'Challenges (6 September 1613)'
British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 177r-179v
The Lord Bruse to Mr Mr Edward Sackuile (now Earle of Dorsett) his relation of the manner of the Combat & death of ye Lord Bruse Baron of Kinlosse sent to his Freinds in England 1613.
The Lord Bruses challenge to Mr Sackuile
A monsr: monsr Sackuile
I that am in France, heare how much Yow attribute to yor selfe
in this tyme that I haue giuen the world leaue to sing your
praises: and fame the truest Almanack to tell you how much
I suffer And if you call to memory when I gaue you my hand last
I told you I receiued the hast for a truer resolution ifconsiliation
yow be the noble gentleman, my then {
saw } speake, come, and doe him
reason, that should recyte your trialls Yow owe Your birth & Country
were I not confident your honnor giues you the same Courage to
doe mee right, that it did to doe mee wronge, Bee Mr of yor owne
weapon and tyme, the place wheresoeuer, I will waightte on you,
by doeing this Yow shall shorten reuenge, and cleare ye iealous
opinione the world hath of both our Worthies Ed: Bruse
Mr Edward Sackuiles answere
A Monsr monsr Le baron de Kinlosse As It shall be allwaies farr from mee to seeke a quarrell, soe will I allwayes bee ready to meete any that desire to make tryall of my vallour by soe faire a course as yow require, a wittness whereof you shalbe, who wthin this month shall receiue a strickt accompt of tyme place & weapon, by him that shall conduct You:177vEdward Sackvile you theither where Yow shall find mee disposed to giue You honerable sattifaccione In the meane tyme, bee as secrett of the appointment as it seemes you are desirous of it Edward Sackfill
Mr Sackueils second letter to my Lord. Bruse from Tergous
A monsir: monsr Le baron de Kinloss in Paris Sr I am ready at Tergous a towne in Zeland to giue You what satisfaction your sword can render yow; accompanied wth a worthy gent’ for my second, in degree a Knight, And for your conveniencies I will not lymitt You a peremptory day But desire yow to make it definite, and speedy; for your honor, & feare of preventione, utill w[hi]ch tyme you shall find mee there Ed: Sackueile Tergous 10. of August 1613
My Lord Bruses answeere
A monsr Monsr Sackueill
I haue receiued Yor letter by your man, and accknowledge you haue dealt nobly w[i]th mee, and now I come w[i]th all possible hast to see you. Edward Bruse
Mr. Edward Sackuiles Letter to A
Freind of the manner of the combatt and
death betwixt him and the Lord Bruse
Baron of Kinlose 1613
Worthy Sr As I am not ignorant (soe ought I to be
sensible) of the falce aspertions some authorless tongues haue
laid upon mee, in the reports of the unfortunate passage late
ly happen[n]ed betweene the Lord Bruse and my selfe, w[hi]ch as they
are spreed here, soe may I iustly feare they raigne also where
you are There are but 2 wayes to resolue doubt[es] of this nature
by oath or sword, the first is due to Maiestraits, and Communicable to freind[es], the other to such as malitiously slaunder
& impudently defend their assertion Your loue not my meritt
assures mee you hold mee a freind, w[hi]ch esteeme I am soe desirous
to retaine; doe mee the right to understand the truth of that and
in my behalfe informe others, who either are or may be infected
wth sinister rumors much preiudiciall to that faire opinione
I desire to hold amongst all worthy persons And on ye faith
of a gent’ ye relation I shall giue yow is neither more nor less the bare truth The178rMr Sackueill[es] relation of his Combate wth: the Lord Bruse
The inclosed containes the first Citatione sent mee from Paris
by a Scottish gent’ who deliuered it to mee in Darbisheire at my
ffather in Lawes howse, After it followes my then answeere
returned him by the same bearer; The next is ye accomplishmt
of my first promise, being a p[ar]ticuler assignatione of place and
weapons, w[hi]ch I sent by a seruant of myne by Post from Roterdam
assoone as I landed there. The receipt of w[hi]ch ioyned w[i]th an accknowledgemt of my too faire Courage toward[es] the deceased Lord
is testefied by ye last w[i]th period[es] that buisness till wee mett at
Tergous in Zeland it being the place alotted for Randeuous {whoe}
hee accompaned w[i]th one Mr Grayford an english gent’ for his
second, a Chyrurgion and a man, arrived w[i]th all the speed he could
and there haueing once rendred himselfe, I addressed my second
Sr John Heydon to lett him understand, that now all followed
should be done by consent As concerning the termes, whereon
wee should fight as also ye place to our second[es] wee gaue power
