'Challenges (1613)'
British Library, Harley MS 6854, ff. 3r-13v
The relation of the Combate. Mr: Edward Sackveile (Now Earle of Dorsett) his relation of the Manner of the Combate and death of the lord Bruse Baron of Kinlosse Sent to his frends in England 1613
The Lord Bruses Challenge to the Earle of Dorsett:
A Mons[ieu]r Mons[ieu]r
I that am in France, heare how
much you attribute to your selfe
in this
3vThe relation of the Combate
in this by me that I have given the
world leave to singe yo[u]r praises and
fayne the truest Alminacke to tell
you how much I suffer, And if
you call to memory when I gaue my
hand last, I tould you I receaved
the haste for a truer resolution , Yow
bee the noble gentleman[n]. My soule
sayes, Come and doe him reason, that
Can recyte yo[u]r tryalls you owe your
birth and Country, were I not
Confident yo[u]r honor gives you the same
Courage, to doe mee right that it did
to doe mee wronge, . Bee therefore
master, andof your owne weapon and
tyme, the place wheresoever I will
wayte on you; by doeing this, you shall
shorten revenge, and Cleere the
4rThe Relation of the Combate.
Jealous opinion the world hath of both
our worthes:
Edward Bruse:
Mr: Edward Sackveile his Answear. A Mons[ieu]r Mons[ieu]r le Baron de Kinlosse. As it shall bee alwayes farr from mee to seeke a quarrell, soe will I allwayes bee ready to meete any that desires to make tryall of my valour, by soe faire a Course as you require4vThe Relation of the Combate. require, A witnes whereof you shall bee, who with in this monthe shall receave a strickt accompte of tyme place and weapon, by him that shall Conducte you thither, where yow shall finde mee disposed to giue you honorable satisfaction, In the meane tyme bee as seacret of the appointment as it seemes you are desirous of it / Edward Sackveile
Mr. Sackveils second letter to my Lord Bruse from Tergous. A mons[ieu]r
5rThe relation of the Combate A Mons[ieu]r Mons[ieu]r le Baron De Kinloss a Paris:
I am ready at Tergous a towne in
Zealand to give yow what satisfac[i]on
yo[u]r sword can render you, accompanied
with a worthy gentleman for my
second, in degree a knight, And
for your Conveniencyes I will not
lymitt you a peremptory day but
desire you to make it definite
and speedy, both for you[u]r honor,
and feare of prevention [] untill
which tyme you shall finde mee there
Edward Sackveile
Tergous 10th
August: 1613
My Lord
The Relation of the Combate My Lord Bruses Answeare.
A Mons[ieu]r Mons[ieu]r Sackveile.
I have receaved yo[u]r letter by yo[u]r man, and doe acknowledg that you have dealt nobly with mee and now I Come with all possible hast to see you. Edward Bruse
Mr Edward
6rRelation of the Combate Mr. Edward Sackveils letter to a frend of the manner of the Combate, and death Betwixt him and the Lord Bruse Baron of Kinloss. 1613
Worthy S[i]r
I am not ignorant (soe ought I to
bee sensible) of the false asp[er]sions
some authorless toungs have laid
uppon mee, in the reports of the
unfortunate passage, lately hapned
betweene the lord Bruse and my
selfe, which as they are spreade
heere soe may I iustly feare, they
raigne also where you are, There
are6vThe Relation of the Combate
There are but two wayes to resolve
doubts of this nature, either by oathe
or sword, the first is due to magistrat[es]
and Comunicable to frends, the
other to such as malitiously slander
and Impudently defend their assertion,
yo[u]r love not my merritt assures mee
you hold mee a frend which esteeme
I am so desirous to retayne, Doe mee
the right to understand the truthe
of that, and in my behalfe informe
others, who either are or may bee
infected with synister Rumors, much
preiudiciall to that faire opinion
I desire to hold amongst all worthy
persons, and on the faith of a gentleman
the relac[i]on I shall give you is neither
more or lesse then the bare truth.
The7rThe Relac[i]on of the Combate.
