'Lords' Petition (3 September 1640)'
British Library, Additional MS 35331, f. 78r
To the kings most excellente ma[jes]tie. 1640./ The humble petition of yo[u]r ma[jes]ties loyall and obediente subiectes whose names are under written, in the behalfe of themselues and diuerse others./.
Most gratious Soueraigne
The sence of that dutie & service w[hi]ch wee owe unto yo[u]r sacred ma[jes]tie and o[u]r earnest affections to the good and welfare of this yo[u]r Realme of Englande, haue moved us in all humility to beseeche yo[u]r royall ma[jes]tie to giue us leave to offer to yo[u]r princely wisedome the app[re]hension that wee & other yo[u]r faithfull subiectes haue conceaved of the greate distempers & dangers nowe thretninge the Churche and State, and yo[u]r Royall p[er]son, and of the fitteste meanes by w[hi]ch they may bee removed & p[re]vented.
Left margin: Evills./ The evills and dangers wherof yo[u]r ma[jes]tie may bee pleased to tak notice of are theise./
Left margin: 1. That yo[u]r ma[jes]ties sacred p[er]son is exposed to hassarde & danger in the p[re]sente expedition againste the Left margin: 2.3. Scottishe army. & 2. by occasion of this warre yo[u]r revenewe is much wasted. 3 yo[u]r subiectes burthened w[i]th coate and conducte money, billitinge of souldiers, and diuerse rapines and disorders comLeft margin: 4. mitted in severall partes of this yo[u]r Realme by the souldiers raised for that service. 4. and yo[u]r whole Left margin: 5. kingdome became full of feares and discontente./
Left margin: 6. The sundry Innovations in matters of religion, the Oathe and Cannons lately imposed upon the Clergie and other yo[u]r ma[jes]ties subiectes.
Left margin: 7. The greate increase of Popery, and the ymployinge of Popishe Recusantes and other yll affected to the Left margin: 8. Religion by lawe established in places of power and truste, Espetially in com[m]aundinge of men & armes both in the fielde and in sundry Counties of this yo[u]r Realme, Wheras by the lawes they are not permitted to haue armes in there owne howses.
Left margin: 9. The greate mischeifes w[hi]ch may falll upon this kingdome yf the intentions (w[hi]ch haue bynn credibly reported) of bringinge Irishe and forraine forces shoulde take effecte./
Left margin: 10. The vrginge of shippe money and prosecution of some Sherifes in the Starre chamber for not levyinge of yt.
Left margin: 11. The heavy charge upon Marchandise to the discoragemente of Trade, the multitude of Monopolies & other Left margin: 12. pattentes whereby the comodities & comforters of this kingdome are much burthened, to the greate & Left margin: 13. uniu[er]sall grevance of yo[u]r people.
Left margin: 14. The greate greife of yo[u]r subiectes by the longe intermission of parliam[en]tes and the late & former dissolvinge of such as haue bynn called w[i]thout the happie effects w[hi]ch otherwise they mighte haue produced.
Left margin: Remedie For Remedy wherof and p[re]vention of the dangers that maye ensue your Royall person, and to the whole State.
They doe in all humility and faithfulnesse beseeche yo[u]r most excellente ma[jes]tie that you woulde bee pleased to sumon a Parliam[en]t w[i]thin some shorte & conveniente tyme wherby the causes of theise and other greate grevances w[hi]ch yo[u]r people lye under may bee taken away, and the authors and Councellors of them may bee there broughte to such legall tryall and condigne punishm[en]t as the nature of the severall offences shall require, and the p[re]sente Warre may bee composed by yo[u]r ma[jes]ties wisedome w[i]thout bloude, in such manner as maye conduce to the hono[u]r and safety of yo[u]r ma[jes]ties p[er]son, the comforte of yo[u]r people, and the unitinge of both yo[u]r Realmes againste the com[m]on enemyes of the reformed Religion, And yo[u]r ma[jes]ties petitioners shall ever praye
Bedforde. [deade.] Hartforde. [synce m[ar]ques] Left margin: Earles. Essex. [lo: Chamberlaine.] Molgrave. Warwick. Bullingbrooke.
Say and Seale, [m[aste]r of the Wardes.] Left margin: Vicountes. Mandevill.
Brooke. Left margin: Lords. Howarde.
By the way in the Northe./
Rutlande. Left margin: Earles. Lincolne. Exeter.
Northe. Wylloubye. Left margin: Lordes./ Savell. Wharton. Lovelace.
Stat: 27: Eliz: cap:1./
No introduction.
