'The English Catholics' Letter to James I (1603)'
British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 111v-114r
The Catholiques of Englands Letter to Kinge James at his first enterance into England for approbation and toleration of their religion
Most puissant prince and Orient Monarch
Such are the rare p[er]fecc[i]ons and admirable
guises of wisdome prudence valor and
Justice wherewith the bountifull hands of
Gods divine Ma[jes]tie hath endued yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie
as in the depth of yo[u]r provident Judgement
wee doubt not but you can foresee what
Concerneth both the Temporall and Spirituall
gouerment of all yo[u]r kingdomes and domynions
notwithstanding yo[u]r ma[jes]t[ie]s most afflicted subjects
and devoted servants the Catholiks of England
partly to preuent sinister Informac[i]ons which
happily may possesse yo[u]r sacred {daies} before
our answer bee heard partly almost as men
ouerwhelmed with persecuc[i]ons for our Consciences
112rThe Catholiks of England to – K. J:
wee are enforced to haue speedy recourse
and hope of present redresse from your highnes
and to present those humble lynes unto your
royall person; to plead for vs some Commiserac[i]on
and favour. /. alas what allegiance or dutye
can any temporall prince desire or expect at
his vassalls hands which wee are not adressed
to p[er]forme how many noblemen and worthy gent.
most zealous in the Catholike religion haue
endured some losse of lands and livenigs some
exile, others Imprisonm[en]t some the effusion of blood
and life for the adwancem[en]t of yo[u]r blessed mothers
right unto the scepter of Albion nay whose
finger did euer ake but Catholiks for yo[u]r ma[jes]t[ie]s
present title and dominions . how many fledd
to yo[u]r Co[u]rt as offering themselues as hostages
for yo[u]r frends to liue and dye in yo[u]r {gratious} quarrel
if euer aduersary had oposed himself against
the equity of yo[u]r Cause if this they attempted
with their princes disgrace to obtayne yo[u]r Ma[jes]t[ie]s
grace what will they doe nay what will they
not doe to liue without disgrace in yo[u]r graces
favor the mayne of this realme if wee respect
religion (setting petty sects aside) consisteth
uppon fower parts , Protestants who haue {Domynedred} ouer all the former Queens dayes
Puritanes who haue crept upp apace amongst them
Atheists and pollitians who were bredd uppon
their broyles and {Conteasion} in matters of
Faith and Catholiks who as they are {opposite}
to alle, soe are they detested of all because
error was euer an enemy to truthe hardly
all or any two of the first three can bee
suppressed, theirfore wee beseech yo[u]r ma[jes]tie
to yeeld us as much favor as others of Contrary
Religion (to that which shall bee publikely
112vThe Catholiks to King James
professed in England) shall obtayne at yo[u]r
hands for if our fault bee Ake lesse or none
at all in equity our punishment ought to
bee Ake lesse or none at all; the gates
Arches and {Pyramides} of France p[ro]clamed
their present king pater patriae et pacis restitutor
(that is the father of his Countrey and restorer
of his peace) because that Kingdome beeing
well neere torne in peeces with Ciuill warres
and made a prey to forraigne Foes was
by his provident wis wisdom and valour
acquitted in it selfe and hostile strangers
expelled and the which hee principally effected {th[a]t} by condiscending to tollerate them of an
adverse religion to that which was openly p[ro]fessed {(questiuneles)} dread soveraigne the kingdome
of England through the cruell persecutions of
Catholiks hath been almost odious to all Christian
nations trade and traffique is exceedingly
decayed warrs and blood hath seldome ceased
Subsedyes and Taxes neuer so many discontented {myndds} Innumerable all which yo[u]r princely
Ma[jes]t[ie]s Conveyance to yo[u]r humble suppliants the
afflicted Catholiks will easely addresse at this Left margin: 1 Kings 12. 17.
yo[u]r highness first ingresse, Si loqueris ad nos
verba levia erunt tibi servi cunctis Diebus (that
is you speake comfortable words unto them
or if you hearken unto them in this thinge
they will be servants unto you all their dayes)
saith the sage Councellors of Salomon to
Ruaboam for {in largem[en]t} after affliction
resembleth a pleasant gale after a vehement
tempest and a benefit? in distress doublet
the value there of how gratefull will it bee 113rThe Catholiks of England to K. J.
