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'Prognostication of the Emperor’s Principal Astrologers (c.1629)'

British Library, Additional MS 22959, f. 32v

32v {gap: elision}

Left margin: 1629.In Aprill I receiued a Copy of this Prognosticiation sent abroad I believe to busy the heades of the vulgar in this troublesome time & to hinder theire talke of state matters.

A Prognosticatio[n] sent to his Imperiall Majestie & the illustrious Prince of Saxonie. 1629 Sunne in Libra & all the planets about her p[ro]gnosticate horrible things. Tempests by meeting of the 4 Windes / Earthquakes that shall cause many for feare to die / Trees & buildings shall be cast downe especially neere waters / Horrible eclipses / A bloudy rainbowe / Strange bloudy warres / The Emperor & his subjects are moved to repentance & he to withdrawe himselfe into some convenient place with p[ro]uision for xxx dayes. Approued by Armarguers Spanish & Grecian Astrologers. Left margin: Prognosti-cation.

May 28. greate assembly of men of warre. Jun 11. Three greate princes shall die. 12 A Lord shall atteine to greate dignity & hono[u]r 18 A great wind. 19 A banished Prince shall returne to his owne Country & receiue his former dignity. 28 Greate intollerable heate. August 14 Greate preparation for warre by sea & land. 17 Greate effusion of bloud. 18 Halfe the world shall be drowned. 20 b Busines of greate importance sent fro[m] many places.


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 22959, f. 32v, Diary of Reverend John Rous

Languages: English

Creation date: c.1629


No authors.

Keywords (Text Type)

  • prophecy

Keywords (Text Topics)

  • astrology
  • prophecy
  • diplomacy

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