British Library, Additional MS 35331, f. 78r, Diary of Walter Yonge
Languages: English
Creation date: 3 September 1640
- Francis Russell, 4th Earl of Bedford (signatory)
- William Seymour, 2nd Earl of Hartford (signatory)
- Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex (signatory)
- Edmund Sheffield, 1st Earl of Mulgrave (signatory)
- Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick (signatory)
- Oliver St John, 1st Earl of Bolingbroke (signatory)
- William Fiennes, Viscount Say and Sele (signatory)
- Henry Montagu, Viscount Mandeville (signatory)
- Robert Greville, Second Baron Brooke of Beauchamps Court (signatory)
- Edward Howard, First Baron North of Escrick (signatory)
- George Manners, 7th Earl of Rutland (signatory)
- Theophilus Clinton, 4th Earl of Lincoln (signatory)
- David Cecil, 3rd Earl of Exeter (signatory)
- Dudley North, Third Baron North (signatory)
- Francis Willoughby, Fifth Baron Willoughby of Parham (signatory)
- Thomas Savile, Second Baron Savile of Pontefract (signatory)
- Philip Wharton, Fourth Baron Wharton (signatory)
- John Lovelace, 2nd Baron Lovelace? (signatory)
Other Witnesses
- All Souls College, MS 125, ff. 89r–90r
- Beinecke Library, OSB MSS 28, Box 2, Folder 25, item 41, 524r–v
- Beinecke Library, Osborn File 12397, ff. 1r–v
- Beinecke Library, Osborn File 6183, ff. 1–3
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b297, item 11
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 800, ff. 110v–111v
- Bodleian Library, MS Carte 119, ff. 89r–91v
- Bodleian Library, MS Clarendon 19, ff. 13r–v
- Bodleian Library, MS Clarendon 19, ff. 16r–v
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 908, ff. 42r–43v
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 65, f. 105r
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 65, ff. 103r–v
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 65, ff. 140r–141r
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 22959, ff. 65r–66r
- British Library, Additional MS 33469, ff. 48r–v
- British Library, Additional MS 38847, ff. 24r–v
- British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 283v–284r
- British Library, Additional MS 57929, ff. 9v–10v
- British Library, Additional MS 70002, ff. 302r–303v
- British Library, Additional MS 70082, item 26
- British Library, Harley MS 1219, ff. 175r–179v
- Transcript of British Library, Harley MS 4931, ff. 66r–66v
- British Library, Harley MS 7162, ff. 51x–52x
- British Library, Harley MS 787, ff. 98r–v
- British Library, Lansdowne MS 1232, ff. 67v–68v
- British Library, Sloane MS 1467, ff. 132r–132v
- British Library, Sloane MS 1710, ff. 118r–v
- British Library, Sloane MS 1710, ff. 119r–v
- Cambridge University Library, Additional MS 335, f. 41r
- Cornwall Record Office, T 1608/3
- Folger Shakespeare Library, MS V.a.192, ff. 46r–48r
- Huntington Library, EL 7872
- Kent Archives, U269/O294, item 11
- Kent Archives, U386/O7/1
- Kent Archives, U951/O10, item 5
- Northamptonshire Record Office, FH2603
- Northamptonshire Record Office, FH2608
- Northamptonshire Record Office, FH2619
- Northamptonshire Record Office, IC 3565
- Northamptonshire Record Office, IC 3566
- Parliamentary Archives, HL/PO/JO/10/1/42
- Parliamentary Archives, HL/PO/RO/1/72, ff. 286–310
- Surrey History Centre, LM/1331/50
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /16 [ff.33r–v]
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /17 [ff.37r–v]
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /18 [ff.39r–v]
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /19A [ff.40r–v]
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /19B [ff.41r–v]
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /20 [ff.42r–43r]
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /21 [ff.44r–v]
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /22 [ff.46r–v]
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /23 [ff.47r–v]
- The National Archives, SP 16/465, /24 [ff.48r–v]
- Trinity College, MS O.1.35, Part II, 1r–v
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
- J[ohn] M[ilton], Newes from Hell, Rome and the Inns of Court (1641) [Wing M42A], pp. 8–10
- J[ohn] M[ilton], News from Hell, Rome, and the Innes of Court (1642) [Wing M2131], pp. 8–10
Modern Print Exemplars
- The Harleian Miscellany (1st ed.), vol. 7, pp. 205–206
Selected Criticism
No bibliography
Keywords (Text Type)
- petition
Keywords (Text Topics)
- parliament
- Bishops' Wars
- ship money
- soldiers
- army
- ecclesiastical conflict
- anti-catholicism
- catholicism
- Ireland
- monopolies
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