The Enclosed Contaynes, the first
Citation sent mee from Paris
by a Scottish gentleman who delivered
it to mee in Darbyshire at my
ffather in lawes howse, After it
followes my answer returned him by
the same bearer, the next then
is the Accomplishment of my first
p[ro]mise, beeing a perticuler assignac[i]on
of place and weapons which I
sent by a servant of myne by
Poste from Roterdam, assoone as
I landed there, the receipte
of which ioyned with an acknowledgment of my too faire Carriage
towards the deceased lord is
testified by the last, which periods
that busines till wee mett at
Tergous7vThe relac[i]on of the Combate
Tergous in Zealand, It beeinge
the place allotted for Randevouz
where hee accompanyed with one
mr Crayford an English gentleman
for his seacond a Chirurgeon and
a man, arrived with all the speed
hee Cold, and there haveinge
once rendered himselfe, I adressed
my seacond S[i]r John Heydon to
lett him understand, that now
all followed should bee done
by Consente, As concerninge the {tearmes} whereon wee should
fight, as also the place, To our
seaconds wee gave power for
these appointments who agreed
wee should goe to Antwerpe
from thence to Bergen upon Zoan
8rThe Relation of the Combate
wherein the mid way but a village
divides the States territoryes from
the Arch Dukes, and there was
the destined Stage to the end
that haveing ended hee that Could
might presently exempt him selfe
from the Iustice of the Countrye,
by retyreinge into the Domynyon
not offended; It was further
Concluded that in Case any shold
fall or slipp, that then the Combate
should cease, and hee whose ill
fortune had soe subjected him,
was to acknowledge his life to
haue been in the others hands, but
in Case one partyes sword should
breake (because that might chance
by8vThe relation of the Combate
by hazard) It was agreed that
the other should take no advantage
but either then bee made Frends
or els uppon eeven tearmes goe to
it againe, Thus these Conclusions
beeing by each of them related
to his party, and by us both approoved
and assented unto; Accordingly
wee embarqued for Antwerpe
and by reason my lord (as I conveave
because hee could not handesomely
without danger of Discovery) had
not payred the sword I sent him
at Paris, bringing one of the
same length but twyse as broade, My
seacond excepted against it, and
advised mee to match my owne
and to send him the Choyce
which 9rThe relac[i]on of the Combate
which I obeyed (it beeing as you
knowe the Challengeds privilidge to
elect his weapon) at the delivery
of the swords which was p[er]formed
by S[i]r John Heydon it pleased the
Lord Bruse to Chuse my sword
and then (past expectation) I tould
him that hee found him selfe soe
farr behynde hand, as little of my
blood would not serve his turne
and therefore hee was now resolued
to have mee also alone, because
hee knewe (for I will use his owne
words) that soe worthy a gentleman
and my Frend Could not endure
to stand by and see him do that
which hee must satisfie him selfe and
his honor, Heereupon S[i]r John
Heydon9vThe relation of the Combate.
Heydon replyed, such Inventions were
bloody and butcherly farr unfitting
soe noble a personage, who should
desire to bleed for reputac[i]on not
for life withall adding hee thought
himself Iniured (beeing come thus
farr) now to bee p[ro]hibited from
executinge those honorable offices
hee came for, the lord for answear
onely reiterated his former resoluc[i]on,
whereupon S[i]r John leaveing him the
Sword hee had elected, Delivered
mee the other, with his Determinations
the which (not for matter but man[n]er)
soe mooved mee as though to my
rememberance I had not of a
longe while eaten more liberally
then10rThe relac[i]on of the Combate
then at dinner, and therefore
unfitt for such an Action, seeing
the Surgeons hold a wound uppon a
full stomach much more dangerous
then otherwise, I requested my
seacond to Certifie him, I would
presently decyde the difference, and
that therefore hee should imediately
meete mee on horsebacke at that
gate of the Towne where the lott
should direct us, the names of the
Portes beeing putt into a hatt, and
hee draweing it, it hapned to bee
the gate that ledd to Lillos, of
this Course hee accepted and forthwith
wee mett, at the fore named place
where10vThe relac[i]on of the Combate
where beeing searched by our seaconds
wee were turned together on
horsebacke onely waited on by our
Surgeons they beeing unarmed together
wee rode, (but one before the other
some 12 score) about some two English
myles, and then passion haveing soe
weake an enemy to assaile, as my
dirrection easely became Victor
and useing his power made mee
obedient to his Comandment, I beeing
veryly madd with anger, that the lord
Bruse should thirste after my life
with a kinde of Assurednes seeinge
I had come soe farr, and needlessly
to give him leave to regaine his lost
Reputation, I bade him alighte which
with11rThe Relac[i]on of the Combate
which with all willingnes hee
quickly granted and there in a
Meadow (anckle deepe at leaste
in water) bidding farewell to our
Doubletts, and in our Shirts began to
Charge each other haveing afore
Comanded our Surgeons to withdrawe
themselves a pretty distance from us
