'Challenges (1613)'
British Library, Hargrave MS 226, ff. 244r-249v
Bruce et Sackvile
244v 245rAll the p[ro]cedinges concerninge the Combatt betwene the late deceased Lord Bruce and the then Sr Edward Sackvile, now Earle of Dorsett
A Mounseuire Mounsirere Sackvile.
I that am in ffraunce heare how much yow attribute to yor selfe in this time that I haue given the world leaue to ringe yor praise, for mee the true Alminacke to tell how much I suffer, and if yow call to Memory when I gaue yow my hand last, I tould yow I reserved the Heart for a truer Reconciliac[i]on, now by that Noble Gentleman, my Love once spoke, come and doe him Right that did mee Wronge bee Master of yor owne Weapons, and time the place wheresoever, I will waite on ye, by doeinge this yow shall shorten Revenge, and Cleere the idle Opinion the world hath of or Honnors. Edw. Bruce
A Monsire Mounserire le Baron de Kinlosse
As it shall bee allwayes farre from mee to seeke
a Quarrell soe will I bee allwayes ready to
meete with any that shall desire to make
Tryall of my valor. by soe faire a Course as
yow. Resire Require, a meanes whereof yor selfe
shalbee, whoe within a Month shall receive a strict
Account, of time, place and Weapon where
yow shall finde mee ready disposed to giue yow
hono[ura]ble Satisfacc[i]on by him that shall Conduct
yow hither, In the meane time bee as secrett
of the Appointment, as it seemes yow bee desirous of it.
Ed. Sackvile.
A Mounsier Mounsier le Baron de Kinlosse
I am ready at Tergose a Towne in Zealand, to giue yow that Satisfacc[i]on yor swoord canne render yow accompanied with a worthy Gentleman for my second in degree a Knight, and for yor Com[m]inge I will not lymitt yow a p[er]emptory day, but desire yow to make a definite and speedy repaire for yor owne honnor, and feare of prvenc[i]on untill which time yow shall finde mee there. Ed. Sackvile. Tergosen 10th of August.
A Mouserire Mounseuire Sackuile
I have received yor Letter by yor man, and acknowledge yow have honorably dealt with mee and now I come with all possible hast to meete yow. Edw: Bruce
Sr. Edward Sackvills Relac[i]on beetwixt him and my Lord Bruce. Worthy246r Worthy Sr as I am not ignorant soe ought It bee as sensible of the faulse Aspertions autherlesse Tongues have left upon mee in the Report of the unfortunate passage which lately happened betwene my Lord Bruce, and my selfe wch as they are spread here soe I may iustly feare they reigne allsoe where yow are.
There but two wayes to Resolue doubt[es] of this nature, by Oath, or by swoord.
The first is due to Magestrates and Com[m]unicable
the other to such as maliciously slandr., and impudently defere their owne Observac[i]on, yor Loue
not my Merritt assures mee yow hold mee yor
ffriend, which I esteeme, and {
} am much desirous
to attaine, doe therefore the Right to understand
the Truth of that, and in my beehalfe, whoe are
or may bee infected with sinister Rumors much
priudiciall to that faire Opinion I desire to
hold amongst all worthy p[er]sons and on the
faith of a Gentleman the Relac[i]on I shall
giue, is neither more, or lesse then the beare
Truth, The inclosed conteynes the first Insinuac[i]on sent mee from Paris by a Scottish
Gentleman whoe deliv[er]ed it mee in Darbishire
att my ffather in Lawes house.