for theis appointment[es] who agreed wee should goe to {Antwerper}
from thence to Bergenupzone where in the midway, but a village
deuides the states territory from the Archduk[es] And there was
the destined Stage; to the end that haueing ended hee that
could might presently exempt himselfe from the iustice of
the Countrey by retyering into the Dominione not offended, It
was further concluded, that in case any should fall or slipp,
that then the Combatt should cease & hee whose ill fortune had
soe subiected him was to acknowlidge his life to haue ben in ye
others hand[es], but in case one parties sword should breake (because
that could only Chance by hazard) it was agreed that the other
take noe aduantage, but either then be made friends, or els upon
euen termes goe to it againe, Thus theis conclusions beinge by each
of them realted to his partie; was by us both approued, & assented
unto Accordingly wee imbarqued for Antwerpe, and by reason
my Lord (as I conceiue because hee could not handsomely wthout
dainger of discouery) had not paired the sword I sent him at
Paris, bringing one of the same length but twice as broad, my second
excepted against it, and aduised mee to match my owne, and send
him the Choice; w[hi]ch I obeyed (it being as you know the challengers
privelidge to elect his weapon) at the deliuvery of the sword[es],
wch was performed by Sr John Heydon, it pleased the Lord
Bruse to Chose myne owne, and Then (past expectatione) hee
told him that hee found himselfe soe farr behind hand, as
little of my blood would not serue his turne; and therefore
he was now resolued to haue mee alone, because hee knewe
(for I will use his owne word[es]) that soe worthy a gent’, and
my friend could not indure to stand by, and sett him to doe
that w[hi]ch hee must to sattisfie himselfe and his honnor. Here
upon Sr John Heydon, replied such intentions were bloody178vMr Sackfieiles relation of his combatt wth. ye Lord Bruse
bloody and butchery farr unfitting soe noble a personage
who should desire to bleed for reputatione not for life wthall
adding hee thought himselfe iniured (being come thus farr)
now to be prohibited from executinge these honorable offices
hee came for; The Lord for answeere only reitterated his former
resolutione, whereupon Sr John leaueing him the sword hee
had elected, deliuered mee the other, w[i]th his determinationes,
the w[hi]ch (not for matter but mannor) soe moued mee, as though
to my rememberance I had not of a long while eaten more
liberally then at diner, & therefore unfitt for such an actione
seing ye Chyrurgions hold a wound upon a full stomack much
more daungerous then otherwise I requested my second to Cert
efie him, I would presently decide the difference and that
therefore hee should immediately meete mee on horsback at that
gate of the Towne where the {lots} should direct us the names of
the port[es] being put into a hatt, and hee draweing it hapened to be
the gate that led to Lilles of this course hee accepted, & forth
wth wee mett at the forenamed place where being searched by
our second[es], wee were turned togeather on horseback only waighted on by our Chyrurgions they being unarmed, togeather
we rodd (but one before the other some twelue score) about
some two English myles, & then passion haueing soe weake an
enemie to assaile, as my direction easely became victor, and
useing his power made mee obedient to his Com[m]andemt; I being
verily madd wth. anger, the Lord Bruse should thirst after my
life w[i]th a kind of assuredness, seing I had come soe farr, and
needlessly to giue him leaue to regaine his lost reputatione I
badd him alight w[i]th all willingnes hee quickly grainted
& there in a meadow (anckle deepe at least in water, bidding
fare well to our doublets in our shirts, began to Charge each
haueing a fore com[m]anded our Chyrurgions to wthdraw themselues
a pretty distance from us coniuring them besides as they respected
our fauours or their owne safty not to stirr, but suffer us to execute our pleasures wee being fully resolued, (God forgiue us)
to dispatch each other by what meanes wee could I made A
thrust at myne Enemie but was short & in draweing back my
Arme I receaued a greate wound wth. a blow thereon which I
interpreted as a reward for my short shooting but in reuenge
I prest into him though I mist him also, and then receaued
a wound in my right papp w[hi]ch past leauell through my body
almost to my backe and grapeling togeather hee catcht hold on
my sword I on his, & there wee wrasled for the too greatest
