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Lord Edward Bruce, and Sir Edward Sackville 'Challenges (1613)'

British Library, Additional MS 22587, f. 25v


A challeng receaved by mr Sackvill nowe earle of Dorsett from the L[or]d Bruce a Scottish Baron who fougy ht in Zeland 1614 where Bruce was slayne

A mounsier Monsier Sackvile

I that am in Fraunce heare howe much yow attribute to yor self in this tyme that I have given the world to ring yor praises and for me the truest Almanacke to tell yow howe much I suffer And if yow call to memory when I gave yow my hand last I tould yow I reserved the harte for a truer reconciliac[i]on Nowe be that Noble gent[leman] my love once spoke of and com[m]e and doe him right that would recite the trialls yow owe yor birth & Countrey were I not confident yor honor gives yow the same Courage to doe mee right that it did to doe mee wronge Bee mr of yor owne weapons & tyme the place wheresoever I will waite on yow by doeing this yow shall shorten revenge & cleere the idle opinion the world hath of both oure worthes E: Bruce

A mounsier Mounsier le Baaron de Kinlosse

As it shall be allwayes farr from mee to seeke a quarrell soe will I allwayes be ready to meete with any that desire to make tryall of my valor by soe fayre a Course as yow require A wittnes whereof yo[u]r selfe shall be whoe within a month shall receave a strickt accompt of tyme place and weapon where yow shall finde ready disposed to give yow hono[ura]ble satisfacc[i]on by him that shall conducte yow thither In the meane tyme be as secrett of the appoint[en]t as it seemes yow are desirous of it. Ed: Sackvile

I am ready at Tregose a towne in Zeland to give yow what satisfacc[i]on yowr sword can render yow, accompanied with a worthy gent[leman] for my second in degree a knight And for ye com[m]inge I will not lymitt yow a p[er]emptory daye but desire yow to make it definite and speedy for yor owne honor and feare of prvenc[i]on untill which tyme yow shall fynd me there E: Bruce I have receaved yo[u]r letter by yo[u]r man and acknowledge yow have dealt noblye with mee And nowe I come with all speede to meete yow Ed: Sackvile

No image


No introduction.


British Library, Additional MS 22587, f. 25v,

Languages: English

Creation date: 1613


Keywords (Text Type)

  • challenges

Keywords (Text Topics)

  • duel
  • honour

Transcribed by:

Tim Wales (Research Assistant)