'Challenges (1614 [i.e. 1613])'
British Library, Additional MS 4149, ff. 210r-211r
A Challenge receaued by mr Edward Sackuill esquire, from ye Lord Brus a Scottish Baron, who fought together in ZeaLand, in the yeare of our Lord god 1614 wher the said Lord Brus was slaine
A mounsier mounsier Sackvill
I that ame in ffraunce heare how Much you attribute to yor selfe in this tyme, that I haue given the
world Leave to ringe yor praises, and for mee ye
truest Almenake to tell you how Much I suffere,
And if you Calle to Memorie, when I gave you
My hand last, I reserved the hart for a truer
reconciliac[i]on. Now be that Noble gentleman My
loue once spoke of, and come and doe him Right
that could Recite Right tryalles you owe yor birthe
and Countrie, were I not confident yor Honoure
gives you the same Courage to doe Me right, that
it did to doe Me wronge. Be Mr of yor owne weapons and tyme, the place where soeuer I will
waite on you, by doing this, you shall shorten revenge and Cleare the idle opinion the world hath
of both our worthes . / .
Edw: Brus . / . A mounsier
210vA moursier mounsier Le Baron de Kinlosse . / .
As it shalbe alwaye farr from Me to seeke a quarrell: soe will I alwayes be readie, to meet with any that desire to make tryall of My valor by soe faire a Course as you require: A witnes wherof yor selfe shalbe, who wthin a Moneth shall receave a stricte accounte, of tyme, place, and weapon, where you shall fynd me readie dispoased to give you honorable satisfaction, by him that shall Conducte you thethere, In the Meane tyme, be as secret of the appointment, as it seemes you are desirouse of it . / .
Edw: Sackuille . / .
I am ready at Tergos a Towne in Zealand to give you what satisfaction yor swoard can Render you accompanied w[i]th a worthie gentleman for my second, in degree a knight, And for yor Coming, I will not limitt you a peremptorie day, but desire you to Make a definite and speedie for yor owne honoure & feare of prevention untill w[hi]ch tym you shall fynde me theire . / .
Edw: Brus . / .
I haue receaued yor l[ett]re by yor Man, and acknowlidge you haue delt nobly with me, And now I come wth all possible211r all possible hast to meet you . / .
Edw: Sackuill . / .
No introduction.
British Library, Additional MS 4149, ff. 210r-211r,
Languages: English
Creation date: 1614 [i.e. 1613]
Other Witnesses
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b50, ff. 65r–76v
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b8, ff. 88x–93x
- Bodleian Library, 4o Rawl. 550, ff. 29r–v
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 781, ff. 67–70
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 82, ff. 81v–87v
- Bodleian Library, MS Willis 58, ff. 207r–v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 22587, f. 25v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 177r–179v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 72407, ff. 52r–52v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 73087, ff. 47v–52r
- Transcript of British Library, Hargrave MS 226, ff. 244r–249v
- Transcript of British Library, Harley MS 4761, ff. 127r–132v
- Transcript of British Library, Harley MS 6854, ff. 3r–14r
- Cambridge University Library, MS Ee.5.23, pp408–412
- Huntington Library, EL 244
- Huntington Library, EL 245
- Inner Temple Library, Petyt MS 538/18, ff. 244r–v
- Queen's College, MS 121, f. 493
- Queen's College, MS 130, f. 118
- Queen's College, MS 32, ff. 9v–11v
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
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Modern Print Exemplars
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Selected Criticism
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Keywords (Text Type)
- challenges
Keywords (Text Topics)
- duel
- honour
Transcribed by:
Tim Wales (Research Assistant)