to all princes abroad and {hu[nora]ble} to yo[u]r Ma[jes]t[i]e
to understand how Queene Elizabeths severity
is changed into yo[u]r royall Clemency and
that the lenyty of a man reedified with the {()sin} formed anger of a woman destroyed {that} the lyon Rampant is passant whereas the
passant had been Rampant how acceptable
shall yo[u]r subjects bee to all Catholike Countryes
who are now almost abhorred of all when
they shall {perre}and yo[u]r highnes {repayreth}
not pikes or {p[ro]vis[i]ons} for the p[ro]fessors of their
faith but permitteth them Temples and altars
for the use of their religion then shall wee see
with our eyes and touch with our Fingers that
happy benedicc[i]on of Esah: 14.7. In this land
that swords are turned into mattocks and or
plowes and Lances into scythes. and all
nations admiring us will say hi sunt semen cui
benedixit dominus. (that is these are the seed
which the lord hath blessed) wee request noe
more favor at yo[u]r graces hands then that wee
may securely beleeue and p[ro]fesse that Catholike
religion which yo[u]r happy predecessors p[ro]fessed
from Donaldus the first, the first Converted
unto yo[u]r late blessed mother Martyred A
religion venerable for antiquity. maiesticall
for Amplitude, constant for Continuance
irreprehensible for doctrine indureing to all
kinds of virtue and piety diswading from
all sin and wickednes, a religion belooued by
all primitive pastors established by all
Eccumenicall councells v upholden by antient
Doctors maintained by the first and best
Christian Emperors, recorded almost alone
in all eccle[siasti]call historyes sealed in the blood
113vThe catholiques
of millions of martyrs adorned with the virtues
of soe many confessors beautified with the
purity of thousand of virgins So conformable
unto natural sence and reason and finaly
soe agreeable with the sacred text of gods
word and the gospell, the free vse of this
religion wee request if not in publike churches
yet at the least in priuate houses if not with
aprobac[i]on yet with tollerac[i]on without molestac[i]on
assureing yo[u]r grace that howsoeuer some
p[ro]testants and puritants incited by morall honesty
of life or innated instinct of nature or for
feare of some trmporall punishm[en]t pretend
obedience unto yo[u]r highnes lawes yet certainely
the onely Catholiks for Conscience sake obserue
them for they defending that princes {precepts}
and {stattuts} oblige noe subjects under the
penalty of sinn will haue little care in {Conscienc}
to transgress them which principally are
tormented with the guilte of sin but Catholiks
Confessing merritt in obeying andin merritt
in transgressing canot but in soule bee greevously
tortured for the least prevarication thereof
wherefore most mercifull soveraigne wee yo[u]r
longe afflicted subjects prostrate outr selues and
p[ro]test before the ma[jes]tie of god and all his holey
Angells as loyall obedience and Imaculate obedience allegiance unto yo[u]r grace as euer did faithfull
subjects in England or Scotland unto yo[u]r highnes
p[ro]genitors and intend as sincerely with our goods
and liues to serue you as euer did the
loyallest Isaralites king David or the truest
legions the Romane Emperors and thus expecting
yo[u]r ma[jes]t[ie]s Customary favor and gratious bounty
wee rest yo[u]r devoted suppliants to him
whose hands doe manage the harts of kings
and with reciprocate mercy will acquit
the mercifull yo[u]r sacred ma[jes]t[ie]s most devoted
servants the
Catholiques of England
No image
No introduction.
British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 111v-114r,
Languages: English, Latin
Creation date: 1603
No authors.
Other Witnesses
- All Souls College, MS 155, ff. 54–56v
- Bibliothèque nationale de France, Cinq-Cents de Colbert ms 466, ff. 259r–260v
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 781, ff. 89–91
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 82, ff. 160v–163v
- British Library, Harley MS 3791, ff. 120x–121x
- British Library, Harley MS 4761, ff. 10r–13r
- British Library, Sloane MS 1775, ff. 57r–58v
- Transcript of British Library, Stowe MS 180, ff. 3x–4x
- Cambridge University Library, Additional MS 9276, item 6, ff18
- Gonville & Caius College, MS 73/40, f. 168r
- The National Archives, SP 14/1, /56
- The National Archives, SP 14/1, /56
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
- Scrinia Sacra (1654) [Wing S2110], pp. 82–84
Modern Print Exemplars
No bibliography
Selected Criticism
No bibliography
Keywords (Text Type)
- letter
- petition
Keywords (Text Topics)
- Catholicism
- puritanism
- confessional conflict
- toleration
- Church of England
Transcribed by:
Howard Barlow (BRIHC PhD Scholar)