crowne & kingdome of France.
- Reasons to proue the Queens right to haue the restituc[i]on of Calleys 1567. by S[i]r Tho. Smith.
- A l[ett]re sent to her Ma[jes]tie from S[i]r Hen. Norrice & S[i]r Tho. Smith her Ambass[ado]rs in France touching their speech had w[i]th the K. & Q. thereabout the restituc[i]on of Calleys, dated the 3d of May 1567.
- A l[ett]re or Apologie written by Count Arundell to the late L[ord] Thr[easure]r Burleigh touching his Title of Comes Imperij &c.
- The Conclaue of Pope Gregory the 14th, wherin are recompted distinctlie & orderlie all the actions that happened in the same. A[nn]o d[omi]ni 1591.
- A Conference before the Lords touching Prohibic[i]ons on the 23th of May 1611.
- Certaine Collections touching Prohibic[i]ons. &c.
- Touching Com[m]endams a Conference at Whitehall the 6. of Iune 1616.
- The Archb[ishop] of Cant his Case touching Regularitie or irregularitie &c.
- A Confession of the Faith by S[i]r Fr. Bacon.
- Pollicies propounded vnto the late Queene ag[ains]t Popish Recusants.
- A discourse, whether it be better to suppresse Popish practises by the strict execuc[i]on of the Lawes made ag[ains]t Priests & Iesuits, or to restraine them to close prison &c. 207v
- The late direcc[i]on of his Ma[jes]tie for Preachers 1622. w[i]th an Explanac[i]on of the sayd direcc[i]on.
- The L[ord] keep[er] his l[ett]re to the Iudges touching th'enlargem[ent] of the Recusant Prison[er]s
- A l[ett]re declaring the nature & reason of the late favor extended to the Lay Recusants. cum multis alijs.
- Of the E[arl] of Essex
- Of the D[uke] of Norff[olk]
- Of the 14. Traytors.
- Of Campian the Iesuite.
- Of S[i]r Tho. Wyatt.
- Of S[i]r Walt Raleigh
- Of D[octo]r Parry.
- Of S[i]r John Perrott
- Of Weston that poisoned S[i]r Tho. Ouerbury.
- Of M[ist]ris Turner & all the rest touching that busines w[i]th many others, & other things that haue relation to the same Arraignem[en]ts.
Touching the Chauncery
- The power & Iurisdicc[i]on of that Court, w[i]th the mann[er] of p[ro]ceeding there &c. discourses of the antiquity therof, & diu[er]s speciall Presidents of that Court &c.
- The like of the Starrchamber.
Marches of Wales.
- Instrucc[i]ons to the L[ord] President for the governm[en]t of the Marches of Wales.
- A discourse touching the Principalitie of Wales, Dukedome of Cornwall & Earldome of Chester written by Iudge Dodderidge.
- Divers other passages touching Wales & the Marches thereof.
Com[m]on Law. Diu[er]s peeces of Co[mm]on Lawe, vzt, Argum[en]ts. Reports. Readings &c.
Instrucc[i]ons for Ambass[ado]rs, very many, both auntient & moderne
Cum multis alijs
No introduction.
British Library, Hargrave MS 311, ff. 206r-207v,
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: After 1622
No authors.
Other Witnesses
No witnesses
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
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Modern Print Exemplars
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Selected Criticism
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Keywords (Text Type)
- catalogue
Keywords (Text Topics)
- manuscript circulation
- separates
- Sir Walter Ralegh
Transcribed by:
Noah Millstone (Principal Investigator MPESE)