After it, followes my Accomplishment of my first promise beeinge a p[ar]ticular Assignac[i]on of place 246v place, and Weapons, which I sent by a Servant of mine by Post from Rotterdam assoone as I landed there, the Receipt of which ioyned with the acknowledgement of my too faire a Carriage to the deceased Lord Bruce is testified by the last which periodd[es] the busines till wee mett at Ter{gossa[n] }, hee beeinge accompanied with one Mr. Cranfeild an English Gentleman for his second a Chirurgeon and a Man, whome hee sent with all speede hee could to mee, haueinge once tendred himselfe I addressed to my second Sr. John Heydon to lett him understand that now all thing[es] should bee done by Consent as concerninge the Termes whereon wee should fight, as allsoe the place by or second[es] wee gaue hower for these Appointment[es], whoe agreed wee should goe to Antwerpe[n] and from thence to Barginapsoone, where in the neerest way, but a Village devides the States Territoryes from the Archdukes, and there was the destined Stage to the end that haueinge ended hee that could might presently exempt himselfe from the Justice of the Country, by retourninge into the Dominion of the not offended
It was further Concluded that in Case any
should fall, or slipp that then the Combate
should Cease, and hee whose ill fortune had
soe subiected him, was to acknowledge his life
to have bin in the others hand[es], But in Case one
p[ar]ty should breake his Weapon, because that may
Come by Chance, or hazzard, It was agreed that
the other should take noe Advantage, but either
then bee made Frend[es], or else by new termes
to goe it to it againe, thus theise Conclusions
beeinge by each of them related to his parte
were by both of us approved, and sent accordingly
wee imbarqued for Antwerpe and by reason, my
Lord (as I conceived, because he could not handsomly without danger of discovery had not
repaired his swoord, I sent him from Paris one
of the same Length but twice as broad, my
second excepted against it and advised me to match
mine owne, and send him the Choice, which I
obeyed (beeinge as yow know the Challengers
Priviledge to ellect the weapon att the deliv[er]y
of the swoord[es] which was p[er]formed by Sr John
Heydon, It pleased the Lord Bruce to make
ellection of my Sword, and then past Expectac[i]on hee tould him, that hee found himselfe
soe farre behinde hand, as a little of my blood
would not serue his Tourne, And therefore
hee was resolued to haue mee alone, because
hee knewe (for I will use his owne words) that
soe worthy a Gentleman, and my friend could not
induce to stand by, and see him to doe that which
hee must to satisfy himselfe and his honnor; Hereunto Sr: John Heydon replyed, That such Intentions were bloody and butcherly farre unfittinge a
Noble p[er]sonage whoe should desire to bleede for
Reputac[i]on not for life, withall addinge hee thought
himselfe iniured, beeinge come that farre to be p[ro]hibitted from executinge those honble. Offices hee
Came for. The Lord for Answere reitterated his
former Resoluc[i]on, Whereuppon Sr. John leavinge
him the swoord hee had ellected Deliv[er]ed mee the
other, with his Determinac[i]ons, the wch., not the
matter, but manner (havinge eaten more liberally
at dinner than usual) And therefore unfitt for
such an Acc[i]on seeinge the Chirurgeon held a
Wound uppon a full Stomacke much more dangerous then otherwise, I requested my second to certifie him, I would decyde the differences, And
therefore hee should ymediately meete mee on
horsebacke, onely waited on by or Chirurgeons,
they beeinge unarmed together they Wee rode (but
One before another some Twelue score; about
some two English Miles, Then passion haueinge soe weake an Enimy to assaile att my
direction easily became victor, but useinge his
power, made mee obedient to his Com[m]andement
I beeinge veryly madd with anger the Lord Bruce
should thirst after my life with a kind of assurednes, seeinge I had come soe farre, and needlesly
to giue him Leaue to regaine his lost Reputac[i]on
I bidd him alight, with all willingnes hee quickely graunted, and there in a Meadowe Ancle
deepe in water att least biddinge ffarewell to or
dubblett[es] in or shirtes beeganne to Charg each
other, havinge afore Com[m]anded or Chirurgeons to
withdrawe themselves a pretty distance from us us coniuringe them, besides as they respected or
favours, and their owne saffenes not to stirre, but
suffer us to execute or pleasures, wee beeinge fully
resolu'd (God forgiue us) to dispatch each
other by what meanes wee could, I made thrust
att my Enimy, but was short, and drawinge
backe againe mine Arme, I received a greater
Wound, with a blowe thereon, which I interprett
as a Reward for my short Shootinge, but in Revenge I prest it to him againe, though I then
mist him And then Receivinge a Wound in my
Right Papp, which past levell allmost to my
backe, And there wee wrestled for the two
greatest and dearest Prizes, wee could ever
expect tryall for life and honnor. In which struglinge my hand havinge an Ordinary Gloue on it
lost one of her Servant[es] though the meanest wch.
