'Prognostication of the Emperor’s Principal Astrologers (c.1629)'
British Library, Hargrave MS 311, f. 192r
A Prognostication for this yeare for [th]e yeare 1629
Ordered and taken out according to [th]e calculation of [th]e principall
Astrologers vpon [th]e present yeare 1629 sent from Rome to the
his Imperiall Ma[jes]tie & [th]e Prince Elector of Spaine Saxonie.
Left margin: 1.
In [th]e 1629 [th]e sunn beinge in [th]e celestiall signe Libra all [th]e plan[n]ets
will assemble about [th]e sunn att [th]e taile of [th]e Dragon whereby it
may bee pr[e]sumed [tha]t manie horrable things will ensue and w[i]th such
a tempest [tha]t all [th]e winds of [th]e {gap: illegible} 4 quarters of [th]e world will meete
togeth[e]r where upon will follow: soe horrable an Earthquake [tha]t men for
feare and sorrow shall dye w[i]thout any violence offered to them./
Left margin: 2 Here after trees Mountaynes & Valles, shall chaing their places, townes and Villages shallbe removed: by Earthquakes & some but cheiftly these [tha]t stand neare any waters & are built vpon sand shall fall to [th]e ground./
Left margin: 3. Horrible Eclipses shall appeare & afterwards a bloody Rainebowe shalbee seene w[hi]ch will cause great trouble & bloody warr amoungst many people of [th]e world./
Left margin: 4. All this shalbe seene in [th]e mounth of 7br aboute [th]e exaltation of [th]e Cross.
Left margin:
But for soe much as god best knowes [th]e successe of things [th]e most humble & obedient seruants of his imperiall Ma[jes]tie & their consorts haue
shewen vnto him there=bye to gouerne himselfe & to [th]e Com[m]on people
to pr[e]pare them to repentance advising likewise his said said Ma[jes]tie to w[i]thdraw
himselfe to some place of good temperature and to Furnish himselfe w[i]th
vicutall for xxtie dayes.
The most learned & most vnd[e]rstanding both Alpians,
Spanish & Grecian{gap: illegible} Astrologers haue approved
this Prognostica[ti]on.
May [th]e 18th their shalbe a great assemble of men of Warr.
Iune [th]e 11th 3 Princes shall dye.
Iune [th]e 12th a Lord shall attaine to great dignity and honor
Iune [th]e 18th a greate wind shall arise/
Iune [th]e 19th a banisht Prince shall returne into his owne Country & recouer great dignity & honor
Iune [th]e 28th there wilbee intollerable heate.
Au[gu]st [th]e 11th their wilbe great pr[e]parac[i]on for warr, both by sea & land/
Au[gu]st [th]e 17th greate effusion of blood./
Au[gu]st [th]e 18th [th]e halfe of [th]e world shalbe drownd/
Au[gu]st [th]e 20th busines of great importance shalbe sent from seuerall places./
No introduction.
British Library, Hargrave MS 311, f. 192r,
Languages: English
Creation date: c.1629
No authors.
Other Witnesses
- Bodleian Library, MS Eng. hist. c. 272, ff. 132–33
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 22959, f. 32v
- British Library, Additional MS 70001, f. 353v
- British Library, Additional MS 78201, ff. 106r–106v
- Northamptonshire Record Office, IL 3530, ff. 1r–v
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
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Modern Print Exemplars
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Selected Criticism
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Keywords (Text Type)
- prophecy
Keywords (Text Topics)
- astrology
- prophecy
- diplomacy
Transcribed by:
Noah Millstone (Principal Investigator MPESE)