Coniuring them besides as they respected
our favors or their owne safety, not
to stirr but suffer us to execute our
pleasures wee beeing fully resolved
(god forgive us) to despatch each
other by what meanes wee could,
I made a thruste at my enemye but
was shorte, and in draweing backe
my owne arme I receaved a
great11vThe relac[i]on of the Combate./
I receaved a greate wounde with
a blowe thereon, which I interpreted
as a reward for my short shooting
but in revenge I prest into him
though I myste him also, and
then receaved a wounde in my
right papp which paste levill
through my body almost to my backe
and grapelinge together hee catcht
hold on my sword , I on his,
and there wee wrestled for the
two greatest and dearest prizes
wee could euer expect triall for
honor and life, in which struglinge
my hand haveing but an Ordinary
glove on it loste one of her
servants (though the meanest)
which12rThe relac[i]on of the Combate
which hunge by a skin, and to
fight yet remaynes as before
and I am putt in hope onely day
to have the use also, but at the
laste breatheles yet keeping our houlds
there paste on both sides p[ro]posic[i]ons
of quittinge each others swords
but when amyety was dead confidence
Could not live, and who should
quitt first was the Question, which
on neither part either would p[er]forme
and restriving afresh with a kicke
and a wrench together I freed
my longe captivated weapon[n],
which incontinently leaveying at
his throate (beeing master still
of his) I demaunded if hee
would aske his life or yeeld
his12vThe relac[i]on of the Combate
his life sword, (though in that
Eminent danger) hee bravely
denyed to doe, my selfe beeing
wounded and feeling losse of blood
haveing three Cunduits running
on mee began to make mee fainte
and hee Coragiously p[er]sisting not
to accord to either of my p[ro]posic[i]ons,
remembrance of his former bloody
desire, and feeling of my present
state I strucke at his harte, but
with his avoyding myste my ayme
yet paste through the body and draweing
through my sword repaste it through
againe through another place , when
hee Cryed Oh I am slaine
seconding his speech with all the
force hee had desirous to caste
mee but beeing too weake after
I had13rThe relac[i]on of the Combate.
I had defended his assaulte I easely
became master of him layeing him on
his backe, when beeing over him I {
} redemanded, if hee would request his life
but {
} it seemes hee prized it not at
so deere a rate to bee beholding for it,
bravely replyed hee scorned it, which
answear of his was so noble and
worthy as I protest I could not finde
in my hart, to offerr him any more
vyolence onely keeping him downe till
at length his Surgeon afarr of
Cryed out, hee would Imediately dye
if his wounds were not stopped, whereopon
I asked him if hee desired his
Surgeon, should come to him, which hee
accepted of, and soe beeing drawen I away I never offered to take
his13vThe relac[i]on of the Combate
his sword, accompting it unhumane
to robb a dead man, for soe I held
him to bee, This, thus ended I
retyred to my Surgeon in whose
armes after I had remayned awhile
for wante of blood I loste my sight
and with all (as I then thought) my
life alsoe, but stronge water and his
dilligence quickly recovered mee when
I escaped a great danger, for my lords
Surgeon when no body dreamed of it
rann full at mee with his lords sword
enterposed him, I had been slayne
by those base hands although the lord
Bruse, then weltering in his blood
and past expectac[i]on of life (conformable
[fo. 14r.]
The relac[i]on of the Combate.
No image
No introduction.
British Library, Harley MS 6854, ff. 3r-13v,
Languages: English
Creation date: 1613
Other Witnesses
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b50, ff. 65r–76v
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b8, ff. 88x–93x
- Bodleian Library, 4o Rawl. 550, ff. 29r–v
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 781, ff. 67–70
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 82, ff. 81v–87v
- Bodleian Library, MS Willis 58, ff. 207r–v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 22587, f. 25v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 4149, ff. 210r–211r
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 177r–179v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 72407, ff. 52r–52v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 73087, ff. 47v–52r
- Transcript of British Library, Hargrave MS 226, ff. 244r–249v
- Transcript of British Library, Harley MS 4761, ff. 127r–132v
- Cambridge University Library, MS Ee.5.23, pp408–412
- Huntington Library, EL 244
- Huntington Library, EL 245
- Inner Temple Library, Petyt MS 538/18, ff. 244r–v
- Queen's College, MS 121, f. 493
- Queen's College, MS 130, f. 118
- Queen's College, MS 32, ff. 9v–11v
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
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Modern Print Exemplars
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Selected Criticism
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Keywords (Text Type)
- challenges
Keywords (Text Topics)
- duel
- honour
Transcribed by:
Tim Wales (Research Assistant)