and dearest prises wee could euer expect tryall for honor honor and279rMr Sackvills relation of hisHonor and life in which stragling my hande
haueing but an ordinary Gloue on it loste one of
her Seruants (though the meanest) which hunge by
a skinne, and to sight yet remaines as before, and I am
put in hope one day to haue the use also; But at last breathles yet keeping our holdes; there paste on both
sides p[ro]posic[i]ons quittinge each other Swordes: But
when Amity was dead, Confidence could not Liue, and who should quitt first was the Question which on nether parte either would p[er]forme, and restriuing, a, fresh,
with a kicke, and a wrench togeather , I freed my long
Captiued weapon which incontinently Leaueing at
his Throate (being Mr still of his), I demaunded
if hee would aske his life, or yeild his Sword (though
in that emynent dainger) hee brauely denyed to doe,
my selfe being wounded and feeling losse of blood haueing three Conduites run[n]ing on me, begann to
make me fainte, and hee Couragiously p[er]sisting not
to Accord to eyther of my p[ro]posic[i]ons, remembraunce
of his former bloody desire, and feeling of my p[re]sente
State, I struke at his harte, but with his auoydinge
mist my ayme, yet paste through the body, and
draweing through my Sword, repaste it through
againe, through another place, when hee Cryed, Oh
I am slayne, Seconding his speech with all the
force hee had, desirous to caste me; but being too
weake after I had defended his Assault, I easely became Mr of him, layinge him on his backe, when
I being ouer him, I redemanded, if he woulde
requeste his Life, but it seemed he prized it not
at soe deare a Rate, to bee beholdinge for it, brauely
replyed, hee scorned it, which Answere of his was
soe noble and worthy, as I protest I could not
finde in my harte to offer him any more Violence, onely keepinge him downe, till at length
his Chirurgeon a farre of Cryed out imedyately
he would dye if his wounds were not stopped whereupon I asked if hee desired his Chirur= gyon179vCombat wth. the Lord Bruse
Chirurgion should come, which hee accepted of
and soe being drawne away, I neuer offered to take
his sword, accompting it unhumane to Robb a dead
man, for soe I held him to bee, This thus ended I retyred to my Chirurgion; in whose Armes,
after I had remayned a while for wante of
blood I lost my sighte and with all this (as I
then thought), my life also, but stronge water,
and his diligence quickly reccouered me, when
I escaped a great daunger, for my Lods: Surgeon
when noe bodye dremed of it ranne full at
me, with his Lords Sword, and had not myne
with my Sword interposed himselfe, I had
beene slayne by those Base handes, although
the Lord Bruse then wolteringe in his blood,
and past expectac[i]on of Life (Conformable to
all his former Caryage which was undaunted
and noble) cryed out, Rascall holde thy handes.
Soe may I prosper as I haue dealte sincrly
with you in this Relation, the which I
pray with the inclosed deliuer to my Lord
Louayne this Sixte of September Ano: 1613
No image
No introduction.
British Library, Additional MS 44848, ff. 177r-179v,
Languages: English
Creation date: 6 September 1613
Other Witnesses
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b50, ff. 65r–76v
- Beinecke Library, Osborn b8, ff. 88x–93x
- Bodleian Library, 4o Rawl. 550, ff. 29r–v
- Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 781, ff. 67–70
- Bodleian Library, MS Tanner 82, ff. 81v–87v
- Bodleian Library, MS Willis 58, ff. 207r–v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 22587, f. 25v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 4149, ff. 210r–211r
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 72407, ff. 52r–52v
- Transcript of British Library, Additional MS 73087, ff. 47v–52r
- Transcript of British Library, Hargrave MS 226, ff. 244r–249v
- Transcript of British Library, Harley MS 4761, ff. 127r–132v
- Transcript of British Library, Harley MS 6854, ff. 3r–14r
- Cambridge University Library, MS Ee.5.23, pp408–412
- Huntington Library, EL 244
- Huntington Library, EL 245
- Inner Temple Library, Petyt MS 538/18, ff. 244r–v
- Queen's College, MS 121, f. 493
- Queen's College, MS 130, f. 118
- Queen's College, MS 32, ff. 9v–11v
Seventeenth Century Print Exemplars
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Modern Print Exemplars
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Selected Criticism
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Keywords (Text Type)
- challenges
Keywords (Text Topics)
- duel
- honour
Transcribed by:
Tim Wales (Research Assistant)