Manuscript Pamphleteering in Early Stuart England

532 texts available. Edit search.

A Politique Consideration of a Match for Prince Henry with Florence (No date)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Politique Dispute About the Happiest Marriage for the Noble Prince Charles to the House of Savoy (No date)

8 witnesses

No manuscript details.

The Project of a State Merchant (No date)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Prophecy of John Cyprianus (No date) Images available Transcript available

1 witness

British Library, Additional MS 28640

Resolution of the Judges Touching Popish Recusants (No date)

7 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Sermon on MALT made to Theives and Drunkards (No date)

6 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Short View of England and Spain (No date)

7 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Star Chamber Reports (No date)

10 witnesses

No manuscript details.

That the Sovereign's Person Is Required in the Great Councils or Assemblies of the State, as well the Consultations as at the Conclusionss (No date)

7 witnesses

No manuscript details.

A Treatise of Bail and Mainprise (No date) Images available Transcript available

10 witnesses

British Library, Additional MS 22591

Way of Duels Before the King (No date) Images available Transcript available

5 witnesses

Norfolk Record Office, RYE 20

Advertisement Touching An Holy War (No date)

3 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Advice of a Sea Man (No date)

5 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Answer Unto a Friend That Desired to Be Resolved About Bowing Before the Holy Table or Altar (No date)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Instructions to his Son Philip (c.1558)

7 witnesses

No manuscript details.

The Arguments Exhibited in Parliament Regarding Contempt in Chancery (c.1572) Images available Transcript available

1 witness

Norfolk Record Office, RYE 20

Letters (1581-1626?)

18 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Advice to His Son (c.1584)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Advertisement Touching the Controversies of the Church of England (1589)

3 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Reading on the Statute of Uses (1600)

1 witness

No manuscript details.