hunge by the Skinne, and to sight, yet remaineth
as before, and I am putt in hope one day to haue the
use allsoe, Butt att last, Breathlesse (yett keeping
or holdes) there past on both Sides p[ro]posic[i]ons of
quittinge each sword[es], But when Amity was dead
Confidence would not live, and whoe should quitt first
was the Question, which on neither p[ar]t either
would p[er]forme strivinge afresh with a Kicke, and to Wrench
together I freed my longe Captived Weapon, which
incontinently I levyed att his Throate (beeinge Mr.
still of his) I demanded if hee would aske his life
or yeild his Sword both which though in that eminent danger hee brauely denyed to doe, my selfe beeinge
wounded, and feelinge losse of Blood, haueinge three
Conduit[es] runninge on mee, beganne to make mee
faint, and hee courageously p[er]sistinge not to accord
to either of my p[ro]posic[i]ons, remembrance of his
bloody desire, and feelinge my prsent Estate I strucke
att his heart, but with his avoydinge mist him
againe, yett past through his body, and drawinge
forth my Sword repast it through againe
another place. Then hee cryed out Oh I am slayne
secondinge his Speech, with all the force hee had
to Cast mee, but beeinge too weake after I had
defended his Assault, I easily became Mr of
him, layinge him on his backe, when beeinge over
him, I demanded if hee would request his life, but
it seemed hee prized it not att soe deare a Rate
to bee beehouldinge for it, brauely replyinge hee
scorned it, which Answere of his was soe noble
and worthy, as I protest I could not finde in my
heart to offer any more Violence, only keepinge
him downe till att length his Chirurgeon farre
off cryed out imediately he will dy if his wound
were not stopped, whereuppon I asked if hee
desired his Chirurgeon should Come which hee
accepted of, (and soe beeinge drawen away I
never offered to take his sword from him, accountinge it an unhumane p[ar]t to robb a dead man for
soe I accounted him to bee.
This thus ended I retyred to my Chirurgeon in whose Armes (after I had remained a while for want of blood I lost my life allsoe, but stronge waters, and his dilligence quickly recovered mee when I eschaped a greate danger, for my Lord[es] Chirurgeon, when noe body dreampt of it Ranne att mee with his Lord[es] sword, had not not mine with my sword interposed himselfe, I had bin by those base hand[es] slayne Although the Lord Bruce weltringe in his owne blood, and past expectac[i]on of life conformable to all his formr. Carriage 249v Carriage, was undoubtedly Noble Cryed out Rascall hould thy hand[es].
Soe may I prosper as I haue dealt sincerely with yow in this Relac[i]on, which I pray yow with the inclosed Letter to deliver to my Lord Chamberlayne And soe &c. Edw: Sackvile
No image
No introduction.
British Library, Hargrave MS 226, ff. 244r-249v,
Languages: English
Creation date: 1613
Other Witnesses
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b50, ff. 65r–76v
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b8, ff. 88x–93x
- Bodleian Library, 4o Rawl. 550, ff. 29r–v
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 781, ff. 67–70
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 82, ff. 81v–87v
- Bodleian Library, MS Willis 58, ff. 207r–v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 22587, f. 25v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 4149, ff. 210r–211r
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 177r–179v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 72407, ff. 52r–52v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 73087, ff. 47v–52r
- Transcript of British Library, Harley MS 4761, ff. 127r–132v
- Transcript of British Library, Harley MS 6854, ff. 3r–14r
- Cambridge University Library, MS Ee.5.23, pp408–412
- Huntington Library, EL 244
- Huntington Library, EL 245
- Inner Temple Library, Petyt MS 538/18, ff. 244r–v
- Queen's College, MS 121, f. 493
- Queen's College, MS 130, f. 118
- Queen's College, MS 32, ff. 9v–11v
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
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Modern Print Exemplars
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Selected Criticism
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Keywords (Text Type)
- challenges
Keywords (Text Topics)
- duel
- honour
Transcribed by:
Tim Wales (Research Assistant)