Manuscript Pamphleteering in Early Stuart England
532 texts available.
A Treatise of the High Court of Star Chamber (c.1621?)
22 witnesses
No manuscript details.
A True Presentation of Forepast Parliaments (c.1629-1630)
9 witnesses
No manuscript details.
A True Relation Concerning New England, as it was presented to His Majesty (Not before 1603)
1 witness
No manuscript details.
The True Relation of the Manner of the Proceeding in King's Bench Upon the Pardon of Sir Thomas Mounson (1616)
10 witnesses
No manuscript details.
True, Modest and Just Defence of the Petition for Reformation Exhibited to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, Containing An Answer to the Confutation Published Under the Names of Some of the University of Oxford (c.1604?)
1 witness
No manuscript details.
The Truth Teller [or, Tom Tell-Troth] (1622) Images available Transcript available
19 witnesses
Norfolk Record Office, AYL/192
Vita...Eg Arat a Scripso Scripst (1609)
4 witnesses
No manuscript details.
Vox Populi (1620) Images available Transcript available
35 witnesses
British Library, Additional MS 28640
Vox Spiritus (1621)
12 witnesses
No manuscript details.
Way of Duels Before the King (No date) Images available Transcript available
5 witnesses
Norfolk Record Office, RYE 20
What Manner of Persons Ought to Exercise the King’s Prerogative (c.1604) Images available Transcript available
7 witnesses
British Library, Additional MS 22591
Whensoever the Jesuits Will Stir Up a Resolution in a Man to Kill His Prince (1610 or earlier?)
1 witness
No manuscript details.
Will (1635?)
2 witnesses
No manuscript details.
The Words Wherewith Henry, Earl of Oxford, Is Charged in Star Chamber (c.1621-1622?)
3 witnesses
No manuscript details.
Wraynham's Case in Star Chamber for Slandering Lord Chancellor Bacon (c.1618)
4 witnesses
No manuscript details.
Account of Proceedings in Parliament (1628) Images available Transcript available
1 witness
Norfolk Record Office, HMN 7/307, 772X8
Account of the Spanish Armado (1639) Images available Transcript available
4 witnesses
British Library, Additional MS 21935
Address to the Clergy of Norwich (1634)
2 witnesses
No manuscript details.
Advertisement Touching An Holy War (No date)
3 witnesses
No manuscript details.
Advertisement Touching the Controversies of the Church of England (1589)
3 witnesses
No manuscript details.