Manuscript Pamphleteering in Early Stuart England

532 texts available.

Of the Voyage for Guiana (1618?)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.

The Office of the Earl Marshal of England (No date)

4 witnesses

No manuscript details.

On Judicature in Parliament (No date)

4 witnesses

No manuscript details.

On War and Peace, in answer to Prince Henry (1612?)

24 witnesses

No manuscript details.

On the Suppression of Jesuits (11 August 1613, although this version dated 1628) Images available Transcript available

18 witnesses

British Library, Additional MS 11600

Opinion Touching the Alteration of Coin (2 September 1626) Images available Transcript available

18 witnesses

British Library, Harley MS 390

Opinion of All the Judges of England Concerning Ship Money (7 February 1637)

13 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Opinion of Sundry Antiquaries Touching the Antiquity of Parliaments (No date)

12 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Opinion of the Ancient Doctors of the Law, Whether it be Lawful for a Prince, whose Subject is wronged by a Foreign Prince, to Licence his Subject to Detain the Body and Goods of that Prince's Subject, which Wrongeth (No date)

4 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Opinion on Sutton's Charity (1618?) Images available Transcript available

4 witnesses

British Library, Additional MS 22591

Opinion to One of the Knights of the Parliament for Lancashire concerning Episcopacy (1640)

1 witness

No manuscript details.

Oration to His Army (1620)

4 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Orders to Be Used in the King's Majesty's Navy (1628?)

1 witness

No manuscript details.

Ordinary Annual Issues in the Exchequer (No date)

6 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Ordinary Annual Receipts in the Exchequer (No date)

6 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Paradox in Praise of Richard III (Before 1603?)

6 witnesses

No manuscript details.

A Parallel of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham (1633?) Images available Transcript available

29 witnesses

British Library, Additional MS 22591

The Passages and Occurrences Which Happened from the First Acceptation of the Crown of Bohemia By the Palsgrave Until the Losing of the Palatinate (After 1622)

1 witness

No manuscript details.

The Peddler (c.1627) Images available Transcript available

3 witnesses

British Library, Additional MS 11600

Petition (1640)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.