'Petition to Charles I for his Son (February 1630)'
British Library, Hargrave MS 311, f. 208r
To [th]e kings most Excellent Majesty.
The humble petition of the Lo[rd] Viscont Faukland one of the Lordes of his majestyes priuy councell. Left margin: Humbly shewinge
That I had a sonne untill I lost him in y[ou]r high displeasure where I cannot seeke him because I haue noe will to finde him there.
Men say there is a wild young man now prisoner in [th]e Fleet, for measuring his actiones by his owne priuate sence: but now [tha]t for [th]e same y[ou]r majestys hand hath appeared in punishment, hee bowes and humbles himselfe to both: Whether hee be mine or not I can discerne by noe light but [tha]t of your Royall clemency for only in y[ou]r forgiuenes must I owne him mine.
Forgiuenes is [th]e glorye of supreame powers, and hath this operation [tha]t when it is extended in the greatest measure, it conuerts the greatest offenders into [th]e greatest Louers and so makes purchas of [th]e hart an especiall priuiledge peculiar and dew to soueraigne Princes.
If y[ou]r majesty will uouchsafe out of y[ou]r owne benegnity to become a second nature and restore [tha]t vnto me w[hi]ch [th]e 1st gaue me, and vanity depriued me of I shall keepe [th]e reckoninge of [th]e full number of my sonnes w[i]th comforte and render [th]e tribute of my most humble thankefullnes: else my weake old memory must forgett one; and pray etc.
No introduction.
British Library, Hargrave MS 311, f. 208r,
Languages: English
Creation date: February 1630
Other Witnesses
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b32, p1
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 830, f. 128r
- Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson D 692, ff. 104r–v
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 169, f. 203r
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 227, f. 6r
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 395, reversing volume, 101v
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 82, ff. 349r–v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 22959, ff. 38r–38v
- British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 262v–263r
- British Library, Hargrave MS 225, ff. 65r–66r
- British Library, Harley MS 3638, f. 140r
- British Library, Harley MS 4761, ff. 124r–125r
- British Library, Harley MS 6447, f. 1*v
- British Library, Stowe MS 180, f. 54x
- Cambridge University Library, MS Gg.4.13, p146
- Hampshire Record Office, 44M69/G2/132
- Huntington Library, HM 36836, ff. 84–85
- Huntington Library, Hastings Legal Papers Box 5, item 1
- Woburn Abbey, MS 4E-60, f. 141r
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
- Scrinia Sacra (1654) [Wing S2110], pp. 242–243
Modern Print Exemplars
No bibliography
Selected Criticism
No bibliography
Keywords (Text Type)
- petition
Keywords (Text Topics)
- imprisonment
- punishment
- royal pardon
- duelling
Transcribed by:
Richard Bell (Research Associate)