Manuscript Pamphleteering in Early Stuart England

532 texts available. Edit search.

A Prophecy Found in the Abbey of St Benedict in Norfolk (c.1623, but dated 1485) Images available Transcript available

15 witnesses

British Library, Harley MS 389

Relation of Our Prince's Entertainment in Madrid (1623)

4 witnesses

No manuscript details.

A Speech to the King Concerning Toleration of Popery, Attributed to Archbishop Abbot (1623) Images available Transcript available

47 witnesses

British Library, Hargrave MS 311

A Speech to the King Concerning Toleration of Popery, Attributed to Archbishop Abbot (1623) Images available Transcript available

47 witnesses

British Library, Additional MS 28640

Speeches and Letters Concerning the Spanish Match (1623) Images available Transcript available

35 witnesses

British Library, Additional MS 4149

Tell Truth and Shame the Spaniard (1623)

12 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Advice to Buckingham (Winter 1623/4)

2 witnesses

No manuscript details.

An Oath Presented to the Protestants of the Palatinate (After 1623) Transcript available

1 witness

British Library, Hargrave MS 311

Information Against Buckingham (1624)

19 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Interrogatories Offered to Bristol (1624)

16 witnesses

No manuscript details.

List of Titles of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham (1624)

1 witness

No manuscript details.

Memorial given to the King of Spain (29 July 1624) Transcript available

10 witnesses

British Library, Additional MS 29587

Politique Counsel by which the English May Restore the Decayed State of Europe (1624)

1 witness

No manuscript details.

Relation of What Passed Betwixt the Conde De Olivares and the Earl of Bristol in the Presence of Sir Walter Aston and the Conde of Gondomar at the Prado (1624)

1 witness

No manuscript details.

A Relation of the Proceedings against Ambassadors who have Miscarried Themselves (27 April 1624)

26 witnesses

No manuscript details.

That the Kings of England have been pleased usually to consult with their peers in the great Council, and the Commons in Parliament of Marriage, Peace and War (February 1624)

23 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Advice to Buckingham (c.1624)

9 witnesses

No manuscript details.

Articles for the Marriage between Prince Charles and Henrietta Maria (1624) Transcript available

11 witnesses

British Library, Harley MS 354

Cadiz Expedition Narratives (1625)

4 witnesses

No manuscript details.

The Charge Delivered by the Earl of Essex and Nine other Colonels at the Council Table against the Viscount Wimbledon, general of the late Cales voyage, with his answer (1625)

6 witnesses

No manuscript details.