Manuscript Pamphleteering in Early Stuart England

532 texts available.

The Character of Robert, Earl of Salisbury (c.1612?)

6 witnesses

No manuscript details.

The Character of the Incomparable Lady, the Countess of Carlisle, and the Most Excellent Lord, the Earl of Northumberland (No date) Transcript available

3 witnesses

British Library, Hargrave MS 226

The Charge Delivered by the Earl of Essex and Nine other Colonels at the Council Table against the Viscount Wimbledon, general of the late Cales voyage, with his answer (1625)

6 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Charge to all the Judges in the Star Chamber (17 June 1635)

9 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Charge to the Judges (14 February 1637)

13 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Chronograms on Frederick of Bohemia (23 November 1619)

1 witness

No manuscript details.

Circular Solicitation Letter (4 June 1620)

1 witness

No manuscript details.

A Collection Offered to King James on Calling a Parliament (1608?) Images available Transcript available

7 witnesses

British Library, Additional MS 22591

A Collection of Some Graces (1614) Images available Transcript available

6 witnesses

Surrey History Centre, LM/1778

A Collection of Some Things Established in Our Church Government (1640) Images available Transcript available

1 witness

British Library, Harley MS 4931

Commission to Treat for a Marriage with Maria of Spain (16 April 1617)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Commission to the Privy Council Concerning the Present Raising of Monies (28 February 1628)

8 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Complaint Against Laud (15 December 1640)

9 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Complaint Against Strafford (16 December 1640)

8 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Concerning Nobility (No date)

5 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Concerning the High and Honourable Court of Chancery (No date)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.

A Conference Before the King's Privy Councillors Between His Majesty's High Commissioners and the Judges of Common Law About the Granting of Prohibitions (23 May 1612)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.

A Conference at the Castle of Count Angelo (1619?) Transcript available

11 witnesses

British Library, Harley MS 390

Confession of Faith (1631?)

8 witnesses

No manuscript details.

A Confession of the Faith (Before 1603?)

3 witnesses

No manuscript details.