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George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham 'Speech to His Majesty at the Council Table (4 April 1628)'

British Library, Additional MS 35331, ff. 10r-10v


The Duke of Buckinghams Speeche to his ma[jes]tie att the Councell table Aprill 4th 1628.

Left margin: 4. S[i]r me thinckes I nowe beholde you a greate kinge: for love is greater then ma[jes]tie: opinion that yo[u]r people loved you not had almost loste you in the opinion of the worlde. But this daye makes you appeare (as you are) a glorious kinge: Loved att home, and nowe to bee feared abroade. This fallinge out soe happily I beseeche you giue me leave to bee an humble sutor to yo[u]r ma[jes]tie: Firste for my selfe that I whoe have had the hono[u]r to have bynn your favorite, may nowe giue vpp my selfe unto them: they to bee yo[u]r favorites and I to bee your servante. My seconde suite is, that they havinge all done all soe well, you woulde accompte of them all as one, a body of many members, but all of one hearte: Opinion mighte have made them differ, but affection did make them to ioyne in like love in this greate gifte. For proportion yt beinge lesse then yo[u]r occasions may aske, yet it is more then ever subiects did give in soe shorte a tyme tyme: nor I am I p[er]swaded it will reste there for this is but as an earneste of there affections to lett you see and the worlde knowe what subiectes you haue, That when yo[u]r honor and the good of the state is engaged and ayde asked in the ordinary waye of p[ar]liam[en]t you cannot wante. This is not a guifte of 5. subsedies alone, but the openinge of a myne of Subsedies that lyeth in there heartes: these good begin[n]inges hath wroughte already theise good effects that they haue taken your hearte and drawen from yo[u] a declarac[i]on that you will love p[ar]liam[en]ts. And againe, this will meete I make noe question w[i]th such respecte as there demaundes wilbee dutifull and moderate. For they that knowe thus to give, knowe what is fytte to aske, then cannot yo[u]r ma[jes]tie doe lesse then outgoe there demaundes, or els you doe lesse then yo[u]r selfe of them, for yo[u]r message begott truste (see pag: 12 4th of m[a]rche) and yo[u]r promise must begette p[er]formance. This beinge done then shall I w[i]th a gladde hearte holde10v An[n]o Do[mi]ni 1628. with a gladde hearte holde this worke aswell ended as begun, and then shall I hope yt p[ar]liamentes shalbee made hereafter soe frequente by the effectes and good vse of them, as shall have this further benefite to deterre from appreychinge your eares those Proiectors and inducers of innovations as disturbers of Churche and Com[m]on wealthe. Nowe soe to open my hearte and ease my greife maye yt please you to p[ar]don me a worde more:/ I must confesse I have longe lived in payne, sleepe hath given me noe reste, favors and Fortunes noe contente, much have bynn my secrette sorrowes to bee thoughte the man of seperation that divided the kinge from his people, and them from him. But [ + S[i]r Ro: Philippes speeche the 18:th of m[a]rche in p[ar]liam[en]t house./ ] I hope yt shall appeare there are+ some mistaken mynds that woulde have made me the evill Spirite that walked betwixte a good M[aste]r and loyall subiectes for yll offices: wheras by your ma[jes]ties favour I shall ever endeavor to approve my selfe a good sprite, breathinge nothinge but the beste services to them all. Therfore this daye I accompte more blessed to me, then my birthe daye, to see my selfe able to serve them: to see you broughte in love w[i]th p[ar]liam[en]ts: to see a p[ar]liam[en]t expresse somuch love to you./ Love them I beseech you, and God soe love me, and myne, as I ioye to see this daye./

I thinck this speeche was penned to his handes, for I have hearde hee is noe scholler &c. nether doth hee vnderstande the latyne tonge./


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 35331, ff. 10r-10v, Diary of Walter Yonge

Languages: English

Creation date: 4 April 1628


Other Witnesses

Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars

  • Aprill 4. The proceeding of the Parliament, being this day related to the King, by the councellors of the Commons House of Parliament ([London], [1628]) [STC 24739], sigs. A2r–A4r
  • George Villiers 1st Duke of Buckingham, The Duke of Buckingham his speech to the King in Parliament Aprill 4. 1628 (London, 1641) [Wing B5308B]

Modern Print Exemplars

No bibliography

Selected Criticism

No bibliography

Keywords (Text Type)

  • speech

Keywords (Text Topics)

  • Forced Loan
  • parliament
  • court
  • state finance

Transcribed by:

Richard Bell (Research Associate)